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Ruth (Ireland) : member bio

Name: Ruth (Ireland) (on vacation)
Userid: thursday

Inventory: 0
Points: 22.2
Mooched/given: 58/49
Pending mooch/give: 0/2
Mooch ratio: 1.48:1

Wishlist: 55
Feedback: +47
Smooches: 1
Charitable gifts: 2
Charity received: 2
Friends: 5
Cancelled requests: 4
Books sending lost: 2
Rejected requests: 7

Will send: ask if not to my country
Joined: 2007/12/13
Last here: 5032 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: Ireland

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:

I have woken up from the bad dream that was the Leaving Cert and offer my very sincere apologies to the people who suffered from my LC-induced flakiness. It really was difficult to get anything sent off since the post office was only open when I was at school and I had almost no free time.

However.... I am in the process of revising my inventory (while moving all my books from one house to another) so please forgive me if you mooch a book and I can't find it anywhere. Other than that I should be back to normal functioning reliability. I will also be adding additional books and probably doing 2-for-1s etc to try and get rid of some of them.