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padma (Poland) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Rana DasguptaDasgupta Untitled Novel II0
Gerald DurrellThe Aye-aye and I: Rescue Expedition in Madagascar0
Dorothy EagleThe Oxford Illustrated Literary Guide to Great Britain and Ireland0
Eliza FenwickSecresy: Or, the Ruin on the Rock (Mothers of the Novel)0
Pauline FletcherGardens and Grim Ravines: The Language of Landscape in Victorian Poetry0
Marian FowlerBlenheim: Biography of a Palace0
Damon GalgutThe Impostor0
Mark GirouardCities and People: A Social and Architectural History0
Mary HamiltonMunster Village (Mothers of the Novel)0
Ted HughesBy Heart: 101 Poems to Remember (Faber Poetry)0
Prudence Leith-RossThe John Tradescants: Gardeners to the Rose and Lily Queen0
Norman LewisA Goddess in the Stones: Travels in India0
V.S. NaipaulBeyond Belief: Islamic Excursions Among the Converted Peoples0
Cs RichardsonThe End of the Alphabet0
John Millington SyngeThe Aran Islands (Oxford Paperbacks)0
John Millington SyngeCollected Plays and Poems and The Aran Islands (Everyman Paperback0
Anthony TrollopeThe Eustace Diamonds (Oxford World's Classics)0
Ciji WareIsland of the Swans0
Sara WheelerTerra Incognita: Travels in Antarctica0
Antonia WhiteFrost in May (A Virago modern classic)0