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Points analysis

Name: kaly (USA: FL)
User ID: kalynnick
Points: 291.6

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
292.6 -1 291.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 067181138X astasin (USA: MA) 2022/07/31
291.6 +1 292.6 gave points for mooch request 067181138X astasin (USA: MA) 2022/07/23
292.6 -1 291.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 067181138X Steve (USA: TN) 2020/01/04
291.6 +1 292.6 gave points for mooch request 067181138X Steve (USA: TN) 2018/07/08
292.6 -1 291.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0373618719 Brenna (USA: MI) 2016/06/07
291.6 +1 292.6 gave points for mooch request 0373618719 Brenna (USA: MI) 2016/05/30
292.6 -1 291.6 deducted points for mooch request 0553579045 Kathryn (USA: OH) 2015/06/29
291.6 +1 292.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0553579045 Kathryn (USA: OH) 2015/06/29
292.6 -1 291.6 deducted points for mooch request 0553579045 Kathryn (USA: OH) 2015/06/29
293.6 -1 292.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0590401815 Jennifer (USA: GA) 2015/03/16
292.6 +1 293.6 gave points for mooch request 0590401815 Jennifer (USA: GA) 2015/02/04
291.6 +1 292.6 gave points for mooch request 0060955465 Jo V (USA: ID) 2014/11/22
290.6 +1 291.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0345803493 Emma Lea (USA: TN) 2014/11/18
289.6 +1 290.6 lost in the mail says book owner 1419950673 chrissianne (USA: PA) 2014/11/17
290.6 -1 289.6 deducted points for mooch request 1419950673 chrissianne (USA: PA) 2014/08/26
290.5 +0.1 290.6 added book to inventory 0373658168 kaly (USA: FL) 2014/08/22
290.4 +0.1 290.5 added book to inventory 0373658125 kaly (USA: FL) 2014/08/22
291.4 -1 290.4 deducted points for mooch request 0345803493 Emma Lea (USA: TN) 2014/08/22
290.4 +1 291.4 gave points for mooch request 9780373202744 M (USA: PA) 2014/07/24
289.4 +1 290.4 gave points for mooch request BM1212710029319832593 Patrick (USA: TN) 2014/07/23
288.4 +1 289.4 gave points for mooch request 037365507X PJ (USA: CO) 2014/06/19
289.4 -1 288.4 deducted points for mooch request 1586086979 Erika (USA: ME) 2014/05/17
290.4 -1 289.4 deducted points for mooch request 0263896218 Sandi (USA: OR) 2014/04/20
291.4 -1 290.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425235564 Sandi (USA: OR) 2014/04/20
292.4 -1 291.4 deducted points for mooch request 1938601181 Jennie (USA: IL) 2014/04/12
293.4 -1 292.4 deducted points for mooch request 1627400885 Jennie (USA: IL) 2014/04/12
294.4 -1 293.4 deducted points for mooch request 1419970054 Jennie (USA: IL) 2014/04/12
295.4 -1 294.4 deducted points for mooch request 0451228030 Jennie (USA: IL) 2014/04/12
296.4 -1 295.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425243699 Hildegard Klausser (USA: NY) 2014/04/12
296.5 -0.1 296.4 removed book from inventory 0743442652 kaly (USA: FL) 2014/04/12
296.6 -0.1 296.5 removed book from inventory 037313147X kaly (USA: FL) 2014/04/12
297.6 -1 296.6 deducted points for mooch request 0061431222 Sandi (USA: OR) 2014/03/28
298.6 -1 297.6 deducted points for mooch request 045122387X Sandi (USA: OR) 2014/03/28
299.6 -1 298.6 deducted points for mooch request 0061283975 Sandi (USA: OR) 2014/03/28
300.6 -1 299.6 deducted points for mooch request 1603708189 susan (USA) 2014/03/28
301.6 -1 300.6 deducted points for mooch request 0758218702 jenniejenn (USA: NY) 2014/03/27
300.6 +1 301.6 gave points for mooch request 0688088686 Eadie Burke (USA: PA) 2014/03/21
301.6 -1 300.6 deducted points for mooch request 1419953028 Dinah (USA: LA) 2014/02/05
300.6 +1 301.6 gave points for mooch request 1402236530 yeoldebookwyrm (USA: AR) 2014/01/22
301.6 -1 300.6 deducted points for mooch request 1402259522 Hildegard Klausser (USA: NY) 2014/01/09
300.6 +1 301.6 lost in the mail says book owner 1419958453 Hannah (USA: OR) 2013/10/27
299.6 +1 300.6 gave points for mooch request 0778321223 Samantha (USA: PA) 2013/10/24
300.6 -1 299.6 deducted points for mooch request 0758238304 Sharon (USA: NY) 2013/10/20
301.6 -1 300.6 deducted points for mooch request 0758214855 sue (USA: NE) 2013/10/09
302.6 -1 301.6 deducted points for mooch request 1419951637 Tara (USA: MO) 2013/09/22
303.6 -1 302.6 deducted points for mooch request 1419950134 Tara (USA: MO) 2013/09/22
304.6 -1 303.6 deducted points for mooch request 1419952676 Tara (USA: MO) 2013/09/22
305.6 -1 304.6 deducted points for mooch request 0373775814 mary (USA: MI) 2013/09/12
306.6 -1 305.6 deducted points for mooch request 0061986399 Bertha (USA: FL) 2013/09/06
307.6 -1 306.6 deducted points for mooch request 0425250660 Bertha (USA: FL) 2013/09/03
308.6 -1 307.6 deducted points for mooch request 1599982811 Tara (USA: MO) 2013/09/03
307.6 +1 308.6 received a smooch freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/08/30
308.6 -1 307.6 deducted points for mooch request 1420100351 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/08/30
309.6 -1 308.6 deducted points for mooch request 0758212127 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/08/30
308.6 +1 309.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0425234576 Brittany_Siqueira (USA: NJ) 2013/08/16
309.6 -1 308.6 deducted points for mooch request 0425240169 TJac (USA: NJ) 2013/08/16
309.5 +0.1 309.6 added book to inventory 0373131445 kaly (USA: FL) 2013/08/16
309.4 +0.1 309.5 added book to inventory 037313147X kaly (USA: FL) 2013/08/16
309.3 +0.1 309.4 added book to inventory 0373618719 kaly (USA: FL) 2013/08/05
310.3 -1 309.3 deducted points for mooch request 0451229827 Liana (USA: MN) 2013/08/05
309.3 +1 310.3 received a smooch loriped (USA: OR) 2013/07/30
308.3 +1 309.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0425242617 Greg Buescher (USA: OR) 2013/07/30
309.3 -1 308.3 deducted points for mooch request 0373618719 loriped (USA: OR) 2013/07/29
310.3 -1 309.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425235890 loriped (USA: OR) 2013/07/29
311.3 -1 310.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425242617 Greg Buescher (USA: OR) 2013/07/29
312.3 -1 311.3 deducted points for mooch request 1416503609 Lex (USA: MA) 2013/07/23
313.3 -1 312.3 deducted points for mooch request 1416547037 Lex (USA: MA) 2013/07/23
314.3 -1 313.3 deducted points for mooch request 1419958453 Hannah (USA: OR) 2013/07/18
313.3 +1 314.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0061451479 Denise (USA: WA) 2013/06/04
314.3 -1 313.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425234576 Brittany_Siqueira (USA: NJ) 2013/05/31
315.3 -1 314.3 deducted points for mooch request 0373777965 Josie (USA: IL) 2013/05/24
316.3 -1 315.3 deducted points for mooch request 0446559245 Josie (USA: IL) 2013/05/24
317.3 -1 316.3 deducted points for mooch request 0373776179 Laura (USA: MO) 2013/05/20
316.3 +1 317.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0451227018 Liana (USA: MN) 2013/05/17
317.3 -1 316.3 deducted points for mooch request 0451227018 Liana (USA: MN) 2013/05/17
316.3 +1 317.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0425266958 faye adams (USA: WV) 2013/05/16
317.3 -1 316.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425266958 faye adams (USA: WV) 2013/05/15
318.3 -1 317.3 deducted points for mooch request 0345803485 Vivian (USA: GA) 2013/05/11
317.3 +1 318.3 gave points for mooch request 1402236980 Tedra D (USA: WI) 2013/05/06
318.3 -1 317.3 deducted points for mooch request 0312389132 Corey (USA: MI) 2013/05/06
318.4 -0.1 318.3 removed book from inventory 077831345X kaly (USA: FL) 2013/05/01
317.4 +1 318.4 gave points for mooch request 0679416889 Carolynn (USA: TX) 2013/04/30
316.4 +1 317.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0345803507 Danielle C (USA: NJ) 2013/04/29
316.3 +0.1 316.4 added book to inventory 1402236980 kaly (USA: FL) 2013/04/24
315.3 +1 316.3 received a smooch freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/04/23
314.3 +1 315.3 received a smooch freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/04/23
313.3 +1 314.3 received a smooch freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/04/23
312.3 +1 313.3 received a smooch freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/04/23
312.2 +0.1 312.3 added book to inventory 0778321223 kaly (USA: FL) 2013/04/22
313.2 -1 312.2 deducted points for mooch request 045121823X freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/04/22
314.2 -1 313.2 deducted points for mooch request 0505525542 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/04/22
315.2 -1 314.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553589377 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/04/22
316.2 -1 315.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553589385 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/04/22
317.2 -1 316.2 deducted points for mooch request 0515143480 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/04/22
318.2 -1 317.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451219376 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/04/22
319.2 -1 318.2 deducted points for mooch request 0446618926 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/04/22
320.2 -1 319.2 deducted points for mooch request 1416525858 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/04/22
321.2 -1 320.2 deducted points for mooch request 0061451479 Denise (USA: WA) 2013/04/21
321.3 -0.1 321.2 removed book from inventory 0440244315 kaly (USA: FL) 2013/04/16
322.3 -1 321.3 deducted points for mooch request 0345803507 Danielle C (USA: NJ) 2013/04/16
322.4 -0.1 322.3 removed book from inventory 0425199967 kaly (USA: FL) 2013/04/15
322.5 -0.1 322.4 removed book from inventory 042519941X kaly (USA: FL) 2013/04/15
323.5 -1 322.5 mooch rejected by book owner 1420100009 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/04/14
323.6 -0.1 323.5 removing book from inventory 1420100009 kaly (USA: FL) 2013/04/14
323.5 +0.1 323.6 added book to inventory 077831345X kaly (USA: FL) 2013/03/31
322.5 +1 323.5 gave points for mooch request 1439175454 Rolinda (USA: WA) 2013/03/27
321.5 +1 322.5 gave points for mooch request 0060529466 Rolinda (USA: WA) 2013/03/27
322.5 -1 321.5 gave a smooch freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/03/18
321.5 +1 322.5 gave points for mooch request 0373716656 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/03/18
320.5 +1 321.5 received a smooch freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/03/18
319.5 +1 320.5 gave points for mooch request 0394589424 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/03/18
318.5 +1 319.5 gave points for mooch request 1420100009 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/03/18
319.5 -1 318.5 deducted points for mooch request 0778321223 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/03/18
320.5 -1 319.5 deducted points for mooch request 0758214715 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/03/18
321.5 -1 320.5 deducted points for mooch request 0553591231 Bertha (USA: FL) 2013/03/15
320.5 +1 321.5 gave points for mooch request 0373618549 kisah (USA: FL) 2013/03/14
319.5 +1 320.5 received a smooch freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/03/13
318.5 +1 319.5 received a smooch freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/03/13
319.5 -1 318.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425231305 Dee (USA: AK) 2013/03/13
320.5 -1 319.5 deducted points for mooch request 0515135305 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/03/13
321.5 -1 320.5 deducted points for mooch request 0758220421 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/03/13
322.5 -1 321.5 deducted points for mooch request 0758215436 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/03/13
323.5 -1 322.5 deducted points for mooch request 0758215444 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/03/13
322.5 +1 323.5 gave points for mooch request 0380795833 lisatyson39 (USA: AL) 2013/02/02
321.5 +1 322.5 gave points for mooch request 0515143480 Kim S (USA: MO) 2013/02/01
320.5 +1 321.5 gave points for mooch request 0515142220 julie (USA: MO) 2013/02/01
319.5 +1 320.5 gave points for mooch request 1402245106 Janine (USA: PA) 2013/01/31
318.5 +1 319.5 received a smooch freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/01/31
317.5 +1 318.5 received a smooch freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/01/31
318.5 -1 317.5 deducted points for mooch request 1416577238 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/01/31
319.5 -1 318.5 deducted points for mooch request 1419952145 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/01/31
320.5 -1 319.5 deducted points for mooch request 1419951491 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/01/31
321.5 -1 320.5 deducted points for mooch request 141995038X freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2013/01/31
321.4 +0.1 321.5 added book to inventory 0515142220 kaly (USA: FL) 2013/01/31
321.3 +0.1 321.4 added book to inventory 0425199967 kaly (USA: FL) 2013/01/31
321.2 +0.1 321.3 added book to inventory 1439175454 kaly (USA: FL) 2013/01/31
321.1 +0.1 321.2 added book to inventory 0380795833 kaly (USA: FL) 2013/01/31
321 +0.1 321.1 added book to inventory 0373618549 kaly (USA: FL) 2013/01/31
320.9 +0.1 321 added book to inventory 0440244315 kaly (USA: FL) 2013/01/31
320.8 +0.1 320.9 added book to inventory 0515143480 kaly (USA: FL) 2013/01/31
320.9 -0.1 320.8 removed book from inventory 0373828209 kaly (USA: FL) 2013/01/31
320.8 +0.1 320.9 added book to inventory 1402245106 kaly (USA: FL) 2013/01/31
320.7 +0.1 320.8 added book to inventory 1402236530 kaly (USA: FL) 2013/01/31
320.6 +0.1 320.7 added book to inventory 0373202733 kaly (USA: FL) 2013/01/31
320.5 +0.1 320.6 added book to inventory 0373696353 kaly (USA: FL) 2013/01/31
320.4 +0.1 320.5 added book to inventory 9780373202744 kaly (USA: FL) 2013/01/31
317.4 +3 320.4 gave points for mooch request 0373753497 Cath Scott (United Kingdom) 2013/01/28
314.4 +3 317.4 gave points for mooch request 0373753500 Cath Scott (United Kingdom) 2013/01/26
311.4 +3 314.4 gave points for mooch request 0373716591 Cath Scott (United Kingdom) 2013/01/26
308.4 +3 311.4 gave points for mooch request 0373249330 Cath Scott (United Kingdom) 2013/01/26
305.4 +3 308.4 gave points for mooch request 0373792506 margotte (France) 2013/01/07
302.4 +3 305.4 gave points for mooch request 0373731795 margotte (France) 2013/01/06
301.4 +1 302.4 gave points for mooch request 0373534434 LoveToRead (USA: NC) 2012/12/18
300.4 +1 301.4 gave points for mooch request 0373295553 VeraMarie (USA) 2012/12/16
299.4 +1 300.4 gave points for mooch request 0821772562 Rodz (USA: OH) 2012/12/09
298.4 +1 299.4 gave points for mooch request 0124722784 Butterfly Bookshelf (USA: NH) 2012/11/27
299.4 -1 298.4 deducted points for mooch request 0373775490 Bertha (USA: FL) 2012/11/11
300.4 -1 299.4 deducted points for mooch request 0312648065 kisah (USA: FL) 2012/09/20
299.4 +1 300.4 gave points for mooch request 0373731728 Marlene (USA: CA) 2012/09/11
299.3 +0.1 299.4 added book to inventory 0373731795 kaly (USA: FL) 2012/09/11
299.2 +0.1 299.3 added book to inventory 0373731728 kaly (USA: FL) 2012/09/11
300.2 -1 299.2 deducted points for mooch request 1250005906 Krista (USA: CA) 2012/08/21
301.2 -1 300.2 deducted points for mooch request 0425233383 sue wood (USA) 2012/08/15
300.2 +1 301.2 lost in the mail says book owner 0373776578 nanatana (USA: FL) 2012/07/03
301.2 -1 300.2 mooch cancelled by requestor BM1212710029319832593 Beth (USA: GA) 2012/06/23
300.2 +1 301.2 gave points for mooch request BM1212710029319832593 Beth (USA: GA) 2012/06/23
301.2 -1 300.2 deducted points for mooch request 1420104535 trudi (USA: CA) 2012/06/23
302.2 -1 301.2 deducted points for mooch request 0373776578 nanatana (USA: FL) 2012/06/13
303.2 -1 302.2 deducted points for mooch request 0425229815 porschaine (USA: CA) 2012/06/13
302.2 +1 303.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 1428514856 J (USA: MN) 2012/06/02
301.2 +1 302.2 gave points for mooch request 038530529X Brenda Harlan (USA: MO) 2012/06/02
301.1 +0.1 301.2 added book to inventory 0373534434 kaly (USA: FL) 2012/05/15
301 +0.1 301.1 added book to inventory 037383764X kaly (USA: FL) 2012/05/15
302 -1 301 deducted points for mooch request 1419958909 Narshkite (USA: NY) 2012/05/13
301 +1 302 gave points for mooch request 0425199967 Lynn R. (USA: WI) 2012/05/07
302 -1 301 deducted points for mooch request 1843603683 quelleber (USA: NC) 2012/05/01
303 -1 302 mooch rejected by book owner 0373775938 Jenn (USA: FL) 2012/04/30
303.1 -0.1 303 removing book from inventory 0373775938 kaly (USA: FL) 2012/04/30
302.1 +1 303.1 gave points for mooch request 0373775938 Jenn (USA: FL) 2012/04/27
301.1 +1 302.1 gave points for mooch request 0373291450 Nicole (USA: CA) 2012/04/24
302.1 -1 301.1 deducted points for mooch request 0345519515 Positive Family (USA: IA) 2012/04/19
303.1 -1 302.1 deducted points for mooch request 1428514856 J (USA: MN) 2012/04/18
302.1 +1 303.1 gave points for mooch request 0425194868 Lynn R. (USA: WI) 2012/04/11
301.1 +1 302.1 mooch rejected by book owner 1419955586 carol66 (USA: MO) 2012/04/10
300.1 +1 301.1 mooch rejected by book owner 1419958968 carol66 (USA: MO) 2012/04/10
299.1 +1 300.1 mooch rejected by book owner 1419954571 carol66 (USA: MO) 2012/04/10
298.1 +1 299.1 gave points for mooch request 0553053701 Carolynn (USA: TX) 2012/04/03
297.1 +1 298.1 gave points for mooch request 0373290594 Carrie (USA: MO) 2012/04/02
296.1 +1 297.1 gave points for mooch request 0061122106 carol66 (USA: MO) 2012/03/31
295.1 +1 296.1 gave points for mooch request 0060795409 carol66 (USA: MO) 2012/03/31
294.1 +1 295.1 gave points for mooch request 037361859X carol66 (USA: MO) 2012/03/31
295.1 -1 294.1 deducted points for mooch request 1419955586 carol66 (USA: MO) 2012/03/30
296.1 -1 295.1 deducted points for mooch request 1419958968 carol66 (USA: MO) 2012/03/30
297.1 -1 296.1 deducted points for mooch request 1419954571 carol66 (USA: MO) 2012/03/30
296.1 +1 297.1 gave points for mooch request 0843952792 Connie (USA: AL) 2012/03/29
295.1 +1 296.1 gave points for mooch request 0373293518 Mary K. (USA: ID) 2012/03/13
296.1 -1 295.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451228642 babs (USA: AL) 2012/03/11
297.1 -1 296.1 deducted points for mooch request 0441017843 babs (USA: AL) 2012/03/11
296.1 +1 297.1 gave points for mooch request 0061031569 Mike Hecker (USA: MI) 2012/03/07
296 +0.1 296.1 added book to inventory 0060529466 kaly (USA: FL) 2012/03/05
295 +1 296 gave points for mooch request 0380802309 Rene' (USA: TX) 2012/02/19
294 +1 295 gave points for mooch request 1418836338 cej10 (USA: IA) 2012/02/17
291 +3 294 gave points for mooch request 0312949804 Vespa (Portugal) 2012/02/17
288 +3 291 gave points for mooch request 0446406937 Vespa (Portugal) 2012/02/17
287 +1 288 gave points for mooch request 0373794185 Abi (USA: WI) 2012/01/26
286 +1 287 gave points for mooch request 0373793103 Abi (USA: WI) 2012/01/26
285 +1 286 gave points for mooch request 0373794177 Abi (USA: WI) 2012/01/26
288 -3 285 mooch cancelled by requestor 0505519100 Alex P. (Canada) 2012/01/21
291 -3 288 mooch cancelled by requestor 0446406937 Alex P. (Canada) 2012/01/21
294 -3 291 mooch cancelled by requestor 0060795409 Alex P. (Canada) 2012/01/21
295 -1 294 deducted points for mooch request 1933471433 Crystal C. (USA: AR) 2012/01/20
294 +1 295 gave points for mooch request 0061129704 wildhart (USA: LA) 2012/01/20
297 -3 294 mooch rejected by book owner 0373794177 Jill (New Zealand) 2012/01/19
296 +1 297 gave points for mooch request 0373790368 Cynthia (USA: VA) 2012/01/16
297 -1 296 deducted points for mooch request 042524329X Tash (USA: NC) 2012/01/16
296.9 +0.1 297 added book to inventory 0312949804 kaly (USA: FL) 2012/01/16
296.8 +0.1 296.9 added book to inventory 0061129704 kaly (USA: FL) 2012/01/16
296.7 +0.1 296.8 added book to inventory 037361859X kaly (USA: FL) 2012/01/16
295.7 +1 296.7 gave points for mooch request 0553582550 Louise Amos McCaskill (USA: MS) 2012/01/16
296.7 -1 295.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758215487 Jennifer (USA: WI) 2012/01/16
297.7 -1 296.7 deducted points for mooch request 0756406978 senthusiast (USA: KS) 2012/01/04
294.7 +3 297.7 gave points for mooch request 0373794177 Jill (New Zealand) 2012/01/02
293.7 +1 294.7 gave points for mooch request 0373618514 chris hobson (USA: PA) 2011/12/31
292.7 +1 293.7 gave points for mooch request 0373618271 chris hobson (USA: PA) 2011/12/31
293.7 -1 292.7 deducted points for mooch request 1933720093 Amanda Olivia (USA: TX) 2011/12/24
290.7 +3 293.7 gave points for mooch request 0505519100 Alex P. (Canada) 2011/12/19
290.6 +0.1 290.7 added book to inventory 037365507X kaly (USA: FL) 2011/12/15
287.6 +3 290.6 gave points for mooch request 0373617496 felicity (United Kingdom) 2011/12/09
284.6 +3 287.6 gave points for mooch request 0373708416 felicity (United Kingdom) 2011/12/09
281.6 +3 284.6 gave points for mooch request 0060795409 Alex P. (Canada) 2011/12/07
278.6 +3 281.6 gave points for mooch request 0446406937 Alex P. (Canada) 2011/12/07
277.6 +1 278.6 gave points for mooch request 034547886X Chrystal919 (USA: NC) 2011/12/07
274.6 +3 277.6 gave points for mooch request 0758207956 Debbie S (Canada) 2011/12/06
271.6 +3 274.6 gave points for mooch request 0061852074 Debbie S (Canada) 2011/12/06
271.5 +0.1 271.6 added book to inventory 0758207956 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/12/06
271.4 +0.1 271.5 added book to inventory 0061852074 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/12/06
271.3 +0.1 271.4 added book to inventory 0373618514 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/12/06
271.2 +0.1 271.3 added book to inventory 034547886X kaly (USA: FL) 2011/12/06
271.1 +0.1 271.2 added book to inventory 0373617496 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/12/06
270.1 +1 271.1 gave points for mooch request 0373362471 Tiz Cooley (USA: NY) 2011/12/06
269.1 +1 270.1 gave points for mooch request 0373774923 Tiz Cooley (USA: NY) 2011/12/06
268.1 +1 269.1 gave points for mooch request 0743487826 Tiz Cooley (USA: NY) 2011/12/06
268 +0.1 268.1 added book to inventory 0743487826 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/12/06
267.9 +0.1 268 added book to inventory 0425199967 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/12/06
267.8 +0.1 267.9 added book to inventory 0373618271 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/12/06
267.7 +0.1 267.8 added book to inventory 0373794185 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/12/06
266.7 +1 267.7 gave points for mooch request 0425218309 Tara (USA: MO) 2011/12/05
266.6 +0.1 266.7 added book to inventory 0553582550 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/12/05
266.5 +0.1 266.6 added book to inventory 0373790368 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/12/05
266.4 +0.1 266.5 added book to inventory 0060795409 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/12/05
266.3 +0.1 266.4 added book to inventory 0373362471 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/12/05
266.2 +0.1 266.3 added book to inventory 0373794177 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/12/05
266.1 +0.1 266.2 added book to inventory 037329364X kaly (USA: FL) 2011/12/05
266 +0.1 266.1 added book to inventory 0425218309 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/12/05
265.9 +0.1 266 added book to inventory 0425194868 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/12/05
265.8 +0.1 265.9 added book to inventory 0061122106 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/12/05
265.7 +0.1 265.8 added book to inventory 0373793103 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/12/05
265.6 +0.1 265.7 added book to inventory 0446406937 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/12/05
265.5 +0.1 265.6 added book to inventory 0373293518 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/12/05
265.4 +0.1 265.5 added book to inventory 0373295553 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/12/04
265.3 +0.1 265.4 added book to inventory 0373792506 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/12/04
262.3 +3 265.3 mooch rejected by book owner 1599987880 Liz (United Kingdom) 2011/11/19
265.3 -3 262.3 deducted points for mooch request 1599987880 Liz (United Kingdom) 2011/11/16
266.3 -1 265.3 deducted points for mooch request 1902644441 Tara (USA: MO) 2011/11/14
267.3 -1 266.3 deducted points for mooch request 1602729638 Tara (USA: MO) 2011/11/14
268.3 -1 267.3 deducted points for mooch request 1595141987 Maggie (USA: AL) 2011/11/14
267.3 +1 268.3 gave points for mooch request 0843951559 Shirley (USA: TX) 2011/11/13
266.3 +1 267.3 gave points for mooch request 0373776233 tweety22371 (USA: NJ) 2011/11/02
265.3 +1 266.3 gave points for mooch request 0061080527 mary (USA: WV) 2011/11/02
264.3 +1 265.3 gave points for mooch request 0451219821 jamochaswirl77 (USA: PA) 2011/10/31
261.3 +3 264.3 gave points for mooch request 0425216659 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2011/10/30
258.3 +3 261.3 gave points for mooch request 1416524932 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2011/10/30
257.3 +1 258.3 gave points for mooch request 0446509264 Linda C (USA: NY) 2011/10/30
256.3 +1 257.3 gave points for mooch request 0380815575 Heather (USA: MI) 2011/10/30
255.3 +1 256.3 gave points for mooch request 1416541152 Leah (USA: NE) 2011/10/29
255.2 +0.1 255.3 added book to inventory 0425216659 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/10/29
255.1 +0.1 255.2 added book to inventory 0446509264 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/10/29
255 +0.1 255.1 added book to inventory 0373776233 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/10/29
254.9 +0.1 255 added book to inventory 0373774923 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/10/29
254.8 +0.1 254.9 added book to inventory 0380802309 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/10/29
254.7 +0.1 254.8 added book to inventory 0061080527 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/10/29
254.6 +0.1 254.7 added book to inventory 0380815575 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/10/29
254.5 +0.1 254.6 added book to inventory 0451219821 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/10/29
254.4 +0.1 254.5 added book to inventory 1416524932 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/10/29
254.3 +0.1 254.4 added book to inventory 1416541152 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/10/29
255.3 -1 254.3 deducted points for mooch request 0451226259 mrsjones74728 (USA: OK) 2011/10/25
252.3 +3 255.3 received points from charity Michelle (USA: MA) 2011/10/19
252.4 -0.1 252.3 removed book from inventory 0679015973 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/10/12
252.5 -0.1 252.4 removed book from inventory 0446516767 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/10/12
253.5 -1 252.5 deducted points for mooch request 1402236980 Christina (USA: NC) 2011/10/12
254.5 -1 253.5 deducted points for mooch request 1602728828 J.M. Snyder (USA: VA) 2011/10/12
255.5 -1 254.5 deducted points for mooch request 1602728704 J.M. Snyder (USA: VA) 2011/10/12
256.5 -1 255.5 deducted points for mooch request 1602729352 J.M. Snyder (USA: VA) 2011/10/12
257.5 -1 256.5 deducted points for mooch request 1602728909 J.M. Snyder (USA: VA) 2011/10/12
258.5 -1 257.5 deducted points for mooch request 1602729492 J.M. Snyder (USA: VA) 2011/10/12
259.5 -1 258.5 deducted points for mooch request 1602728526 J.M. Snyder (USA: VA) 2011/10/12
258.5 +1 259.5 gave points for mooch request 0160787335 HarleyHundi (USA: IN) 2011/10/09
258.4 +0.1 258.5 added book to inventory 0373775938 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/10/08
259.4 -1 258.4 deducted points for mooch request 142311339X 4sons (USA: NY) 2011/10/08
260.4 -1 259.4 deducted points for mooch request 0451229452 Amy V (USA: PA) 2011/10/04
261.4 -1 260.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425216659 Michelle (USA: MA) 2011/09/27
262.4 -1 261.4 deducted points for mooch request 0373775717 Michelle (USA: MA) 2011/09/27
263.4 -1 262.4 deducted points for mooch request 037377575X Michelle (USA: MA) 2011/09/27
264.4 -1 263.4 deducted points for mooch request 0373775822 Michelle (USA: MA) 2011/09/27
265.4 -1 264.4 deducted points for mooch request 0312381840 AmasAunt (USA: NY) 2011/09/25
266.4 -1 265.4 deducted points for mooch request 1420106813 VeraMarie (USA) 2011/09/25
267.4 -1 266.4 deducted points for mooch request 044657273X AmasAunt (USA: NY) 2011/09/25
268.4 -1 267.4 deducted points for mooch request 0061885681 AmasAunt (USA: NY) 2011/09/25
269.4 -1 268.4 deducted points for mooch request 0553801473 Jacked (USA: AZ) 2011/09/25
268.4 +1 269.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0312537417 Platas (USA: FL) 2011/09/23
269.4 -1 268.4 deducted points for mooch request 0441020429 Dara (USA: IA) 2011/09/22
270.4 -1 269.4 deducted points for mooch request 1402245521 VeraMarie (USA) 2011/09/21
271.4 -1 270.4 deducted points for mooch request 044101819X VeraMarie (USA) 2011/09/21
270.4 +1 271.4 gave points for mooch request 0345347897 ChelseyLynn (USA: MI) 2011/09/16
271.4 -1 270.4 deducted points for mooch request 0373774559 Liana (USA: MN) 2011/09/13
270.4 +1 271.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0425233677 Stephykla (USA: FL) 2011/09/13
269.4 +1 270.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0316074144 brittany (USA: FL) 2011/09/13
268.4 +1 269.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0373775822 Barbie (USA: OH) 2011/09/13
267.4 +1 268.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0451228928 Barbie (USA: OH) 2011/09/13
266.4 +1 267.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 045122793X lyb32707 (USA: NC) 2011/09/11
267.4 -1 266.4 deducted points for mooch request 0451230949 babs (USA: AL) 2011/09/05
268.4 -1 267.4 deducted points for mooch request 0312537417 Platas (USA: FL) 2011/08/27
267.4 +1 268.4 mooch rejected by book owner 0373774559 Nina (USA: MN) 2011/08/25
268.4 -1 267.4 deducted points for mooch request 0505528215 JacobsMamaw (USA: KY) 2011/08/23
269.4 -1 268.4 deducted points for mooch request 0441020097 JacobsMamaw (USA: KY) 2011/08/23
270.4 -1 269.4 deducted points for mooch request 0451228782 JacobsMamaw (USA: KY) 2011/08/23
271.4 -1 270.4 deducted points for mooch request 0061783161 JacobsMamaw (USA: KY) 2011/08/23
272.4 -1 271.4 deducted points for mooch request 0758228759 Amy V (USA: PA) 2011/08/22
273.4 -1 272.4 deducted points for mooch request 0373774559 Nina (USA: MN) 2011/08/21
274.4 -1 273.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425233677 Stephykla (USA: FL) 2011/08/19
273.4 +1 274.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0425233677 Linda (USA: PA) 2011/08/19
274.4 -1 273.4 deducted points for mooch request 0316074144 brittany (USA: FL) 2011/08/18
275.4 -1 274.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425242617 Linda (USA: TX) 2011/08/16
276.4 -1 275.4 deducted points for mooch request 1439159904 Missy (USA: CO) 2011/08/16
275.4 +1 276.4 mooch rejected by book owner 0316001929 Wicca (USA: MD) 2011/08/14
276.4 -1 275.4 deducted points for mooch request 0316001929 Wicca (USA: MD) 2011/08/14
277.4 -1 276.4 deducted points for mooch request 0312381247 Gracie8967 (USA: VA) 2011/08/13
278.4 -1 277.4 deducted points for mooch request 1439136807 Gracie8967 (USA: VA) 2011/08/13
277.4 +1 278.4 mooch rejected by book owner 0385335997 Dawn Cook (USA: OH) 2011/08/11
278.4 -1 277.4 deducted points for mooch request 0385335997 Dawn Cook (USA: OH) 2011/08/11
279.4 -1 278.4 deducted points for mooch request 0440246113 Dawn Cook (USA: OH) 2011/08/11
280.4 -1 279.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425240924 Dawn Cook (USA: OH) 2011/08/11
281.4 -1 280.4 deducted points for mooch request 0451463099 Amanda (USA: CA) 2011/08/09
282.4 -1 281.4 deducted points for mooch request 0739359355 Teri (USA: NJ) 2011/08/08
283.4 -1 282.4 deducted points for mooch request 0307359913 Teri (USA: NJ) 2011/08/08
284.4 -1 283.4 deducted points for mooch request 1400052173 Christine Hotchkiss (USA: NY) 2011/08/05
284.3 +0.1 284.4 added book to inventory 1420106643 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/08/03
285.3 -1 284.3 deducted points for mooch request 045122793X lyb32707 (USA: NC) 2011/08/03
284.3 +1 285.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0446582794 Autumn (USA: PA) 2011/08/03
283.3 +1 284.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0446572756 Autumn (USA: PA) 2011/08/03
282.3 +1 283.3 gave points for mooch request 0140384510 Mary (USA: TX) 2011/07/31
283.3 -1 282.3 deducted points for mooch request 1571104135 Mary M. (USA: TX) 2011/07/29
284.3 -1 283.3 deducted points for mooch request 0062003976 Jennie (USA: IN) 2011/07/28
285.3 -1 284.3 deducted points for mooch request 0373775822 Barbie (USA: OH) 2011/07/27
286.3 -1 285.3 deducted points for mooch request 0451228928 Barbie (USA: OH) 2011/07/27
287.3 -1 286.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425240460 karonwalsh (USA: TX) 2011/07/25
286.3 +1 287.3 received a smooch kathleen (USA: NY) 2011/07/23
287.3 -1 286.3 deducted points for mooch request 1420106643 kathleen (USA: NY) 2011/07/23
288.3 -1 287.3 deducted points for mooch request 1402220065 kathleen (USA: NY) 2011/07/23
289.3 -1 288.3 deducted points for mooch request 0553592610 kisah (USA: FL) 2011/07/23
290.3 -1 289.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425227855 jen (USA: CA) 2011/07/23
290.2 +0.1 290.3 added book to inventory 080611150X kaly (USA: FL) 2011/07/23
291.2 -1 290.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451231503 Hildegard Klausser (USA: NY) 2011/07/23
292.2 -1 291.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451231066 Hildegard Klausser (USA: NY) 2011/07/23
293.2 -1 292.2 deducted points for mooch request 045123166X Hildegard Klausser (USA: NY) 2011/07/23
294.2 -1 293.2 deducted points for mooch request 0446572756 Autumn (USA: PA) 2011/07/22
295.2 -1 294.2 deducted points for mooch request 141655114X racinelibrary (USA: WI) 2011/07/22
294.2 +1 295.2 gave points for mooch request 0373248202 Anna (USA: NM) 2011/07/19
293.2 +1 294.2 gave points for mooch request 0373276214 Anna (USA: NM) 2011/07/19
294.2 -1 293.2 deducted points for mooch request 0446582794 Autumn (USA: PA) 2011/07/17
295.2 -1 294.2 deducted points for mooch request 044024577X Amy V (USA: PA) 2011/07/16
293.2 +2 295.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 1902852095 Helen Frances (Australia) 2011/07/15
294.2 -1 293.2 deducted points for mooch request 0425233677 Linda (USA: PA) 2011/07/14
295.2 -1 294.2 deducted points for mooch request 1419951467 Erika (USA: MA) 2011/07/13
296.2 -1 295.2 deducted points for mooch request 1420108778 Karen (USA: CA) 2011/07/12
297.2 -1 296.2 deducted points for mooch request 0345515595 Karen (USA: CA) 2011/07/12
296.2 +1 297.2 gave points for mooch request B0007I52R6 Mike & Jill Bemis (USA: MN) 2011/07/11
297.2 -1 296.2 deducted points for mooch request 1603700870 Shannon Yarbrough (USA: MO) 2011/07/09
298.2 -1 297.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553589652 Kelli (USA: MT) 2011/07/09
299.2 -1 298.2 deducted points for mooch request 0441018521 Kelli (USA: MT) 2011/07/09
300.2 -1 299.2 deducted points for mooch request 0736926259 sebcubs (USA: WI) 2011/07/04
301.2 -1 300.2 deducted points for mooch request 1451648650 Teri (USA: NJ) 2011/06/30
302.2 -1 301.2 deducted points for mooch request 0756406005 kisah (USA: FL) 2011/06/23
303.2 -1 302.2 deducted points for mooch request 0425237397 Noodle (USA: TX) 2011/06/23
302.2 +1 303.2 mooch rejected by book owner 044654759X Diane (USA: NH) 2011/06/20
303.2 -1 302.2 deducted points for mooch request 044654759X Diane (USA: NH) 2011/06/19
304.2 -1 303.2 deducted points for mooch request 1586088769 Catherine the Librarian (USA: OR) 2011/06/18
303.2 +1 304.2 gave points for mooch request 1416589422 infiniteletters (USA: KY) 2011/06/17
302.2 +1 303.2 gave points for mooch request 0312531176 infiniteletters (USA: KY) 2011/06/17
301.2 +1 302.2 gave points for mooch request 042522239X infiniteletters (USA: KY) 2011/06/17
300.2 +1 301.2 gave points for mooch request 0425218937 infiniteletters (USA: KY) 2011/06/17
299.2 +1 300.2 gave points for mooch request 0425212548 infiniteletters (USA: KY) 2011/06/17
299.1 +0.1 299.2 added book to inventory 0425218937 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/06/17
299 +0.1 299.1 added book to inventory 042522239X kaly (USA: FL) 2011/06/17
298.9 +0.1 299 added book to inventory 0425212548 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/06/17
298.8 +0.1 298.9 added book to inventory 0312531176 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/06/17
298.7 +0.1 298.8 added book to inventory 1416589422 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/06/17
297.7 +1 298.7 gave points for mooch request 0061092509 Web Diner (USA: CA) 2011/06/15
297.6 +0.1 297.7 added book to inventory 0373753500 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/06/12
297.5 +0.1 297.6 added book to inventory 0373753497 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/06/12
298.5 -1 297.5 deducted points for mooch request 045123149X Geek Body (USA: CA) 2011/06/08
299.5 -1 298.5 deducted points for mooch request 0451231600 Geek Body (USA: CA) 2011/06/08
298.5 +1 299.5 lost in the mail says book owner 0440244544 Carol-Ann Phillips (USA: CA) 2011/06/04
297.5 +1 298.5 gave points for mooch request 0671737627 Linda (USA: MI) 2011/06/03
296.5 +1 297.5 gave points for mooch request 0671502522 Linda (USA: MI) 2011/06/03
295.5 +1 296.5 gave points for mooch request 0312969058 Linda (USA: MI) 2011/06/03
298.5 -3 295.5 deducted points for mooch request 1606016466 Joby (Canada) 2011/05/22
299.5 -1 298.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425150119 gonemo (USA: CA) 2011/05/20
300.5 -1 299.5 deducted points for mooch request 1573442704 Esther (USA: NY) 2011/05/18
299.5 +1 300.5 mooch rejected by book owner 030746363X Shannon (USA: IL) 2011/05/16
300.5 -1 299.5 deducted points for mooch request 030746363X Shannon (USA: IL) 2011/05/16
301.5 -1 300.5 deducted points for mooch request 0312541864 victoria (USA: NJ) 2011/05/08
304.5 -3 301.5 deducted points for mooch request 1606012959 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2011/04/28
307.5 -3 304.5 deducted points for mooch request 1605042986 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2011/04/28
310.5 -3 307.5 deducted points for mooch request 1609280695 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2011/04/28
311.5 -1 310.5 deducted points for mooch request 0062021273 Cathy (USA: CA) 2011/04/25
312.5 -1 311.5 deducted points for mooch request 0061584444 Marion Marchetto (USA: FL) 2011/04/22
313.5 -1 312.5 deducted points for mooch request 0505528282 Marion Marchetto (USA: FL) 2011/04/22
312.5 +1 313.5 received a smooch CariAnn (USA: MO) 2011/04/18
311.5 +1 312.5 mooch rejected by book owner 030746363X Juliet Oscar (USA: ID) 2011/04/14
312.5 -1 311.5 deducted points for mooch request 030746363X Juliet Oscar (USA: ID) 2011/04/14
313.5 -1 312.5 deducted points for mooch request 0345511697 Carol-Ann Phillips (USA: CA) 2011/04/12
314.5 -1 313.5 deducted points for mooch request 0440244544 Carol-Ann Phillips (USA: CA) 2011/04/12
315.5 -1 314.5 deducted points for mooch request 1439147973 Charlotte (USA) 2011/04/08
316.5 -1 315.5 deducted points for mooch request 0061351520 Jennie (USA: IN) 2011/04/08
315.5 +1 316.5 gave points for mooch request 0451210298 Kris (USA: WV) 2011/04/07
316.5 -1 315.5 deducted points for mooch request 0312943474 Bertha (USA: FL) 2011/04/05
316.6 -0.1 316.5 removed book from inventory 0373774311 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/04/05
316.5 +0.1 316.6 added book to inventory 0373774311 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/04/05
317.5 -1 316.5 deducted points for mooch request 042523598X Sara (USA: TX) 2011/04/04
318.5 -1 317.5 deducted points for mooch request 0312945841 Christal (USA: KS) 2011/04/03
319.5 -1 318.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425218937 Reader-Maniac (USA: OH) 2011/04/02
320.5 -1 319.5 deducted points for mooch request 042522239X Reader-Maniac (USA: OH) 2011/04/02
321.5 -1 320.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425212548 Reader-Maniac (USA: OH) 2011/04/02
