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Theodore Taylor : The Cay

Author: Theodore Taylor
Title: The Cay
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Published in: English
Binding: Mass Market Paperback
Pages: 144
Date: 1970
ISBN: 0380010038
Publisher: Avon Books
Weight: 0.38 pounds
Size: 4.32 x 6.86 x 0.43 inches
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Blinded and shipwrecked on a tropical island, Phillip overcomes his prejudices and comes to deeply respect the illiterate yet remarkable black sailor who rescues him, and learns to survive on his own despite his blindness. Reissue. AB. Review
This award-winning novel remains a powerful classic of prejudice, love, and survival. In 1942, 11-year-old Phillip Enright lives with his parents on the Dutch island of CuraƧao, but when the war moves too close for comfort, his mother decides to travel with him back to the safety of Virginia. When their boat is torpedoed, however, Phillip is blinded and finds himself adrift on a life raft with an old black man and a cat. They eventually land on a deserted island. Phillip is suspicious of "the large Negro," but soon grows to trust--and ultimately love--the patient and generous Timothy. Dedicated to "Dr. King's Dream," The Cay has a clear message that friendship is colorblind; it is also a terrific adventure story of a young, newly blinded man learning to survive on an uninhabited island. (Ages 12 and older) --Richard Farr

Reviews: Quaker Maid (USA: MI) (2020/04/23):
This is a great book. I'm an adult and I enjoyed it. It was a rough start at first because I'm not really interested in sailing, the sea, or war. But after Phillip gets on the boat to sail away, things started getting interesting.
The scenes on the island were very interesting. We see Phillip grow into his own and form his own opinions about friendships.
And there's a cat!
WARNING FOR PARENTS: This book deals with death of a friend.I would recommend the parent reading this prior to giving it to the child, and following-up with the child to make sure her questions concerning this topic is securely answered.

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