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Points analysis

Name: giuseppina (Italia)
User ID: spezzetta
Points: 5

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
4 +1 5 gave points for mooch request BM126832093776740969 Alice (Italia) 2022/01/04
5 -1 4 mooch cancelled by requestor BM126832093776740969 Alice (Italia) 2021/01/14
4 +1 5 gave points for mooch request BM126832093776740969 Alice (Italia) 2021/01/07
3 +1 4 gave points for mooch request 9788804666721 maria grazia (Italy) 2020/09/08
2.9 +0.1 3 added book to inventory 9788804666721 giuseppina (Italia) 2020/08/28
1.9 +1 2.9 gave points for mooch request BM1351279944620833360 libbr (Italy) 2020/04/04
2.9 -1 1.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 8804433442 Alicecarroll08 (Italia) 2020/02/19
1.9 +1 2.9 gave points for mooch request 8804433442 Alicecarroll08 (Italia) 2020/02/16
0.9 +1 1.9 gave points for mooch request BM1575213618494498414 francesca (Italia) 2020/01/02
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory BM1575213618494498414 giuseppina (Italia) 2019/12/01
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory BM1575213543115620387 giuseppina (Italia) 2019/12/01
13.7 -13 0.7 donated points to charity Books for Schools and Classrooms (USA) 2019/09/01
14.7 -1 13.7 donated points to charity Books for Prisons (USA: CA) 2019/09/01
14.8 -0.1 14.7 removed book from inventory BM140706276760180552 giuseppina (Italia) 2017/06/20
14.9 -0.1 14.8 removed book from inventory BM1408726943945159354 giuseppina (Italia) 2017/06/20
15 -0.1 14.9 removed book from inventory BM1436903164875094657 giuseppina (Italia) 2017/06/20
15.1 -0.1 15 removed book from inventory BM1374416384212170551 giuseppina (Italia) 2017/06/20
15.2 -0.1 15.1 removed book from inventory BM1374416281479942986 giuseppina (Italia) 2017/06/20
15.3 -0.1 15.2 removed book from inventory BM1377545577334702274 giuseppina (Italia) 2017/06/20
15.2 +0.1 15.3 added book to inventory B00VAP3SIA giuseppina (Italia) 2016/07/18
16.2 -1 15.2 deducted points for mooch request BM1421060021644171299 Xena1607 (Italia) 2015/07/30
16.1 +0.1 16.2 added book to inventory 8836527272 giuseppina (Italia) 2015/07/14
16 +0.1 16.1 added book to inventory BM1436903164875094657 giuseppina (Italia) 2015/07/14
15 +1 16 gave points for mooch request 9788817114110 Sara (Italia) 2015/07/08
16 -1 15 mooch rejected by book owner 9788836554966 Linda (Italia) 2015/05/19
16.1 -0.1 16 removing book from inventory 9788836554966 giuseppina (Italia) 2015/05/19
15.1 +1 16.1 gave points for mooch request 9788836554966 Linda (Italia) 2015/05/19
15.2 -0.1 15.1 removed book from inventory BM1377545844983887729 giuseppina (Italia) 2015/05/13
15.3 -0.1 15.2 removed book from inventory BM1404107437111939416 giuseppina (Italia) 2015/05/11
15.4 -0.1 15.3 removed book from inventory BM1406481048786695414 giuseppina (Italia) 2015/05/11
14.4 +1 15.4 gave points for mooch request 880977437X lovenela (Italia) 2015/05/06
13.4 +1 14.4 gave points for mooch request 8804588608 Elisa (Italia) 2015/05/04
13.3 +0.1 13.4 added book to inventory 880977437X giuseppina (Italia) 2015/05/01
13.2 +0.1 13.3 added book to inventory 8804588608 giuseppina (Italia) 2015/05/01
13.1 +0.1 13.2 added book to inventory 9788817114110 giuseppina (Italia) 2015/05/01
12.1 +1 13.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 9788804454120 maybeetle (Italia) 2015/04/28
11.1 +1 12.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 9788884516497 licia (Italia) 2015/04/14
12.1 -1 11.1 deducted points for mooch request 9788884516497 licia (Italia) 2015/03/30
13.1 -1 12.1 deducted points for mooch request 8879831186 Laura (Italia) 2015/03/30
14.1 -1 13.1 deducted points for mooch request 9788804454120 maybeetle (Italia) 2015/03/30
14.2 -0.1 14.1 removed book from inventory BM1407062622717240132 giuseppina (Italia) 2015/03/23
14.3 -0.1 14.2 removed book from inventory BM1408727306741203887 giuseppina (Italia) 2015/03/08
14.4 -0.1 14.3 removed book from inventory BM1408727200906028211 giuseppina (Italia) 2015/03/08
14.5 -0.1 14.4 removed book from inventory 9788878658 giuseppina (Italia) 2015/03/08
13.5 +1 14.5 gave points for mooch request BM1408727374768534881 Rose (Italia) 2015/03/07
12.5 +1 13.5 gave points for mooch request BM1386843569165045122 ilaria (Italia) 2014/09/04
12.4 +0.1 12.5 added book to inventory BM1408727374768534881 giuseppina (Italia) 2014/08/22
12.3 +0.1 12.4 added book to inventory BM1408727306741203887 giuseppina (Italia) 2014/08/22
12.2 +0.1 12.3 added book to inventory BM1408727200906028211 giuseppina (Italia) 2014/08/22
12.1 +0.1 12.2 added book to inventory BM1408726943945159354 giuseppina (Italia) 2014/08/22