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Veera (Finland) : member bio

Name: Veera (Finland)
Userid: veera

Inventory: 0
Points: 72.7
Mooched/given: 91/84
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 1.00:1

Wishlist: 38
Feedback: +84
Smooches: 1
Charity received: 3
Friends: 4
Cancelled requests: 16
Books receiving lost: 3
Books sending lost: 2
Rejected requests: 5

Will send: ask if not to my country
Joined: 2008/07/20
Last here: 1453 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: Finland

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
I can't send often outside of Europe and mainly I can't send more than one book at same time (only in Finland). If you'd want a book, do that official "ask me" thing, don't send me e-mails. Don't mooch before I have answered for "ask me" question!

Home page:

suomi / English / svenska / norska / francais / Deutsch / español / eesti keel

I'm also a bookcrosser and postcrosser (nickname: pikku-kissa).

I have BC-books and bookmooch books mainly separately. I'll mention if anyone of my books is registered already and have labels. If you are BC-member and book is not registered, I'll registrate it then.

Most of books which are here in my inventory are second hand books, so they are not in same condition as new books. I'll mention anyway if there are something in condition what you probably would like to know.

I'm intrested in books about royal families around world (especially books with much pictures). Message me if you have any! I'm intrested also children's books and Erlend Loe in Norwegian.

Suomenkielisiä kirjoja löytyy - kysy tiettyä lajityyppiä, niin saat listan ja sitten voin lisäillä niitä tänne.