322.5 -1 321.5 deducted points for mooch request BM1301766367658036555 Reader-Maniac (USA: OH) 2011/04/02
323.5 -1 322.5 deducted points for mooch request BM1301766890226515157 Reader-Maniac (USA: OH) 2011/04/02
324.5 -1 323.5 deducted points for mooch request 0505527642 Reader-Maniac (USA: OH) 2011/04/02
325.5 -1 324.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425233804 Gradiel (USA: MI) 2011/03/31
324.5 +1 325.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0758225644 judya36 (USA: MO) 2011/03/30
323.5 +1 324.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0425234622 judya36 (USA: MO) 2011/03/30
322.5 +1 323.5 mooch rejected by book owner 9780451224880 judya36 (USA: MO) 2011/03/30
321.5 +1 322.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0451225902 judya36 (USA: MO) 2011/03/30
320.5 +1 321.5 mooch rejected by book owner 1419954350 judya36 (USA: MO) 2011/03/30
319.5 +1 320.5 mooch rejected by book owner 1616647426 judya36 (USA: MO) 2011/03/30
318.5 +1 319.5 mooch rejected by book owner 1601860358 judya36 (USA: MO) 2011/03/30
317.5 +1 318.5 mooch rejected by book owner 1416524924 judya36 (USA: MO) 2011/03/30
316.5 +1 317.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0451227948 judya36 (USA: MO) 2011/03/30
315.5 +1 316.5 mooch rejected by book owner 1419952552 judya36 (USA: MO) 2011/03/30
316.5 -1 315.5 deducted points for mooch request 042522340X CariAnn (USA: MO) 2011/03/29
317.5 -1 316.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425217000 CariAnn (USA: MO) 2011/03/29
318.5 -1 317.5 deducted points for mooch request 0758214960 wildhart (USA: LA) 2011/03/29
319.5 -1 318.5 deducted points for mooch request 0061963097 Kari (Canada) 2011/03/26
318.5 +1 319.5 gave points for mooch request 0385301383 emmett (USA: ID) 2011/03/25
319.5 -1 318.5 deducted points for mooch request 1599982757 rwnye (USA: MI) 2011/03/23
320.5 -1 319.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425219267 Jeannie (USA: TX) 2011/03/22
321.5 -1 320.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425207234 Jeannie (USA: TX) 2011/03/22
322.5 -1 321.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425198812 Jeannie (USA: TX) 2011/03/22
323.5 -1 322.5 deducted points for mooch request 1439175772 Jeannie (USA: TX) 2011/03/22
324.5 -1 323.5 deducted points for mooch request 0758225644 judya36 (USA: MO) 2011/03/22
325.5 -1 324.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425234622 judya36 (USA: MO) 2011/03/22
326.5 -1 325.5 deducted points for mooch request 9780451224880 judya36 (USA: MO) 2011/03/22
327.5 -1 326.5 deducted points for mooch request 0451225902 judya36 (USA: MO) 2011/03/22
328.5 -1 327.5 deducted points for mooch request 1419954350 judya36 (USA: MO) 2011/03/22
329.5 -1 328.5 deducted points for mooch request 1616647426 judya36 (USA: MO) 2011/03/22
330.5 -1 329.5 deducted points for mooch request 1601860358 judya36 (USA: MO) 2011/03/22
331.5 -1 330.5 deducted points for mooch request 1416524924 judya36 (USA: MO) 2011/03/22
332.5 -1 331.5 deducted points for mooch request 0451227948 judya36 (USA: MO) 2011/03/22
333.5 -1 332.5 deducted points for mooch request 1419952552 judya36 (USA: MO) 2011/03/22
334.5 -1 333.5 deducted points for mooch request 0373803176 ashley (USA: KY) 2011/03/19
336.5 -2 334.5 deducted points for mooch request 1902852095 Helen Frances (Australia) 2011/03/15
337.5 -1 336.5 deducted points for mooch request 0312939922 Winter (USA) 2011/03/14
338.5 -1 337.5 deducted points for mooch request 0758214170 Winter (USA) 2011/03/14
339.5 -1 338.5 deducted points for mooch request 0758250991 Winter (USA) 2011/03/14
340.5 -1 339.5 deducted points for mooch request 0373294395 Kristi (USA: WV) 2011/03/13
339.5 +1 340.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0373803176 ashley (USA: KY) 2011/03/13
340.5 -1 339.5 deducted points for mooch request 0373803176 ashley (USA: KY) 2011/03/10
341.5 -1 340.5 deducted points for mooch request 0451221370 ashley (USA: KY) 2011/03/10
340.5 +1 341.5 gave points for mooch request 0451223276 Missy (USA: IL) 2011/03/08
337.5 +3 340.5 gave points for mooch request 141655503X elli8982 (United Kingdom) 2011/03/07
334.5 +3 337.5 gave points for mooch request 0373127936 elli8982 (United Kingdom) 2011/03/07
334.4 +0.1 334.5 added book to inventory 0451223276 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/03/06
334.3 +0.1 334.4 added book to inventory 141655503X kaly (USA: FL) 2011/03/06
335.3 -1 334.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425238172 Winter (USA) 2011/03/06
337.3 -2 335.3 deducted points for mooch request 1419951009 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2011/03/06
338.3 -1 337.3 deducted points for mooch request 0312535376 Christal (USA: KS) 2011/03/05
339.3 -1 338.3 deducted points for mooch request 1599981289 Winter (USA) 2011/03/05
341.3 -2 339.3 deducted points for mooch request 1419952196 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2011/03/05
342.3 -1 341.3 deducted points for mooch request 0765360411 Gradiel (USA: MI) 2011/03/01
343.3 -1 342.3 deducted points for mooch request 0451228790 Scherizade (USA: PA) 2011/03/01
342.3 +1 343.3 mooch rejected by book owner 1586087460 amber23 (USA: MO) 2011/02/25
341.3 +1 342.3 mooch rejected by book owner 184360888X amber23 (USA: MO) 2011/02/25
340.3 +1 341.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0972437703 amber23 (USA: MO) 2011/02/25
341.3 -1 340.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425234290 Christina (USA: MD) 2011/02/25
342.3 -1 341.3 deducted points for mooch request 1586087460 amber23 (USA: MO) 2011/02/24
343.3 -1 342.3 deducted points for mooch request 184360888X amber23 (USA: MO) 2011/02/24
344.3 -1 343.3 deducted points for mooch request 0972437703 amber23 (USA: MO) 2011/02/24
345.3 -1 344.3 deducted points for mooch request 0373774516 tony picco (USA: NY) 2011/02/21
346.3 -1 345.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425232433 Carol-Ann Phillips (USA: CA) 2011/02/21
347.3 -1 346.3 deducted points for mooch request 0758238274 Carol-Ann Phillips (USA: CA) 2011/02/21
348.3 -1 347.3 deducted points for mooch request 1453669973 Carol-Ann Phillips (USA: CA) 2011/02/21
350.3 -2 348.3 deducted points for mooch request 1419957813 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2011/02/19
349.3 +1 350.3 lost in the mail says book owner 1439155828 Dana (USA: IL) 2011/02/16
348.3 +1 349.3 gave points for mooch request B000OMGPG2 Nanakitteh (USA: TX) 2011/02/14
349.3 -1 348.3 deducted points for mooch request 0312600844 Liise (USA: PA) 2011/02/13
350.3 -1 349.3 deducted points for mooch request 0062012983 Summer (USA: MD) 2011/02/06
351.3 -1 350.3 deducted points for mooch request 030726999X Diane (USA: NY) 2011/02/05
352.3 -1 351.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0764573136 Meredith (USA: MD) 2011/02/04
352.4 -0.1 352.3 removing book from inventory 0764573136 kaly (USA: FL) 2011/02/04
351.4 +1 352.4 gave points for mooch request 0385245793 Ellen (USA: GA) 2011/01/27
350.4 +1 351.4 gave points for mooch request 0764573136 Meredith (USA: MD) 2011/01/04
352.4 -2 350.4 deducted points for mooch request 141995007X Cara (Canada) 2011/01/04
354.4 -2 352.4 deducted points for mooch request 1599987708 Cara (Canada) 2011/01/04
354.3 +0.1 354.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416598146 dvalasek (USA: TX) 2010/12/29
356.3 -2 354.3 deducted points for mooch request 0312580150 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/12/24
356.2 +0.1 356.3 added book to inventory 0373828209 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/12/20
357.2 -1 356.2 deducted points for mooch request 1416598146 dvalasek (USA: TX) 2010/12/19
358.2 -1 357.2 deducted points for mooch request 1439155828 Dana (USA: IL) 2010/12/17
358.1 +0.1 358.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0848733703 KPM (USA: NJ) 2010/12/15
360.1 -2 358.1 deducted points for mooch request 1419951289 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/12/14
358.1 +2 360.1 mooch rejected by book owner 1599988070 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/12/13
357.1 +1 358.1 gave points for mooch request 0843952075 Julie (USA: AZ) 2010/12/05
358.1 -1 357.1 deducted points for mooch request 0848733703 KPM (USA: NJ) 2010/12/05
360.1 -2 358.1 deducted points for mooch request 1606015265 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/12/04
359.1 +1 360.1 gave points for mooch request 0440217318 njaalkeme (USA: GA) 2010/12/02
359 +0.1 359.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0800733118 Megan (USA: GA) 2010/12/02
356 +3 359 gave points for mooch request 0843949325 orla johnston (Ireland) 2010/11/30
353 +3 356 gave points for mooch request 0373293054 orla johnston (Ireland) 2010/11/30
354 -1 353 deducted points for mooch request 0800733118 Megan (USA: GA) 2010/11/26
353.9 +0.1 354 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599987856 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/11/21
353.8 +0.1 353.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758215363 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/11/21
353.7 +0.1 353.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1606012932 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/11/21
353.6 +0.1 353.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312945833 Sandy (USA: PA) 2010/11/08
353.5 +0.1 353.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0767928849 Schmitz (USA: CA) 2010/11/08
355.5 -2 353.5 deducted points for mooch request 1599988070 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/11/05
354.5 +1 355.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 1420102540 Jae Duncan (USA: OR) 2010/11/05
355.5 -1 354.5 deducted points for mooch request 1420102540 Jae Duncan (USA: OR) 2010/11/04
355.4 +0.1 355.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312381239 VickieH (USA: OR) 2010/11/04
355.3 +0.1 355.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416593128 VickieH (USA: OR) 2010/11/04
355.2 +0.1 355.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1402211597 VickieH (USA: OR) 2010/11/04
355.1 +0.1 355.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1594268886 J.M. Snyder (USA: VA) 2010/11/03
356.1 -1 355.1 deducted points for mooch request 0312945833 Sandy (USA: PA) 2010/11/02
355.1 +1 356.1 gave points for mooch request 0758219830 Louise Amos McCaskill (USA: MS) 2010/11/01
356.1 -1 355.1 deducted points for mooch request 0767928849 Schmitz (USA: CA) 2010/11/01
358.1 -2 356.1 deducted points for mooch request 0758215363 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/10/29
357.1 +1 358.1 gave points for mooch request 037329123X Candace (USA: MO) 2010/10/29
356.1 +1 357.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0316036226 Marco (USA: CA) 2010/10/28
355.1 +1 356.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0312364121 Marco (USA: CA) 2010/10/28
354.1 +1 355.1 gave points for mooch request 0446616109 Janine (USA: PA) 2010/10/27
355.1 -1 354.1 deducted points for mooch request 0312381239 VickieH (USA: OR) 2010/10/27
356.1 -1 355.1 deducted points for mooch request 1416593128 VickieH (USA: OR) 2010/10/27
357.1 -1 356.1 deducted points for mooch request 1402211597 VickieH (USA: OR) 2010/10/27
356.1 +1 357.1 gave points for mooch request 0441013813 Wendy (USA) 2010/10/25
354.1 +2 356.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0446559261 Penelope (United Kingdom) 2010/10/25
353.1 +1 354.1 gave points for mooch request 0451213637 Erin H. (USA: MI) 2010/10/24
355.1 -2 353.1 deducted points for mooch request 0446559261 Penelope (United Kingdom) 2010/10/24
355 +0.1 355.1 added book to inventory 0441013813 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/10/24
354.9 +0.1 355 added book to inventory 0451213637 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/10/24
354.8 +0.1 354.9 added book to inventory 0373716656 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/10/24
354.7 +0.1 354.8 added book to inventory 0373716591 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/10/24
355.7 -1 354.7 deducted points for mooch request 1594268886 J.M. Snyder (USA: VA) 2010/10/20
356.7 -1 355.7 deducted points for mooch request 0316036226 Marco (USA: CA) 2010/10/17
357.7 -1 356.7 deducted points for mooch request 0312364121 Marco (USA: CA) 2010/10/17
354.7 +3 357.7 gave points for mooch request 0373794878 coffeegirl18 (Canada) 2010/10/14
351.7 +3 354.7 gave points for mooch request 0373617666 coffeegirl18 (Canada) 2010/10/13
353.7 -2 351.7 deducted points for mooch request 1599987856 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/10/13
355.7 -2 353.7 deducted points for mooch request 1606012932 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/10/12
354.7 +1 355.7 gave points for mooch request 0060796677 shelley (USA: UT) 2010/10/11
354.6 +0.1 354.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 052595158X racinelibrary (USA: WI) 2010/10/07
354.5 +0.1 354.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0778328082 Chris Hamel (USA: MI) 2010/10/05
354.4 +0.1 354.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1439123128 Chris Hamel (USA: MI) 2010/10/05
353.4 +1 354.4 gave points for mooch request 080612797X y2pk (USA: OH) 2010/10/04
354.4 -1 353.4 deducted points for mooch request 0778328082 Chris Hamel (USA: MI) 2010/09/30
355.4 -1 354.4 deducted points for mooch request 1439123128 Chris Hamel (USA: MI) 2010/09/30
355.3 +0.1 355.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1933874023 mleddy (USA: MN) 2010/09/27
355.2 +0.1 355.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312946422 mleddy (USA: MN) 2010/09/27
355.1 +0.1 355.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1420109847 mleddy (USA: MN) 2010/09/27
354.1 +1 355.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0465005438 lucky_mom (USA: CA) 2010/09/27
353.1 +1 354.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0853459916 lucky_mom (USA: CA) 2010/09/27
353 +0.1 353.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0670021253 Alice (USA: CA) 2010/09/27
352.9 +0.1 353 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416547800 WitchyWomyn (USA: GA) 2010/09/27
351.9 +1 352.9 gave points for mooch request 0452277337 Rachel (USA: TX) 2010/09/25
352.9 -1 351.9 mooch cancelled by requestor B000OMGPG2 Books4you (USA: CO) 2010/09/25
351.9 +1 352.9 gave points for mooch request B000OMGPG2 Books4you (USA: CO) 2010/09/25
352.9 -1 351.9 deducted points for mooch request 052595158X racinelibrary (USA: WI) 2010/09/24
351.9 +1 352.9 gave points for mooch request 0425209954 Nina (USA: MN) 2010/09/23
351.8 +0.1 351.9 added book to inventory 0425209954 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/09/23
350.8 +1 351.8 gave points for mooch request 0671689495 pat joho (USA) 2010/09/21
350.7 +0.1 350.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419959999 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/09/20
350.6 +0.1 350.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758215746 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/09/20
350.5 +0.1 350.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419950134 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/09/20
350.4 +0.1 350.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419950169 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/09/20
350.3 +0.1 350.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419961632 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/09/20
351.3 -1 350.3 deducted points for mooch request 0465005438 lucky_mom (USA: CA) 2010/09/20
352.3 -1 351.3 deducted points for mooch request 0853459916 lucky_mom (USA: CA) 2010/09/20
349.3 +3 352.3 gave points for mooch request 0425217213 Cara (Canada) 2010/09/19
349.2 +0.1 349.3 added book to inventory 0425217213 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/09/19
350.2 -1 349.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0440217318 Winter (USA) 2010/09/19
347.2 +3 350.2 gave points for mooch request 0821755706 Yce (Philippines) 2010/09/19
344.2 +3 347.2 gave points for mooch request 0765352648 Yce (Philippines) 2010/09/19
345.2 -1 344.2 deducted points for mooch request 0670021253 Alice (USA: CA) 2010/09/19
345.3 -0.1 345.2 removed book from inventory 0425140040 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/09/19
342.3 +3 345.3 gave points for mooch request 1419953508 Cara (Canada) 2010/09/18
341.3 +1 342.3 gave points for mooch request 0440244161 Colleen (USA: TX) 2010/09/18
341.2 +0.1 341.3 added book to inventory 1419953508 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/09/18
341.1 +0.1 341.2 added book to inventory 080612797X kaly (USA: FL) 2010/09/18
341 +0.1 341.1 added book to inventory 0765352648 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/09/18
340.9 +0.1 341 added book to inventory 0440244161 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/09/18
339.9 +1 340.9 gave points for mooch request 0373836619 Liz (USA: AR) 2010/09/17
340.9 -1 339.9 deducted points for mooch request 1416547800 WitchyWomyn (USA: GA) 2010/09/17
339.9 +1 340.9 lost in the mail says book owner 1601421370 Jen's Book Talk (USA: SC) 2010/09/16
338.9 +1 339.9 lost in the mail says book owner 1578569818 Jen's Book Talk (USA: SC) 2010/09/16
337.9 +1 338.9 lost in the mail says book owner 030745875X Jen's Book Talk (USA: SC) 2010/09/16
337.8 +0.1 337.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1439158770 Jennifer (USA: NJ) 2010/09/16
337.7 +0.1 337.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373774613 mleddy (USA: MN) 2010/09/16
337.6 +0.1 337.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373774516 mleddy (USA: MN) 2010/09/16
337.7 -0.1 337.6 removed book from inventory 0425162346 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/09/14
337.6 +0.1 337.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1596328207 laren (Germany) 2010/09/13
337.7 -0.1 337.6 removed book from inventory 0385490992 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/09/12
337.8 -0.1 337.7 removed book from inventory 0590477420 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/09/12
337.9 -0.1 337.8 removed book from inventory 0671666258 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/09/12
338 -0.1 337.9 removed book from inventory 0373836953 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/09/12
337 +1 338 gave points for mooch request 0440217318 Winter (USA) 2010/09/12
338 -1 337 mooch cancelled by requestor 0440217318 Patricia (USA: CA) 2010/09/11
338.1 -0.1 338 removed book from inventory 0373304625 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/09/09
338.2 -0.1 338.1 removed book from inventory 0821778684 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/09/09
338.3 -0.1 338.2 removed book from inventory 0373294573 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/09/09
338.2 +0.1 338.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425231984 Kari (Canada) 2010/09/07
338.1 +0.1 338.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0515148148 Kari (Canada) 2010/09/07
338 +0.1 338.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1596328835 Layladawna (Canada) 2010/09/07
340 -2 338 deducted points for mooch request 1419961632 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/09/05
339 +1 340 mooch rejected by book owner 0345520904 Gallon (USA: UT) 2010/09/05
338 +1 339 mooch rejected by book owner 0316059544 Gallon (USA: UT) 2010/09/05
337 +1 338 mooch rejected by book owner 0743296435 Gallon (USA: UT) 2010/09/05
336 +1 337 mooch rejected by book owner 0399155341 Gallon (USA: UT) 2010/09/05
335 +1 336 mooch rejected by book owner 0307463575 Gallon (USA: UT) 2010/09/05
334 +1 335 mooch rejected by book owner 0756655293 Gallon (USA: UT) 2010/09/05
333 +1 334 mooch rejected by book owner 0307587460 Gallon (USA: UT) 2010/09/05
332 +1 333 mooch rejected by book owner 0307450732 Gallon (USA: UT) 2010/09/05
331 +1 332 mooch rejected by book owner 1591842336 Gallon (USA: UT) 2010/09/05
332 -1 331 deducted points for mooch request 0345520904 Gallon (USA: UT) 2010/09/04
333 -1 332 deducted points for mooch request 0316059544 Gallon (USA: UT) 2010/09/04
334 -1 333 deducted points for mooch request 0743296435 Gallon (USA: UT) 2010/09/04
335 -1 334 deducted points for mooch request 0399155341 Gallon (USA: UT) 2010/09/04
336 -1 335 deducted points for mooch request 0307463575 Gallon (USA: UT) 2010/09/04
337 -1 336 deducted points for mooch request 0756655293 Gallon (USA: UT) 2010/09/04
338 -1 337 deducted points for mooch request 0307587460 Gallon (USA: UT) 2010/09/04
339 -1 338 deducted points for mooch request 0307450732 Gallon (USA: UT) 2010/09/04
340 -1 339 deducted points for mooch request 1591842336 Gallon (USA: UT) 2010/09/04
339.9 +0.1 340 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1596326727 Khyie (USA) 2010/09/04
341.9 -2 339.9 deducted points for mooch request 1419959999 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/09/04
342.9 -1 341.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425231984 Kari (Canada) 2010/09/03
343.9 -1 342.9 deducted points for mooch request 0515148148 Kari (Canada) 2010/09/03
344 -0.1 343.9 removed book from inventory 0061128589 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/09/03
344.1 -0.1 344 removed book from inventory 1416578226 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/09/03
345.1 -1 344.1 deducted points for mooch request 1439158770 Jennifer (USA: NJ) 2010/09/03
344.1 +1 345.1 gave points for mooch request 0373774907 Brandi M. (USA: TX) 2010/09/01
344 +0.1 344.1 added book to inventory 0373774907 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/31
343.9 +0.1 344 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451223144 Nicole (USA: FL) 2010/08/30
345.9 -2 343.9 deducted points for mooch request 0758215746 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/08/30
344.9 +1 345.9 gave points for mooch request 0345492552 Colleen (USA: WI) 2010/08/30
344.8 +0.1 344.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0399156496 medic_coy (USA: NC) 2010/08/29
345.8 -1 344.8 mooch rejected by book owner 0515142166 Amanda (USA: NY) 2010/08/29
345.9 -0.1 345.8 removing book from inventory 0515142166 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
344.9 +1 345.9 gave points for mooch request 0515142166 Amanda (USA: NY) 2010/08/29
345 -0.1 344.9 removed book from inventory 0743456149 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/28
347 -2 345 deducted points for mooch request 1596328207 laren (Germany) 2010/08/28
346 +1 347 gave points for mooch request 1416547126 Brandi M. (USA: TX) 2010/08/28
343 +3 346 gave points for mooch request 0061771929 Maarit (Finland) 2010/08/28
340 +3 343 gave points for mooch request 0312978413 Maarit (Finland) 2010/08/28
337 +3 340 gave points for mooch request 0446617563 Maarit (Finland) 2010/08/28
336 +1 337 gave points for mooch request 0380815672 sally (USA: ME) 2010/08/28
335 +1 336 gave points for mooch request 0440217318 Patricia (USA: CA) 2010/08/28
334 +1 335 gave points for mooch request 038077352X Sue & Family (USA: TX) 2010/08/27
333 +1 334 gave points for mooch request 0373618077 Linda (USA: TN) 2010/08/27
332 +1 333 gave points for mooch request 0373618018 Linda (USA: TN) 2010/08/27
331 +1 332 gave points for mooch request 0373617941 Linda (USA: TN) 2010/08/27
330.9 +0.1 331 added book to inventory 0758219830 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/27
330.8 +0.1 330.9 added book to inventory 0061771929 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/27
330.7 +0.1 330.8 added book to inventory 0060796677 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/27
330.6 +0.1 330.7 added book to inventory 0345492552 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/27
330.5 +0.1 330.6 added book to inventory 0373618077 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/27
330.4 +0.1 330.5 added book to inventory 0440217318 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/27
330.3 +0.1 330.4 added book to inventory 0743456149 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/27
330.2 +0.1 330.3 added book to inventory 0425140040 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/27
330.1 +0.1 330.2 added book to inventory 0373618018 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/27
330 +0.1 330.1 added book to inventory 1416547126 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/27
329.9 +0.1 330 added book to inventory 0373617941 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/27
329.8 +0.1 329.9 added book to inventory 0061128589 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/27
329.7 +0.1 329.8 added book to inventory 0380815672 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/27
329.6 +0.1 329.7 added book to inventory 1416578226 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/27
329.5 +0.1 329.6 added book to inventory 0373291450 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/27
329.4 +0.1 329.5 added book to inventory 038077352X kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/27
329.3 +0.1 329.4 added book to inventory 0515142166 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/27
329.2 +0.1 329.3 added book to inventory 0446617563 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/27
329.1 +0.1 329.2 added book to inventory 0373617666 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/27
328.1 +1 329.1 lost in the mail says book owner 076536042X Crystal (USA: KY) 2010/08/25
327.1 +1 328.1 lost in the mail says book owner 0765360438 Crystal (USA: KY) 2010/08/25
327 +0.1 327.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758213875 Karen (USA: FL) 2010/08/25
326 +1 327 mooch cancelled by requestor 0316075841 Susannah (USA: WI) 2010/08/24
325.9 +0.1 326 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843606542 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/08/24
325.8 +0.1 325.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1586088998 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/08/24
325.7 +0.1 325.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843605708 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/08/24
326.7 -1 325.7 deducted points for mooch request 0399156496 medic_coy (USA: NC) 2010/08/23
327.7 -1 326.7 deducted points for mooch request 0451223144 Nicole (USA: FL) 2010/08/22
329.7 -2 327.7 deducted points for mooch request 1419950134 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/08/22
331.7 -2 329.7 deducted points for mooch request 1596328835 Layladawna (Canada) 2010/08/22
332.7 -1 331.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758213875 Karen (USA: FL) 2010/08/21
332.6 +0.1 332.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451223276 Mark GIefer (USA: IL) 2010/08/20
334.6 -2 332.6 deducted points for mooch request 1419950169 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/08/18
333.6 +1 334.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0061767603 Lisa Chapin (USA: MI) 2010/08/17
332.6 +1 333.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 075821586X Meg Verga (USA: CA) 2010/08/16
331.6 +1 332.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 141659311X Meg Verga (USA: CA) 2010/08/16
330.6 +1 331.6 mooch rejected by book owner 1416593128 Meg Verga (USA: CA) 2010/08/16
331.6 -1 330.6 deducted points for mooch request 075821586X Meg Verga (USA: CA) 2010/08/16
332.6 -1 331.6 deducted points for mooch request 141659311X Meg Verga (USA: CA) 2010/08/16
333.6 -1 332.6 deducted points for mooch request 1416593128 Meg Verga (USA: CA) 2010/08/16
333.5 +0.1 333.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0767928822 Lisa Wenner (USA: PA) 2010/08/16
333.4 +0.1 333.5 added book to inventory 0446616109 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/16
333.3 +0.1 333.4 added book to inventory 0843952075 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/16
333.4 -0.1 333.3 removed book from inventory 0321216393 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/15
333.3 +0.1 333.4 added book to inventory 0373127936 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/14
333.2 +0.1 333.3 added book to inventory 0373128258 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/08/14
333.1 +0.1 333.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416572821 Cathy (USA: CA) 2010/08/12
333 +0.1 333.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440244390 Cathy (USA: CA) 2010/08/12
334 -1 333 deducted points for mooch request 0767928822 Lisa Wenner (USA: PA) 2010/08/12
333.9 +0.1 334 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061734020 Victoria (USA: PA) 2010/08/09
334.9 -1 333.9 deducted points for mooch request 0312946422 mleddy (USA: MN) 2010/08/05
335.9 -1 334.9 deducted points for mooch request 1933874023 mleddy (USA: MN) 2010/08/05
336.9 -1 335.9 deducted points for mooch request 1420109847 mleddy (USA: MN) 2010/08/05
337.9 -1 336.9 deducted points for mooch request 0373774613 mleddy (USA: MN) 2010/08/05
338.9 -1 337.9 deducted points for mooch request 0373774516 mleddy (USA: MN) 2010/08/05
339.9 -1 338.9 deducted points for mooch request 0440244390 Cathy (USA: CA) 2010/08/03
340.9 -1 339.9 deducted points for mooch request 1416572821 Cathy (USA: CA) 2010/08/03
341.9 -1 340.9 deducted points for mooch request 0061734020 Victoria (USA: PA) 2010/08/03
341.8 +0.1 341.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0441017835 Beth Lee (USA: MT) 2010/08/02
341.7 +0.1 341.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425221598 Carolyn (USA: NJ) 2010/08/02
340.7 +1 341.7 mooch rejected by book owner 030726999X sue (USA: CA) 2010/07/30
341.7 -1 340.7 deducted points for mooch request 030726999X sue (USA: CA) 2010/07/30
342.7 -1 341.7 deducted points for mooch request 0451223276 Mark GIefer (USA: IL) 2010/07/30
342.6 +0.1 342.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0515147907 Tracy Novak (USA: MD) 2010/07/29
342.5 +0.1 342.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425233367 Tracy Novak (USA: MD) 2010/07/29
343.5 -1 342.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425221598 Carolyn (USA: NJ) 2010/07/27
343.4 +0.1 343.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373774907 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2010/07/26
343.3 +0.1 343.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0778328708 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2010/07/26
343.2 +0.1 343.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 042523150X freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2010/07/26
343.1 +0.1 343.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373774583 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2010/07/26
342.1 +1 343.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0312946163 Chrissey Rutkowski (USA: CA) 2010/07/26
341.1 +1 342.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0843960434 Chrissey Rutkowski (USA: CA) 2010/07/26
342.1 -1 341.1 deducted points for mooch request 0441017835 Beth Lee (USA: MT) 2010/07/26
343.1 -1 342.1 deducted points for mooch request 0515147907 Tracy Novak (USA: MD) 2010/07/26
344.1 -1 343.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425233367 Tracy Novak (USA: MD) 2010/07/26
343.1 +1 344.1 gave points for mooch request 9780060876104 Jean Mclaughlin (USA: LA) 2010/07/23
343 +0.1 343.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 045146317X Jacquelyn (USA) 2010/07/21
344 -1 343 deducted points for mooch request 0316075841 Susannah (USA: WI) 2010/07/19
343 +1 344 gave points for mooch request 0439202159 jkeeney (USA: MO) 2010/07/19
344 -1 343 deducted points for mooch request 0373774583 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2010/07/19
345 -1 344 deducted points for mooch request 0373774907 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2010/07/19
346 -1 345 deducted points for mooch request 0778328708 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2010/07/19
347 -1 346 deducted points for mooch request 042523150X freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA) 2010/07/19
346.9 +0.1 347 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446618934 Missy (USA: CO) 2010/07/16
347.9 -1 346.9 deducted points for mooch request 0843960434 Chrissey Rutkowski (USA: CA) 2010/07/15
348.9 -1 347.9 deducted points for mooch request 0312946163 Chrissey Rutkowski (USA: CA) 2010/07/15
349.9 -1 348.9 deducted points for mooch request 1578569818 Jen's Book Talk (USA: SC) 2010/07/14
350.9 -1 349.9 deducted points for mooch request 1601421370 Jen's Book Talk (USA: SC) 2010/07/14
351.9 -1 350.9 deducted points for mooch request 030745875X Jen's Book Talk (USA: SC) 2010/07/14
350.9 +1 351.9 gave points for mooch request 0373793375 chris hobson (USA: PA) 2010/07/12
349.9 +1 350.9 gave points for mooch request 0618036911 Karen Z (USA: MI) 2010/07/12
350.9 -1 349.9 deducted points for mooch request 0446618934 Missy (USA: CO) 2010/07/12
350.8 +0.1 350.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061672394 Regina (USA: OR) 2010/07/12
350.7 +0.1 350.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061684317 Regina (USA: OR) 2010/07/12
349.7 +1 350.7 gave points for mooch request 1558507930 pinkcop693 (USA: MA) 2010/07/11
348.7 +1 349.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0312948298 Guy Sole (USA: CA) 2010/07/09
347.7 +1 348.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0451224760 Guy Sole (USA: CA) 2010/07/09
347.8 -0.1 347.7 removed book from inventory 0373291450 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/07/08
347.9 -0.1 347.8 removed book from inventory 1416578226 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/07/08
348 -0.1 347.9 removed book from inventory 0060876107 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/07/08
347.9 +0.1 348 added book to inventory 0671737627 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/07/08
347.8 +0.1 347.9 added book to inventory 0821755706 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/07/08
347.7 +0.1 347.8 added book to inventory 037329123X kaly (USA: FL) 2010/07/08
347.6 +0.1 347.7 added book to inventory 0312978413 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/07/08
348.6 -1 347.6 deducted points for mooch request 076536042X Crystal (USA: KY) 2010/07/05
349.6 -1 348.6 deducted points for mooch request 0765360438 Crystal (USA: KY) 2010/07/05
350.6 -1 349.6 deducted points for mooch request 045146317X Jacquelyn (USA) 2010/07/04
350.7 -0.1 350.6 removed book from inventory 0778320928 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/07/04
350.8 -0.1 350.7 removed book from inventory 0446605301 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/07/04
351.8 -1 350.8 deducted points for mooch request 0061684317 Regina (USA: OR) 2010/07/02
352.8 -1 351.8 deducted points for mooch request 0061672394 Regina (USA: OR) 2010/07/02
352.7 +0.1 352.8 added book to inventory B000OMGPG2 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/07/01
352.6 +0.1 352.7 added book to inventory 067181138X kaly (USA: FL) 2010/07/01
352.7 -0.1 352.6 removed book from inventory 0446616109 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/06/30
352.8 -0.1 352.7 removed book from inventory 0843952075 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/06/30
352.7 +0.1 352.8 added book to inventory 0821778684 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/06/30
352.6 +0.1 352.7 added book to inventory 0373293054 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/06/30
353.6 -1 352.6 deducted points for mooch request 0312948298 Guy Sole (USA: CA) 2010/06/29
354.6 -1 353.6 deducted points for mooch request 0451224760 Guy Sole (USA: CA) 2010/06/29
353.6 +1 354.6 mooch rejected by book owner 0451462610 AuntLainey (USA: GA) 2010/06/27
352.6 +1 353.6 gave points for mooch request 084395308X rmcpeak (USA: CO) 2010/06/25
351.6 +1 352.6 gave points for mooch request 0373295960 gloriavirtutisumbra (USA: IA) 2010/06/25
351.5 +0.1 351.6 added book to inventory 0373295960 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/06/24
350.5 +1 351.5 gave points for mooch request 055356918X pamela (USA: OK) 2010/06/24
350.4 +0.1 350.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1423116399 kristen (USA: CA) 2010/06/24
350.3 +0.1 350.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345500776 kristen (USA: CA) 2010/06/24
349.3 +1 350.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0425222977 Maggie (USA: NY) 2010/06/24
348.3 +1 349.3 gave points for mooch request 0373295898 gloriavirtutisumbra (USA: IA) 2010/06/23
348.2 +0.1 348.3 added book to inventory 0373295898 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/06/23
348.1 +0.1 348.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 193453174X Xeni (Hungary) 2010/06/21
349.1 -1 348.1 deducted points for mooch request 1596326727 Khyie (USA) 2010/06/16
349 +0.1 349.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060889578 matthew_contini (USA: FL) 2010/06/14
348.9 +0.1 349 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312576366 Rachel (USA: PA) 2010/06/14
348.8 +0.1 348.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 141995282X Cara (Canada) 2010/06/14
348.7 +0.1 348.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952021 Cara (Canada) 2010/06/14
348.8 -0.1 348.7 removed book from inventory 0373794207 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/06/14
347.8 +1 348.8 lost in the mail says book owner 1843605716 apartenberry (USA: MO) 2010/06/12
347.7 +0.1 347.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0385340583 Milla (USA: FL) 2010/06/12
347.6 +0.1 347.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345416597 Victoria (USA: PA) 2010/06/12
347.5 +0.1 347.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0980101883 Victoria (USA: PA) 2010/06/12
347.4 +0.1 347.5 added book to inventory 1418836338 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/06/11
347.3 +0.1 347.4 added book to inventory 0764573136 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/06/11
346.3 +1 347.3 gave points for mooch request 0671796410 Vicki Miclat (USA: NC) 2010/06/11
347.3 -1 346.3 deducted points for mooch request 0061767603 Lisa Chapin (USA: MI) 2010/06/10
348.3 -1 347.3 deducted points for mooch request 0312576366 Rachel (USA: PA) 2010/06/09
349.3 -1 348.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425222977 Maggie (USA: NY) 2010/06/08
351.3 -2 349.3 deducted points for mooch request 193453174X Xeni (Hungary) 2010/06/08
351.2 +0.1 351.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1423113497 Lisa (USA: NV) 2010/06/07
351.1 +0.1 351.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416595163 Andrea (USA: OR) 2010/06/07
353.1 -2 351.1 deducted points for mooch request 1586088998 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/06/05
354.1 -1 353.1 deducted points for mooch request 0385340583 Milla (USA: FL) 2010/06/05
355.1 -1 354.1 deducted points for mooch request 0060889578 matthew_contini (USA: FL) 2010/06/05
357.1 -2 355.1 deducted points for mooch request 141995282X Cara (Canada) 2010/06/04
357 +0.1 357.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425223671 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2010/06/03
356.9 +0.1 357 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758228635 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2010/06/03
356.8 +0.1 356.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425215768 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2010/06/03
356.7 +0.1 356.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425233030 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2010/06/03
356.6 +0.1 356.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425234673 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2010/06/03
356.5 +0.1 356.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419951718 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2010/06/03
356.4 +0.1 356.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419954458 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2010/06/03
356.3 +0.1 356.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0778327809 Heidi (USA: FL) 2010/06/03
356.2 +0.1 356.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061734039 Erika9 (USA: CA) 2010/06/02
357.2 -1 356.2 deducted points for mooch request 0345416597 Victoria (USA: PA) 2010/06/02
358.2 -1 357.2 deducted points for mooch request 0980101883 Victoria (USA: PA) 2010/06/02
