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Ben (Switzerland) : member bio

Name: Ben (Switzerland) (on vacation)
Userid: benza

Inventory: 0
Points: -0.3
Mooched/given: 107/75
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 1.38:1

Wishlist: 185
Feedback: +74
Smooches: 5
Friends: 6
Cancelled requests: 21
Books receiving lost: 2
Books sending lost: 3
Rejected requests: 5

Will send: ask if not to my country
Joined: 2008/12/11
Last here: 329 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: Switzerland

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
I will do my best to send all my books anywhere in the world - I am sorry that my financial situation now obliges me to have you ask beforehand if I can send a particular book to you, but everything depends on the weight of the book itself. I will try to satisfy all mooches, and if I can't, I will guide you to a helpful angel - they really are a blessing, my friends!!!

I am an aspiring biographer (I just love to read and write about people's lives!) and my field of action is scottish history - I am crazy about the 17th and 18th century, and I'm interested in any book relating to scottish history and literature of that age; I'd love to talk with others sharing the same passions!!! Also, I am crazy about animals, and that's why you'll find several pet and veterinary boks in my inventory - as a second profession, I love working with pets.

I am ready to ship internationally, even overseas - regardless of where I'm residing at the moment. And I really do appreciate those of you accepting to send internationally - since I almost only read and mooch english and american books, I often have to ask help from angels here! Anyway, by now my presently strained financial situation compells me to ask beforehand if a particular book can be sent overseas; if the book is very heavy or over-sized, I may not be able to send it to the USA. But please, in any case ask, as I am always eager to help and to make sure my fellow readers can enjoy my books, no matter where they are!
The only think I ask of you when you mooch from me is that you don't make me send too many books at once, or the shipping expenses will be too high (as I said, most of my moochers are from the USA, so postage rates are pretty high for me, especially given where I live) :))) So, if you want to mooch more than one book at a time from me, please be aware that I will send them in separate shippings, one at a time (one per week, actually), so as to lower the costs. Actually, I am only able to send one book per week, but don't let this concern you: once I accept a mooch (and I accept all of them), you can be sure you'll get the book, even if it may take a while (it depends on how many mooches I have pending: I send one a week).

Except otherwise stated, all of my books are in very good condition, most of them are actually nearly mint; it might be that the older vet texts have some underlining, but that's all. As previously stated, I usually send books once a week, so bear in mind that sometimes it takes a few days before I get to the post office.