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Jane Blackwood : You Had Me At Goodbye

Author: Jane Blackwood
Title: You Had Me At Goodbye
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Mass Market Paperback
Pages: 352
Date: 2006-09-01
ISBN: 0821779508
Publisher: Zebra
Weight: 0.5 pounds
Size: 0.99 x 4.22 x 6.8 inches
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Oh no. This is so not happening. Her whole life Kat Taylor has been reaching for the brass ring and coming away with nothing but sore knuckles. Not this time. Her flighty Aunt Lila gave her a charming house on Martha's Vineyard for the summer, and now some arrogant, amused, and, okay, surprisingly hunky, British author named Lawrence Kendall says he has a claim to the same cottage! If he thinks that just because he's suave and good-looking and...and...has that hairy chest and great accent that he can woo her into leaving, well, he can die trying...Kat Taylor may be strange - and rather bewitching - in her foot-stamping protestations, but she is not getting the house. It was granted to Lawrence first and that is that. So. There we are. Very sorry, nice to meet you, have a lovely summer - somewhere else. The last thing Lawrence needs to add to his writer's block is some woman skulking about the house, humming, looking distractingly attractive. Bloody hell. She's not budging. Right. Perhaps the only thing to do is make a temporary peace and ignore each other...for two months. Right. Should be no trouble at all...
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