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Jacqueline Wilson : Jacqueline Wilson's Double Decker: "Double Act", "Bad Girls"

Author: Jacqueline Wilson
Title: Jacqueline Wilson's Double Decker: "Double Act", "Bad Girls"
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 384
Date: 1998-10-01
ISBN: 0440864143
Publisher: Yearling
Weight: 0.66 pounds
Size: 0.94 x 5.08 x 7.8 inches
Edition: Reprint
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Description: Product Description
Jacqueline Wilson Double Decker: "Double Act", "Bad Girls" A bind-up of two Jacqueline Wilson stories in one volume. In "Bad Girls", Mandy is delighted when cheeky and fun Tanya picks her as a friend. But will it get her in trouble? "Double Act" takes a look at what it is like to be a twin and having to cope with a new stepmother. Full description

Amazon Review
This excellent value edition contains two full length novels by award- winning author Jacqueline Wilson: Double Act and Bad Girls.

In Double Act, Jacqueline Wilson brilliantly captures the pain and uncertainty that change can sometimes bring with it. This story of two little girls gradually realising that they have no real control over what is happening is both funny and poignant, but it is as the twins begin to accept that things will never be quite the same that Wilson shines, allowing her characters to grow and develop as individuals without ever losing sight of the bond that holds them together.

Bad Girls deals lightly but sensitively with the terrible pain suffered by a 10-year-old girl when she becomes the victim of vicious bullying at school. When the over-protected, intelligent Mandy is cast out by her so called girl "friends" at school she takes up with trendy, cheerful, 14-year-old Tanya. Because Mandy reminds Tanya of her much-loved kid sister in care and because she too is lonely the two quickly become best friends. But Tanya's unhappy life has made her turn to petty crime and before long Mandy finds herself in deep waters.

In both novels Jacqueline Wilson tackles difficult issues with sensitivity and humour. Her characters are real people who are growing, developing and learning to rise above the challenges and issues with which they are faced. (9 years upwards).

Reviews: lemsip (United Kingdom) (2009/06/01):
A bind-up of two Jacqueline Wilson stories in one volume. In "Bad Girls", Mandy is delighted when cheeky and fun Tanya picks her as a friend. But will it get her in trouble? "Double Act" takes a look at what it is like to be a twin and having to cope with a new stepmother.

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