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Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Jane HardySwingers and Roundabouts0
John HarkerLetters Home 1914-1919: Written by John Harker to His Family0
Rosina HarrisonThe Lady's Maid: My Life in Service0
Susan HillStrange Meeting0
Kevin KeckOedipus Wrecked0
Sophie KingMums@Home. Mütter am Rande des Nervenzusammenbruchs0
Yvonne LeeThe Sky is Crazy: Tales from a Trolley Dolly0
Bodleian LibraryA Month at the Front: The Diary of an Unknown Soldier0
Alison LurieTruth and Consequences0
Robert and Patricia MalcolmsonNella Last in the 1950s: Further diaries of Housewife, 490
Sophie MccoyTales from the Coop: The joy of ex-battery hens0
John MitchellThe Boy Who Lived with Ghosts: A Memoir0
Jane MooreThe Second Wives Club0
Liane MoriartyThe Husband's Secret0
Liane MoriartyThe Husband's Secret0
Liane MoriartyWhat Alice Forgot0
Virginia NicholsonMillions Like Us: Women's Lives in War and Peace 1939-19490
Susan e PaulSnoop0
Christopher Henry PerkinsCheck Your Change: When Is a Fiver Worth More Than a Fiver? the Gbp500 Two Pence Piece, and How to Check for Rare Money in Your Everyday0
Sarah PhelanStay At Home0