358.1 +0.1 358.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451225112 Kary (USA: PA) 2010/06/01
358 +0.1 358.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0399155341 Stephanie (USA: WI) 2010/06/01
357.9 +0.1 358 receiver acknowledged receiving book 042522905X M. Holmes (USA: GA) 2010/06/01
358.9 -1 357.9 deducted points for mooch request 0451462610 AuntLainey (USA: GA) 2010/06/01
359.9 -1 358.9 deducted points for mooch request 1416595163 Andrea (USA: OR) 2010/05/31
358.9 +1 359.9 gave points for mooch request 0534403115 william penner (USA: NV) 2010/05/31
359.9 -1 358.9 deducted points for mooch request 0778327809 Heidi (USA: FL) 2010/05/31
358.9 +1 359.9 gave points for mooch request 0380781433 wanda (USA: OK) 2010/05/30
358.8 +0.1 358.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312357192 Idalia (USA: TX) 2010/05/29
358.7 +0.1 358.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0765361647 Idalia (USA: TX) 2010/05/29
359.7 -1 358.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425223671 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2010/05/28
360.7 -1 359.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758228635 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2010/05/28
361.7 -1 360.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425215768 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2010/05/28
362.7 -1 361.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425233030 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2010/05/28
363.7 -1 362.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425234673 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2010/05/28
364.7 -1 363.7 deducted points for mooch request 1419951718 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2010/05/28
365.7 -1 364.7 deducted points for mooch request 1419954458 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2010/05/28
366.7 -1 365.7 deducted points for mooch request 1423113497 Lisa (USA: NV) 2010/05/28
366.6 +0.1 366.7 added book to inventory 0380781433 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/05/28
367.6 -1 366.6 deducted points for mooch request 0399155341 Stephanie (USA: WI) 2010/05/28
367.5 +0.1 367.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345453239 Teri (USA: NJ) 2010/05/26
367.4 +0.1 367.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416543074 Teri (USA: NJ) 2010/05/26
367.3 +0.1 367.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book B002NBF0IQ Teri (USA: NJ) 2010/05/26
368.3 -1 367.3 deducted points for mooch request 0345500776 kristen (USA: CA) 2010/05/26
369.3 -1 368.3 deducted points for mooch request 1423116399 kristen (USA: CA) 2010/05/26
368.3 +1 369.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 159420182X Janice Johnson (USA: IL) 2010/05/24
369.3 -1 368.3 deducted points for mooch request 0061734039 Erika9 (USA: CA) 2010/05/24
369.2 +0.1 369.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599989859 orla johnston (Ireland) 2010/05/24
371.2 -2 369.2 deducted points for mooch request 1843606542 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/05/24
373.2 -2 371.2 deducted points for mooch request 1843605708 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/05/24
374.2 -1 373.2 deducted points for mooch request 159420182X Janice Johnson (USA: IL) 2010/05/24
373.2 +1 374.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 1416580956 thebookjunkiesbookshelf (USA: WI) 2010/05/22
373.1 +0.1 373.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1605043249 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/05/22
373 +0.1 373.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419953184 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/05/22
372.9 +0.1 373 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1606014242 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/05/22
372.8 +0.1 372.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419951106 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/05/22
373.8 -1 372.8 deducted points for mooch request 0345453239 Teri (USA: NJ) 2010/05/21
374.8 -1 373.8 deducted points for mooch request B002NBF0IQ Teri (USA: NJ) 2010/05/21
375.8 -1 374.8 deducted points for mooch request 1416543074 Teri (USA: NJ) 2010/05/21
375.7 +0.1 375.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061579092 Zana J (USA: NJ) 2010/05/21
375.6 +0.1 375.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0505528223 Mike & Jill Bemis (USA: MN) 2010/05/18
375.5 +0.1 375.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843962976 Mike & Jill Bemis (USA: MN) 2010/05/18
376.5 -1 375.5 deducted points for mooch request 0451225112 Kary (USA: PA) 2010/05/18
377.5 -1 376.5 deducted points for mooch request 0061579092 Zana J (USA: NJ) 2010/05/17
377.4 +0.1 377.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345518225 Tammy (USA: CA) 2010/05/13
377.3 +0.1 377.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0764205730 Jessica (USA: CA) 2010/05/13
376.3 +1 377.3 lost in the mail says book owner 1573443255 apartenberry (USA: MO) 2010/05/13
375.3 +1 376.3 lost in the mail says book owner 0425217078 apartenberry (USA: MO) 2010/05/13
374.3 +1 375.3 lost in the mail says book owner 0758235364 apartenberry (USA: MO) 2010/05/13
372.3 +2 374.3 mooch rejected by book owner 1843606542 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/05/12
370.3 +2 372.3 mooch rejected by book owner 1843605708 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/05/12
372.3 -2 370.3 deducted points for mooch request 1606014242 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/05/12
373.3 -1 372.3 deducted points for mooch request 042522905X M. Holmes (USA: GA) 2010/05/12
373.4 -0.1 373.3 removed book from inventory 0821755706 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/05/11
373.5 -0.1 373.4 removed book from inventory 037329123X kaly (USA: FL) 2010/05/11
373.4 +0.1 373.5 added book to inventory 0373836619 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/05/11
373.3 +0.1 373.4 added book to inventory 1420100009 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/05/11
373.2 +0.1 373.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061376078 Kary (USA: PA) 2010/05/11
374.2 -1 373.2 deducted points for mooch request 0345518225 Tammy (USA: CA) 2010/05/09
375.2 -1 374.2 deducted points for mooch request 0505528223 Mike & Jill Bemis (USA: MN) 2010/05/08
376.2 -1 375.2 deducted points for mooch request 0843962976 Mike & Jill Bemis (USA: MN) 2010/05/08
378.2 -2 376.2 deducted points for mooch request 1599989859 orla johnston (Ireland) 2010/05/08
378.1 +0.1 378.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 042522693X Courtney (USA: NY) 2010/05/08
379.1 -1 378.1 deducted points for mooch request 0312357192 Idalia (USA: TX) 2010/05/08
380.1 -1 379.1 deducted points for mooch request 0765361647 Idalia (USA: TX) 2010/05/08
380.2 -0.1 380.1 removed book from inventory 0312978405 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/05/08
380.3 -0.1 380.2 removed book from inventory 0312978413 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/05/08
380.4 -0.1 380.3 removed book from inventory 0843953004 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/05/08
379.4 +1 380.4 gave points for mooch request 0345480260 A. Anderson (USA: FL) 2010/05/08
376.4 +3 379.4 gave points for mooch request 0843952423 flore (France) 2010/05/07
377.4 -1 376.4 deducted points for mooch request 0764205730 Jessica (USA: CA) 2010/05/05
374.4 +3 377.4 gave points for mooch request 0821780182 Chiaretta (Italia) 2010/05/05
371.4 +3 374.4 gave points for mooch request 0515142166 Chiaretta (Italia) 2010/05/05
371.3 +0.1 371.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0307461351 Sarah Miller (USA: WI) 2010/05/04
371.4 -0.1 371.3 removed book from inventory 0373836619 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/05/03
372.4 -1 371.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0515142166 carla (USA: PA) 2010/05/03
373.4 -1 372.4 deducted points for mooch request 042522693X Courtney (USA: NY) 2010/05/03
373.3 +0.1 373.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425231127 staceynicholas (USA: MO) 2010/05/03
372.3 +1 373.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0786838655 jteal (USA) 2010/05/03
371.3 +1 372.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0810983915 jteal (USA) 2010/05/03
370.3 +1 371.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 1423101472 jteal (USA) 2010/05/03
372.3 -2 370.3 deducted points for mooch request 1419952021 Cara (Canada) 2010/05/03
369.3 +3 372.3 gave points for mooch request 0821714384 flore (France) 2010/05/02
369.4 -0.1 369.3 removed book from inventory 044650582X kaly (USA: FL) 2010/04/30
369.3 +0.1 369.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451228154 PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/30
369.2 +0.1 369.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 075823807X PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/30
369.1 +0.1 369.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758216505 PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/30
368.1 +1 369.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0425216594 Niki (USA: PA) 2010/04/30
369.1 -1 368.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425216594 Niki (USA: PA) 2010/04/29
368.1 +1 369.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0425229610 Caroline (USA: MA) 2010/04/28
369.1 -1 368.1 deducted points for mooch request 0307461351 Sarah Miller (USA: WI) 2010/04/28
370.1 -1 369.1 deducted points for mooch request 0061376078 Kary (USA: PA) 2010/04/28
371.1 -1 370.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451228154 PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/26
372.1 -1 371.1 deducted points for mooch request 075823807X PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/26
373.1 -1 372.1 deducted points for mooch request 0758216505 PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/26
372.1 +1 373.1 gave points for mooch request 0821779435 carla (USA: PA) 2010/04/26
371.1 +1 372.1 gave points for mooch request 0373617739 carla (USA: PA) 2010/04/26
370.1 +1 371.1 gave points for mooch request 0515142166 carla (USA: PA) 2010/04/26
370 +0.1 370.1 added book to inventory 0515142166 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/04/26
369.9 +0.1 370 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0670011940 Margaret (USA: CT) 2010/04/26
369.8 +0.1 369.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425233677 Marleina (USA: CA) 2010/04/26
369.7 +0.1 369.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1933389427 Allison (USA: TX) 2010/04/26
368.7 +1 369.7 gave points for mooch request 0778324540 ANM0106 (USA: GA) 2010/04/26
368.6 +0.1 368.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758228767 PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/24
368.5 +0.1 368.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 045122583X PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/24
368.4 +0.1 368.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451224078 PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/24
368.3 +0.1 368.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 035234539X PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/24
368.2 +0.1 368.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758238010 PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/24
368.1 +0.1 368.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book B002HREKR8 PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/24
368 +0.1 368.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758213921 PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/24
367.9 +0.1 368 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553589741 PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/24
367.8 +0.1 367.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758238258 PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/24
367.7 +0.1 367.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451225163 PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/24
367.6 +0.1 367.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553385119 PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/24
367.5 +0.1 367.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758214642 PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/24
368.5 -1 367.5 deducted points for mooch request 1843605716 apartenberry (USA: MO) 2010/04/22
368.4 +0.1 368.5 added book to inventory 0821714384 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/04/22
370.4 -2 368.4 deducted points for mooch request 1419953184 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/04/21
372.4 -2 370.4 deducted points for mooch request 1843605708 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/04/21
373.4 -1 372.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425231127 staceynicholas (USA: MO) 2010/04/21
373.3 +0.1 373.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 038541305X TheIrishLassKat (USA: NV) 2010/04/21
373.2 +0.1 373.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0352341734 Regina (USA: OR) 2010/04/21
373.1 +0.1 373.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1605041734 Regina (USA: OR) 2010/04/21
373 +0.1 373.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 042522158X Regina (USA: OR) 2010/04/21
374 -1 373 deducted points for mooch request 0425233677 Marleina (USA: CA) 2010/04/21
375 -1 374 deducted points for mooch request 0786838655 jteal (USA) 2010/04/20
376 -1 375 deducted points for mooch request 0810983915 jteal (USA) 2010/04/20
377 -1 376 deducted points for mooch request 1423101472 jteal (USA) 2010/04/20
379 -2 377 deducted points for mooch request 1843606542 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/04/20
378.9 +0.1 379 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425231518 Karen R (USA: FL) 2010/04/19
380.9 -2 378.9 deducted points for mooch request 1419951106 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/04/17
382.9 -2 380.9 deducted points for mooch request 1605043249 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/04/17
382.8 +0.1 382.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0385524692 levitation (USA: CA) 2010/04/17
382.7 +0.1 382.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0352341254 Kary (USA: PA) 2010/04/17
382.8 -0.1 382.7 removed book from inventory 0373294077 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/04/17
379.8 +3 382.8 gave points for mooch request 1420104330 Maarit (Finland) 2010/04/16
376.8 +3 379.8 gave points for mooch request 1551669226 Maarit (Finland) 2010/04/16
376.7 +0.1 376.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599982943 Julie (USA: OH) 2010/04/16
377.7 -1 376.7 deducted points for mooch request 045122583X PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/16
378.7 -1 377.7 deducted points for mooch request 0451224078 PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/16
379.7 -1 378.7 deducted points for mooch request 035234539X PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/16
380.7 -1 379.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758238010 PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/16
381.7 -1 380.7 deducted points for mooch request 0451225163 PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/16
382.7 -1 381.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758238258 PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/16
383.7 -1 382.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758214642 PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/16
384.7 -1 383.7 deducted points for mooch request 0553589741 PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/16
385.7 -1 384.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758228767 PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/16
386.7 -1 385.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758213921 PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/16
387.7 -1 386.7 deducted points for mooch request B002HREKR8 PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/16
388.7 -1 387.7 deducted points for mooch request 0553385119 PanHeadGirl (USA: GA) 2010/04/16
389.7 -1 388.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425231518 Karen R (USA: FL) 2010/04/15
389.6 +0.1 389.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 044654129X lauren (USA: CT) 2010/04/15
389.5 +0.1 389.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843951354 sycoraxpine (USA: HI) 2010/04/15
388.5 +1 389.5 received a smooch sycoraxpine (USA: HI) 2010/04/14
389.5 -1 388.5 deducted points for mooch request 1416580956 thebookjunkiesbookshelf (USA: WI) 2010/04/13
389.4 +0.1 389.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599989697 Terri (USA: MA) 2010/04/13
389.5 -0.1 389.4 removed book from inventory 0373293240 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/04/13
389.6 -0.1 389.5 removed book from inventory 0373293054 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/04/13
389.7 -0.1 389.6 removed book from inventory 1420100475 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/04/13
389.8 -0.1 389.7 removed book from inventory 0821778684 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/04/13
386.8 +3 389.8 gave points for mooch request 0373294611 Zjanette (Netherlands) 2010/04/13
383.8 +3 386.8 gave points for mooch request 141656022X Zjanette (Netherlands) 2010/04/13
383.7 +0.1 383.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061914177 Bryan Sebastian (USA: IL) 2010/04/12
384.7 -1 383.7 deducted points for mooch request 038541305X TheIrishLassKat (USA: NV) 2010/04/11
385.7 -1 384.7 deducted points for mooch request 0385524692 levitation (USA: CA) 2010/04/10
385.6 +0.1 385.7 added book to inventory 1420104330 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/04/10
384.6 +1 385.6 gave points for mooch request 0553574116 Octoberwoman (USA: OK) 2010/04/10
383.6 +1 384.6 gave points for mooch request 0671737627 Octoberwoman (USA: OK) 2010/04/10
382.6 +1 383.6 gave points for mooch request 037325900X Octoberwoman (USA: OK) 2010/04/10
382.7 -0.1 382.6 removed book from inventory 0373792697 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/04/10
382.8 -0.1 382.7 removed book from inventory 0345466209 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/04/10
383.8 -1 382.8 deducted points for mooch request 042522158X Regina (USA: OR) 2010/04/08
384.8 -1 383.8 deducted points for mooch request 0352341734 Regina (USA: OR) 2010/04/08
385.8 -1 384.8 deducted points for mooch request 1605041734 Regina (USA: OR) 2010/04/08
385.9 -0.1 385.8 removed book from inventory 0440243955 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/04/08
382.9 +3 385.9 gave points for mooch request 0061673404 Lady C. (France) 2010/04/08
379.9 +3 382.9 gave points for mooch request 0312939663 Lady C. (France) 2010/04/08
376.9 +3 379.9 gave points for mooch request 0060562498 Ed (Singapore) 2010/04/08
373.9 +3 376.9 gave points for mooch request 0505525208 Ed (Singapore) 2010/04/08
375.9 -2 373.9 deducted points for mooch request 0843951354 sycoraxpine (USA: HI) 2010/04/07
376.9 -1 375.9 deducted points for mooch request 0061914177 Bryan Sebastian (USA: IL) 2010/04/07
377.9 -1 376.9 deducted points for mooch request 044654129X lauren (USA: CT) 2010/04/07
378.9 -1 377.9 deducted points for mooch request 0352341254 Kary (USA: PA) 2010/04/07
379 -0.1 378.9 removed book from inventory 0505524430 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/04/06
379.1 -0.1 379 removed book from inventory 1420100009 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/04/06
378.1 +1 379.1 gave points for mooch request 0825428661 sheebs (USA: MI) 2010/04/05
375.1 +3 378.1 gave points for mooch request 0843955058 sylvie (France) 2010/04/04
372.1 +3 375.1 gave points for mooch request 0425230627 sylvie (France) 2010/04/04
369.1 +3 372.1 gave points for mooch request 1416560254 natasa (Greece) 2010/04/04
366.1 +3 369.1 gave points for mooch request 1416560262 natasa (Greece) 2010/04/04
365.1 +1 366.1 gave points for mooch request 0821780131 Mindy (USA: FL) 2010/04/03
364.1 +1 365.1 gave points for mooch request 0060509112 Mindy (USA: FL) 2010/04/03
363.1 +1 364.1 gave points for mooch request 0843956372 Mindy (USA: FL) 2010/04/03
362.1 +1 363.1 gave points for mooch request 0425210839 Mindy (USA: FL) 2010/04/03
361.1 +1 362.1 gave points for mooch request 0061341584 Donna (USA: WV) 2010/04/03
360.1 +1 361.1 gave points for mooch request 0843954884 Donna (USA: WV) 2010/04/03
360 +0.1 360.1 added book to inventory 0843954884 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/04/03
359.9 +0.1 360 added book to inventory 0060562498 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/04/03
359.8 +0.1 359.9 added book to inventory 0440243955 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/04/03
359.7 +0.1 359.8 added book to inventory 0425210839 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/04/03
359.6 +0.1 359.7 added book to inventory 0061341584 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/04/03
359.5 +0.1 359.6 added book to inventory 1416560254 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/04/03
358.5 +1 359.5 gave points for mooch request 1420101226 Nina (USA: MN) 2010/04/03
357.5 +1 358.5 gave points for mooch request 0373773897 Nina (USA: MN) 2010/04/03
357.4 +0.1 357.5 added book to inventory 0373773897 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/04/03
357.3 +0.1 357.4 added book to inventory 0060876107 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/04/03
357.2 +0.1 357.3 added book to inventory 0425230627 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/04/03
358.2 -1 357.2 deducted points for mooch request 1599989697 Terri (USA: MA) 2010/04/03
358.1 +0.1 358.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451225902 Kary (USA: PA) 2010/04/03
358 +0.1 358.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 045122714X Jennie (USA: IL) 2010/04/03
357.9 +0.1 358 added book to inventory 042519941X kaly (USA: FL) 2010/04/02
356.9 +1 357.9 gave points for mooch request 0373234619 Marlene (USA: CA) 2010/04/01
355.9 +1 356.9 gave points for mooch request 0373234589 Marlene (USA: CA) 2010/04/01
354.9 +1 355.9 gave points for mooch request 0843960485 Nina (USA: MN) 2010/03/30
353.9 +1 354.9 gave points for mooch request 0446581623 ladykhalia (USA: CA) 2010/03/30
352.9 +1 353.9 gave points for mooch request 0425194396 Ellen (USA: VT) 2010/03/30
351.9 +1 352.9 gave points for mooch request 0425141977 Ellen (USA: VT) 2010/03/30
352.9 -1 351.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425229610 Caroline (USA: MA) 2010/03/30
352.8 +0.1 352.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0515118044 Kim S (USA: MO) 2010/03/29
352.7 +0.1 352.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1401921736 Erik Galicki (USA: GA) 2010/03/29
352.6 +0.1 352.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446365335 Kim S (USA: MO) 2010/03/29
352.7 -0.1 352.6 removed book from inventory 0451217365 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/28
352.8 -0.1 352.7 removed book from inventory 042519941X kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/28
352.7 +0.1 352.8 added book to inventory 0843952792 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/27
352.6 +0.1 352.7 added book to inventory 0778320928 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/27
351.6 +1 352.6 gave points for mooch request 0373794886 The Restless Mouse (USA: WA) 2010/03/27
350.6 +1 351.6 gave points for mooch request 0060525193 Aemelia (USA: MI) 2010/03/26
349.6 +1 350.6 gave points for mooch request 0505525895 Aemelia (USA: MI) 2010/03/26
346.6 +3 349.6 gave points for mooch request 0505527502 Debbie S (Canada) 2010/03/26
345.6 +1 346.6 gave points for mooch request 0821781464 sally (USA: ME) 2010/03/26
344.6 +1 345.6 gave points for mooch request 0373294441 sally (USA: ME) 2010/03/26
344.5 +0.1 344.6 added book to inventory 0373294441 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/26
344.4 +0.1 344.5 added book to inventory 0373294077 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/26
344.3 +0.1 344.4 added book to inventory 0843956372 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/26
344.2 +0.1 344.3 added book to inventory 1416560262 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/26
344.1 +0.1 344.2 added book to inventory 0373617739 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/26
344 +0.1 344.1 added book to inventory 0843960485 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/26
343.9 +0.1 344 added book to inventory 1420100475 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/26
343.8 +0.1 343.9 added book to inventory 0505527502 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/26
344.8 -1 343.8 deducted points for mooch request 0670011940 Margaret (USA: CT) 2010/03/26
344.7 +0.1 344.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425226921 Cathy (USA: CA) 2010/03/25
343.7 +1 344.7 received a smooch Eliot () 2010/03/25
342.7 +1 343.7 gave points for mooch request 0671731807 Chandra (USA: MT) 2010/03/24
341.7 +1 342.7 gave points for mooch request 0553579215 Chandra (USA: MT) 2010/03/24
341.6 +0.1 341.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758214065 ScarletTisa (USA: OR) 2010/03/24
341.5 +0.1 341.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758214073 ScarletTisa (USA: OR) 2010/03/24
342.5 -1 341.5 deducted points for mooch request 045122714X Jennie (USA: IL) 2010/03/24
341.5 +1 342.5 gave points for mooch request 0373295162 Nicky B (USA: NY) 2010/03/23
340.5 +1 341.5 gave points for mooch request 0373294794 Nicky B (USA: NY) 2010/03/23
339.5 +1 340.5 gave points for mooch request 0373293003 Nicky B (USA: NY) 2010/03/23
338.5 +1 339.5 gave points for mooch request 0373292961 Nicky B (USA: NY) 2010/03/23
337.5 +1 338.5 gave points for mooch request 0373294808 Nicky B (USA: NY) 2010/03/23
336.5 +1 337.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0743296435 kelly23 (USA: OR) 2010/03/22
337.5 -1 336.5 deducted points for mooch request 0743296435 kelly23 (USA: OR) 2010/03/22
336.5 +1 337.5 gave points for mooch request 0425195252 nymetalhead (USA: NY) 2010/03/22
336.4 +0.1 336.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312360266 Wendy (USA) 2010/03/22
336.3 +0.1 336.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312360304 Wendy (USA) 2010/03/22
336.2 +0.1 336.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312379838 Wendy (USA) 2010/03/22
336.1 +0.1 336.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061450545 Wendy (USA) 2010/03/22
336 +0.1 336.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312360282 Wendy (USA) 2010/03/22
335.9 +0.1 336 receiver acknowledged receiving book 031237982X Wendy (USA) 2010/03/22
335.8 +0.1 335.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821714384 Samantha =0} (USA: AL) 2010/03/22
336.8 -1 335.8 deducted points for mooch request 1599982943 Julie (USA: OH) 2010/03/22
337.8 -1 336.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425226921 Cathy (USA: CA) 2010/03/21
336.8 +1 337.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 1595142517 Christine (USA: CA) 2010/03/21
337.8 -1 336.8 deducted points for mooch request 1401921736 Erik Galicki (USA: GA) 2010/03/21
336.8 +1 337.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 1416547037 mandie (USA: MS) 2010/03/20
335.8 +1 336.8 gave points for mooch request 0446617296 IceQueenTN (USA: TN) 2010/03/20
332.8 +3 335.8 gave points for mooch request 0821777114 Debbie S (Canada) 2010/03/19
332.7 +0.1 332.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758227027 Jenny (Australia) 2010/03/19
332.6 +0.1 332.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 160504279X Jenny (Australia) 2010/03/19
332.5 +0.1 332.6 added book to inventory 0451210298 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/18
332.4 +0.1 332.5 added book to inventory 0446617296 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/18
332.3 +0.1 332.4 added book to inventory 055356918X kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/18
332.2 +0.1 332.3 added book to inventory 0505525208 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/18
332.1 +0.1 332.2 added book to inventory 0425194396 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/18
332 +0.1 332.1 added book to inventory 0060509112 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/18
331.9 +0.1 332 added book to inventory 0553579215 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/18
331.8 +0.1 331.9 added book to inventory 0061673404 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/18
331.7 +0.1 331.8 added book to inventory 0425195252 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/18
331.6 +0.1 331.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758231237 kisah (USA: FL) 2010/03/18
332.6 -1 331.6 deducted points for mooch request 0451225902 Kary (USA: PA) 2010/03/17
333.6 -1 332.6 mooch rejected by book owner 0394824903 rocksursocks (USA: PA) 2010/03/17
333.7 -0.1 333.6 removing book from inventory 0394824903 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/17
332.7 +1 333.7 gave points for mooch request 0425181855 Kay (USA) 2010/03/16
331.7 +1 332.7 gave points for mooch request 0821766813 Sandi (USA: OR) 2010/03/15
330.7 +1 331.7 gave points for mooch request 0451407741 Sandi (USA: OR) 2010/03/15
329.7 +1 330.7 gave points for mooch request 142010165X Sandi (USA: OR) 2010/03/15
328.7 +1 329.7 gave points for mooch request 0373295626 Sandi (USA: OR) 2010/03/15
327.7 +1 328.7 gave points for mooch request 074344275X Sandi (USA: OR) 2010/03/15
326.7 +1 327.7 gave points for mooch request 0373290284 Sandi (USA: OR) 2010/03/15
327.7 -1 326.7 deducted points for mooch request 0312379838 Wendy (USA) 2010/03/15
328.7 -1 327.7 deducted points for mooch request 0312360266 Wendy (USA) 2010/03/15
329.7 -1 328.7 deducted points for mooch request 0312360304 Wendy (USA) 2010/03/15
330.7 -1 329.7 deducted points for mooch request 0061450545 Wendy (USA) 2010/03/15
331.7 -1 330.7 deducted points for mooch request 0312360282 Wendy (USA) 2010/03/15
332.7 -1 331.7 deducted points for mooch request 031237982X Wendy (USA) 2010/03/15
331.7 +1 332.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 1439167516 Suki (USA) 2010/03/12
332.7 -1 331.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758231237 kisah (USA: FL) 2010/03/12
332.6 +0.1 332.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440245443 moompsie (USA: WA) 2010/03/11
332.5 +0.1 332.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book B0030S860A Colleen (USA: NJ) 2010/03/11
332.4 +0.1 332.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758231334 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2010/03/11
332.3 +0.1 332.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425232239 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2010/03/11
331.3 +1 332.3 gave points for mooch request 0821774298 Samantha A. (USA: FL) 2010/03/10
330.3 +1 331.3 gave points for mooch request 0061121800 Samantha A. (USA: FL) 2010/03/10
330.2 +0.1 330.3 added book to inventory 0425141977 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/10
330.3 -0.1 330.2 removed book from inventory 0060534389 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/10
330.2 +0.1 330.3 added book to inventory 0060534389 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/10
330.1 +0.1 330.2 added book to inventory 0061031569 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/10
330 +0.1 330.1 added book to inventory 0425181855 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/10
329 +1 330 gave points for mooch request 0312970021 pamela (USA: OK) 2010/03/10
328 +1 329 gave points for mooch request 0821779737 pamela (USA: OK) 2010/03/10
327.9 +0.1 328 added book to inventory 0821779737 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/09
328 -0.1 327.9 removed book from inventory 0821779737 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/09
329 -1 328 deducted points for mooch request 0515118044 Kim S (USA: MO) 2010/03/08
330 -1 329 deducted points for mooch request 0446365335 Kim S (USA: MO) 2010/03/08
329.9 +0.1 330 added book to inventory 0843955058 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
329.8 +0.1 329.9 added book to inventory 0743442652 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
329.7 +0.1 329.8 added book to inventory 074344275X kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
329.6 +0.1 329.7 added book to inventory 0843952423 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
329.5 +0.1 329.6 added book to inventory 0373293054 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
329.4 +0.1 329.5 added book to inventory 0373276214 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
329.3 +0.1 329.4 added book to inventory 037325900X kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
329.2 +0.1 329.3 added book to inventory 0843952075 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
329.1 +0.1 329.2 added book to inventory 0373294794 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
329 +0.1 329.1 added book to inventory 0821780131 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
328.9 +0.1 329 added book to inventory 142010165X kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
328.8 +0.1 328.9 added book to inventory 0821778684 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
328.7 +0.1 328.8 added book to inventory 0821781464 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
328.6 +0.1 328.7 added book to inventory 0821777114 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
328.5 +0.1 328.6 added book to inventory 0373293240 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
328.4 +0.1 328.5 added book to inventory 0821774298 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
328.3 +0.1 328.4 added book to inventory 0446616109 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
328.2 +0.1 328.3 added book to inventory 0312939663 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
328.1 +0.1 328.2 added book to inventory 0451217365 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
328 +0.1 328.1 added book to inventory 0451407741 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
327.9 +0.1 328 added book to inventory 0373304625 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
327.8 +0.1 327.9 added book to inventory 0373292961 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
327.7 +0.1 327.8 added book to inventory 0373293003 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
327.6 +0.1 327.7 added book to inventory 0373295162 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
327.5 +0.1 327.6 added book to inventory 0373295626 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
327.4 +0.1 327.5 added book to inventory 0373794878 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
327.3 +0.1 327.4 added book to inventory 0373794886 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
327.2 +0.1 327.3 added book to inventory 0373836619 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
327.1 +0.1 327.2 added book to inventory 0821779435 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
327 +0.1 327.1 added book to inventory 0373294808 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
326.9 +0.1 327 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0812980530 Sdunford (USA: NY) 2010/03/08
326.8 +0.1 326.9 added book to inventory 0821779737 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/08
327.8 -1 326.8 deducted points for mooch request 0821714384 Samantha =0} (USA: AL) 2010/03/08
327.7 +0.1 327.8 added book to inventory 141656022X kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/07
326.7 +1 327.7 gave points for mooch request 0843956844 jkeeney (USA: MO) 2010/03/07
325.7 +1 326.7 gave points for mooch request 0373037929 jkeeney (USA: MO) 2010/03/07
324.7 +1 325.7 gave points for mooch request BM122959392170239994 jkeeney (USA: MO) 2010/03/07
321.7 +3 324.7 gave points for mooch request 0821778544 Anna Sipocz (Canada) 2010/03/07
322.7 -1 321.7 deducted points for mooch request 1439167516 Suki (USA) 2010/03/07
323.7 -1 322.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758214073 ScarletTisa (USA: OR) 2010/03/07
324.7 -1 323.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758214065 ScarletTisa (USA: OR) 2010/03/07
324.6 +0.1 324.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 076535778X Dale Mc. (USA: TX) 2010/03/06
324.5 +0.1 324.6 added book to inventory 0821778544 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/06
324.6 -0.1 324.5 removed book from inventory 0843952792 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/06
325.6 -1 324.6 deducted points for mooch request 0440245443 moompsie (USA: WA) 2010/03/06
324.6 +1 325.6 gave points for mooch request 0380762560 deb (USA: FL) 2010/03/05
325.6 -1 324.6 deducted points for mooch request 1595142517 Christine (USA: CA) 2010/03/04
326.6 -1 325.6 deducted points for mooch request B0030S860A Colleen (USA: NJ) 2010/03/04
327.6 -1 326.6 deducted points for mooch request 0758231334 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2010/03/04
328.6 -1 327.6 deducted points for mooch request 0425232239 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2010/03/04
328.5 +0.1 328.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 077832799X Jessica (USA: CA) 2010/03/04
328.4 +0.1 328.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0441017150 Jessica (USA: CA) 2010/03/04
328.5 -0.1 328.4 removed book from inventory 0072123206 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/03
327.5 +1 328.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0425223574 Amanda (USA: KY) 2010/03/03
328.5 -1 327.5 deducted points for mooch request 077832799X Jessica (USA: CA) 2010/03/02
329.5 -1 328.5 deducted points for mooch request 0441017150 Jessica (USA: CA) 2010/03/02
328.5 +1 329.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 0765302306 Jacob (USA: DC) 2010/03/02
327.5 +1 328.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0061662763 Becky K. (USA: IL) - bierbaum (USA: NV) 2010/03/02
328.5 -1 327.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425223574 Amanda (USA: KY) 2010/03/02
328.4 +0.1 328.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425231976 Kay Webb Harrison (USA: VA) 2010/03/01
328.3 +0.1 328.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419953192 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2010/03/01
328.2 +0.1 328.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373605285 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2010/03/01
328.3 -0.1 328.2 removed book from inventory 0440243653 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/03/01
325.3 +3 328.3 gave points for mooch request 0804119309 Anna Sipocz (Canada) 2010/03/01
326.3 -1 325.3 deducted points for mooch request 076535778X Dale Mc. (USA: TX) 2010/02/28
327.3 -1 326.3 deducted points for mooch request 0812980530 Sdunford (USA: NY) 2010/02/28
328.3 -1 327.3 deducted points for mooch request 0061662763 bierbaum (USA: NV) 2010/02/28
328.2 +0.1 328.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451412834 KJ26 (USA: NJ) 2010/02/26
328.1 +0.1 328.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843962968 KJ26 (USA: NJ) 2010/02/26
328 +0.1 328.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312580193 KJ26 (USA: NJ) 2010/02/26
327.9 +0.1 328 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061849332 trudi (USA: CA) 2010/02/25
327.8 +0.1 327.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1420104330 trudi (USA: CA) 2010/02/25
328.8 -1 327.8 deducted points for mooch request 1933389427 Allison (USA: TX) 2010/02/25
327.8 +1 328.8 gave points for mooch request 0394824903 rocksursocks (USA: PA) 2010/02/24
327.7 +0.1 327.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061673420 June (USA: MN) 2010/02/24
327.6 +0.1 327.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061783498 June (USA: MN) 2010/02/24
327.5 +0.1 327.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446541346 June (USA: MN) 2010/02/24
327.4 +0.1 327.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416563687 June (USA: MN) 2010/02/24
327.3 +0.1 327.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416589422 Rachel (USA: MO) 2010/02/24
