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Gilbert Hernandez : Love & Rockets Vol. 6: Duck Feet (Rock on !!!)

Author: Gilbert Hernandez
Title: Love & Rockets Vol. 6: Duck Feet (Rock on !!!)
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 136
Date: 1989-01-17
ISBN: 0930193814
Publisher: Fantagraphics
Weight: 0.99 pounds
Size: 0.03 x 0.86 x 1.1 inches
Edition: 1st Book
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Scary and sweet! A spooky bruja (witch) unsettles Palomar in the title story, Heraclio courts Carmen, and more of Gilbert's tales. Jaime presents Maggie and Hopey, Rena Titanon and Rocky and her pet robot Fumble.

One of the most requested volumes of the Love and Rockets library is the scariest and sweetest volume of all! Duck Feet—Volume 6 of the complete Love and Rockets—showcases Gilbert's Palomar in the title story, in which a spooky bruja (witch) passes through town and leaves a load of trouble and weirdness in her raggedy wake. Meanwhile, in the city, Vincente has fallen on hard times and Israel tries to fill the void left by the disappearance of his twin sister whey were children. Gilbert shifts the gears from terror to romance with "For the Love of Carmen," telling of Heraclio's courtship of the diminutive bombshell. Not to be outdone, Jaime presents the best of his "hanging around" stories, "Locas vs. Locos" and "Mojado Power," featuring Maggie and Hopey, and guest-starring Hopey's lady-killer little brother Joey and Izzy's diary secrets. All this plus Rena Titanon, two stories featuring lost little girl Rocky and her pet robot Fumble, and a cover gallery. This is the volume that secured the Bros.' position on Time Magazine's "Top Innovators" of the last century! Black-and-white comics throughout Review
Fifty issues--collected into 15 volumes that total 2,000 pages--the Hernandez brothers' Love and Rockets is an enormous achievement that helped to create a new audience for comics. Notable for their strong female characters and their focus on relationships, rather than on traditional comic-book 'action', the stories collected in this volume, and the rest of the series, show how the comic format can be used to create characters and situations as detailed and compelling as in any novel.

Reviewers have compared Gilbert Hernandez's work--set in the fictional Latin American town of Palomar--with that of Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Robert Altman. Reading his brother Jaime's work--most of which focuses on a group of Southern California Mexican American women--is like reading Tolstoy, if only Tolstoy had written about twenty-something punk girls. Love and Rockets has certainly earned its legendary reputation among the comic-book cognoscenti, and deserves to be read by an even wider audience. Welcome to the world of Los Bros Hernandez.

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