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Janette Oke : A Woman Named Damaris (Women of the West)

Author: Janette Oke
Title: A Woman Named Damaris (Women of the West)
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 288
Date: 1997-06
ISBN: 0764220187
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
Weight: 0.4 pounds
Size: 4.28 x 7.01 x 0.77 inches
Edition: The Janette Oke Collection 1997
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Description: Product Description
She was almost fifteen on the night she dared for the first time to think of what life might be like away from home. Pa again had come home drunk and mean; the trauma of the subsequent scene had been repeated as long as Damaris could remember. The idea that she no longer needs to tolerate this, that maybe she's old enough to manage on her own, is planted in her mind and begins to grow. She must plan her escape carefully, but she must get away from him.

When the opportunity comes, Damaris carries with her the strength of her mother's love. Two treasures hidden for years from her father her grandmother's lacy golden brooch and her grandfather's lovely watch are Damaris' only legacy from her past. That and her name. Her mother said it came from the Bible and had a special meaning that she can't remember anymore. What difference might it make?

But Damaris can't escape the "aloneness" that haunts her life or the bitterness she feels when she sees others suffering, particularly children. Ultimately, she must come to terms with her past, learn to live in her present circumstances, and trust her future to another Father.

She Discovered Much More Than the Meaning of Her Name in That Book

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