328.3 -1 327.3 deducted points for mooch request 0451412834 KJ26 (USA: NJ) 2010/02/23
329.3 -1 328.3 deducted points for mooch request 0843962968 KJ26 (USA: NJ) 2010/02/23
330.3 -1 329.3 deducted points for mooch request 0312580193 KJ26 (USA: NJ) 2010/02/23
329.3 +1 330.3 mooch rejected by book owner B001AY88HW Michelle (USA: CA) 2010/02/21
328.3 +1 329.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0425231356 Michelle (USA: CA) 2010/02/21
327.3 +1 328.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 1906590826 mleddy (USA: MN) 2010/02/21
328.3 -1 327.3 deducted points for mooch request 1906590826 mleddy (USA: MN) 2010/02/20
328.2 +0.1 328.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419951505 Tara (USA: MO) 2010/02/20
328.1 +0.1 328.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758221797 Tara (USA: MO) 2010/02/20
328 +0.1 328.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419951254 Tara (USA: MO) 2010/02/20
327.9 +0.1 328 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416589449 blueyedpoet (USA: OH) 2010/02/20
327.8 +0.1 327.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758222769 BettyBamBoo (USA: OK) 2010/02/19
327.7 +0.1 327.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758222807 BettyBamBoo (USA: OK) 2010/02/19
326.7 +1 327.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0425221628 Teaspoon (USA: NY) 2010/02/19
325.7 +1 326.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0060752017 Teaspoon (USA: NY) 2010/02/19
326.7 -1 325.7 deducted points for mooch request 1420104330 trudi (USA: CA) 2010/02/19
327.7 -1 326.7 deducted points for mooch request 0061849332 trudi (USA: CA) 2010/02/19
327.6 +0.1 327.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451224949 candy (USA: NY) 2010/02/16
327.5 +0.1 327.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0786868724 Joyce (USA: OH) 2010/02/16
327.6 -0.1 327.5 removed book from inventory 076890014X kaly (USA: FL) 2010/02/16
328.6 -1 327.6 deducted points for mooch request 0061673420 June (USA: MN) 2010/02/15
329.6 -1 328.6 deducted points for mooch request 0061783498 June (USA: MN) 2010/02/15
330.6 -1 329.6 deducted points for mooch request 0446541346 June (USA: MN) 2010/02/15
331.6 -1 330.6 deducted points for mooch request 1416563687 June (USA: MN) 2010/02/15
332.6 -1 331.6 deducted points for mooch request 0425217078 apartenberry (USA: MO) 2010/02/14
329.6 +3 332.6 gave points for mooch request 0821768239 Debbie S (Canada) 2010/02/13
326.6 +3 329.6 gave points for mooch request 1420106589 Debbie S (Canada) 2010/02/13
326.5 +0.1 326.6 added book to inventory 1420106589 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/02/13
326.4 +0.1 326.5 added book to inventory 0821768239 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/02/13
326.3 +0.1 326.4 added book to inventory 0821755706 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/02/13
326.2 +0.1 326.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373774311 julietexok (USA: TX) 2010/02/13
327.2 -1 326.2 deducted points for mooch request 0765302306 Jacob (USA: DC) 2010/02/12
327.1 +0.1 327.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758222505 Elaine (USA: MN) 2010/02/12
327 +0.1 327.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 042523021X Colleen (USA: NJ) 2010/02/11
326.9 +0.1 327 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425224074 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2010/02/11
327.9 -1 326.9 deducted points for mooch request 1416589422 Rachel (USA: MO) 2010/02/11
328.9 -1 327.9 deducted points for mooch request B001AY88HW Michelle (USA: CA) 2010/02/11
329.9 -1 328.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425231356 Michelle (USA: CA) 2010/02/11
330.9 -1 329.9 deducted points for mooch request 0758222807 BettyBamBoo (USA: OK) 2010/02/10
331.9 -1 330.9 deducted points for mooch request 0758222769 BettyBamBoo (USA: OK) 2010/02/10
332.9 -1 331.9 deducted points for mooch request 0451224949 candy (USA: NY) 2010/02/10
329.9 +3 332.9 gave points for mooch request 0425219607 MarchRose (Italy) 2010/02/09
329.8 +0.1 329.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446401056 aretamay (USA: IL) 2010/02/09
329.7 +0.1 329.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425218716 aretamay (USA: IL) 2010/02/09
329.6 +0.1 329.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061667536 Bertha (USA: FL) 2010/02/08
329.5 +0.1 329.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061667528 Bertha (USA: FL) 2010/02/08
330.5 -1 329.5 deducted points for mooch request 0758222505 Elaine (USA: MN) 2010/02/08
330.4 +0.1 330.5 added book to inventory 0312969058 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/02/07
330.5 -0.1 330.4 removed book from inventory 0778320928 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/02/07
330.6 -0.1 330.5 removed book from inventory 0373294298 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/02/07
330.7 -0.1 330.6 removed book from inventory 0345496698 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/02/07
331.7 -1 330.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425231976 Kay Webb Harrison (USA: VA) 2010/02/06
331.6 +0.1 331.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1586087126 Julie (USA: OH) 2010/02/06
332.6 -1 331.6 deducted points for mooch request 1419951505 Tara (USA: MO) 2010/02/06
333.6 -1 332.6 deducted points for mooch request 1419951254 Tara (USA: MO) 2010/02/06
333.5 +0.1 333.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843607956 Tara (USA: MO) 2010/02/05
333.4 +0.1 333.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419957872 Tara (USA: MO) 2010/02/05
333.3 +0.1 333.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419956388 Tara (USA: MO) 2010/02/05
334.3 -1 333.3 deducted points for mooch request 0061667536 Bertha (USA: FL) 2010/02/05
335.3 -1 334.3 deducted points for mooch request 0061667528 Bertha (USA: FL) 2010/02/05
336.3 -1 335.3 deducted points for mooch request 0373774311 julietexok (USA: TX) 2010/02/05
335.3 +1 336.3 mooch rejected by book owner 1416950079 mollysalyers (USA: WV) 2010/02/05
336.3 -1 335.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425218716 aretamay (USA: IL) 2010/02/05
337.3 -1 336.3 deducted points for mooch request 0446401056 aretamay (USA: IL) 2010/02/05
338.3 -1 337.3 deducted points for mooch request 1416950079 mollysalyers (USA: WV) 2010/02/05
335.3 +3 338.3 gave points for mooch request 0446617679 alisonk (Cyprus) 2010/02/05
332.3 +3 335.3 gave points for mooch request 0312971125 alisonk (Cyprus) 2010/02/05
332.2 +0.1 332.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380767406 Jessica (USA: MN) 2010/02/04
329.2 +3 332.2 gave points for mooch request 0778321711 MarchRose (Italy) 2010/02/04
326.2 +3 329.2 gave points for mooch request 0446618683 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/02/04
325.2 +1 326.2 gave points for mooch request 0373772831 Nancy (USA: NY) 2010/02/04
324.2 +1 325.2 gave points for mooch request 084395745X Nancy (USA: NY) 2010/02/04
323.2 +1 324.2 gave points for mooch request 0373128703 Nancy (USA: NY) 2010/02/04
320.2 +3 323.2 gave points for mooch request 0441816959 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/02/03
320.1 +0.1 320.2 added book to inventory 0441816959 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/02/03
320 +0.1 320.1 added book to inventory 0446617679 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/02/03
319.9 +0.1 320 added book to inventory 0553574116 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/02/03
319.8 +0.1 319.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 080073310X kisah (USA: FL) 2010/02/03
319.7 +0.1 319.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373621310 kisah (USA: FL) 2010/02/03
319.6 +0.1 319.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425220877 kisah (USA: FL) 2010/02/03
319.5 +0.1 319.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425221202 kisah (USA: FL) 2010/02/03
319.4 +0.1 319.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 044640098X stacy (USA: MN) 2010/02/03
319.3 +0.1 319.4 added book to inventory 0425219607 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/02/03
318.3 +1 319.3 gave points for mooch request 0373527446 debbie (USA: DE) 2010/02/03
317.3 +1 318.3 gave points for mooch request 0373128673 debbie (USA: DE) 2010/02/03
316.3 +1 317.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0964729245 mandie (USA: MS) 2010/02/03
317.3 -1 316.3 deducted points for mooch request 1416547037 mandie (USA: MS) 2010/02/03
318.3 -1 317.3 deducted points for mooch request 0964729245 mandie (USA: MS) 2010/02/03
318.2 +0.1 318.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416550895 Tara (USA: MO) 2010/02/02
318.1 +0.1 318.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1933389788 Tara (USA: MO) 2010/02/02
318 +0.1 318.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599987767 Tara (USA: MO) 2010/02/02
317.9 +0.1 318 receiver acknowledged receiving book 141655503X Tara (USA: MO) 2010/02/02
314.9 +3 317.9 gave points for mooch request 0373295715 Debbie S (Canada) 2010/02/02
314.8 +0.1 314.9 added book to inventory 0373295715 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/02/02
314.7 +0.1 314.8 added book to inventory 0373128703 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/02/02
314.6 +0.1 314.7 added book to inventory 0373128673 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/02/02
314.5 +0.1 314.6 added book to inventory 0373527446 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/02/02
315.5 -1 314.5 deducted points for mooch request 0758221797 Tara (USA: MO) 2010/02/02
315.4 +0.1 315.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451223055 Kary (USA: PA) 2010/02/01
315.3 +0.1 315.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1402210760 julietexok (USA: TX) 2010/02/01
315.2 +0.1 315.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 044640103X julietexok (USA: TX) 2010/02/01
315.1 +0.1 315.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451412710 julietexok (USA: TX) 2010/02/01
315 +0.1 315.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451227360 julietexok (USA: TX) 2010/02/01
316 -1 315 deducted points for mooch request 0425224074 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2010/01/31
317 -1 316 deducted points for mooch request 042523021X Colleen (USA: NJ) 2010/01/31
318 -1 317 deducted points for mooch request 1416589449 blueyedpoet (USA: OH) 2010/01/31
315 +3 318 gave points for mooch request 0446540293 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2010/01/31
314 +1 315 gave points for mooch request 1416558527 Tara (USA: MO) 2010/01/30
313.9 +0.1 314 added book to inventory 1416558527 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/01/30
314.9 -1 313.9 deducted points for mooch request 1419956388 Tara (USA: MO) 2010/01/30
315.9 -1 314.9 deducted points for mooch request 1843607956 Tara (USA: MO) 2010/01/30
316.9 -1 315.9 deducted points for mooch request 1419957872 Tara (USA: MO) 2010/01/30
316.8 +0.1 316.9 added book to inventory 0446540293 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/01/30
315.8 +1 316.8 gave points for mooch request 0821778544 Rita (USA: NJ) 2010/01/29
316.8 -1 315.8 deducted points for mooch request 1586087126 Julie (USA: OH) 2010/01/29
317.8 -1 316.8 deducted points for mooch request 0451223055 Kary (USA: PA) 2010/01/29
317.9 -0.1 317.8 removed book from inventory 0821753789 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/01/27
318 -0.1 317.9 removed book from inventory 0821780174 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/01/27
317.9 +0.1 318 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451461525 Beckers (Australia) 2010/01/27
317.8 +0.1 317.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451460936 Beckers (Australia) 2010/01/27
317.7 +0.1 317.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451461991 Beckers (Australia) 2010/01/27
316.7 +1 317.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0312942214 Megen Michelle Delaney (USA: ND) 2010/01/27
317.7 -1 316.7 deducted points for mooch request 0312942214 Megen Michelle Delaney (USA: ND) 2010/01/27
317.6 +0.1 317.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061429899 Carolyn (USA: TX) 2010/01/25
317.5 +0.1 317.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425219321 VeraMarie (USA) 2010/01/25
318.5 -1 317.5 deducted points for mooch request 1573443255 apartenberry (USA: MO) 2010/01/24
319.5 -1 318.5 deducted points for mooch request 0758235364 apartenberry (USA: MO) 2010/01/24
320.5 -1 319.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 0394824903 Ursula (USA: VA) 2010/01/24
319.5 +1 320.5 gave points for mooch request 0394824903 Ursula (USA: VA) 2010/01/24
320.5 -1 319.5 deducted points for mooch request 080073310X kisah (USA: FL) 2010/01/24
321.5 -1 320.5 deducted points for mooch request 0373621310 kisah (USA: FL) 2010/01/24
322.5 -1 321.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425220877 kisah (USA: FL) 2010/01/24
323.5 -1 322.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425221202 kisah (USA: FL) 2010/01/24
322.5 +1 323.5 gave points for mooch request 0380818329 Carolyn (USA: MI) 2010/01/21
321.5 +1 322.5 gave points for mooch request 0553583557 Carolyn (USA: MI) 2010/01/21
321.4 +0.1 321.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440245001 Jane (USA: NC) 2010/01/20
320.4 +1 321.4 mooch rejected by book owner 1603940022 Hope (USA: NV) 2010/01/20
321.4 -1 320.4 deducted points for mooch request 1603940022 Hope (USA: NV) 2010/01/20
322.4 -1 321.4 deducted points for mooch request 0060752017 Teaspoon (USA: NY) 2010/01/18
323.4 -1 322.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425221628 Teaspoon (USA: NY) 2010/01/18
324.4 -1 323.4 deducted points for mooch request 1402210760 julietexok (USA: TX) 2010/01/18
325.4 -1 324.4 deducted points for mooch request 0451460936 Beckers (Australia) 2010/01/18
326.4 -1 325.4 deducted points for mooch request 0451461991 Beckers (Australia) 2010/01/18
327.4 -1 326.4 deducted points for mooch request 0451461525 Beckers (Australia) 2010/01/18
328.4 -1 327.4 deducted points for mooch request 0451412710 julietexok (USA: TX) 2010/01/18
329.4 -1 328.4 deducted points for mooch request 0451227360 julietexok (USA: TX) 2010/01/18
330.4 -1 329.4 deducted points for mooch request 044640103X julietexok (USA: TX) 2010/01/18
327.4 +3 330.4 gave points for mooch request 0821768719 Debbie S (Canada) 2010/01/17
327.5 -0.1 327.4 removed book from inventory 0843950870 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/01/16
328.5 -1 327.5 deducted points for mooch request 0061429899 Carolyn (USA: TX) 2010/01/15
329.5 -1 328.5 deducted points for mooch request 0440245001 Jane (USA: NC) 2010/01/14
328.5 +1 329.5 gave points for mooch request 0373617909 Heather Rees (USA: ID) 2010/01/14
328.6 -0.1 328.5 removed book from inventory 037379228X kaly (USA: FL) 2010/01/13
328.7 -0.1 328.6 removed book from inventory 0373792719 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/01/13
327.7 +1 328.7 gave points for mooch request 1934625582 Tara (USA: MO) 2010/01/12
326.7 +1 327.7 gave points for mooch request 1419956353 Tara (USA: MO) 2010/01/12
326.6 +0.1 326.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425213617 Kathy M. (USA: VA) 2010/01/12
326.5 +0.1 326.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 075821765X Kathy M. (USA: VA) 2010/01/12
326.4 +0.1 326.5 added book to inventory 1419956353 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/01/12
326.3 +0.1 326.4 added book to inventory 1934625582 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/01/12
327.3 -1 326.3 deducted points for mooch request 1599987767 Tara (USA: MO) 2010/01/11
327.4 -0.1 327.3 removed book from inventory 1599982145 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/01/10
324.4 +3 327.4 gave points for mooch request 0553762834 Debbie S (Canada) 2010/01/10
324.3 +0.1 324.4 added book to inventory 1599982145 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/01/10
324.2 +0.1 324.3 added book to inventory 0553762834 kaly (USA: FL) 2010/01/10
325.2 -1 324.2 deducted points for mooch request 1416550895 Tara (USA: MO) 2010/01/08
326.2 -1 325.2 deducted points for mooch request 1933389788 Tara (USA: MO) 2010/01/08
327.2 -1 326.2 deducted points for mooch request 141655503X Tara (USA: MO) 2010/01/08
327.1 +0.1 327.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0515147184 Tiz Cooley (USA: NY) 2010/01/08
328.1 -1 327.1 deducted points for mooch request 0380767406 Jessica (USA: MN) 2010/01/07
327.1 +1 328.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0061031534 kickee (USA: MD) 2010/01/07
327 +0.1 327.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 006166751X Bertha (USA: FL) 2010/01/07
326.9 +0.1 327 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373773927 Bertha (USA: FL) 2010/01/07
326.8 +0.1 326.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451226720 Bertha (USA: FL) 2010/01/07
326.7 +0.1 326.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416974504 Beckers (Australia) 2010/01/07
326.6 +0.1 326.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373774230 Bertha (USA: FL) 2010/01/07
326.5 +0.1 326.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0385736819 Darcey (USA: OK) 2010/01/07
326.4 +0.1 326.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0515147001 Bertha (USA: FL) 2010/01/07
326.3 +0.1 326.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451227700 Bertha (USA: FL) 2010/01/07
326.2 +0.1 326.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 031294795X Bertha (USA: FL) 2010/01/07
326.1 +0.1 326.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425225550 Bertha (USA: FL) 2010/01/07
327.1 -1 326.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0373792697 Nina (USA: MN) 2010/01/06
328.1 -1 327.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425213617 Kathy M. (USA: VA) 2010/01/06
329.1 -1 328.1 deducted points for mooch request 075821765X Kathy M. (USA: VA) 2010/01/06
330.1 -1 329.1 deducted points for mooch request 0061031534 kickee (USA: MD) 2010/01/06
332.1 -2 330.1 deducted points for mooch request 0758227027 Jenny (Australia) 2010/01/06
331.1 +1 332.1 gave points for mooch request 0821765981 Queen Bee (USA: WV) 2010/01/05
332.1 -1 331.1 deducted points for mooch request 044640098X stacy (USA: MN) 2010/01/05
333.1 -1 332.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0394824903 Shannon Geyer (USA: OH) 2010/01/04
332.1 +1 333.1 gave points for mooch request 0451198646 ptlonestar (USA: TX) 2010/01/03
333.1 -1 332.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425219321 VeraMarie (USA) 2010/01/03
332.1 +1 333.1 gave points for mooch request 0394824903 Shannon Geyer (USA: OH) 2010/01/03
333.1 -1 332.1 deducted points for mooch request 0515147184 Tiz Cooley (USA: NY) 2010/01/03
335.1 -2 333.1 deducted points for mooch request 160504279X Jenny (Australia) 2010/01/02
333.1 +2 335.1 lost in the mail says book owner 1586086634 Jan Barnes (United Kingdom) 2010/01/01
334.1 -1 333.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451226720 Bertha (USA: FL) 2009/12/31
335.1 -1 334.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425225550 Bertha (USA: FL) 2009/12/31
336.1 -1 335.1 deducted points for mooch request 031294795X Bertha (USA: FL) 2009/12/31
337.1 -1 336.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451227700 Bertha (USA: FL) 2009/12/31
338.1 -1 337.1 deducted points for mooch request 0515147001 Bertha (USA: FL) 2009/12/31
339.1 -1 338.1 deducted points for mooch request 0385736819 Darcey (USA: OK) 2009/12/31
340.1 -1 339.1 deducted points for mooch request 0373774230 Bertha (USA: FL) 2009/12/31
341.1 -1 340.1 deducted points for mooch request 1416974504 Beckers (Australia) 2009/12/31
342.1 -1 341.1 deducted points for mooch request 006166751X Bertha (USA: FL) 2009/12/31
343.1 -1 342.1 deducted points for mooch request 0373773927 Bertha (USA: FL) 2009/12/31
343 +0.1 343.1 added book to inventory 0373249330 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/12/30
342 +1 343 gave points for mooch request 0373293208 Carole (USA: OR) 2009/12/29
341 +1 342 gave points for mooch request 0263827577 Carole (USA: OR) 2009/12/29
339 +2 341 mooch rejected by book owner 1594268886 Az (Netherlands) 2009/12/29
338.9 +0.1 339 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1594201927 smpayton (USA: AR) 2009/12/25
337.9 +1 338.9 gave points for mooch request 0373792697 Nina (USA: MN) 2009/12/24
337.8 +0.1 337.9 added book to inventory 0394824903 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/12/24
337.7 +0.1 337.8 added book to inventory 0590401815 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/12/24
338.7 -1 337.7 deducted points for mooch request 0786868724 Joyce (USA: OH) 2009/12/21
337.7 +1 338.7 gave points for mooch request 0778320650 Arline Todd (USA: TX) 2009/12/20
336.7 +1 337.7 gave points for mooch request 0373617925 Arline Todd (USA: TX) 2009/12/20
336.6 +0.1 336.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1606015125 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/12/18
336.5 +0.1 336.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1596328584 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/12/18
336.4 +0.1 336.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451225007 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/12/18
336.3 +0.1 336.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843608952 Anna (USA: MN) 2009/12/16
336.2 +0.1 336.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425215903 Anna (USA: MN) 2009/12/16
336.1 +0.1 336.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758234635 Anna (USA: MN) 2009/12/16
336 +0.1 336.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425224643 Anna (USA: MN) 2009/12/16
335.9 +0.1 336 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373605358 sylvie (France) 2009/12/16
335.8 +0.1 335.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1605041483 Anna (USA: MN) 2009/12/16
334.8 +1 335.8 gave points for mooch request 0373618042 Mary Spurgeon (USA: GA) 2009/12/16
333.8 +1 334.8 gave points for mooch request 0373618069 Mary Spurgeon (USA: GA) 2009/12/16
332.8 +1 333.8 gave points for mooch request 0373617798 Mary Spurgeon (USA: GA) 2009/12/16
331.8 +1 332.8 gave points for mooch request 0061787361 Mary Spurgeon (USA: GA) 2009/12/16
331.7 +0.1 331.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419953966 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2009/12/15
331.6 +0.1 331.7 added book to inventory 0061787361 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/12/15
331.7 -0.1 331.6 removed book from inventory 0425221989 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/12/15
330.7 +1 331.7 gave points for mooch request 0373294921 Dalerae (USA: OH) 2009/12/14
329.7 +1 330.7 gave points for mooch request 0451409426 Dalerae (USA: OH) 2009/12/14
329.6 +0.1 329.7 added book to inventory 0446581623 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/12/14
330.6 -1 329.6 deducted points for mooch request 1594201927 smpayton (USA: AR) 2009/12/13
329.6 +1 330.6 gave points for mooch request 0312948247 Mindy (USA: FL) 2009/12/12
328.6 +1 329.6 gave points for mooch request 038080364X Mindy (USA: FL) 2009/12/12
327.6 +1 328.6 gave points for mooch request 0375411089 Jeremy (USA: WA) 2009/12/12
326.6 +1 327.6 gave points for mooch request 034538167X Jeremy (USA: WA) 2009/12/12
325.6 +1 326.6 gave points for mooch request 0373617615 Cheryl Rogers (USA: TX) 2009/12/12
324.6 +1 325.6 gave points for mooch request 0373617844 Cheryl Rogers (USA: TX) 2009/12/12
324.5 +0.1 324.6 added book to inventory 0373617615 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/12/12
324.4 +0.1 324.5 added book to inventory 0373617925 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/12/12
324.3 +0.1 324.4 added book to inventory 0373618042 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/12/12
324.2 +0.1 324.3 added book to inventory 0373617909 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/12/12
324.1 +0.1 324.2 added book to inventory 0373617844 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/12/12
324 +0.1 324.1 added book to inventory 0373617798 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/12/12
323.9 +0.1 324 added book to inventory 034538167X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/12/12
323.8 +0.1 323.9 added book to inventory 0373618069 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/12/12
323.7 +0.1 323.8 added book to inventory 038080364X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/12/12
324.7 -1 323.7 deducted points for mooch request 1419953966 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2009/12/09
321.7 +3 324.7 gave points for mooch request 0743466497 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/12/08
321.6 +0.1 321.7 added book to inventory 0743466497 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/12/08
321.7 -0.1 321.6 removed book from inventory 0843955651 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/12/08
321.6 +0.1 321.7 added book to inventory 0312978405 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/12/08
320.6 +1 321.6 lost in the mail says book owner 0758228724 Elizabeth Sanders (USA: CA) 2009/12/07
319.6 +1 320.6 lost in the mail says book owner 0758225466 Elizabeth Sanders (USA: CA) 2009/12/07
318.6 +1 319.6 mooch rejected by book owner 0758225156 merritt (USA: FL) 2009/12/07
319.6 -1 318.6 deducted points for mooch request 0758225156 merritt (USA: FL) 2009/12/07
320.6 -1 319.6 deducted points for mooch request 0758228724 Elizabeth Sanders (USA: CA) 2009/12/06
321.6 -1 320.6 deducted points for mooch request 0758225466 Elizabeth Sanders (USA: CA) 2009/12/06
323.6 -2 321.6 deducted points for mooch request 0373605358 sylvie (France) 2009/12/06
324.6 -1 323.6 deducted points for mooch request 0425215903 Anna (USA: MN) 2009/12/05
325.6 -1 324.6 deducted points for mooch request 0758234635 Anna (USA: MN) 2009/12/05
326.6 -1 325.6 deducted points for mooch request 0425224643 Anna (USA: MN) 2009/12/05
326.5 +0.1 326.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 038551705X shauna227 (USA: KS) 2009/12/05
323.5 +3 326.5 gave points for mooch request 0312943083 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/12/04
320.5 +3 323.5 gave points for mooch request 1420101307 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/12/04
317.5 +3 320.5 gave points for mooch request 0505525887 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/12/04
318.5 -1 317.5 deducted points for mooch request 1843608952 Anna (USA: MN) 2009/12/04
319.5 -1 318.5 deducted points for mooch request 1605041483 Anna (USA: MN) 2009/12/04
319.4 +0.1 319.5 added book to inventory 0505525887 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/12/04
318.4 +1 319.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0061939897 Sara (USA: NY) 2009/12/04
318.3 +0.1 318.4 added book to inventory 1420101307 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/12/04
318.2 +0.1 318.3 added book to inventory 0312943083 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/12/04
318.3 -0.1 318.2 removed book from inventory 0312969058 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/12/02
318.4 -0.1 318.3 removed book from inventory 0425174816 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/12/02
318.3 +0.1 318.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451412710 KAT (USA: GA) 2009/11/30
318.2 +0.1 318.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425206157 KAT (USA: GA) 2009/11/30
318.1 +0.1 318.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312939620 KAT (USA: GA) 2009/11/30
318 +0.1 318.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416593659 KAT (USA: GA) 2009/11/30
317.9 +0.1 318 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451412621 KAT (USA: GA) 2009/11/30
317.8 +0.1 317.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0441014739 KAT (USA: GA) 2009/11/30
317.7 +0.1 317.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1586087290 Cara (Canada) 2009/11/30
317.6 +0.1 317.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1586088351 Cara (Canada) 2009/11/30
318.6 -1 317.6 deducted points for mooch request 038551705X shauna227 (USA: KS) 2009/11/30
317.6 +1 318.6 gave points for mooch request 0758214693 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/11/28
316.6 +1 317.6 gave points for mooch request 0312983336 Jenn (USA: FL) 2009/11/27
315.6 +1 316.6 gave points for mooch request 0373810768 Jenn (USA: FL) 2009/11/27
315.5 +0.1 315.6 added book to inventory 0758214693 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/11/27
316.5 -1 315.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425206157 KAT (USA: GA) 2009/11/27
317.5 -1 316.5 deducted points for mooch request 0312939620 KAT (USA: GA) 2009/11/27
318.5 -1 317.5 deducted points for mooch request 1416593659 KAT (USA: GA) 2009/11/27
319.5 -1 318.5 deducted points for mooch request 0451412710 KAT (USA: GA) 2009/11/27
320.5 -1 319.5 deducted points for mooch request 0441014739 KAT (USA: GA) 2009/11/27
321.5 -1 320.5 deducted points for mooch request 0451412621 KAT (USA: GA) 2009/11/27
320.5 +1 321.5 gave points for mooch request 0373305362 Linda C (USA: NY) 2009/11/27
319.5 +1 320.5 gave points for mooch request 0843951885 Linda C (USA: NY) 2009/11/27
318.5 +1 319.5 gave points for mooch request 0312970293 Linda C (USA: NY) 2009/11/27
318.4 +0.1 318.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419955985 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/11/24
318.3 +0.1 318.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312367783 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/11/24
318.2 +0.1 318.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419953176 smelz (USA: TX) 2009/11/24
318.1 +0.1 318.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440220807 Kiki (Germany) 2009/11/24
318 +0.1 318.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1934531316 Kiki (Germany) 2009/11/24
317.9 +0.1 318 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1934531103 Kiki (Germany) 2009/11/24
317.8 +0.1 317.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599983664 Kiki (Germany) 2009/11/24
317.7 +0.1 317.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599986361 Kiki (Germany) 2009/11/24
317.6 +0.1 317.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1934531936 Kiki (Germany) 2009/11/24
314.6 +3 317.6 gave points for mooch request 0425198049 Stéphanie (France) 2009/11/24
311.6 +3 314.6 gave points for mooch request 0843954523 Stéphanie (France) 2009/11/24
310.6 +1 311.6 gave points for mooch request 0373295243 BonesTCJmom (USA: TX) 2009/11/23
309.6 +1 310.6 gave points for mooch request 037329509X BonesTCJmom (USA: TX) 2009/11/23
308.6 +1 309.6 gave points for mooch request 0061243388 book momma (USA: MO) 2009/11/22
307.6 +1 308.6 gave points for mooch request 0380762595 book momma (USA: MO) 2009/11/22
306.6 +1 307.6 gave points for mooch request 0446365386 Nico (USA: NY) 2009/11/21
308.6 -2 306.6 deducted points for mooch request 1606015125 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/11/21
307.6 +1 308.6 gave points for mooch request 0440425573 Sara Maz (USA: NY) 2009/11/21
306.6 +1 307.6 gave points for mooch request 0385417845 Sara Maz (USA: NY) 2009/11/21
305.6 +1 306.6 gave points for mooch request 0451216393 Sara Maz (USA: NY) 2009/11/21
304.6 +1 305.6 gave points for mooch request 0446403237 PRDAFW (USA: NY) 2009/11/21
301.6 +3 304.6 gave points for mooch request 0312932782 irishbooklover (Ireland) 2009/11/21
301.5 +0.1 301.6 added book to inventory 0446365386 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/11/20
301.4 +0.1 301.5 added book to inventory 0345480260 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/11/20
301.3 +0.1 301.4 added book to inventory 0446403237 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/11/20
301.2 +0.1 301.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952242 melissa (Canada) 2009/11/19
301.1 +0.1 301.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419956000 melissa (Canada) 2009/11/19
303.1 -2 301.1 deducted points for mooch request 1594268886 Az (Netherlands) 2009/11/18
304.1 -1 303.1 deducted points for mooch request 0061939897 Sara (USA: NY) 2009/11/18
303.1 +1 304.1 gave points for mooch request 051513452X Lucindasue (USA: FL) 2009/11/17
303 +0.1 303.1 added book to inventory 051513452X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/11/17
300 +3 303 gave points for mooch request 0821778218 Juliet982 (Venezuela) 2009/11/17
297 +3 300 gave points for mooch request 0446502049 Juliet982 (Venezuela) 2009/11/17
296.9 +0.1 297 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373605293 smelz (USA: TX) 2009/11/17
297.9 -1 296.9 deducted points for mooch request 0312367783 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/11/17
297.8 +0.1 297.9 added book to inventory 0446502049 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/11/16
297.9 -0.1 297.8 removed book from inventory 0373781350 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/11/16
296.9 +1 297.9 gave points for mooch request 0312992823 Jean Mclaughlin (USA: LA) 2009/11/16
297.9 -1 296.9 deducted points for mooch request 1419953176 smelz (USA: TX) 2009/11/14
297.8 +0.1 297.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312943083 Stephanie (USA: CA) 2009/11/14
299.8 -2 297.8 deducted points for mooch request 0440220807 Kiki (Germany) 2009/11/14
298.8 +1 299.8 gave points for mooch request 082177512X Sarah (USA: TX) 2009/11/13
297.8 +1 298.8 gave points for mooch request 0821780549 Sarah (USA: TX) 2009/11/13
297.7 +0.1 297.8 added book to inventory 0505525895 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/11/13
297.6 +0.1 297.7 added book to inventory 0451216393 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/11/13
296.6 +1 297.6 gave points for mooch request 0758207735 Pamsta (USA: MA) 2009/11/11
295.6 +1 296.6 gave points for mooch request 0373617488 Pamsta (USA: MA) 2009/11/11
296.6 -1 295.6 deducted points for mooch request 0312943083 Stephanie (USA: CA) 2009/11/11
293.6 +3 296.6 gave points for mooch request 0843953071 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/11/11
292.6 +1 293.6 gave points for mooch request BM1235157249496331808 Cam Bonham (USA: AK) 2009/11/09
291.6 +1 292.6 gave points for mooch request 0425179885 Cam Bonham (USA: AK) 2009/11/09
290.6 +1 291.6 gave points for mooch request 0425215687 Cam Bonham (USA: AK) 2009/11/09
290.5 +0.1 290.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061667528 Stacy (USA: IL) 2009/11/09
290.4 +0.1 290.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 006166751X Michaela (USA: CA) 2009/11/09
290.3 +0.1 290.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373773994 Michaela (USA: CA) 2009/11/09
289.3 +1 290.3 gave points for mooch request 0446612952 LaVonne (USA: MN) 2009/11/07
288.3 +1 289.3 gave points for mooch request 0821777661 LaVonne (USA: MN) 2009/11/07
287.3 +1 288.3 gave points for mooch request 0758204310 LaVonne (USA: MN) 2009/11/07
286.3 +1 287.3 gave points for mooch request 1551667150 LaVonne (USA: MN) 2009/11/07
285.3 +1 286.3 gave points for mooch request 0312939078 LaVonne (USA: MN) 2009/11/07
284.3 +1 285.3 gave points for mooch request 0440243955 LaVonne (USA: MN) 2009/11/07
286.3 -2 284.3 deducted points for mooch request 1586087290 Cara (Canada) 2009/11/06
288.3 -2 286.3 deducted points for mooch request 1586088351 Cara (Canada) 2009/11/06
289.3 -1 288.3 deducted points for mooch request 0373773994 Michaela (USA: CA) 2009/11/05
290.3 -1 289.3 deducted points for mooch request 006166751X Michaela (USA: CA) 2009/11/05
289.3 +1 290.3 gave points for mooch request 0373295235 Sara (USA: MN) 2009/11/05
288.3 +1 289.3 gave points for mooch request 0743487826 Sara (USA: MN) 2009/11/05
287.3 +1 288.3 gave points for mooch request 0821751867 Glaze Girls (USA: TX) 2009/11/03
289.3 -2 287.3 deducted points for mooch request 0451225007 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/11/03
291.3 -2 289.3 deducted points for mooch request 1596328584 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/11/03
291.2 +0.1 291.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061767581 Vickie R. (USA: NY) 2009/11/03
294.2 -3 291.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0451198646 Ronnie (Australia) 2009/11/02
297.2 -3 294.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0804119309 Ronnie (Australia) 2009/11/02
298.2 -1 297.2 deducted points for mooch request 0061667528 Stacy (USA: IL) 2009/11/02
297.2 +1 298.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 1416599142 lilsis75 (USA: IN) 2009/11/02
296.2 +1 297.2 gave points for mooch request 0743442660 jen121475 (USA: AR) 2009/11/02
296.1 +0.1 296.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1602860912 Caitlin (USA: FL) 2009/10/31
296 +0.1 296.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425227707 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2009/10/31
298 -2 296 deducted points for mooch request 1419952242 melissa (Canada) 2009/10/30
297 +1 298 gave points for mooch request 0821772392 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/10/29
298 -1 297 deducted points for mooch request 0061767581 Vickie R. (USA: NY) 2009/10/29
299 -1 298 deducted points for mooch request 1602860912 Caitlin (USA: FL) 2009/10/28
298.9 +0.1 299 added book to inventory 0821772392 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/27
297.9 +1 298.9 gave points for mooch request 0843935405 Hildegard Klausser (USA: NY) 2009/10/26
296.9 +1 297.9 gave points for mooch request 0843936932 Hildegard Klausser (USA: NY) 2009/10/26
295.9 +1 296.9 gave points for mooch request 0061373230 Hildegard Klausser (USA: NY) 2009/10/26
294.9 +1 295.9 gave points for mooch request 037361764X Pamsta (USA: MA) 2009/10/26
293.9 +1 294.9 gave points for mooch request 0446612960 Pamsta (USA: MA) 2009/10/26
294.9 -1 293.9 deducted points for mooch request 1416599142 lilsis75 (USA: IN) 2009/10/26
293.9 +1 294.9 gave points for mooch request 067103264X Leigh Ann (USA: NC) 2009/10/26
294.9 -1 293.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425227707 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2009/10/25
293.9 +1 294.9 gave points for mooch request 0505527502 smelz (USA: TX) 2009/10/25
292.9 +1 293.9 gave points for mooch request 0425208885 smelz (USA: TX) 2009/10/25
291.9 +1 292.9 gave points for mooch request 0425218708 smelz (USA: TX) 2009/10/25
288.9 +3 291.9 gave points for mooch request 0505523833 Eye (Ireland) 2009/10/25
285.9 +3 288.9 gave points for mooch request 0060565411 Eye (Ireland) 2009/10/25
284.9 +1 285.9 gave points for mooch request 0312933878 Nicky B (USA: NY) 2009/10/25
283.9 +1 284.9 gave points for mooch request 0373294824 Nicky B (USA: NY) 2009/10/25
282.9 +1 283.9 gave points for mooch request 0373294506 Nicky B (USA: NY) 2009/10/25
281.9 +1 282.9 gave points for mooch request 0373292880 Nicky B (USA: NY) 2009/10/25
280.9 +1 281.9 gave points for mooch request 0312931271 Nicky B (USA: NY) 2009/10/25
279.9 +1 280.9 gave points for mooch request 0373295138 Nicky B (USA: NY) 2009/10/25
278.9 +1 279.9 gave points for mooch request 0505525917 Nicky B (USA: NY) 2009/10/25
275.9 +3 278.9 gave points for mooch request 0345485211 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/10/25
274.9 +1 275.9 gave points for mooch request 0373691955 Mary (USA: FL) 2009/10/25
273.9 +1 274.9 gave points for mooch request 0671601296 Mary (USA: FL) 2009/10/25
272.9 +1 273.9 gave points for mooch request 0373791739 Mary (USA: FL) 2009/10/25
269.9 +3 272.9 gave points for mooch request 031294098X irishbooklover (Ireland) 2009/10/25
266.9 +3 269.9 gave points for mooch request 0743457455 Caitie (Canada) 2009/10/24
266.8 +0.1 266.9 added book to inventory 0743457455 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
263.8 +3 266.8 gave points for mooch request 0380795817 caroan (Canada) 2009/10/24
260.8 +3 263.8 gave points for mooch request 0743486250 caroan (Canada) 2009/10/24
257.8 +3 260.8 gave points for mooch request 0505527081 Carol (United Kingdom) 2009/10/24
257.7 +0.1 257.8 added book to inventory 0505527081 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
256.7 +1 257.7 gave points for mooch request 0446619124 Mindy (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
