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EdB (2for1) (USA) : member bio

Name: EdB (2for1) (USA)
Userid: endered

Inventory: 59
Points: 127.1
Mooched/given: 590/842
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 0.70:1

Wishlist: 575
Feedback: +842
Smooches: 4
Charitable gifts: 209
Charity received: 7
Friends: 6
Cancelled requests: 58
Books receiving lost: 7
Books sending lost: 8
Rejected requests: 20

Will send: ask if not to my country
Joined: 2006/08/30
Last here: 3 days ago
Country: United States

Books in inventory: 59

Status message:

*** 2 FOR 1 ***

2 For 1 offer note: Bookmooch admin sometimes refuses points being refunded (via charity/smooch): "If a a member has pending books unsent for months, solicits points for a charity when they are not a charity account, or has other problems, it is not eligible for point transfers."

For every two books you mooch, I'll send 1 point back. 2-for-1's must be mooched at the same time, and indicated in your mooch request. Don't be shy-- mooch away-- I'd love to get rid of these! [USA & Canada only]

My books are often well-read, and have probably changed a few hands through the BookMooch network. I try my best to keep my book conditions up to date. ISBN's apparently can represent various editions -- so if you're looking for a specific edition, ask prior to mooching. Textbooks most likely have writing among the pages. Also, if you're squeamish about dog-eared pages, stray markings, worn bindings, missing dust jackets, yellowing pages, etc., PLEASE ask about the condition before you mooch-- I aim to please and don't like to disappoint.

And I apologize in advance, but except to Canada, cost to ship a book out of the States has become simply ridiculous.

Home page:

I'm a fan of all genres of good literature. My favorite authors include Dickens, Theroux, CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien, Dostoyevsky, Joseph Conrad, and very recently DR MacDonald. I am also a musi-holic, and love classical to punk (no hip-hop please, though).