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Lee Kravitz : Unfinished Business: One Man's Extraordinary Year of Trying to Do the Right Things

Author: Lee Kravitz
Title: Unfinished Business: One Man's Extraordinary Year of Trying to Do the Right Things
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Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 224
Date: 2010-05-11
ISBN: 1596916753
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA
Weight: 0.8 pounds
Size: 5.88 x 8.42 x 0.87 inches
Previous givers: 1 Kelly K. (USA: WI)
Previous moochers: 1 Theresa (USA: VA)
Description: Product Description
After losing his job, Lee Kravitz, a workaholic in his midfifties, took stock of his life and realized just how disconnected he had become from the people who mattered most to him. He committed an entire year to reconnecting with them and making amends.
Kravitz takes readers on ten transformational journeys, among them repaying a thirty-year-old debt, making a long-overdue condolence call, finding an abandoned relative, and fulfilling a forgotten promise. Along the way, we meet a cast of wonderful characters and travel the globe—to a refugee camp in Kenya, a monastery in California, the desert of southern Iran, a Little League game in upstate New York, and a bar in Kravitz's native Cleveland. In each instance, the act of reaching out opens new paths for both personal and spiritual growth.
All of us have unfinished business—the things we should have done but just let slip. Kravitz's story reveals that the things we've avoided are exactly those that have the power to transform, enrich, enlarge, and even complete us. The lesson of the book is one applicable to us all: Be mindful of what is most important, and act on it. The rewards will be immediate and lasting.
Reviews: Heather (USA: WV) (2010/08/14):
Lee Kravitz is an award winning journalist who has held many editorial positions, his most recent with PARADE magazine as the Editor-In-Chief. After being let go from that job after 7 years, he decided to take a journey into his past and find out why things there affected his present. In order to find out why he had lost his happiness and why he approached things in life the way he did, he would need to find people he hadn’t spoken to in many years. He then wanted to try and fix the wrongs he had made and in doing so realized that sometimes it was his own fault things went bad and not the person or persons he had been blaming. For one year he devoted time and effort to what he called Unfinished Business.
During that time he focused on love, loyalty, anger, friendship, sadness, death, forgiveness and promises. He found the parts of himself that he had lost or buried and by doing this he set himself free.
I enjoyed reading Mr. Kravitz’s journey and like others, I am sure, began to think of my own list. I may not be able to devote one year toward mine, as he did, but I can work through it at my own pace. I think this book shows that we all have things in our lives that we felt we could have done differently or better and it is never to late to try and change them or make amends for them. If you admire someone it is never too late to give them kudos, but never do something expecting praise because that is doing it for all the wrong reasons and you will be disappointed. Mr. Kravitz doesn’t preach in the book, he gives you an account of his journey and what he learned and how it affected him.
The book is good and you should take time while reading it. Look at you own unfinished business. Don’t just breeze through, take the time and capture the meaning.

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