256.6 +0.1 256.7 added book to inventory 0425218708 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
256.5 +0.1 256.6 added book to inventory 0345485211 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
255.5 +1 256.5 gave points for mooch request 0743469968 Mindy (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
254.5 +1 255.5 gave points for mooch request 0743469941 Mindy (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
254.4 +0.1 254.5 added book to inventory 0778320928 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
254.3 +0.1 254.4 added book to inventory 0425221989 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
254.2 +0.1 254.3 added book to inventory 0440243653 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
254.1 +0.1 254.2 added book to inventory 0843936932 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
254 +0.1 254.1 added book to inventory 0373836953 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
253.9 +0.1 254 added book to inventory 0373794207 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
253.8 +0.1 253.9 added book to inventory 0373792697 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
253.7 +0.1 253.8 added book to inventory 0373792719 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
253.6 +0.1 253.7 added book to inventory 0373691955 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
253.5 +0.1 253.6 added book to inventory 037329509X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
253.4 +0.1 253.5 added book to inventory 0373294921 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
253.3 +0.1 253.4 added book to inventory 0843935405 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
253.2 +0.1 253.3 added book to inventory 037379228X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
253.1 +0.1 253.2 added book to inventory 0373295138 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
252.1 +1 253.1 gave points for mooch request 0821770772 Mindy (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
252 +0.1 252.1 added book to inventory 0425198049 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
251.9 +0.1 252 added book to inventory 0778320650 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
251.8 +0.1 251.9 added book to inventory 0505525917 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
251.7 +0.1 251.8 added book to inventory 0821770772 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
251.6 +0.1 251.7 added book to inventory 0843951885 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
251.5 +0.1 251.6 added book to inventory 0821778544 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
251.4 +0.1 251.5 added book to inventory 0743487826 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
251.3 +0.1 251.4 added book to inventory 0778321711 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
251.2 +0.1 251.3 added book to inventory 0758207735 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
251.1 +0.1 251.2 added book to inventory 1420100009 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
251 +0.1 251.1 added book to inventory 0373291450 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
250.9 +0.1 251 added book to inventory 037329123X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
250.8 +0.1 250.9 added book to inventory 0821778218 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
250.7 +0.1 250.8 added book to inventory 1551667150 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
250.6 +0.1 250.7 added book to inventory 0373791739 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
250.5 +0.1 250.6 added book to inventory 0843955651 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
250.4 +0.1 250.5 added book to inventory 0843949325 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
250.3 +0.1 250.4 added book to inventory 0373294573 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
250.2 +0.1 250.3 added book to inventory 0373295235 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
250.1 +0.1 250.2 added book to inventory 0373793375 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
250 +0.1 250.1 added book to inventory 0060525193 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
249.9 +0.1 250 added book to inventory 0312983336 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
249.8 +0.1 249.9 added book to inventory 0743442660 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
249.7 +0.1 249.8 added book to inventory 0446612960 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
249.6 +0.1 249.7 added book to inventory 0451409426 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
249.5 +0.1 249.6 added book to inventory 084395745X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
249.4 +0.1 249.5 added book to inventory 0345466209 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
249.3 +0.1 249.4 added book to inventory 0446612952 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
249.2 +0.1 249.3 added book to inventory 0821766813 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
249.1 +0.1 249.2 added book to inventory 0821777661 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/24
249 +0.1 249.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061341614 Gemma Callahan (USA: WI) 2009/10/24
248.9 +0.1 249 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312377428 Edith (USA: IL) 2009/10/24
247.9 +1 248.9 gave points for mooch request 0553576003 ellen (USA: IL) 2009/10/24
246.9 +1 247.9 gave points for mooch request 037377348X ellen (USA: IL) 2009/10/24
245.9 +1 246.9 gave points for mooch request 0312965079 pamela (USA: OK) 2009/10/24
244.9 +1 245.9 gave points for mooch request 0446618012 pamela (USA: OK) 2009/10/24
241.9 +3 244.9 gave points for mooch request 0515139300 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/10/24
238.9 +3 241.9 gave points for mooch request 050552788X Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/10/24
237.9 +1 238.9 gave points for mooch request 084395499X Sarah (USA: GA) 2009/10/24
234.9 +3 237.9 gave points for mooch request 142010652X Carol (United Kingdom) 2009/10/24
231.9 +3 234.9 gave points for mooch request 0821778315 Carol (United Kingdom) 2009/10/24
230.9 +1 231.9 gave points for mooch request 1420100149 Bronwyn West (USA: OH) 2009/10/24
229.9 +1 230.9 gave points for mooch request 0373617925 chris hobson (USA: PA) 2009/10/23
228.9 +1 229.9 gave points for mooch request 0843957654 chris hobson (USA: PA) 2009/10/23
229 -0.1 228.9 removed book from inventory BM1226456715305625527 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
228.9 +0.1 229 added book to inventory BM1212710029319832593 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
227.9 +1 228.9 gave points for mooch request 1420102516 Mary Spurgeon (USA: GA) 2009/10/23
224.9 +3 227.9 gave points for mooch request 0312987846 Chantal (Canada) 2009/10/23
223.9 +1 224.9 gave points for mooch request 0373617836 Mary Spurgeon (USA: GA) 2009/10/23
222.9 +1 223.9 gave points for mooch request 0765351021 Mary Spurgeon (USA: GA) 2009/10/23
221.9 +1 222.9 gave points for mooch request 0765354497 Mary Spurgeon (USA: GA) 2009/10/23
218.9 +3 221.9 gave points for mooch request 0312939663 Chantal (Canada) 2009/10/23
215.9 +3 218.9 gave points for mooch request 0440614120 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/10/23
212.9 +3 215.9 gave points for mooch request 0515131121 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/10/23
209.9 +3 212.9 gave points for mooch request 0821780654 Caitie (Canada) 2009/10/23
206.9 +3 209.9 gave points for mooch request 140221118X Caitie (Canada) 2009/10/23
203.9 +3 206.9 gave points for mooch request 0451411420 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/10/23
200.9 +3 203.9 gave points for mooch request 0821778021 libertycalls (Trinidad and Tobago) 2009/10/23
197.9 +3 200.9 gave points for mooch request 082177803X libertycalls (Trinidad and Tobago) 2009/10/23
196.9 +1 197.9 gave points for mooch request 0425217930 marmalade (USA) 2009/10/23
195.9 +1 196.9 gave points for mooch request 0821780697 EdgemontLibrary (USA: SD) 2009/10/23
194.9 +1 195.9 gave points for mooch request 0446616265 Amy (USA: IL) 2009/10/23
193.9 +1 194.9 gave points for mooch request 0446617857 Amy (USA: IL) 2009/10/23
192.9 +1 193.9 gave points for mooch request 0373617674 Amy (USA: IL) 2009/10/23
192.8 +0.1 192.9 added book to inventory 0446616265 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
192.7 +0.1 192.8 added book to inventory 0446617857 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
192.6 +0.1 192.7 added book to inventory 0821780654 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
192.5 +0.1 192.6 added book to inventory 0821780697 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
192.4 +0.1 192.5 added book to inventory 0060565411 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
192.3 +0.1 192.4 added book to inventory 0312939078 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
192.2 +0.1 192.3 added book to inventory 0765354497 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
192.1 +0.1 192.2 added book to inventory 0451411420 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
192 +0.1 192.1 added book to inventory 0505527502 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
191.9 +0.1 192 added book to inventory 0425208885 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
191.8 +0.1 191.9 added book to inventory 0843956844 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
191.7 +0.1 191.8 added book to inventory 1416578226 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
191.6 +0.1 191.7 added book to inventory 0373295243 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
191.5 +0.1 191.6 added book to inventory 0380795817 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
191.4 +0.1 191.5 added book to inventory 050552788X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
191.3 +0.1 191.4 added book to inventory 0373617836 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
191.2 +0.1 191.3 added book to inventory 0843950870 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
191.1 +0.1 191.2 added book to inventory 037377348X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
191 +0.1 191.1 added book to inventory 0373294298 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
190.9 +0.1 191 added book to inventory 0373617925 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
190.8 +0.1 190.9 added book to inventory 1420100149 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
190.7 +0.1 190.8 added book to inventory 0373617488 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
190.6 +0.1 190.7 added book to inventory 0765351021 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
190.5 +0.1 190.6 added book to inventory 0821780549 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
190.4 +0.1 190.5 added book to inventory 0821778021 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
190.3 +0.1 190.4 added book to inventory 082177803X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
190.2 +0.1 190.3 added book to inventory 037361764X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
190.1 +0.1 190.2 added book to inventory 0373305362 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
190 +0.1 190.1 added book to inventory 0758204310 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
189.9 +0.1 190 added book to inventory 1420102516 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
189.8 +0.1 189.9 added book to inventory 140221118X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
189.7 +0.1 189.8 added book to inventory 0373294611 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
189.6 +0.1 189.7 added book to inventory 0373292880 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
189.5 +0.1 189.6 added book to inventory 0440243955 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
189.4 +0.1 189.5 added book to inventory 031294098X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
189.3 +0.1 189.4 added book to inventory 0515139300 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
189.2 +0.1 189.3 added book to inventory 0553583557 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
189.1 +0.1 189.2 added book to inventory 082177512X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
189 +0.1 189.1 added book to inventory 0821768719 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
188.9 +0.1 189 added book to inventory 0373617674 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
188.8 +0.1 188.9 added book to inventory 0821751867 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
188.7 +0.1 188.8 added book to inventory 1420101226 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
187.7 +1 188.7 gave points for mooch request 1420100130 MissaB (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
187.6 +0.1 187.7 added book to inventory 0373290284 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
187.5 +0.1 187.6 added book to inventory 0821778315 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
187.4 +0.1 187.5 added book to inventory 142010652X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
186.4 +1 187.4 gave points for mooch request 0743467442 MissaB (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
186.3 +0.1 186.4 added book to inventory 0312971125 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
186.2 +0.1 186.3 added book to inventory 0446618012 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
186.1 +0.1 186.2 added book to inventory 0345496698 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
185.1 +1 186.1 gave points for mooch request 0312954786 Pamsta (USA: MA) 2009/10/23
184.1 +1 185.1 gave points for mooch request 0446616974 MissaB (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
184 +0.1 184.1 added book to inventory 0373290594 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
183.9 +0.1 184 added book to inventory 0373294506 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
183.8 +0.1 183.9 added book to inventory 0553298364 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
182.8 +1 183.8 gave points for mooch request 0425197484 Pamsta (USA: MA) 2009/10/23
182.7 +0.1 182.8 added book to inventory 0425174816 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
182.6 +0.1 182.7 added book to inventory 0373294824 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
182.5 +0.1 182.6 added book to inventory 0061373230 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
182.4 +0.1 182.5 added book to inventory 0843954523 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
182.3 +0.1 182.4 added book to inventory 0743486250 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
182.2 +0.1 182.3 added book to inventory 084395499X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
182.1 +0.1 182.2 added book to inventory 0312931271 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
182 +0.1 182.1 added book to inventory 0373293208 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
181.9 +0.1 182 added book to inventory 0843957654 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
181.8 +0.1 181.9 added book to inventory 0312939663 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
181.7 +0.1 181.8 added book to inventory 0312933878 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
181.6 +0.1 181.7 added book to inventory 9780060876104 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
181.5 +0.1 181.6 added book to inventory 0821772562 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
181.4 +0.1 181.5 added book to inventory 042519941X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
181.3 +0.1 181.4 added book to inventory 0743467442 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
181.2 +0.1 181.3 added book to inventory 0843951559 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
181.1 +0.1 181.2 added book to inventory 0515131121 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
181 +0.1 181.1 added book to inventory 0446619124 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
180.9 +0.1 181 added book to inventory 0312932782 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
180.8 +0.1 180.9 added book to inventory 0312987846 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
180.7 +0.1 180.8 added book to inventory 1420100130 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
180.6 +0.1 180.7 added book to inventory 0425197484 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
180.5 +0.1 180.6 added book to inventory 0446616974 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
180.4 +0.1 180.5 added book to inventory 0425217930 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
180.3 +0.1 180.4 added book to inventory 0440614120 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/23
180.2 +0.1 180.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425221997 Jane (USA: MN) 2009/10/22
180.1 +0.1 180.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758216424 Suzanne (USA: OH) 2009/10/20
180 +0.1 180.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758214693 luvtoteach_105 (USA: TX) 2009/10/20
179.9 +0.1 180 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1420101307 Marian (USA: GA) 2009/10/20
179.8 +0.1 179.9 added book to inventory 0425162346 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/17
179.9 -0.1 179.8 removed book from inventory 0312978405 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/17
180.9 -1 179.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425221997 Jane (USA: MN) 2009/10/17
182.9 -2 180.9 deducted points for mooch request 1599986361 Kiki (Germany) 2009/10/17
184.9 -2 182.9 deducted points for mooch request 1934531316 Kiki (Germany) 2009/10/17
186.9 -2 184.9 deducted points for mooch request 1934531103 Kiki (Germany) 2009/10/17
188.9 -2 186.9 deducted points for mooch request 1599983664 Kiki (Germany) 2009/10/17
189.9 -1 188.9 deducted points for mooch request 0312377428 Edith (USA: IL) 2009/10/15
188.9 +1 189.9 gave points for mooch request 0373039859 Louise Amos McCaskill (USA: MS) 2009/10/15
187.9 +1 188.9 gave points for mooch request 0373835000 Louise Amos McCaskill (USA: MS) 2009/10/15
188 -0.1 187.9 removed book from inventory 0517060175 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/14
189 -1 188 deducted points for mooch request 0758216424 Suzanne (USA: OH) 2009/10/14
190 -1 189 deducted points for mooch request 0373605293 smelz (USA: TX) 2009/10/14
191 -1 190 deducted points for mooch request 0758214693 luvtoteach_105 (USA: TX) 2009/10/13
190 +1 191 gave points for mooch request 0446604062 PRDAFW (USA: NY) 2009/10/13
191 -1 190 deducted points for mooch request 0061341614 Gemma Callahan (USA: WI) 2009/10/13
190 +1 191 mooch cancelled by requestor B002HJ61LO Cinderbolt (USA: NM) 2009/10/13
189 +1 190 mooch cancelled by requestor 0425228649 Cinderbolt (USA: NM) 2009/10/13
188.9 +0.1 189 added book to inventory 0061243388 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/13
188.8 +0.1 188.9 added book to inventory 0425179885 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/13
188.7 +0.1 188.8 added book to inventory 0446604062 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/13
188.6 +0.1 188.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419953850 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/10/13
188.5 +0.1 188.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451228219 Janine (USA: PA) 2009/10/13
188.4 +0.1 188.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 051513449X Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/10/13
188.3 +0.1 188.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1603100008 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2009/10/13
187.3 +1 188.3 gave points for mooch request 0373291922 Mindy (USA: FL) 2009/10/13
186.3 +1 187.3 gave points for mooch request 0345461223 Mindy (USA: FL) 2009/10/13
187.3 -1 186.3 deducted points for mooch request 1420101307 Marian (USA: GA) 2009/10/11
187.2 +0.1 187.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843609282 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/10/11
188.2 -1 187.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451228219 Janine (USA: PA) 2009/10/09
189.2 -1 188.2 deducted points for mooch request 1419955985 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/10/09
189.1 +0.1 189.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1602020914 Missy Hines (USA: OH) 2009/10/06
189 +0.1 189.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1586087843 Missy Hines (USA: OH) 2009/10/06
188 +1 189 gave points for mooch request 1592402860 Anoush (USA: CA) 2009/10/05
186 +2 188 mooch rejected by book owner 1934531103 Az (Netherlands) 2009/10/05
186.1 -0.1 186 removed book from inventory 0060513640 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/05
186.2 -0.1 186.1 removed book from inventory 0060092149 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/05
185.2 +1 186.2 gave points for mooch request 0373234570 Cheryl (USA: WA) 2009/10/04
184.2 +1 185.2 gave points for mooch request 0821778846 Cheryl (USA: WA) 2009/10/04
183.2 +1 184.2 gave points for mooch request 0316018619 Nina (USA: NJ) 2009/10/04
183.1 +0.1 183.2 added book to inventory 1592402860 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/04
183 +0.1 183.1 added book to inventory 0316018619 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/04
184 -1 183 deducted points for mooch request 1603100008 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2009/10/04
183.9 +0.1 184 added book to inventory BM1226456715305625527 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/04
184 -0.1 183.9 removed book from inventory BM1220569637376008792 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/04
181 +3 184 gave points for mooch request 0843934980 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/10/04
178 +3 181 gave points for mooch request 0843942622 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/10/04
177.9 +0.1 178 added book to inventory 0843934980 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/04
177.8 +0.1 177.9 added book to inventory 0843942622 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/04
177.7 +0.1 177.8 added book to inventory 0312978413 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/04
177.6 +0.1 177.7 added book to inventory 0312992823 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/04
177.5 +0.1 177.6 added book to inventory 0312978405 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/04
177.4 +0.1 177.5 added book to inventory 0843953071 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/04
177.3 +0.1 177.4 added book to inventory 084395308X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/04
177.2 +0.1 177.3 added book to inventory 0312948247 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/04
177.1 +0.1 177.2 added book to inventory 0380818329 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/04
177 +0.1 177.1 added book to inventory 0843953004 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/04
176.9 +0.1 177 added book to inventory 0821765981 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/04
176.8 +0.1 176.9 added book to inventory 0843952792 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/04
176.7 +0.1 176.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419956337 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/10/03
176.6 +0.1 176.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419956310 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/10/03
176.5 +0.1 176.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419951645 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/10/03
176.4 +0.1 176.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821765981 Nancy (USA: NY) 2009/10/03
176.3 +0.1 176.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843934980 Nancy (USA: NY) 2009/10/03
176.2 +0.1 176.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0786720794 Rubric (USA: VA) 2009/10/03
176.1 +0.1 176.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0786720107 Rubric (USA: VA) 2009/10/03
176 +0.1 176.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 044619803X Rubric (USA: VA) 2009/10/03
175.9 +0.1 176 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843609320 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/10/03
175.8 +0.1 175.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419950541 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/10/03
175.7 +0.1 175.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419951149 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/10/03
175.6 +0.1 175.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952250 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/10/03
175.5 +0.1 175.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843953004 Nancy (USA: NY) 2009/10/03
175.4 +0.1 175.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380818329 Nancy (USA: NY) 2009/10/03
175.3 +0.1 175.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843953071 Nancy (USA: NY) 2009/10/03
175.2 +0.1 175.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843952792 Nancy (USA: NY) 2009/10/03
175.1 +0.1 175.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312978413 Nancy (USA: NY) 2009/10/03
175 +0.1 175.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312978405 Nancy (USA: NY) 2009/10/03
174.9 +0.1 175 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312992823 Nancy (USA: NY) 2009/10/03
174.8 +0.1 174.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843942622 Nancy (USA: NY) 2009/10/03
174.7 +0.1 174.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312948247 Nancy (USA: NY) 2009/10/03
174.6 +0.1 174.7 added book to inventory 0263827577 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/10/02
176.6 -2 174.6 deducted points for mooch request 051513449X Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/10/01
178.6 -2 176.6 deducted points for mooch request 1419953850 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/10/01
175.6 +3 178.6 gave points for mooch request 0373294530 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/10/01
177.6 -2 175.6 deducted points for mooch request 1934531103 Az (Netherlands) 2009/09/30
171.6 +6 177.6 received points from charity Nancy (USA: NY) 2009/09/30
168.6 +3 171.6 gave points for mooch request 1402224338 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/09/29
165.6 +3 168.6 gave points for mooch request 0786003537 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/09/29
162.6 +3 165.6 gave points for mooch request 0671017357 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/09/29
159.6 +3 162.6 gave points for mooch request 0451198646 Ronnie (Australia) 2009/09/29
156.6 +3 159.6 gave points for mooch request 0804119309 Ronnie (Australia) 2009/09/29
156.5 +0.1 156.6 added book to inventory 0821778846 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/29
156.4 +0.1 156.5 added book to inventory 1402224338 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/29
156.3 +0.1 156.4 added book to inventory 0671017357 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/29
156.2 +0.1 156.3 added book to inventory 0778324540 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/29
156.1 +0.1 156.2 added book to inventory 0786003537 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/29
156 +0.1 156.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0786003537 Jeff and Angela Wilson (USA: TX) 2009/09/29
155.9 +0.1 156 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821778846 Jeff and Angela Wilson (USA: TX) 2009/09/29
155.8 +0.1 155.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446540943 vjconnor (USA: TX) 2009/09/29
154.8 +1 155.8 gave points for mooch request 0486282112 Care (USA: KS) 2009/09/29
153.8 +1 154.8 gave points for mooch request 0743229339 Care (USA: KS) 2009/09/29
153.7 +0.1 153.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312537549 Terri (USA: MA) 2009/09/28
153.6 +0.1 153.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0778324540 Yvonne (USA: VA) 2009/09/28
153.5 +0.1 153.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671017357 Yvonne (USA: VA) 2009/09/28
153.4 +0.1 153.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1573442992 Peggy (USA: MI) 2009/09/28
153.3 +0.1 153.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0756622751 Peggy (USA: MI) 2009/09/28
153.2 +0.1 153.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599988151 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/09/28
153.1 +0.1 153.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1606011065 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/09/28
153 +0.1 153.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1596326719 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/09/28
152.9 +0.1 153 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1606014609 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/09/28
152.8 +0.1 152.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1606015052 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/09/28
153.8 -1 152.8 deducted points for mooch request 1419956337 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/09/28
154.8 -1 153.8 deducted points for mooch request 1419956310 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/09/27
154.7 +0.1 154.8 added book to inventory 044650582X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/26
154.6 +0.1 154.7 added book to inventory 067103264X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/26
154.5 +0.1 154.6 added book to inventory 0446618683 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/26
154.4 +0.1 154.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061138010 Gwragedd (USA: NC) 2009/09/25
153.4 +1 154.4 lost in the mail says book owner 0312368720 Mia (USA: KY) 2009/09/25
152.4 +1 153.4 lost in the mail says book owner 0312368712 Mia (USA: KY) 2009/09/25
151.4 +1 152.4 lost in the mail says book owner B001OVYZ78 Mia (USA: KY) 2009/09/25
150.4 +1 151.4 lost in the mail says book owner 1843606194 Mia (USA: KY) 2009/09/25
151.4 -1 150.4 deducted points for mooch request 1419951645 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/09/25
152.4 -1 151.4 deducted points for mooch request 1843609282 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/09/25
151.4 +1 152.4 gave points for mooch request 0465043011 jane (USA: PA) 2009/09/24
151.3 +0.1 151.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 142010375X VeraMarie (USA) 2009/09/24
150.3 +1 151.3 gave points for mooch request 0399137785 Hildegard Klausser (USA: NY) 2009/09/23
149.3 +1 150.3 gave points for mooch request 141654710X Hildegard Klausser (USA: NY) 2009/09/23
148.3 +1 149.3 received a smooch Yvonne (USA: VA) 2009/09/23
149.3 -1 148.3 deducted points for mooch request 0778324540 Yvonne (USA: VA) 2009/09/23
150.3 -1 149.3 deducted points for mooch request 0671017357 Yvonne (USA: VA) 2009/09/23
150.2 +0.1 150.3 added book to inventory 141654710X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/23
149.2 +1 150.2 gave points for mooch request 0425203581 Lee (USA: WV) 2009/09/23
148.2 +1 149.2 gave points for mooch request 0373289111 Lee (USA: WV) 2009/09/23
147.2 +1 148.2 gave points for mooch request 0380820536 Lee (USA: WV) 2009/09/23
146.2 +1 147.2 gave points for mooch request 0380805707 Lee (USA: WV) 2009/09/23
145.2 +1 146.2 gave points for mooch request 0060562498 Lee (USA: WV) 2009/09/23
144.2 +1 145.2 gave points for mooch request 0373292295 Lee (USA: WV) 2009/09/23
143.2 +1 144.2 gave points for mooch request 1416560815 Lee (USA: WV) 2009/09/23
143.1 +0.1 143.2 added book to inventory 1416560815 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/23
143 +0.1 143.1 added book to inventory 0345461223 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/23
142.9 +0.1 143 added book to inventory 0060562498 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/23
142.8 +0.1 142.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 076536042X osha341 (USA: NV) 2009/09/23
141.8 +1 142.8 received a smooch Jeff and Angela Wilson (USA: TX) 2009/09/23
142.8 -1 141.8 deducted points for mooch request 0786003537 Jeff and Angela Wilson (USA: TX) 2009/09/23
143.8 -1 142.8 deducted points for mooch request 0821778846 Jeff and Angela Wilson (USA: TX) 2009/09/23
144.8 -1 143.8 deducted points for mooch request 0821765981 Nancy (USA: NY) 2009/09/23
145.8 -1 144.8 deducted points for mooch request 0843934980 Nancy (USA: NY) 2009/09/23
145.9 -0.1 145.8 removed book from inventory 0345447166 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/22
144.9 +1 145.9 gave points for mooch request 1565123344 chloe (USA: NJ) 2009/09/22
143.9 +1 144.9 gave points for mooch request 0786720336 chloe (USA: NJ) 2009/09/22
144.9 -1 143.9 deducted points for mooch request 0312537549 Terri (USA: MA) 2009/09/22
145.9 -1 144.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0786720336 Dan Hamilton (USA: ME) 2009/09/22
144.9 +1 145.9 gave points for mooch request 0786720336 Dan Hamilton (USA: ME) 2009/09/22
144.8 +0.1 144.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758215460 Wendy (USA: PA) 2009/09/22
144.7 +0.1 144.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061431222 Wendy (USA: PA) 2009/09/22
144.6 +0.1 144.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 075822849X Wendy (USA: PA) 2009/09/22
144.5 +0.1 144.6 added book to inventory 0786720336 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/22
144.4 +0.1 144.5 added book to inventory 1565123344 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/22
144.3 +0.1 144.4 added book to inventory 0465043011 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/22
144.2 +0.1 144.3 added book to inventory 0345447166 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/22
144.3 -0.1 144.2 removed book from inventory 1420101005 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/22
144.4 -0.1 144.3 removed book from inventory 0843950803 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/22
144.5 -0.1 144.4 removed book from inventory 0843949171 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/22
144.4 +0.1 144.5 added book to inventory 0373039859 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/22
144.3 +0.1 144.4 added book to inventory 0373772831 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/22
144.2 +0.1 144.3 added book to inventory 0312970293 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/22
144.1 +0.1 144.2 added book to inventory 0373835000 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/22
145.1 -1 144.1 deducted points for mooch request 0446540943 vjconnor (USA: TX) 2009/09/21
145 +0.1 145.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312369492 Shelli (USA: VA) 2009/09/21
146 -1 145 deducted points for mooch request 1586087843 Missy Hines (USA: OH) 2009/09/21
147 -1 146 deducted points for mooch request 1602020914 Missy Hines (USA: OH) 2009/09/21
148 -1 147 deducted points for mooch request 1843609320 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/09/21
147.9 +0.1 148 receiver acknowledged receiving book B001UE7DKK debbie (USA: DE) 2009/09/21
147.8 +0.1 147.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419953478 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/09/21
147.7 +0.1 147.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599984180 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/09/21
147.6 +0.1 147.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373039859 Michelle (USA: MA) 2009/09/21
147.5 +0.1 147.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373835000 Michelle (USA: MA) 2009/09/21
147.4 +0.1 147.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312970293 Michelle (USA: MA) 2009/09/21
147.3 +0.1 147.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373772831 Michelle (USA: MA) 2009/09/21
147.4 -0.1 147.3 removed book from inventory 0743469976 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/19
148.4 -1 147.4 deducted points for mooch request 0786720794 Rubric (USA: VA) 2009/09/19
149.4 -1 148.4 deducted points for mooch request 0786720107 Rubric (USA: VA) 2009/09/19
150.4 -1 149.4 deducted points for mooch request 044619803X Rubric (USA: VA) 2009/09/19
149.4 +1 150.4 received a smooch Peggy (USA: MI) 2009/09/19
149.3 +0.1 149.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553819860 sebethis (USA: PA) 2009/09/19
150.3 -1 149.3 deducted points for mooch request 0756622751 Peggy (USA: MI) 2009/09/19
151.3 -1 150.3 deducted points for mooch request 1573442992 Peggy (USA: MI) 2009/09/19
152.3 -1 151.3 deducted points for mooch request 1419950541 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/09/18
153.3 -1 152.3 deducted points for mooch request 076536042X osha341 (USA: NV) 2009/09/18
155.3 -2 153.3 deducted points for mooch request 1599988151 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/09/18
155.2 +0.1 155.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0352341580 Kate Saunders (United Kingdom) 2009/09/17
156.2 -1 155.2 deducted points for mooch request 142010375X VeraMarie (USA) 2009/09/16
155.2 +1 156.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0373773897 Nese (USA: GA) 2009/09/16
155.1 +0.1 155.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1933836237 Marisa (Spain) 2009/09/16
155 +0.1 155.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425219631 Marisa (Spain) 2009/09/16
156 -1 155 deducted points for mooch request 1419951149 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/09/16
157 -1 156 deducted points for mooch request 1419952250 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/09/16
158 -1 157 deducted points for mooch request 0061138010 Gwragedd (USA: NC) 2009/09/16
157.9 +0.1 158 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061667854 Anna (USA: MN) 2009/09/15
157.8 +0.1 157.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061583073 Anna (USA: MN) 2009/09/15
157.7 +0.1 157.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425220419 Anna (USA: MN) 2009/09/15
157.6 +0.1 157.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373605323 Anna (USA: MN) 2009/09/15
157.5 +0.1 157.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425229041 Anna (USA: MN) 2009/09/15
156.5 +1 157.5 gave points for mooch request 0061170437 Wendy (USA: PA) 2009/09/15
156.4 +0.1 156.5 added book to inventory 0060513640 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/15
156.3 +0.1 156.4 added book to inventory 0505523833 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/15
156.2 +0.1 156.3 added book to inventory 0312965079 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/15
156.1 +0.1 156.2 added book to inventory 0373289111 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/15
156 +0.1 156.1 added book to inventory 0312969058 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/15
155.9 +0.1 156 added book to inventory 0061170437 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/15
155.8 +0.1 155.9 added book to inventory 0060092149 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/15
155.7 +0.1 155.8 added book to inventory 0373294530 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/15
156.7 -1 155.7 deducted points for mooch request 0312369492 Shelli (USA: VA) 2009/09/15
153.7 +3 156.7 received points from charity Michelle (USA: MA) 2009/09/15
155.7 -2 153.7 deducted points for mooch request 1606011065 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/09/14
157.7 -2 155.7 deducted points for mooch request 1596326719 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/09/14
159.7 -2 157.7 deducted points for mooch request 1606014609 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/09/13
161.7 -2 159.7 deducted points for mooch request 1606015052 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/09/13
159.7 +2 161.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 1599983664 blodeuedd (Finland) 2009/09/12
157.7 +2 159.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 1599986361 blodeuedd (Finland) 2009/09/12
155.7 +2 157.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 1934531316 blodeuedd (Finland) 2009/09/12
157.7 -2 155.7 deducted points for mooch request 1934531936 Kiki (Germany) 2009/09/12
157.6 +0.1 157.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758218702 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/09/12
158.6 -1 157.6 deducted points for mooch request 0373773897 Nese (USA: GA) 2009/09/12
160.6 -2 158.6 deducted points for mooch request 1599983664 blodeuedd (Finland) 2009/09/12
162.6 -2 160.6 deducted points for mooch request 1599986361 blodeuedd (Finland) 2009/09/12
164.6 -2 162.6 deducted points for mooch request 1934531316 blodeuedd (Finland) 2009/09/12
164.7 -0.1 164.6 removed book from inventory 0671568175 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/11
164.8 -0.1 164.7 removed book from inventory 0440236673 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/11
164.7 +0.1 164.8 added book to inventory BM1235157249496331808 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/11
164.8 -0.1 164.7 removed book from inventory BM122056991214668671 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/11
164.7 +0.1 164.8 added book to inventory BM1220569637376008792 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/11
165.7 -1 164.7 deducted points for mooch request 0312368720 Mia (USA: KY) 2009/09/11
166.7 -1 165.7 deducted points for mooch request 0312368712 Mia (USA: KY) 2009/09/11
167.7 -1 166.7 deducted points for mooch request B001OVYZ78 Mia (USA: KY) 2009/09/11
168.7 -1 167.7 deducted points for mooch request 1843606194 Mia (USA: KY) 2009/09/11
168.6 +0.1 168.7 added book to inventory 0451198646 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/11
168.5 +0.1 168.6 added book to inventory 0804119309 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/11
168.4 +0.1 168.5 added book to inventory 0373291922 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/11
168.3 +0.1 168.4 added book to inventory 0380805707 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/11
168.2 +0.1 168.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599903385 Tessa (USA: FL) 2009/09/11
168.1 +0.1 168.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1423100069 Tessa (USA: FL) 2009/09/11
168 +0.1 168.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book B001TK7GKW Tessa (USA: FL) 2009/09/11
167.9 +0.1 168 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1423116380 Tessa (USA: FL) 2009/09/11
167.8 +0.1 167.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1595141715 Tessa (USA: FL) 2009/09/11
167.7 +0.1 167.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061170437 Shiro Nami (USA: VA) 2009/09/11
167.6 +0.1 167.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373294530 Shiro Nami (USA: VA) 2009/09/11
167.5 +0.1 167.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060513640 Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/11
167.4 +0.1 167.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0505523833 Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/11
167.3 +0.1 167.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312969058 Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/11
167.2 +0.1 167.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373289111 Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/11
167.1 +0.1 167.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0804119309 Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/11
167 +0.1 167.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380805707 Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/11
166.9 +0.1 167 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451198646 Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/11
166.8 +0.1 166.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312965079 Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/11
166.7 +0.1 166.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060092149 Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/11
166.6 +0.1 166.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373291922 Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/11
165.6 +1 166.6 gave points for mooch request 0679781587 Sean & Kat (USA: MD) 2009/09/11
166.6 -1 165.6 deducted points for mooch request 0553819860 sebethis (USA: PA) 2009/09/10
163.6 +3 166.6 gave points for mooch request 0451209168 orla johnston (Ireland) 2009/09/10
160.6 +3 163.6 gave points for mooch request 0380815257 orla johnston (Ireland) 2009/09/10
160.7 -0.1 160.6 removed book from inventory 0060575352 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/09
160.8 -0.1 160.7 removed book from inventory 0373294662 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/09
160.7 +0.1 160.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0972437770 Jean Cordle (USA: GA) 2009/09/09
160.6 +0.1 160.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0972437789 Jean Cordle (USA: GA) 2009/09/09
160.7 -0.1 160.6 removed book from inventory 0156881802 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/08
159.7 +1 160.7 received a smooch Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/08
158.7 +1 159.7 received a smooch Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/08
157.7 +1 158.7 received a smooch Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/08
156.7 +1 157.7 received a smooch Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/08
155.7 +1 156.7 received a smooch Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/08
154.7 +1 155.7 received a smooch Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/08
153.7 +1 154.7 received a smooch Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/08
152.7 +1 153.7 received a smooch Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/08
153.7 -1 152.7 deducted points for mooch request 075822849X Wendy (USA: PA) 2009/09/07
154.7 -1 153.7 deducted points for mooch request 0061431222 Wendy (USA: PA) 2009/09/07
155.7 -1 154.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758215460 Wendy (USA: PA) 2009/09/07
154.7 +1 155.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0312383282 TinkTink (USA: KS) 2009/09/06
155.7 -1 154.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758218702 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/09/06
154.7 +1 155.7 gave points for mooch request 031299866X Louise Amos McCaskill (USA: MS) 2009/09/05
153.7 +1 154.7 gave points for mooch request 0758207735 Louise Amos McCaskill (USA: MS) 2009/09/05
152.7 +1 153.7 gave points for mooch request 0758220146 Miss M (USA: WA) 2009/09/05
152.6 +0.1 152.7 added book to inventory 0758207735 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/05
152.5 +0.1 152.6 added book to inventory 0160787335 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/05
153.5 -1 152.5 deducted points for mooch request B001TK7GKW Tessa (USA: FL) 2009/09/05
154.5 -1 153.5 deducted points for mooch request 1599903385 Tessa (USA: FL) 2009/09/05
155.5 -1 154.5 deducted points for mooch request 1423100069 Tessa (USA: FL) 2009/09/05
156.5 -1 155.5 deducted points for mooch request 1423116380 Tessa (USA: FL) 2009/09/05
157.5 -1 156.5 deducted points for mooch request 1595141715 Tessa (USA: FL) 2009/09/05
157.4 +0.1 157.5 added book to inventory 0758220146 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/04
157.3 +0.1 157.4 added book to inventory 0743469976 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/04
158.3 -1 157.3 deducted points for mooch request 0061667854 Anna (USA: MN) 2009/09/04
159.3 -1 158.3 deducted points for mooch request 0061583073 Anna (USA: MN) 2009/09/04
160.3 -1 159.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425220419 Anna (USA: MN) 2009/09/04
161.3 -1 160.3 deducted points for mooch request 0373605323 Anna (USA: MN) 2009/09/04
162.3 -1 161.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425229041 Anna (USA: MN) 2009/09/04
164.3 -2 162.3 deducted points for mooch request 1419956000 melissa (Canada) 2009/09/04
164.2 +0.1 164.3 added book to inventory 0425215687 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/04
163.2 +1 164.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 042521012X CariAnn (USA: MO) 2009/09/04
162.2 +1 163.2 mooch rejected by book owner 0451411684 CariAnn (USA: MO) 2009/09/04
161.2 +1 162.2 received a smooch Shiro Nami (USA: VA) 2009/09/04
162.2 -1 161.2 deducted points for mooch request 0061170437 Shiro Nami (USA: VA) 2009/09/04
163.2 -1 162.2 deducted points for mooch request 0373294530 Shiro Nami (USA: VA) 2009/09/04
164.2 -1 163.2 deducted points for mooch request 0060513640 Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/04
165.2 -1 164.2 deducted points for mooch request 0505523833 Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/04
166.2 -1 165.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312969058 Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/04
167.2 -1 166.2 deducted points for mooch request 0373289111 Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/04
168.2 -1 167.2 deducted points for mooch request 0804119309 Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/04
169.2 -1 168.2 deducted points for mooch request 0380805707 Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/04
170.2 -1 169.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451198646 Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/04
171.2 -1 170.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312965079 Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/04
172.2 -1 171.2 deducted points for mooch request 0060092149 Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/04
173.2 -1 172.2 deducted points for mooch request 0373291922 Misora Rae (USA: OK) 2009/09/04
174.2 -1 173.2 deducted points for mooch request 042521012X CariAnn (USA: MO) 2009/09/04
175.2 -1 174.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451411684 CariAnn (USA: MO) 2009/09/04
176.2 -1 175.2 deducted points for mooch request 0380818329 Nancy (USA: NY) 2009/09/03
177.2 -1 176.2 deducted points for mooch request 0843953004 Nancy (USA: NY) 2009/09/03
178.2 -1 177.2 deducted points for mooch request 084395308X Nancy (USA: NY) 2009/09/03
179.2 -1 178.2 deducted points for mooch request 0843953071 Nancy (USA: NY) 2009/09/03
180.2 -1 179.2 deducted points for mooch request 0843952792 Nancy (USA: NY) 2009/09/03
181.2 -1 180.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312978413 Nancy (USA: NY) 2009/09/03
182.2 -1 181.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312978405 Nancy (USA: NY) 2009/09/03
183.2 -1 182.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312992823 Nancy (USA: NY) 2009/09/03
184.2 -1 183.2 deducted points for mooch request 0843942622 Nancy (USA: NY) 2009/09/03
185.2 -1 184.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312948247 Nancy (USA: NY) 2009/09/03
185.1 +0.1 185.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425228940 Tiz Cooley (USA: NY) 2009/09/03
185.2 -0.1 185.1 removed book from inventory 0425162346 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/02
185.3 -0.1 185.2 removed book from inventory 0821777874 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/02
185.2 +0.1 185.3 added book to inventory 0380820536 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/09/02
187.2 -2 185.2 deducted points for mooch request 1933836237 Marisa (Spain) 2009/09/01
189.2 -2 187.2 deducted points for mooch request 0425219631 Marisa (Spain) 2009/09/01
190.2 -1 189.2 deducted points for mooch request B001UE7DKK debbie (USA: DE) 2009/09/01
191.2 -1 190.2 deducted points for mooch request 1599984180 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/09/01
192.2 -1 191.2 deducted points for mooch request 1419953478 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/09/01
193.2 -1 192.2 deducted points for mooch request 0972437770 Jean Cordle (USA: GA) 2009/08/30
194.2 -1 193.2 deducted points for mooch request 0972437789 Jean Cordle (USA: GA) 2009/08/30
195.2 -1 194.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312383282 TinkTink (USA: KS) 2009/08/30
194.2 +1 195.2 mooch rejected by book owner 0352341777 PrincessBookie84 (USA: IL) 2009/08/29
194.1 +0.1 194.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425226905 Eliza (Australia) 2009/08/29
191.1 +3 194.1 gave points for mooch request 0373295537 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/08/27
191 +0.1 191.1 added book to inventory 0373295537 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/08/27
190.9 +0.1 191 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061246379 Patricia (USA: CA) 2009/08/27
190.8 +0.1 190.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373773838 Patricia (USA: CA) 2009/08/27
190.7 +0.1 190.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440614120 Patricia (USA: CA) 2009/08/27
189.7 +1 190.7 gave points for mooch request 0060526211 Susie (USA: IN) 2009/08/27
189.6 +0.1 189.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553762834 Nicole (Germany) 2009/08/26
189.5 +0.1 189.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425229025 Jenn (USA: SC) 2009/08/26
188.5 +1 189.5 gave points for mooch request 0060929871 Jenefer (USA: MS) 2009/08/25
188.4 +0.1 188.5 added book to inventory 0060929871 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/08/25
188.3 +0.1 188.4 added book to inventory 0486282112 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/08/25
188.2 +0.1 188.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book BM1250562023623831921 Ann (USA) 2009/08/24
188.1 +0.1 188.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419688359 Ann (USA) 2009/08/24
187.1 +1 188.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0786838655 Margie (USA: TX) 2009/08/24
186.1 +1 187.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0312369492 Margie (USA: TX) 2009/08/24
185.1 +1 186.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0425227723 Margie (USA: TX) 2009/08/24
184.1 +1 185.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0441017150 Margie (USA: TX) 2009/08/24
183.1 +1 184.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0446580295 Margie (USA: TX) 2009/08/24
184.1 -1 183.1 deducted points for mooch request 0786838655 Margie (USA: TX) 2009/08/24
184 +0.1 184.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416551360 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/08/24
185 -1 184 deducted points for mooch request 0312369492 Margie (USA: TX) 2009/08/24
186 -1 185 deducted points for mooch request 0425227723 Margie (USA: TX) 2009/08/24
187 -1 186 deducted points for mooch request 0441017150 Margie (USA: TX) 2009/08/24
186.9 +0.1 187 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373772335 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/08/24
186.8 +0.1 186.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 037377334X Jen (USA: MD) 2009/08/24
186.7 +0.1 186.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 037377219X Jen (USA: MD) 2009/08/24
186.6 +0.1 186.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416551387 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/08/24
186.5 +0.1 186.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419953257 Julie (USA: OH) 2009/08/24
186.4 +0.1 186.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425215687 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/08/24
187.4 -1 186.4 deducted points for mooch request 0446580295 Margie (USA: TX) 2009/08/24
186.4 +1 187.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0307383326 rmilani (USA: IL) 2009/08/23
185.4 +1 186.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 042522693X alison (USA: NC) 2009/08/23
186.4 -1 185.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425228940 Tiz Cooley (USA: NY) 2009/08/23
186.5 -0.1 186.4 removed book from inventory 0758220340 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/08/23
185.5 +1 186.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0373836392 Michelle (USA: MA) 2009/08/23
184.5 +1 185.5 mooch rejected by book owner 1551666294 Michelle (USA: MA) 2009/08/23
184.4 +0.1 184.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380779617 Tammy (USA: CA) 2009/08/22
183.4 +1 184.4 gave points for mooch request 0758214391 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/08/21
182.4 +1 183.4 gave points for mooch request 0373621205 Julie (USA: OH) 2009/08/21
182.3 +0.1 182.4 added book to inventory 0743469968 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/08/21
182.2 +0.1 182.3 added book to inventory 0743469941 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/08/21
182.1 +0.1 182.2 added book to inventory 0758214391 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/08/21
182 +0.1 182.1 added book to inventory 0373621205 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/08/21
183 -1 182 deducted points for mooch request 0312970293 Michelle (USA: MA) 2009/08/21
184 -1 183 deducted points for mooch request 0373836392 Michelle (USA: MA) 2009/08/21
185 -1 184 deducted points for mooch request 0373835000 Michelle (USA: MA) 2009/08/21
186 -1 185 deducted points for mooch request 1551666294 Michelle (USA: MA) 2009/08/21
187 -1 186 deducted points for mooch request 0373039859 Michelle (USA: MA) 2009/08/21
188 -1 187 deducted points for mooch request 0373772831 Michelle (USA: MA) 2009/08/21
185 +3 188 gave points for mooch request 0821757318 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/08/20
186 -1 185 deducted points for mooch request 0425229025 Jenn (USA: SC) 2009/08/20
187 -1 186 deducted points for mooch request 0352341777 PrincessBookie84 (USA: IL) 2009/08/20
183 +4 187 received points from charity Jen (USA: MD) 2009/08/20
182 +1 183 mooch rejected by book owner 0352341777 babigurl84 (USA: IL) 2009/08/20
179 +3 182 gave points for mooch request 0671521446 Till (Belgique) 2009/08/20
176 +3 179 gave points for mooch request 0373183062 Till (Belgique) 2009/08/20
177 -1 176 deducted points for mooch request 0373772335 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/08/20
178 -1 177 deducted points for mooch request 037377334X Jen (USA: MD) 2009/08/20
179 -1 178 deducted points for mooch request 037377219X Jen (USA: MD) 2009/08/20
180 -1 179 deducted points for mooch request 1416551387 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/08/20
179.9 +0.1 180 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1601860218 Don (USA: NV) 2009/08/20
179.8 +0.1 179.9 added book to inventory 0821757318 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/08/20
179.7 +0.1 179.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821757318 Rose (USA: GA) 2009/08/20
178.7 +1 179.7 mooch rejected by book owner 0425221725 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/08/20
179.7 -1 178.7 deducted points for mooch request 1419953257 Julie (USA: OH) 2009/08/19
180.7 -1 179.7 deducted points for mooch request 0352341777 babigurl84 (USA: IL) 2009/08/19
181.7 -1 180.7 deducted points for mooch request 0373773838 Patricia (USA: CA) 2009/08/19
182.7 -1 181.7 deducted points for mooch request 0061246379 Patricia (USA: CA) 2009/08/19
183.7 -1 182.7 deducted points for mooch request 0440614120 Patricia (USA: CA) 2009/08/19
184.7 -1 183.7 deducted points for mooch request 0380779617 Tammy (USA: CA) 2009/08/19
184.6 +0.1 184.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419954709 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/08/19
184.5 +0.1 184.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060898577 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/08/19
184.4 +0.1 184.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0515146471 ki (USA: OH) 2009/08/19
184.3 +0.1 184.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1606010077 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/08/19
184.2 +0.1 184.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952269 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/08/19
184.1 +0.1 184.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599988038 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/08/19
183.1 +1 184.1 gave points for mooch request 1416509518 Winter (USA) 2009/08/18
182.1 +1 183.1 gave points for mooch request 1575666995 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/08/18
181.1 +1 182.1 gave points for mooch request 1419950088 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/08/18
181 +0.1 181.1 added book to inventory 1575666995 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/08/18
180.9 +0.1 181 added book to inventory 1419950088 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/08/18
179.9 +1 180.9 gave points for mooch request 006123124X Amanda (USA: MA) 2009/08/18
178.9 +1 179.9 gave points for mooch request 0425190706 Amanda (USA: MA) 2009/08/18
179.9 -1 178.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425215687 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/08/18
180.9 -1 179.9 deducted points for mooch request 1416551360 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/08/18
181.9 -1 180.9 deducted points for mooch request BM1250562023623831921 Ann (USA) 2009/08/17
182.9 -1 181.9 deducted points for mooch request 1419688359 Ann (USA) 2009/08/17
181.9 +1 182.9 gave points for mooch request 0515133884 Courtney (USA: VA) 2009/08/17
180.9 +1 181.9 gave points for mooch request 0671870963 Courtney (USA: VA) 2009/08/17
181.9 -1 180.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425221725 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/08/17
181.8 +0.1 181.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373773501 Beth S. (USA: VA) 2009/08/17
181.7 +0.1 181.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416580948 Beth S. (USA: VA) 2009/08/17
181.6 +0.1 181.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743469941 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/08/17
181.5 +0.1 181.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743469968 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/08/17
181.4 +0.1 181.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743469976 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/08/17
181.3 +0.1 181.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312368739 babigurl84 (USA: IL) 2009/08/17
181.2 +0.1 181.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 031294361X Idalia (USA: TX) 2009/08/15
181.1 +0.1 181.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1439154279 Idalia (USA: TX) 2009/08/15
181 +0.1 181.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0441017231 Idalia (USA: TX) 2009/08/15
180.9 +0.1 181 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0765359154 Idalia (USA: TX) 2009/08/15
180.8 +0.1 180.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440244501 Idalia (USA: TX) 2009/08/15
180.7 +0.1 180.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1606014676 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/08/15
180.6 +0.1 180.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446540293 Ramona (USA: GA) 2009/08/15
182.6 -2 180.6 deducted points for mooch request 1586086634 Jan Barnes (United Kingdom) 2009/08/15
182.5 +0.1 182.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758214758 Ann (USA) 2009/08/14
179.5 +3 182.5 gave points for mooch request 0373790015 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/08/13
180.5 -1 179.5 deducted points for mooch request 0373773501 Beth S. (USA: VA) 2009/08/13
181.5 -1 180.5 deducted points for mooch request 1416580948 Beth S. (USA: VA) 2009/08/13
181.4 +0.1 181.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0385665342 Stephanie (USA: TX) 2009/08/13
181.3 +0.1 181.4 added book to inventory 0373790015 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/08/13
181.2 +0.1 181.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373790015 Michelle (USA: OH) 2009/08/13
178.2 +3 181.2 gave points for mooch request 1586607774 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/08/12
175.2 +3 178.2 gave points for mooch request 0061626821 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/08/12
172.2 +3 175.2 gave points for mooch request 0821745743 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/08/12
173.2 -1 172.2 deducted points for mooch request 1601860218 Don (USA: NV) 2009/08/12
173.1 +0.1 173.2 added book to inventory 0821745743 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/08/12
173 +0.1 173.1 added book to inventory 0061626821 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/08/12
172.9 +0.1 173 added book to inventory 1586607774 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/08/12
172.8 +0.1 172.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1586607774 KnitNut (USA: SC) 2009/08/12
171.8 +1 172.8 gave points for mooch request 0061234931 smelz (USA: TX) 2009/08/11
172.8 -1 171.8 deducted points for mooch request 042522693X alison (USA: NC) 2009/08/11
170.8 +2 172.8 received points from charity Jen (USA: MD) 2009/08/11
171.8 -1 170.8 deducted points for mooch request 0743469968 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/08/11
172.8 -1 171.8 deducted points for mooch request 0743469976 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/08/11
173.8 -1 172.8 deducted points for mooch request 0743469941 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/08/11
173.7 +0.1 173.8 added book to inventory 0061234931 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/08/11
172.7 +1 173.7 mooch rejected by book owner BM1249968629876594298 dorianwisecan (USA: CA) 2009/08/10
171.7 +1 172.7 mooch rejected by book owner BM1249968542808940566 dorianwisecan (USA: CA) 2009/08/10
170.7 +1 171.7 mooch rejected by book owner BM124996867396956998 dorianwisecan (USA: CA) 2009/08/10
169.7 +1 170.7 mooch rejected by book owner 0060530928 dorianwisecan (USA: CA) 2009/08/10
170.7 -1 169.7 deducted points for mooch request BM1249968629876594298 dorianwisecan (USA: CA) 2009/08/10
171.7 -1 170.7 deducted points for mooch request BM1249968542808940566 dorianwisecan (USA: CA) 2009/08/10
172.7 -1 171.7 deducted points for mooch request BM124996867396956998 dorianwisecan (USA: CA) 2009/08/10
173.7 -1 172.7 deducted points for mooch request 0060530928 dorianwisecan (USA: CA) 2009/08/10
174.7 -1 173.7 deducted points for mooch request B002HJ61LO Cinderbolt (USA: NM) 2009/08/10
175.7 -1 174.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425228649 Cinderbolt (USA: NM) 2009/08/10
175.6 +0.1 175.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061626821 Tina77 (USA: VA) 2009/08/10
175.5 +0.1 175.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821745743 HeatherB (USA: MA) 2009/08/10
175.4 +0.1 175.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425223221 smelz (USA: TX) 2009/08/10
175.3 +0.1 175.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416974474 Kelly (USA: PA) 2009/08/10
173.3 +2 175.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 1599986426 destarchild (Canada) 2009/08/10
172.3 +1 173.3 gave points for mooch request 0451527747 Katy (USA) 2009/08/09
173.3 -1 172.3 deducted points for mooch request 0758214758 Ann (USA) 2009/08/09
174.3 -1 173.3 deducted points for mooch request 0446540293 Ramona (USA: GA) 2009/08/09
174.2 +0.1 174.3 added book to inventory 0451527747 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/08/09
171.2 +3 174.2 gave points for mooch request 0373654502 Kiki (Germany) 2009/08/09
168.2 +3 171.2 gave points for mooch request 0373654472 Kiki (Germany) 2009/08/09
165.2 +3 168.2 gave points for mooch request 0380812568 Kiki (Germany) 2009/08/09
162.2 +3 165.2 gave points for mooch request 0380766752 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/08/08
159.2 +3 162.2 gave points for mooch request 0821741446 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/08/08
156.2 +3 159.2 gave points for mooch request 0440195330 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/08/08
156.1 +0.1 156.2 added book to inventory 0821741446 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/08/08
156 +0.1 156.1 added book to inventory 0380766752 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/08/08
155.9 +0.1 156 added book to inventory 0440195330 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/08/08
155.8 +0.1 155.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821741446 Christine (USA: FL) 2009/08/08
155.7 +0.1 155.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451225031 Maren (USA: GA) 2009/08/08
156.7 -1 155.7 deducted points for mooch request 0385665342 Stephanie (USA: TX) 2009/08/07
156.6 +0.1 156.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440195330 Brenda (USA: GA) 2009/08/07
156.5 +0.1 156.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380766752 Hepburn Lisbon Library (USA: NY) 2009/08/07
156.4 +0.1 156.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0762436514 Rhonda (USA: MS) 2009/08/06
155.4 +1 156.4 mooch rejected by book owner 0425225518 evangeline (USA: FL) 2009/08/05
155.3 +0.1 155.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061787361 Laura (USA: NV) 2009/08/05
156.3 -1 155.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425225518 evangeline (USA: FL) 2009/08/05
157.3 -1 156.3 deducted points for mooch request 0821757318 Rose (USA: GA) 2009/08/04
156.3 +1 157.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0821757318 christina braun (USA: CO) 2009/08/04
155.3 +1 156.3 gave points for mooch request 0451225678 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/08/04
154.3 +1 155.3 gave points for mooch request 0758215681 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/08/04
153.3 +1 154.3 gave points for mooch request 0758214189 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/08/04
153.2 +0.1 153.3 added book to inventory 0758214189 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/08/04
153.1 +0.1 153.2 added book to inventory 0758215681 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/08/04
154.1 -1 153.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451225031 Maren (USA: GA) 2009/08/04
154 +0.1 154.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0470393777 aowsley (USA: MT) 2009/08/04
155 -1 154 deducted points for mooch request 0440244501 Idalia (USA: TX) 2009/08/04
156 -1 155 deducted points for mooch request 0441017231 Idalia (USA: TX) 2009/08/04
157 -1 156 deducted points for mooch request 1439154279 Idalia (USA: TX) 2009/08/04
158 -1 157 deducted points for mooch request 031294361X Idalia (USA: TX) 2009/08/04
159 -1 158 deducted points for mooch request 0765359154 Idalia (USA: TX) 2009/08/04
160 -1 159 deducted points for mooch request 0061626821 Tina77 (USA: VA) 2009/08/03
162 -2 160 deducted points for mooch request 1419952269 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/08/03
164 -2 162 deducted points for mooch request 1419954709 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/08/03
166 -2 164 deducted points for mooch request 0060898577 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/08/03
165.9 +0.1 166 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758214189 stacy (USA: MN) 2009/08/03
167.9 -2 165.9 deducted points for mooch request 1606010077 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/08/03
169.9 -2 167.9 deducted points for mooch request 1599988038 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/08/03
170.9 -1 169.9 deducted points for mooch request 1586607774 KnitNut (USA: SC) 2009/08/03
171.9 -1 170.9 deducted points for mooch request 0821757318 christina braun (USA: CO) 2009/08/03
172.9 -1 171.9 deducted points for mooch request 0380766752 Hepburn Lisbon Library (USA: NY) 2009/08/03
173.9 -1 172.9 deducted points for mooch request 0440195330 Brenda (USA: GA) 2009/08/03
174.9 -1 173.9 deducted points for mooch request 0821745743 HeatherB (USA: MA) 2009/08/03
175.9 -1 174.9 deducted points for mooch request 0373790015 Michelle (USA: OH) 2009/08/03
176.9 -1 175.9 deducted points for mooch request 0821741446 Christine (USA: FL) 2009/08/03
178.9 -2 176.9 deducted points for mooch request 1606014676 Susan Dewar (Canada) 2009/08/03
179.9 -1 178.9 deducted points for mooch request 0061787361 Laura (USA: NV) 2009/08/02
179.8 +0.1 179.9 added book to inventory 0451225678 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/08/01
180.8 -1 179.8 deducted points for mooch request 0762436514 Rhonda (USA: MS) 2009/08/01
181.8 -1 180.8 deducted points for mooch request 1416974474 Kelly (USA: PA) 2009/07/31
181.7 +0.1 181.8 added book to inventory BM122056991214668671 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/31
181.6 +0.1 181.7 added book to inventory BM122959392170239994 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/31
181.5 +0.1 181.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416580557 Jen Levy (USA: OK) 2009/07/31
181.6 -0.1 181.5 removed book from inventory 0553592009 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/31
183.6 -2 181.6 deducted points for mooch request 1599986426 destarchild (Canada) 2009/07/30
183.5 +0.1 183.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373605218 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/07/30
183.4 +0.1 183.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451225678 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/07/30
183.3 +0.1 183.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 075821412X Regina (USA: OR) 2009/07/30
183.2 +0.1 183.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758215681 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/07/30
183.1 +0.1 183.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0979311012 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/07/30
183 +0.1 183.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758211872 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/07/30
182.9 +0.1 183 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416560815 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/07/30
182.8 +0.1 182.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416560823 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/07/30
182.7 +0.1 182.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758222718 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/07/30
182.6 +0.1 182.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0385341059 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/07/30
182.5 +0.1 182.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758223544 JGM (USA: GA) 2009/07/30
182.4 +0.1 182.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425213919 kevers (USA: FL) 2009/07/30
182.3 +0.1 182.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743466497 victoria (USA: NJ) 2009/07/30
181.3 +1 182.3 gave points for mooch request 0061336343 Mary Spurgeon (USA: GA) 2009/07/28
180.3 +1 181.3 gave points for mooch request 1419955969 Mary Spurgeon (USA: GA) 2009/07/28
180.2 +0.1 180.3 added book to inventory 1419955969 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/27
180.1 +0.1 180.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0805448853 BobbyD (USA: GA) 2009/07/27
177.1 +3 180.1 gave points for mooch request 1416911871 Cara (Canada) 2009/07/26
177.2 -0.1 177.1 removed book from inventory 0373773641 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/26
177.3 -0.1 177.2 removed book from inventory 0373773587 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/26
177.4 -0.1 177.3 removed book from inventory 0373773536 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/26
178.4 -1 177.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425223221 smelz (USA: TX) 2009/07/26
175.4 +3 178.4 gave points for mooch request 0505528010 Cara (Canada) 2009/07/26
175.3 +0.1 175.4 added book to inventory 0505528010 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/26
176.3 -1 175.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425213919 kevers (USA: FL) 2009/07/26
177.3 -1 176.3 deducted points for mooch request 0758223544 JGM (USA: GA) 2009/07/25
177.2 +0.1 177.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380005255 bkphile (USA: TX) 2009/07/25
177.1 +0.1 177.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0307264238 Sean Hood (USA: CA) 2009/07/25
177 +0.1 177.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061733954 Gemma Callahan (USA: WI) 2009/07/25
176.9 +0.1 177 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599984245 orla johnston (Ireland) 2009/07/25
177.9 -1 176.9 deducted points for mooch request 0470393777 aowsley (USA: MT) 2009/07/25
178.9 -1 177.9 deducted points for mooch request 0312368739 babigurl84 (USA: IL) 2009/07/24
178.8 +0.1 178.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1401303382 rmilani (USA: IL) 2009/07/24
177.8 +1 178.8 gave points for mooch request 0451222172 Karmen (USA) 2009/07/23
178.8 -1 177.8 deducted points for mooch request 0380005255 bkphile (USA: TX) 2009/07/22
178.7 +0.1 178.8 added book to inventory 0451222172 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/22
178.6 +0.1 178.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758215894 Kathy (USA) 2009/07/22
179.6 -1 178.6 deducted points for mooch request 0743466497 victoria (USA: NJ) 2009/07/21
179.7 -0.1 179.6 removed book from inventory 0451222172 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/21
179.6 +0.1 179.7 added book to inventory 0451222172 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/21
180.6 -1 179.6 deducted points for mooch request 0515146471 ki (USA: OH) 2009/07/21
181.6 -1 180.6 deducted points for mooch request 0758214189 stacy (USA: MN) 2009/07/21
183.6 -2 181.6 deducted points for mooch request 0553762834 Nicole (Germany) 2009/07/21
182.6 +1 183.6 mooch rejected by book owner 0743291085 Holli (USA: IA) 2009/07/21
181.6 +1 182.6 mooch rejected by book owner 0312383282 Holli (USA: IA) 2009/07/21
182.6 -1 181.6 deducted points for mooch request 0805448853 BobbyD (USA: GA) 2009/07/20
181.6 +1 182.6 gave points for mooch request 0345461215 wanda (USA: NC) 2009/07/20
180.6 +1 181.6 gave points for mooch request 0373294875 wanda (USA: NC) 2009/07/20
179.6 +1 180.6 gave points for mooch request 0380756293 ashley (USA: KY) 2009/07/19
178.6 +1 179.6 gave points for mooch request 0743456300 ashley (USA: KY) 2009/07/19
177.6 +1 178.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0758218567 Amber Nichole (USA: IA) 2009/07/19
176.6 +1 177.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 1594483299 Holli (USA: IA) 2009/07/19
177.6 -1 176.6 deducted points for mooch request 1594483299 Holli (USA: IA) 2009/07/19
178.6 -1 177.6 deducted points for mooch request 0743291085 Holli (USA: IA) 2009/07/19
179.6 -1 178.6 deducted points for mooch request 0312383282 Holli (USA: IA) 2009/07/19
178.6 +1 179.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0446545562 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/07/19
179.6 -1 178.6 deducted points for mooch request 0061733954 Gemma Callahan (USA: WI) 2009/07/19
179.5 +0.1 179.6 added book to inventory 0758220340 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/18
180.5 -1 179.5 deducted points for mooch request 0446545562 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/07/18
181.5 -1 180.5 deducted points for mooch request 0758222718 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/07/18
182.5 -1 181.5 deducted points for mooch request 0451225678 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/07/18
183.5 -1 182.5 deducted points for mooch request 075821412X Regina (USA: OR) 2009/07/18
184.5 -1 183.5 deducted points for mooch request 0373605218 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/07/18
185.5 -1 184.5 deducted points for mooch request 0758215681 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/07/18
186.5 -1 185.5 deducted points for mooch request 0979311012 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/07/18
187.5 -1 186.5 deducted points for mooch request 0758211872 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/07/18
188.5 -1 187.5 deducted points for mooch request 1416560815 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/07/18
189.5 -1 188.5 deducted points for mooch request 1416560823 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/07/18
190.5 -1 189.5 deducted points for mooch request 0385341059 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/07/18
191.5 -1 190.5 deducted points for mooch request 1416580557 Jen Levy (USA: OK) 2009/07/18
192.5 -1 191.5 deducted points for mooch request 0758215894 Kathy (USA) 2009/07/18
193.5 -1 192.5 deducted points for mooch request 0307264238 Sean Hood (USA: CA) 2009/07/18
192.5 +1 193.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 0312386710 celeste (USA: VA) 2009/07/18
189.5 +3 192.5 gave points for mooch request 0451405358 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/07/18
191.5 -2 189.5 deducted points for mooch request 1599984245 orla johnston (Ireland) 2009/07/18
191.4 +0.1 191.5 added book to inventory 006123124X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/17
191.3 +0.1 191.4 added book to inventory 0451405358 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/17
191.2 +0.1 191.3 added book to inventory 1416509518 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/17
191.1 +0.1 191.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416597980 Jes (USA: NY) 2009/07/17
191 +0.1 191.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440244501 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2009/07/16
190.9 +0.1 191 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425221385 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2009/07/16
190.8 +0.1 190.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425227014 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2009/07/16
190.7 +0.1 190.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0505528010 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2009/07/16
190.6 +0.1 190.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952005 Jill (USA: GA) 2009/07/15
190.5 +0.1 190.6 added book to inventory 0380812568 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/14
190.4 +0.1 190.5 added book to inventory 0373773641 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/14
190.3 +0.1 190.4 added book to inventory 0373773536 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/14
190.2 +0.1 190.3 added book to inventory 0373773587 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/14
190.1 +0.1 190.2 added book to inventory 031299866X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/14
190 +0.1 190.1 added book to inventory 0380815257 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/14
189.9 +0.1 190 added book to inventory 1416911871 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/14
186.9 +3 189.9 gave points for mooch request 006135564X Debbie S (Canada) 2009/07/14
183.9 +3 186.9 gave points for mooch request 0380815486 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/07/14
180.9 +3 183.9 gave points for mooch request 0821760580 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/07/14
177.9 +3 180.9 gave points for mooch request 0380764113 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/07/14
177.8 +0.1 177.9 added book to inventory 006135564X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/14
177.7 +0.1 177.8 added book to inventory 0380815486 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/14
177.6 +0.1 177.7 added book to inventory 0821760580 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/14
177.5 +0.1 177.6 added book to inventory 0380764113 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/14
177.4 +0.1 177.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380815486 Marilyn (USA: CA) 2009/07/14
177.3 +0.1 177.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 006135564X cheryl (USA: LA) 2009/07/14
177.2 +0.1 177.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821760580 lorraine malone (USA: CT) 2009/07/14
177.1 +0.1 177.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380812568 Peggy (USA: MI) 2009/07/14
177 +0.1 177.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380764113 Peggy (USA: MI) 2009/07/14
176.9 +0.1 177 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1933372605 Brandy (USA: IN) 2009/07/13
177.9 -1 176.9 deducted points for mooch request 0307383326 rmilani (USA: IL) 2009/07/12
178.9 -1 177.9 deducted points for mooch request 1401303382 rmilani (USA: IL) 2009/07/12
178.8 +0.1 178.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758228589 marireads (USA: CA) 2009/07/11
177.8 +1 178.8 gave points for mooch request 0373772343 penny (USA: FL) 2009/07/11
176.8 +1 177.8 gave points for mooch request 013119139X Belanna (USA: KY) 2009/07/10
176.7 +0.1 176.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758218699 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/07/10
176.6 +0.1 176.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419957384 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/07/10
176.5 +0.1 176.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373773641 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/07/09
176.4 +0.1 176.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 031299866X Jen (USA: MD) 2009/07/09
176.3 +0.1 176.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373773536 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/07/09
176.2 +0.1 176.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373773587 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/07/09
176.1 +0.1 176.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380815257 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/07/09
176 +0.1 176.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416911871 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/07/09
177 -1 176 deducted points for mooch request 1419952005 Jill (USA: GA) 2009/07/08
178 -1 177 deducted points for mooch request 0758218567 Amber Nichole (USA: IA) 2009/07/08
180 -2 178 deducted points for mooch request 0352341580 Kate Saunders (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
179.9 +0.1 180 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1602020892 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/07/08
179.8 +0.1 179.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 075822222X Tara (USA: MO) 2009/07/08
179.7 +0.1 179.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061252433 Patricia (USA: CA) 2009/07/07
179.6 +0.1 179.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416503617 Patricia (USA: CA) 2009/07/07
179.5 +0.1 179.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451226739 Patricia (USA: CA) 2009/07/07
179.4 +0.1 179.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843960434 Patricia (USA: CA) 2009/07/07
180.4 -1 179.4 deducted points for mooch request 1933372605 Brandy (USA: IN) 2009/07/07
176.4 +4 180.4 received points from charity Jen (USA: MD) 2009/07/06
177.4 -1 176.4 deducted points for mooch request 031299866X Jen (USA: MD) 2009/07/06
178.4 -1 177.4 deducted points for mooch request 0373773641 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/07/06
179.4 -1 178.4 deducted points for mooch request 0373773536 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/07/06
180.4 -1 179.4 deducted points for mooch request 0373773587 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/07/06
181.4 -1 180.4 deducted points for mooch request 0380815257 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/07/06
182.4 -1 181.4 deducted points for mooch request 1416911871 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/07/06
182.3 +0.1 182.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 067001110X Adrienne (USA: MA) 2009/07/06
183.3 -1 182.3 deducted points for mooch request 0758218699 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/07/06
182.3 +1 183.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 1843608928 Kay (USA: TN) 2009/07/05
183.3 -1 182.3 deducted points for mooch request 1419957384 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/07/05
182.3 +1 183.3 lost in the mail says book owner 031236329X Deana Mitchell (USA: KS) 2009/07/04
183.3 -1 182.3 deducted points for mooch request 006135564X cheryl (USA: LA) 2009/07/04
184.3 -1 183.3 deducted points for mooch request 0380815486 Marilyn (USA: CA) 2009/07/04
185.3 -1 184.3 deducted points for mooch request 0821760580 lorraine malone (USA: CT) 2009/07/04
182.3 +3 185.3 gave points for mooch request 1575666987 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/07/04
182.2 +0.1 182.3 added book to inventory 1575666987 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/04
181.2 +1 182.2 gave points for mooch request 0821777718 Nina (USA: MN) 2009/07/04
181.1 +0.1 181.2 added book to inventory 0821777718 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/03
182.1 -1 181.1 deducted points for mooch request 0505528010 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2009/07/03
183.1 -1 182.1 deducted points for mooch request 0440244501 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2009/07/03
184.1 -1 183.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425221385 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2009/07/03
185.1 -1 184.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425227014 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2009/07/03
185 +0.1 185.1 added book to inventory 0743456300 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/03
184 +1 185 gave points for mooch request 0352341165 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/07/03
183 +1 184 gave points for mooch request 0425221504 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/07/03
182 +1 183 gave points for mooch request 0380752948 Sarah (USA: GA) 2009/07/03
181 +1 182 gave points for mooch request 0843949740 Sarah (USA: GA) 2009/07/03
180.9 +0.1 181 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419955969 catherine james (USA: CA) 2009/07/03
179.9 +1 180.9 gave points for mooch request 141995380X Tara (USA: MO) 2009/07/03
179.8 +0.1 179.9 added book to inventory 141995380X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/02
179.7 +0.1 179.8 added book to inventory 0352341165 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/02
179.6 +0.1 179.7 added book to inventory 0425221504 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/02
179.5 +0.1 179.6 added book to inventory 0843949740 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/07/01
180.5 -1 179.5 deducted points for mooch request 0758228589 marireads (USA: CA) 2009/07/01
180.4 +0.1 180.5 added book to inventory 0553592009 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/29
181.4 -1 180.4 deducted points for mooch request 067001110X Adrienne (USA: MA) 2009/06/29
181.3 +0.1 181.4 added book to inventory 0345461215 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/29
181.2 +0.1 181.3 added book to inventory 0821780182 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/29
181.1 +0.1 181.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553592009 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/06/29
181 +0.1 181.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843949740 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/06/29
180.9 +0.1 181 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821780182 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/06/29
179.9 +1 180.9 gave points for mooch request 0060593741 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/06/29
178.9 +1 179.9 gave points for mooch request 0451205154 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/06/29
179.9 -1 178.9 deducted points for mooch request 0451226739 Patricia (USA: CA) 2009/06/28
180.9 -1 179.9 deducted points for mooch request 0061252433 Patricia (USA: CA) 2009/06/28
181.9 -1 180.9 deducted points for mooch request 1416503617 Patricia (USA: CA) 2009/06/28
182.9 -1 181.9 deducted points for mooch request 0843960434 Patricia (USA: CA) 2009/06/28
181.9 +1 182.9 gave points for mooch request 1419951920 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/06/28
181.8 +0.1 181.9 added book to inventory 1419951920 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/27
181.9 -0.1 181.8 removed book from inventory 0743442237 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/27
181.8 +0.1 181.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451412354 Hoopy (USA: IN) 2009/06/27
181.9 -0.1 181.8 removed book from inventory 1843604469 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/26
182.9 -1 181.9 deducted points for mooch request 075822222X Tara (USA: MO) 2009/06/26
182.8 +0.1 182.9 added book to inventory 1843604469 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/26
179.8 +3 182.8 gave points for mooch request 0758214405 melissa (Canada) 2009/06/26
180.8 -1 179.8 deducted points for mooch request 0373605285 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/06/25
181.8 -1 180.8 deducted points for mooch request 1419953192 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/06/25
181.7 +0.1 181.8 added book to inventory 0758214405 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/25
182.7 -1 181.7 deducted points for mooch request 1419955969 catherine james (USA: CA) 2009/06/24
182.6 +0.1 182.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758215304 Mistress Reub (USA: OK) 2009/06/24
182.5 +0.1 182.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758214391 Mistress Reub (USA: OK) 2009/06/24
181.5 +1 182.5 received a smooch Peggy (USA: MI) 2009/06/23
182.5 -1 181.5 deducted points for mooch request 0380812568 Peggy (USA: MI) 2009/06/23
183.5 -1 182.5 deducted points for mooch request 0380764113 Peggy (USA: MI) 2009/06/23
183.4 +0.1 183.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758214898 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/06/23
183.3 +0.1 183.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419953818 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/06/23
183.2 +0.1 183.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419954997 Cara (Canada) 2009/06/23
183.1 +0.1 183.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0964894262 Cara (Canada) 2009/06/23
183 +0.1 183.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952056 Cara (Canada) 2009/06/23
182.9 +0.1 183 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1582346186 Amanda (USA: CA) 2009/06/23
182.8 +0.1 182.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758214405 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2009/06/23
180.8 +2 182.8 received points from charity Jen (USA: MD) 2009/06/22
181.8 -1 180.8 deducted points for mooch request 0821780182 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/06/22
182.8 -1 181.8 deducted points for mooch request 0553592009 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/06/22
183.8 -1 182.8 deducted points for mooch request 0843949740 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/06/22
182.8 +1 183.8 gave points for mooch request 0440244900 lori (USA: PA) 2009/06/22
182.7 +0.1 182.8 added book to inventory 0440244900 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/22
183.7 -1 182.7 deducted points for mooch request 1602020892 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/06/20
183.6 +0.1 183.7 added book to inventory 0451205154 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/20
180.6 +3 183.6 gave points for mooch request 0843929723 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/06/20
180.5 +0.1 180.6 added book to inventory 0843929723 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/20
180.4 +0.1 180.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416549714 Audrey (USA: AK) 2009/06/20
179.4 +1 180.4 gave points for mooch request 0821780409 Mindy (USA: FL) 2009/06/19
178.4 +1 179.4 gave points for mooch request 1420101269 Mindy (USA: FL) 2009/06/19
178.3 +0.1 178.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0765360411 Emily (USA: OR) 2009/06/19
178.2 +0.1 178.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758216416 Stacy (USA: NJ) 2009/06/19
178.3 -0.1 178.2 removed book from inventory 0060896493 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/19
178.4 -0.1 178.3 removed book from inventory 0060006633 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/19
179.4 -1 178.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0380762595 Greicey (USA: SC) 2009/06/19
178.4 +1 179.4 gave points for mooch request 1419950800 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/06/18
177.4 +1 178.4 gave points for mooch request 1419954202 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/06/18
177.3 +0.1 177.4 added book to inventory 1419954202 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/18
177.2 +0.1 177.3 added book to inventory 1419950800 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/18
176.2 +1 177.2 gave points for mooch request 0380771829 Vickie R. (USA: NY) 2009/06/17
175.2 +1 176.2 gave points for mooch request 0843956380 Vickie R. (USA: NY) 2009/06/17
175.1 +0.1 175.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0375424490 LConway (USA: CA) 2009/06/17
176.1 -1 175.1 deducted points for mooch request 0758214898 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/06/16
177.1 -1 176.1 deducted points for mooch request 1419953818 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/06/15
177 +0.1 177.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419956221 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2009/06/15
176.9 +0.1 177 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758212100 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2009/06/15
176.8 +0.1 176.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 042522404X Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2009/06/15
176.7 +0.1 176.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425214133 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2009/06/15
176.6 +0.1 176.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419956051 rayne (Canada) 2009/06/15
176.5 +0.1 176.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312948425 Mason (USA: PA) 2009/06/15
176.4 +0.1 176.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416577300 rayne (Canada) 2009/06/15
176.3 +0.1 176.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599982161 rayne (Canada) 2009/06/15
176.2 +0.1 176.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419955195 rayne (Canada) 2009/06/15
176.3 -0.1 176.2 removed book from inventory 0843957107 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/15
176.2 +0.1 176.3 added book to inventory 0380771829 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/13
176.1 +0.1 176.2 added book to inventory 0517060175 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/12
176 +0.1 176.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1402765711 Dan Hamilton (USA: ME) 2009/06/12
175.9 +0.1 176 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061689394 Jaxon (USA: MI) 2009/06/12
176.9 -1 175.9 deducted points for mooch request 0758215304 Mistress Reub (USA: OK) 2009/06/11
177.9 -1 176.9 deducted points for mooch request 0758214391 Mistress Reub (USA: OK) 2009/06/11
177.8 +0.1 177.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 096489422X PK.Hartman (USA: VA) 2009/06/10
177.7 +0.1 177.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758213867 wildhart (USA: LA) 2009/06/10
179.7 -2 177.7 deducted points for mooch request 1419954997 Cara (Canada) 2009/06/09
181.7 -2 179.7 deducted points for mooch request 0964894262 Cara (Canada) 2009/06/09
183.7 -2 181.7 deducted points for mooch request 1419952056 Cara (Canada) 2009/06/09
184.7 -1 183.7 deducted points for mooch request 1582346186 Amanda (USA: CA) 2009/06/09
183.7 +1 184.7 gave points for mooch request 0380762595 Greicey (USA: SC) 2009/06/09
183.8 -0.1 183.7 removed book from inventory 0778320855 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/09
183.9 -0.1 183.8 removed book from inventory 0373234597 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/09
184 -0.1 183.9 removed book from inventory 0821779907 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/09
185 -1 184 deducted points for mooch request 0375424490 LConway (USA: CA) 2009/06/08
184 +1 185 gave points for mooch request 006136343X SJ Hennessy (USA: PA) 2009/06/08
183.9 +0.1 184 added book to inventory 0373654472 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/08
183.8 +0.1 183.9 added book to inventory 0373654502 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/08
183.7 +0.1 183.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 159998640X Heidi (USA: WA) 2009/06/08
185.7 -2 183.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425226905 Eliza (Australia) 2009/06/08
184.7 +1 185.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0843960434 evangeline (USA: FL) 2009/06/07
185.7 -1 184.7 deducted points for mooch request 0843960434 evangeline (USA: FL) 2009/06/07
185.6 +0.1 185.7 added book to inventory 006136343X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/07
185.7 -0.1 185.6 removed book from inventory 0758208529 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/07
185.6 +0.1 185.7 added book to inventory 0758208529 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/07
187.6 -2 185.6 deducted points for mooch request 1419956051 rayne (Canada) 2009/06/07
188.6 -1 187.6 deducted points for mooch request 1402765711 Dan Hamilton (USA: ME) 2009/06/07
189.6 -1 188.6 deducted points for mooch request 1416597980 Jes (USA: NY) 2009/06/06
189.5 +0.1 189.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416577297 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/06/06
189.4 +0.1 189.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061728977 Alexandra (USA: NY) 2009/06/06
190.4 -1 189.4 deducted points for mooch request 096489422X PK.Hartman (USA: VA) 2009/06/06
191.4 -1 190.4 deducted points for mooch request 0312948425 Mason (USA: PA) 2009/06/05
190.4 +1 191.4 gave points for mooch request 1599982579 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/06/04
189.4 +1 190.4 gave points for mooch request 0373294980 Christa (USA: ME) 2009/06/03
188.4 +1 189.4 gave points for mooch request 0380800829 Christa (USA: ME) 2009/06/03
187.4 +1 188.4 gave points for mooch request 0688176992 krameseer (USA: IN) 2009/06/03
186.4 +1 187.4 gave points for mooch request BM120769056228233357 krameseer (USA: IN) 2009/06/03
186.3 +0.1 186.4 added book to inventory 1599982579 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/03
187.3 -1 186.3 deducted points for mooch request 0758213867 wildhart (USA: LA) 2009/06/03
187.2 +0.1 187.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0670020745 Melissa (USA: TX) 2009/06/03
187.1 +0.1 187.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0972437746 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/06/03
187 +0.1 187.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 141995041X Tara (USA: MO) 2009/06/03
186.9 +0.1 187 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419954385 Teldira (USA: OR) 2009/06/03
186.8 +0.1 186.9 added book to inventory 0373294980 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/02
186.7 +0.1 186.8 added book to inventory 0671870963 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/02
186.6 +0.1 186.7 added book to inventory 0373234589 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/06/02
186.5 +0.1 186.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0316160202 Jen (USA: FL) 2009/06/01
186.4 +0.1 186.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 039915583X Nicole (USA: PA) 2009/06/01
186.3 +0.1 186.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952358 Cindy (USA: NV) 2009/06/01
185.3 +1 186.3 gave points for mooch request 0352340886 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/05/31
185.4 -0.1 185.3 removed book from inventory 0060834129 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/31
185.3 +0.1 185.4 added book to inventory 0843957107 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/31
185.4 -0.1 185.3 removed book from inventory 0517060175 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/31
185.5 -0.1 185.4 removed book from inventory 0843957107 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/31
184.5 +1 185.5 gave points for mooch request BM1234819110952455744 Gloria Leclerc (USA: NH) 2009/05/31
183.5 +1 184.5 gave points for mooch request 0451226496 Pam (USA: AL) 2009/05/30
183.4 +0.1 183.5 added book to inventory 0451226496 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/30
183.3 +0.1 183.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451226305 Amanda (USA: KS) 2009/05/30
183.2 +0.1 183.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345503651 Amanda (USA: KS) 2009/05/30
183.1 +0.1 183.2 added book to inventory 0352340886 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/30
184.1 -1 183.1 deducted points for mooch request 0758216416 Stacy (USA: NJ) 2009/05/30
183.1 +1 184.1 gave points for mooch request 1419951017 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/05/29
183 +0.1 183.1 added book to inventory 1419951017 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/29
182.9 +0.1 183 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451226496 Deana Mitchell (USA: KS) 2009/05/29
183.9 -1 182.9 deducted points for mooch request 0316160202 Jen (USA: FL) 2009/05/28
182.9 +1 183.9 gave points for mooch request 0060793481 Katie (USA: WY) 2009/05/28
182.8 +0.1 182.9 added book to inventory 0060793481 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/28
182.7 +0.1 182.8 added book to inventory 0380800829 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/28
183.7 -1 182.7 deducted points for mooch request 0061728977 Alexandra (USA: NY) 2009/05/28
184.7 -1 183.7 deducted points for mooch request 1416549714 Audrey (USA: AK) 2009/05/27
185.7 -1 184.7 deducted points for mooch request 0061689394 Jaxon (USA: MI) 2009/05/27
184.7 +1 185.7 gave points for mooch request 0425197786 paula (USA: CA) 2009/05/27
183.7 +1 184.7 gave points for mooch request 0843947780 paula (USA: CA) 2009/05/27
182.7 +1 183.7 gave points for mooch request 0373617496 Jennifer (USA: NY) 2009/05/27
181.7 +1 182.7 gave points for mooch request 0060162724 Lexi (USA: MA) 2009/05/27
182.7 -1 181.7 deducted points for mooch request 0670020745 Melissa (USA: TX) 2009/05/26
182.6 +0.1 182.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1596323280 Grey Sterling (USA: CA) 2009/05/26
182.5 +0.1 182.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373605269 Victoria (USA: PA) 2009/05/26
183.5 -1 182.5 deducted points for mooch request 039915583X Nicole (USA: PA) 2009/05/26
182.5 +1 183.5 gave points for mooch request 0842332359 sierra smith (USA: WV) 2009/05/26
183.5 -1 182.5 deducted points for mooch request 0312386710 celeste (USA: VA) 2009/05/25
184.5 -1 183.5 deducted points for mooch request 141995041X Tara (USA: MO) 2009/05/25
185.5 -1 184.5 deducted points for mooch request 1416577297 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/05/25
184.5 +1 185.5 gave points for mooch request 1556611099 Becca (USA: OH) 2009/05/25
184.4 +0.1 184.5 added book to inventory 0821753789 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/24
185.4 -1 184.4 deducted points for mooch request 0765360411 Emily (USA: OR) 2009/05/24
184.4 +1 185.4 gave points for mooch request 0142402516 Katie (USA: NY) 2009/05/24
184.3 +0.1 184.4 added book to inventory 1556611099 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/24
184.2 +0.1 184.3 added book to inventory 0142402516 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/24
185.2 -1 184.2 deducted points for mooch request 1419952358 Cindy (USA: NV) 2009/05/24
186.2 -1 185.2 deducted points for mooch request 0972437746 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/05/24
185.2 +1 186.2 mooch rejected by book owner 1419952358 Cindy (USA: NV) 2009/05/23
186.2 -1 185.2 deducted points for mooch request 1419952358 Cindy (USA: NV) 2009/05/23
186.1 +0.1 186.2 added book to inventory 0671666258 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
186 +0.1 186.1 added book to inventory 0394589424 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
185.9 +0.1 186 added book to inventory 0385245793 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
185.8 +0.1 185.9 added book to inventory 0446513067 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
185.7 +0.1 185.8 added book to inventory 0688088686 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
185.6 +0.1 185.7 added book to inventory 0671686844 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
185.5 +0.1 185.6 added book to inventory 038530529X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
185.4 +0.1 185.5 added book to inventory 0312042647 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
185.3 +0.1 185.4 added book to inventory 0679416889 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
185.2 +0.1 185.3 added book to inventory 0060162724 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
185.1 +0.1 185.2 added book to inventory 0671746936 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
185 +0.1 185.1 added book to inventory 0671796410 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
184.9 +0.1 185 added book to inventory 0671689495 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
184.8 +0.1 184.9 added book to inventory 0679412743 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
184.7 +0.1 184.8 added book to inventory 0399135421 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
184.6 +0.1 184.7 added book to inventory 0394559517 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
184.5 +0.1 184.6 added book to inventory 0553053701 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
184.4 +0.1 184.5 added book to inventory 0842332359 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
184.3 +0.1 184.4 added book to inventory 0671501496 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
184.2 +0.1 184.3 added book to inventory 0671673653 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
184.1 +0.1 184.2 added book to inventory 0671648918 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
184 +0.1 184.1 added book to inventory 0671670387 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
183.9 +0.1 184 added book to inventory 0679420649 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
183.8 +0.1 183.9 added book to inventory 0385301383 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
183.7 +0.1 183.8 added book to inventory 0399137785 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
183.6 +0.1 183.7 added book to inventory 0316171565 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
183.5 +0.1 183.6 added book to inventory 0517581248 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
183.4 +0.1 183.5 added book to inventory 0399138250 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
183.3 +0.1 183.4 added book to inventory 0679781587 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
183.2 +0.1 183.3 added book to inventory 0671689487 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
183.1 +0.1 183.2 added book to inventory 0446516988 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
183 +0.1 183.1 added book to inventory 0446516945 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
182.9 +0.1 183 added book to inventory 039455485X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
182.8 +0.1 182.9 added book to inventory 0517060175 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
182.7 +0.1 182.8 added book to inventory 039913655X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
182.6 +0.1 182.7 added book to inventory 0446516767 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
182.5 +0.1 182.6 added book to inventory 0060165731 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
182.4 +0.1 182.5 added book to inventory 0385490992 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
182.3 +0.1 182.4 added book to inventory 0385417845 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
182.2 +0.1 182.3 added book to inventory 0688176992 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/23
183.2 -1 182.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451412354 Hoopy (USA: IN) 2009/05/22
180.2 +3 183.2 gave points for mooch request 0449006840 libertycalls (Trinidad and Tobago) 2009/05/22
177.2 +3 180.2 gave points for mooch request 1416523324 libertycalls (Trinidad and Tobago) 2009/05/22
177.1 +0.1 177.2 added book to inventory 0449006840 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/22
177 +0.1 177.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060554738 driver10 (USA: CA) 2009/05/21
176.9 +0.1 177 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1575666995 CariAnn (USA: MO) 2009/05/21
177.9 -1 176.9 deducted points for mooch request 1419954385 Teldira (USA: OR) 2009/05/19
178.9 -1 177.9 deducted points for mooch request 1843608928 Kay (USA: TN) 2009/05/19
177.9 +1 178.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0061363405 catherine james (USA: CA) 2009/05/19
177.8 +0.1 177.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 141995380X debbie (USA: DE) 2009/05/19
177.7 +0.1 177.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843604469 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/05/19
177.6 +0.1 177.7 added book to inventory 0060955465 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/19
177.5 +0.1 177.6 added book to inventory 0671601296 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/19
178.5 -1 177.5 deducted points for mooch request 159998640X Heidi (USA: WA) 2009/05/18
178.4 +0.1 178.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0977010783 Karen (USA: CA) 2009/05/18
178.3 +0.1 178.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425212750 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/05/18
178.2 +0.1 178.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425214915 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/05/18
178.1 +0.1 178.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425226999 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/05/18
177.1 +1 178.1 gave points for mooch request 0425203441 MelanieH (USA: PA) 2009/05/17
176.1 +1 177.1 gave points for mooch request 0425196836 MelanieH (USA: PA) 2009/05/17
175.1 +1 176.1 gave points for mooch request 0843949856 MelanieH (USA: PA) 2009/05/17
174.1 +1 175.1 gave points for mooch request 0843952210 MelanieH (USA: PA) 2009/05/17
173.1 +1 174.1 gave points for mooch request 0843952202 MelanieH (USA: PA) 2009/05/17
174.1 -1 173.1 deducted points for mooch request 0061363405 catherine james (USA: CA) 2009/05/16
171.1 +3 174.1 gave points for mooch request 0425217183 Cara (Canada) 2009/05/16
172.1 -1 171.1 deducted points for mooch request 1596323280 Grey Sterling (USA: CA) 2009/05/16
172 +0.1 172.1 added book to inventory 0425217183 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/16
171.9 +0.1 172 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061537934 SherPa (USA: WA) 2009/05/16
171.8 +0.1 171.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758231296 Terry (USA: MA) 2009/05/16
171.7 +0.1 171.8 added book to inventory 0821780409 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/16
171.6 +0.1 171.7 added book to inventory 0060593741 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/16
171.5 +0.1 171.6 added book to inventory 0843952210 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/16
171.4 +0.1 171.5 added book to inventory 0843952202 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/16
171.3 +0.1 171.4 added book to inventory 0843949856 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/16
171.2 +0.1 171.3 added book to inventory 0060575352 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/16
171.1 +0.1 171.2 added book to inventory 0821777874 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/16
171 +0.1 171.1 added book to inventory 0821779907 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/16
170.9 +0.1 171 added book to inventory 0425196836 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/16
170.8 +0.1 170.9 added book to inventory 0515133884 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/16
171.8 -1 170.8 deducted points for mooch request 0451226496 Deana Mitchell (USA: KS) 2009/05/16
172.8 -1 171.8 deducted points for mooch request 031236329X Deana Mitchell (USA: KS) 2009/05/16
172.9 -0.1 172.8 removed book from inventory 0821753789 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/16
173 -0.1 172.9 removed book from inventory B000WH4N4A kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/16
172.9 +0.1 173 added book to inventory 0505519100 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/16
172.8 +0.1 172.9 added book to inventory 0425190706 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/15
172.7 +0.1 172.8 added book to inventory 0425203441 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/15
173.7 -1 172.7 deducted points for mooch request 0373605269 Victoria (USA: PA) 2009/05/15
173.8 -0.1 173.7 removed book from inventory 0671870963 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/14
173.7 +0.1 173.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416559639 bobsmom (USA: PA) 2009/05/14
173.6 +0.1 173.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061582034 bobsmom (USA: PA) 2009/05/14
173.5 +0.1 173.6 added book to inventory 0425197786 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/14
173.4 +0.1 173.5 added book to inventory 0060526211 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/14
173.5 -0.1 173.4 removed book from inventory 0373771371 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/14
173.4 +0.1 173.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060575352 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/14
173.3 +0.1 173.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425190706 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/14
173.2 +0.1 173.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843952210 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/14
173.1 +0.1 173.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425197786 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/14
173 +0.1 173.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060593741 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/14
172.9 +0.1 173 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425200132 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/14
172.8 +0.1 172.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060526211 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/14
172.7 +0.1 172.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843952202 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/14
172.6 +0.1 172.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843949856 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/14
172.5 +0.1 172.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821779907 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/14
172.4 +0.1 172.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0515133884 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/14
172.3 +0.1 172.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821780409 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/14
172.2 +0.1 172.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425196836 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/14
172.1 +0.1 172.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821777874 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/14
171.1 +1 172.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0061431621 Rhabbitt (USA: NJ) 2009/05/13
172.1 -1 171.1 deducted points for mooch request 0061431621 Rhabbitt (USA: NJ) 2009/05/13
172 +0.1 172.1 added book to inventory 0060006633 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/13
173 -1 172 deducted points for mooch request 141995380X debbie (USA: DE) 2009/05/12
172.9 +0.1 173 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599983834 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/05/11
172.8 +0.1 172.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419951165 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/05/11
172.7 +0.1 172.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312368356 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/05/11
172.6 +0.1 172.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599982595 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/05/11
172.5 +0.1 172.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419954571 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/05/11
172.4 +0.1 172.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 141995623X Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/05/11
173.4 -1 172.4 deducted points for mooch request 1575666995 CariAnn (USA: MO) 2009/05/10
174.4 -1 173.4 deducted points for mooch request 0977010783 Karen (USA: CA) 2009/05/10
174.3 +0.1 174.4 added book to inventory 1416523324 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/09
175.3 -1 174.3 deducted points for mooch request 0060554738 driver10 (USA: CA) 2009/05/09
176.3 -1 175.3 deducted points for mooch request 0061537934 SherPa (USA: WA) 2009/05/09
169.3 +7 176.3 received points from charity Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/09
169.2 +0.1 169.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061245097 Lora (USA: OK) 2009/05/09
169.1 +0.1 169.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061245089 Lora (USA: OK) 2009/05/09
169 +0.1 169.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0316020583 crazy4neely (USA: MS) 2009/05/08
168.9 +0.1 169 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0316043540 crazy4neely (USA: MS) 2009/05/08
168.8 +0.1 168.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0316020575 crazy4neely (USA: MS) 2009/05/08
168.7 +0.1 168.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312943415 Sarah (USA: ID) 2009/05/08
167.7 +1 168.7 gave points for mooch request 0312983301 lizamichelle1 (USA: FL) 2009/05/07
167.8 -0.1 167.7 removed book from inventory 0060006633 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/07
168.8 -1 167.8 deducted points for mooch request 1843604469 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/05/07
168.7 +0.1 168.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599982579 ScarletTisa (USA: OR) 2009/05/07
169.7 -1 168.7 deducted points for mooch request 0843952210 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/06
168.7 +1 169.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0373771983 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/06
169.7 -1 168.7 deducted points for mooch request 0373771983 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/06
170.7 -1 169.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425190706 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/06
171.7 -1 170.7 deducted points for mooch request 0060575352 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/06
172.7 -1 171.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425197786 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/06
173.7 -1 172.7 deducted points for mooch request 0060526211 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/06
174.7 -1 173.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425200132 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/06
175.7 -1 174.7 deducted points for mooch request 0060593741 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/06
176.7 -1 175.7 deducted points for mooch request 0515133884 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/06
177.7 -1 176.7 deducted points for mooch request 0821779907 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/06
178.7 -1 177.7 deducted points for mooch request 0843949856 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/06
179.7 -1 178.7 deducted points for mooch request 0843952202 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/06
180.7 -1 179.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425196836 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/06
181.7 -1 180.7 deducted points for mooch request 0821780409 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/06
182.7 -1 181.7 deducted points for mooch request 0821777874 Maripat (USA: MA) 2009/05/06
183.7 -1 182.7 deducted points for mooch request 0061582034 bobsmom (USA: PA) 2009/05/06
184.7 -1 183.7 deducted points for mooch request 1416559639 bobsmom (USA: PA) 2009/05/06
184.6 +0.1 184.7 added book to inventory 0671870963 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/06
183.6 +1 184.6 gave points for mooch request 0380385880 KarenC (USA: FL) 2009/05/06
182.6 +1 183.6 gave points for mooch request 1416578226 Casey Library (USA: IA) 2009/05/05
181.6 +1 182.6 gave points for mooch request 0380899825 Casey Library (USA: IA) 2009/05/05
178.6 +3 181.6 gave points for mooch request 1419952064 Cara (Canada) 2009/05/05
178.5 +0.1 178.6 added book to inventory 1419952064 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/05
178.4 +0.1 178.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1582701997 Luz (USA: FL) 2009/05/05
178.3 +0.1 178.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758226934 Arlene Schmuland (USA: AK) 2009/05/05
178.2 +0.1 178.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425220540 Arlene Schmuland (USA: AK) 2009/05/05
178.1 +0.1 178.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0352340886 Arlene Schmuland (USA: AK) 2009/05/05
178 +0.1 178.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0352341165 Arlene Schmuland (USA: AK) 2009/05/05
177.9 +0.1 178 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758220405 Arlene Schmuland (USA: AK) 2009/05/05
177.8 +0.1 177.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758219881 Arlene Schmuland (USA: AK) 2009/05/05
177.7 +0.1 177.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758213867 Arlene Schmuland (USA: AK) 2009/05/05
177.6 +0.1 177.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758213883 Arlene Schmuland (USA: AK) 2009/05/05
177.5 +0.1 177.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758218710 Arlene Schmuland (USA: AK) 2009/05/05
177.4 +0.1 177.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061351504 Nikki (USA: CO) 2009/05/05
178.4 -1 177.4 deducted points for mooch request 042522404X Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2009/05/05
180.4 -2 178.4 deducted points for mooch request 1599982161 rayne (Canada) 2009/05/04
182.4 -2 180.4 deducted points for mooch request 1416577300 rayne (Canada) 2009/05/04
182.5 -0.1 182.4 removed book from inventory 0821778323 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/04
182.4 +0.1 182.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061474304 Jenger (USA: OK) 2009/05/04
182.3 +0.1 182.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0374165270 Bookfriend (USA: AZ) 2009/05/04
182.2 +0.1 182.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0307269752 Glenda Hamilton (USA: CA) 2009/05/04
182.1 +0.1 182.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 075821412X Tara (USA: MO) 2009/05/04
182 +0.1 182.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419953753 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/05/04
181.9 +0.1 182 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419953745 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/05/04
181.8 +0.1 181.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373605250 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/05/04
180.8 +1 181.8 gave points for mooch request 0321099885 friedrice (USA: NY) 2009/05/03
179.8 +1 180.8 gave points for mooch request 0813817803 friedrice (USA: NY) 2009/05/03
178.8 +1 179.8 gave points for mooch request B0007J9TZG friedrice (USA: NY) 2009/05/03
177.8 +1 178.8 gave points for mooch request B000Q7N9CS friedrice (USA: NY) 2009/05/03
176.8 +1 177.8 gave points for mooch request 0373770979 Missy (USA: AR) 2009/05/02
175.8 +1 176.8 gave points for mooch request 0060779411 Missy (USA: AR) 2009/05/02
175.9 -0.1 175.8 removed book from inventory 0373294980 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/02
176 -0.1 175.9 removed book from inventory 0373234589 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/02
175.9 +0.1 176 added book to inventory 0312970021 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/05/01
175.8 +0.1 175.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425224066 rll0710 (USA: WI) 2009/05/01
175.7 +0.1 175.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425226336 sugarandgrits (USA: GA) 2009/05/01
175.6 +0.1 175.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419954202 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/05/01
175.5 +0.1 175.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419951017 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/05/01
175.4 +0.1 175.5 added book to inventory 0380756293 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/30
174.4 +1 175.4 gave points for mooch request 0778324184 Raquel (USA: IL) 2009/04/30
174.3 +0.1 174.4 added book to inventory 0380762560 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/30
175.3 -1 174.3 deducted points for mooch request 0374165270 Bookfriend (USA: AZ) 2009/04/30
176.3 -1 175.3 deducted points for mooch request 0312943415 Sarah (USA: ID) 2009/04/30
176.2 +0.1 176.3 added book to inventory 0778324184 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/29
173.2 +3 176.2 gave points for mooch request 0553579649 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/04/29
170.2 +3 173.2 gave points for mooch request 0373295359 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/04/29
167.2 +3 170.2 gave points for mooch request 0380803658 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/04/29
164.2 +3 167.2 gave points for mooch request 0380793105 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/04/29
163.2 +1 164.2 gave points for mooch request 1416536000 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2009/04/29
163.1 +0.1 163.2 added book to inventory 0380793105 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/29
163 +0.1 163.1 added book to inventory 0373295359 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/29
162.9 +0.1 163 added book to inventory 0380803658 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/29
162.8 +0.1 162.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380803658 Karen R (USA: FL) 2009/04/29
162.7 +0.1 162.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373295359 Karen R (USA: FL) 2009/04/29
162.6 +0.1 162.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380793105 Karen R (USA: FL) 2009/04/29
159.6 +3 162.6 gave points for mooch request 0446618004 dragonrider (United Kingdom) 2009/04/29
156.6 +3 159.6 gave points for mooch request 077832298X dragonrider (United Kingdom) 2009/04/29
156.5 +0.1 156.6 added book to inventory 1416536000 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/29
155.5 +1 156.5 gave points for mooch request 1419952366 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/04/29
155.4 +0.1 155.5 added book to inventory 1419952366 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/29
155.3 +0.1 155.4 added book to inventory 077832298X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/29
155.2 +0.1 155.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060393491 Marcia Westra (USA: NY) 2009/04/29
156.2 -1 155.2 deducted points for mooch request 1582701997 Luz (USA: FL) 2009/04/29
155.2 +1 156.2 gave points for mooch request 1419956159 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/04/28
156.2 -1 155.2 deducted points for mooch request 0758231296 Terry (USA: MA) 2009/04/28
155.2 +1 156.2 mooch rejected by book owner 042522418X Tara (USA: MO) 2009/04/28
152.2 +3 155.2 gave points for mooch request 1416577610 melissa (Canada) 2009/04/28
149.2 +3 152.2 gave points for mooch request 1419950940 Jenny (Australia) 2009/04/27
150.2 -1 149.2 deducted points for mooch request 1419953745 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/04/27
150.1 +0.1 150.2 added book to inventory 1419956159 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/27
151.1 -1 150.1 deducted points for mooch request 042522418X Tara (USA: MO) 2009/04/27
152.1 -1 151.1 deducted points for mooch request 1419953753 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/04/27
149.1 +3 152.1 gave points for mooch request 0758207093 Jenny (Australia) 2009/04/27
149 +0.1 149.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425219186 Nina (USA: MN) 2009/04/27
148.9 +0.1 149 receiver acknowledged receiving book 141659910X Heather (USA: WI) 2009/04/27
149.9 -1 148.9 deducted points for mooch request 0451226305 Amanda (USA: KS) 2009/04/27
150.9 -1 149.9 deducted points for mooch request 0345503651 Amanda (USA: KS) 2009/04/27
150.8 +0.1 150.9 added book to inventory 1416577610 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/27
151.8 -1 150.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425212750 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/04/27
152.8 -1 151.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425214915 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/04/27
153.8 -1 152.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425226999 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/04/27
152.8 +1 153.8 mooch cancelled by requestor B0014C7ZCE mellonhead (USA: TX) 2009/04/27
151.8 +1 152.8 mooch rejected by book owner 031602208X crazy4neely (USA: MS) 2009/04/27
152.8 -1 151.8 deducted points for mooch request 0316043540 crazy4neely (USA: MS) 2009/04/27
153.8 -1 152.8 deducted points for mooch request 031602208X crazy4neely (USA: MS) 2009/04/27
154.8 -1 153.8 deducted points for mooch request 0316020583 crazy4neely (USA: MS) 2009/04/27
155.8 -1 154.8 deducted points for mooch request 0316020575 crazy4neely (USA: MS) 2009/04/27
155.7 +0.1 155.8 added book to inventory 0758207093 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/27
155.6 +0.1 155.7 added book to inventory 1419950940 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/27
154.6 +1 155.6 mooch rejected by book owner 082178093X Karen R (USA: FL) 2009/04/26
155.6 -1 154.6 deducted points for mooch request 082178093X Karen R (USA: FL) 2009/04/26
156.6 -1 155.6 deducted points for mooch request 0373295359 Karen R (USA: FL) 2009/04/26
157.6 -1 156.6 deducted points for mooch request 0380803658 Karen R (USA: FL) 2009/04/26
158.6 -1 157.6 deducted points for mooch request 0380793105 Karen R (USA: FL) 2009/04/26
155.6 +3 158.6 gave points for mooch request 0373294859 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/04/26
155.5 +0.1 155.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451222903 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/04/25
156.5 -1 155.5 deducted points for mooch request 0307269752 Glenda Hamilton (USA: CA) 2009/04/25
157.5 -1 156.5 deducted points for mooch request 0061474304 Jenger (USA: OK) 2009/04/24
157.4 +0.1 157.5 added book to inventory 0778320855 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/24
157.3 +0.1 157.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419954296 Jenine (USA: MA) 2009/04/24
157.2 +0.1 157.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1603701141 Jenine (USA: MA) 2009/04/24
157.1 +0.1 157.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758219903 DianeL (USA: CT) 2009/04/24
157 +0.1 157.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312351666 Phyllis Dobberstein (USA: MO) 2009/04/24
156.9 +0.1 157 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312384793 Heather (USA: IL) 2009/04/23
156.8 +0.1 156.9 added book to inventory 0821780174 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/23
155.8 +1 156.8 gave points for mooch request 0373835817 osha341 (USA: NV) 2009/04/23
154.8 +1 155.8 gave points for mooch request 0425224554 osha341 (USA: NV) 2009/04/23
155.8 -1 154.8 deducted points for mooch request 1599982579 ScarletTisa (USA: OR) 2009/04/23
156.8 -1 155.8 mooch rejected by book owner 0843959533 Kimi (USA: CA) 2009/04/23
156.9 -0.1 156.8 removing book from inventory 0843959533 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/23
156.8 +0.1 156.9 added book to inventory 0425224554 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/22
155.8 +1 156.8 mooch rejected by book owner 0316017922 Lauren (USA: CA) 2009/04/22
156.8 -1 155.8 deducted points for mooch request 141659910X Heather (USA: WI) 2009/04/22
157.8 -1 156.8 deducted points for mooch request 0316017922 Lauren (USA: CA) 2009/04/22
157.9 -0.1 157.8 removed book from inventory 0515139726 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/21
158.9 -1 157.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425226336 sugarandgrits (USA: GA) 2009/04/21
155.9 +3 158.9 gave points for mooch request 1419953109 rayne (Canada) 2009/04/20
155.8 +0.1 155.9 added book to inventory 1419953109 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/20
155.9 -0.1 155.8 removed book from inventory 0380756293 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/20
156 -0.1 155.9 removed book from inventory 0380756285 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/20
155.9 +0.1 156 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758207093 HeatherMichelle (USA: MS) 2009/04/20
155.8 +0.1 155.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345486544 fluttersaway79 (USA: NY) 2009/04/20
155.7 +0.1 155.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425212971 fluttersaway79 (USA: NY) 2009/04/20
155.6 +0.1 155.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0595214681 Jay (USA: MD) 2009/04/20
155.5 +0.1 155.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419954989 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/04/20
155.4 +0.1 155.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 141995234X debbie (USA: DE) 2009/04/20
155.3 +0.1 155.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758217196 Jay (USA: MD) 2009/04/20
155.2 +0.1 155.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419953109 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/04/20
156.2 -1 155.2 deducted points for mooch request 0061245097 Lora (USA: OK) 2009/04/20
157.2 -1 156.2 deducted points for mooch request 0061245089 Lora (USA: OK) 2009/04/20
158.2 -1 157.2 deducted points for mooch request 0758219903 DianeL (USA: CT) 2009/04/20
159.2 -1 158.2 deducted points for mooch request 075821412X Tara (USA: MO) 2009/04/20
158.2 +1 159.2 gave points for mooch request 0312983298 SarahElizabeth (USA: TX) 2009/04/19
159.2 -1 158.2 mooch rejected by book owner 1416516174 Stacey (USA: CA) 2009/04/19
159.3 -0.1 159.2 removing book from inventory 1416516174 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/19
160.3 -1 159.3 deducted points for mooch request 1419954296 Jenine (USA: MA) 2009/04/19
161.3 -1 160.3 deducted points for mooch request 1603701141 Jenine (USA: MA) 2009/04/19
162.3 -1 161.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425224066 rll0710 (USA: WI) 2009/04/18
163.3 -1 162.3 deducted points for mooch request 0060393491 Marcia Westra (USA: NY) 2009/04/18
162.3 +1 163.3 gave points for mooch request 0758222319 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2009/04/18
161.3 +1 162.3 gave points for mooch request 1419952544 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/04/18
160.3 +1 161.3 gave points for mooch request 1419952099 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/04/18
159.3 +1 160.3 gave points for mooch request 1419950959 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/04/18
159.2 +0.1 159.3 added book to inventory 1419952099 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/18
159.1 +0.1 159.2 added book to inventory 1419950959 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/18
159 +0.1 159.1 added book to inventory 1419952544 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/18
158.9 +0.1 159 added book to inventory 0758222319 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/18
159.9 -1 158.9 deducted points for mooch request 0373605250 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/04/18
160 -0.1 159.9 removed book from inventory 0312970021 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/17
160.1 -0.1 160 removed book from inventory 0425210510 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/17
161.1 -1 160.1 deducted points for mooch request 1599983834 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/04/17
162.1 -1 161.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451222903 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/04/17
162 +0.1 162.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1593091656 Classyma34 (USA: NY) 2009/04/17
161.9 +0.1 162 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345498585 Emily (USA: PA) 2009/04/17
161.8 +0.1 161.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0505527634 Emily (USA: PA) 2009/04/17
160.8 +1 161.8 gave points for mooch request 0843959533 Kimi (USA: CA) 2009/04/17
159.8 +1 160.8 gave points for mooch request 1416516174 Stacey (USA: CA) 2009/04/17
158.8 +1 159.8 gave points for mooch request 0843951591 Stacey (USA: CA) 2009/04/17
158.7 +0.1 158.8 added book to inventory 0843959533 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/16
159.7 -1 158.7 deducted points for mooch request 0312384793 Heather (USA: IL) 2009/04/16
160.7 -1 159.7 deducted points for mooch request 1419954202 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/04/15
161.7 -1 160.7 deducted points for mooch request 1419951017 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/04/15
162.7 -1 161.7 deducted points for mooch request 0352340886 Arlene Schmuland (USA: AK) 2009/04/15
163.7 -1 162.7 deducted points for mooch request 0352341165 Arlene Schmuland (USA: AK) 2009/04/15
164.7 -1 163.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758214405 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2009/04/15
165.7 -1 164.7 deducted points for mooch request 1419956221 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2009/04/15
166.7 -1 165.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758207093 HeatherMichelle (USA: MS) 2009/04/15
167.7 -1 166.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425220540 Arlene Schmuland (USA: AK) 2009/04/15
168.7 -1 167.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758220405 Arlene Schmuland (USA: AK) 2009/04/15
169.7 -1 168.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758219881 Arlene Schmuland (USA: AK) 2009/04/15
170.7 -1 169.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758213867 Arlene Schmuland (USA: AK) 2009/04/15
171.7 -1 170.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758213883 Arlene Schmuland (USA: AK) 2009/04/15
172.7 -1 171.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758226934 Arlene Schmuland (USA: AK) 2009/04/15
173.7 -1 172.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758218710 Arlene Schmuland (USA: AK) 2009/04/15
174.7 -1 173.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758212100 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2009/04/14
175.7 -1 174.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425214133 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2009/04/14
176.7 -1 175.7 deducted points for mooch request 0345486544 fluttersaway79 (USA: NY) 2009/04/14
177.7 -1 176.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425212971 fluttersaway79 (USA: NY) 2009/04/14
178.7 -1 177.7 deducted points for mooch request 0595214681 Jay (USA: MD) 2009/04/14
179.7 -1 178.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758217196 Jay (USA: MD) 2009/04/14
178.7 +1 179.7 gave points for mooch request 0060564504 Jenni Rude (USA: MN) 2009/04/14
177.7 +1 178.7 gave points for mooch request 0373484380 Jenni Rude (USA: MN) 2009/04/14
177.6 +0.1 177.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425221490 Stef (USA: RI) 2009/04/13
177.5 +0.1 177.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419957546 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/04/13
177.4 +0.1 177.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419954415 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/04/13
177.3 +0.1 177.4 added book to inventory 0060779411 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/12
177.2 +0.1 177.3 added book to inventory 0425203581 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/12
176.2 +1 177.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0786707135 Davis (USA: IL) 2009/04/12
175.2 +1 176.2 mooch rejected by book owner 1594573379 Davis (USA: IL) 2009/04/12
176.2 -1 175.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312351666 Phyllis Dobberstein (USA: MO) 2009/04/12
175.2 +1 176.2 gave points for mooch request 0451217063 Cathleen (USA: IL) 2009/04/12
175.3 -0.1 175.2 removed book from inventory BM1235157249496331808 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/11
175.2 +0.1 175.3 added book to inventory BM1234819110952455744 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/11
175.1 +0.1 175.2 added book to inventory 0312983301 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/11
175 +0.1 175.1 added book to inventory 0312983298 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/11
174.9 +0.1 175 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419957759 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/04/11
174.8 +0.1 174.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419953338 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/04/11
174.7 +0.1 174.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419950029 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/04/11
174.8 -0.1 174.7 removed book from inventory 0373772750 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/11
174.9 -0.1 174.8 removed book from inventory 0380762560 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/11
173.9 +1 174.9 gave points for mooch request 0743457269 cyn (USA: TX) 2009/04/11
174.9 -1 173.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0843951591 cyn (USA: TX) 2009/04/11
173.9 +1 174.9 gave points for mooch request 0060513640 cyn (USA: TX) 2009/04/11
172.9 +1 173.9 gave points for mooch request 0843951591 cyn (USA: TX) 2009/04/11
173 -0.1 172.9 removed book from inventory 0778320855 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/11
173.1 -0.1 173 removed book from inventory 006050353X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/11
174.1 -1 173.1 deducted points for mooch request 1419954989 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/04/11
175.1 -1 174.1 deducted points for mooch request 0786707135 Davis (USA: IL) 2009/04/11
176.1 -1 175.1 deducted points for mooch request 1594573379 Davis (USA: IL) 2009/04/11
177.1 -1 176.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0821780379 marmalade (USA) 2009/04/10
177.2 -0.1 177.1 removing book from inventory 0821780379 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/10
177.3 -0.1 177.2 removed book from inventory 0061085081 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/10
177.4 -0.1 177.3 removed book from inventory 1416523324 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/09
177.5 -0.1 177.4 removed book from inventory 1568655878 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/09
176.5 +1 177.5 gave points for mooch request 0345479750 SJ Hennessy (USA: PA) 2009/04/09
176.4 +0.1 176.5 added book to inventory 0345479750 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/09
177.4 -1 176.4 deducted points for mooch request 141995234X debbie (USA: DE) 2009/04/09
176.4 +1 177.4 gave points for mooch request 1419954148 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/04/09
175.4 +1 176.4 gave points for mooch request 1419950991 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/04/09
175.3 +0.1 175.4 added book to inventory 1419954148 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/09
175.2 +0.1 175.3 added book to inventory 1419950991 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/09
175.1 +0.1 175.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758222254 marmalade (USA) 2009/04/09
175 +0.1 175.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843608111 scholz (USA: TX) 2009/04/09
176 -1 175 deducted points for mooch request 1419953109 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/04/07
177 -1 176 deducted points for mooch request 1419957759 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/04/06
174 +3 177 gave points for mooch request BM1234819110952455744 Yam (Philippines) 2009/04/05
173 +1 174 gave points for mooch request 0821780379 marmalade (USA) 2009/04/05
172 +1 173 gave points for mooch request 0821770624 marmalade (USA) 2009/04/05
171 +1 172 gave points for mooch request 0380785625 marmalade (USA) 2009/04/05
172 -1 171 deducted points for mooch request 0425219186 Nina (USA: MN) 2009/04/05
173 -1 172 deducted points for mooch request 1593091656 Classyma34 (USA: NY) 2009/04/05
172.9 +0.1 173 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440244900 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2009/04/05
173 -0.1 172.9 removed book from inventory 0446364266 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/05
170 +3 173 gave points for mooch request 0156030489 Yam (Philippines) 2009/04/05
171 -1 170 deducted points for mooch request 0425221490 Stef (USA: RI) 2009/04/03
170.9 +0.1 171 added book to inventory 0156030489 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/04/02
171.9 -1 170.9 deducted points for mooch request 0758222254 marmalade (USA) 2009/04/02
172.9 -1 171.9 deducted points for mooch request 1419953338 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/04/02
173.9 -1 172.9 deducted points for mooch request 0505527634 Emily (USA: PA) 2009/04/02
174.9 -1 173.9 deducted points for mooch request 0345498585 Emily (USA: PA) 2009/04/02
174.8 +0.1 174.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425225933 Sandy TP (USA: CT) 2009/04/02
174.7 +0.1 174.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0307269752 JoniB (USA: CA) 2009/04/02
175.7 -1 174.7 deducted points for mooch request 1843608111 scholz (USA: TX) 2009/04/02
174.7 +1 175.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 1400202140 peg (USA) 2009/04/02
173.7 +1 174.7 mooch rejected by book owner 0743296419 Emily (USA: NC) 2009/04/01
174.7 -1 173.7 deducted points for mooch request 0743296419 Emily (USA: NC) 2009/04/01
173.7 +1 174.7 gave points for mooch request 0380769840 Sheryl Jensen (USA: MI) 2009/04/01
172.7 +1 173.7 gave points for mooch request 0060562498 Sheryl Jensen (USA: MI) 2009/04/01
173.7 -1 172.7 deducted points for mooch request 1419950029 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/03/31
174.7 -1 173.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0743457269 Samantha =0} (USA: AL) 2009/03/31
173.7 +1 174.7 gave points for mooch request 0553587293 Samantha =0} (USA: AL) 2009/03/31
172.7 +1 173.7 gave points for mooch request 0843952059 Samantha =0} (USA: AL) 2009/03/31
171.7 +1 172.7 gave points for mooch request 0060842555 Samantha =0} (USA: AL) 2009/03/31
170.7 +1 171.7 gave points for mooch request 0743457269 Samantha =0} (USA: AL) 2009/03/31
169.7 +1 170.7 gave points for mooch request 0060784024 Samantha =0} (USA: AL) 2009/03/31
168.7 +1 169.7 gave points for mooch request 0373292961 Samantha =0} (USA: AL) 2009/03/31
167.7 +1 168.7 gave points for mooch request 0425207420 Samantha =0} (USA: AL) 2009/03/31
167.6 +0.1 167.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419956892 melissa (Canada) 2009/03/31
167.5 +0.1 167.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1934166987 melissa (Canada) 2009/03/31
167.4 +0.1 167.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599982099 melissa (Canada) 2009/03/31
167.3 +0.1 167.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1586486837 Sharon (USA: NY) 2009/03/31
168.3 -1 167.3 deducted points for mooch request 1419957546 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/03/31
167.3 +1 168.3 gave points for mooch request 0425215407 kristyh (USA: FL) 2009/03/30
166.3 +1 167.3 gave points for mooch request 0505526220 kristyh (USA: FL) 2009/03/30
166.2 +0.1 166.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312351658 Tressa Lombardi (USA: WA) 2009/03/30
166.1 +0.1 166.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373605188 Erika (USA: MA) 2009/03/30
168.1 -2 166.1 deducted points for mooch request 1419955195 rayne (Canada) 2009/03/30
165.1 +3 168.1 gave points for mooch request 1596321504 rayne (Canada) 2009/03/29
165 +0.1 165.1 added book to inventory BM1235157249496331808 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/29
164.9 +0.1 165 added book to inventory BM1234819110952455744 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/29
164.8 +0.1 164.9 added book to inventory 1596321504 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/29
161.8 +3 164.8 gave points for mooch request 0451408551 Karen Wall (Australia) 2009/03/28
158.8 +3 161.8 gave points for mooch request 0425212564 Karen Wall (Australia) 2009/03/28
159.8 -1 158.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425225933 Sandy TP (USA: CT) 2009/03/27
158.8 +1 159.8 gave points for mooch request 0425217051 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/03/27
158.7 +0.1 158.8 added book to inventory 0425217051 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/27
159.7 -1 158.7 deducted points for mooch request 0312351658 Tressa Lombardi (USA: WA) 2009/03/26
158.7 +1 159.7 gave points for mooch request 0312327269 Andrew (USA: NY) 2009/03/26
157.7 +1 158.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0316015849 erica (USA: NH) 2009/03/26
156.7 +1 157.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0316043125 erica (USA: NH) 2009/03/26
156.6 +0.1 156.7 added book to inventory 0312327269 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/26
157.6 -1 156.6 deducted points for mooch request 1400202140 peg (USA) 2009/03/26
157.5 +0.1 157.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425224767 osha341 (USA: NV) 2009/03/26
157.4 +0.1 157.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425224929 Tricia (USA: VA) 2009/03/26
154.4 +3 157.4 gave points for mooch request 0425219178 Jenny (Australia) 2009/03/25
154.3 +0.1 154.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 141995153X debbie (USA: DE) 2009/03/25
154.2 +0.1 154.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952838 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/03/25
154.1 +0.1 154.2 added book to inventory 0425219178 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/25
153.1 +1 154.1 gave points for mooch request 1419952722 Jill (USA: GA) 2009/03/24
154.1 -1 153.1 deducted points for mooch request 0307269752 JoniB (USA: CA) 2009/03/24
154 +0.1 154.1 added book to inventory 1419952722 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/24
155 -1 154 deducted points for mooch request 0440244900 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2009/03/24
154 +1 155 mooch rejected by book owner 006121468X porphyrin (USA: MN) 2009/03/24
153 +1 154 gave points for mooch request 0767902890 Cassie (USA: IN) 2009/03/24
154 -1 153 deducted points for mooch request 006121468X porphyrin (USA: MN) 2009/03/23
155 -1 154 deducted points for mooch request 1419954415 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/03/23
154.9 +0.1 155 added book to inventory 0515139726 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/23
154.8 +0.1 154.9 added book to inventory 0843957107 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/23
154.7 +0.1 154.8 added book to inventory 0767902890 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/23
154.6 +0.1 154.7 added book to inventory 0060513640 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/23
154.5 +0.1 154.6 added book to inventory 0380785625 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/23
154.4 +0.1 154.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060513640 Lisa H (USA: IL) 2009/03/23
154.3 +0.1 154.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380785625 Lisa H (USA: IL) 2009/03/23
154.2 +0.1 154.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0307396185 amybboyd (USA: NC) 2009/03/23
154.1 +0.1 154.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0316059862 amybboyd (USA: NC) 2009/03/23
154.2 -0.1 154.1 removed book from inventory 0843957107 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/21
154.3 -0.1 154.2 removed book from inventory 0515139726 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/21
151.3 +3 154.3 gave points for mooch request 0843952415 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/03/21
151.2 +0.1 151.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0385526393 Lecteurist (USA: DC) 2009/03/21
148.2 +3 151.2 gave points for mooch request 0821780581 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/03/21
147.2 +1 148.2 gave points for mooch request 0373617607 Susan (USA: TN) 2009/03/21
147.1 +0.1 147.2 added book to inventory 0553587293 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/21
147 +0.1 147.1 added book to inventory 0821780581 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/21
146.9 +0.1 147 added book to inventory 0451217063 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/21
146.8 +0.1 146.9 added book to inventory 0505526220 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/21
147.8 -1 146.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425224767 osha341 (USA: NV) 2009/03/21
148.8 -1 147.8 donated points to charity SBasiliere (USA: GA) 2009/03/21
147.8 +1 148.8 gave points for mooch request 0307387992 Ronda (USA: CA) 2009/03/21
148.8 -1 147.8 deducted points for mooch request 1586486837 Sharon (USA: NY) 2009/03/21
147.8 +1 148.8 gave points for mooch request 0425221024 SBasiliere (USA: GA) 2009/03/20
146.8 +1 147.8 gave points for mooch request 0451215583 SBasiliere (USA: GA) 2009/03/20
147.8 -1 146.8 deducted points for mooch request 0373605188 Erika (USA: MA) 2009/03/20
146.8 +1 147.8 lost in the mail says book owner 0743271122 Joy (USA: WA) 2009/03/20
146.7 +0.1 146.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425213838 pattib (USA: FL) 2009/03/20
146.6 +0.1 146.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061474096 David (USA: PA) 2009/03/20
145.6 +1 146.6 gave points for mooch request 0439263018 kari071982 (USA: RI) 2009/03/20
146.6 -1 145.6 deducted points for mooch request 0061351504 Nikki (USA: CO) 2009/03/20
145.6 +1 146.6 gave points for mooch request 0061014303 KarenC (USA: FL) 2009/03/20
144.6 +1 145.6 gave points for mooch request 1419951599 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/03/19
143.6 +1 144.6 gave points for mooch request 0373121369 Mary (USA: FL) 2009/03/19
142.6 +1 143.6 gave points for mooch request 037379374X Mary (USA: FL) 2009/03/19
142.5 +0.1 142.6 added book to inventory 1419951599 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/19
141.5 +1 142.5 received a smooch Lisa H (USA: IL) 2009/03/19
140.5 +1 141.5 gave points for mooch request 0373772920 coco (USA: AL) 2009/03/18
137.5 +3 140.5 gave points for mooch request 0439208475 Nasus (Canada) 2009/03/18
134.5 +3 137.5 gave points for mooch request 0440237688 Nasus (Canada) 2009/03/18
134.4 +0.1 134.5 added book to inventory 0373294875 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/18
134.3 +0.1 134.4 added book to inventory 0061336343 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/18
134.4 -0.1 134.3 removed book from inventory 0425203581 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/18
134.3 +0.1 134.4 added book to inventory 0425203581 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/18
134.2 +0.1 134.3 added book to inventory 0380769840 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/18
134.1 +0.1 134.2 added book to inventory 0446618004 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/18
134 +0.1 134.1 added book to inventory 0843956380 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/18
133.9 +0.1 134 added book to inventory 0451215583 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/18
134.9 -1 133.9 deducted points for mooch request 1419951165 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/03/18
135.9 -1 134.9 deducted points for mooch request 0312368356 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/03/18
135.8 +0.1 135.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0688163181 Toni (USA: FL) 2009/03/18
135.7 +0.1 135.8 added book to inventory 0778320855 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/18
135.6 +0.1 135.7 added book to inventory 0373770979 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/18
135.5 +0.1 135.6 added book to inventory 0843952059 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/18
135.4 +0.1 135.5 added book to inventory 0821778323 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/18
135.3 +0.1 135.4 added book to inventory 0060834129 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/18
135.2 +0.1 135.3 added book to inventory 0373772343 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/18
135.1 +0.1 135.2 added book to inventory 0373617607 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/18
135 +0.1 135.1 added book to inventory 0440237688 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/18
136 -1 135 deducted points for mooch request 1599982595 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/03/18
135.9 +0.1 136 added book to inventory 0373771371 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/18
135.8 +0.1 135.9 added book to inventory 0373772750 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/18
134.8 +1 135.8 gave points for mooch request 0821779990 pamela (USA: OK) 2009/03/18
133.8 +1 134.8 gave points for mooch request 0446616869 pamela (USA: OK) 2009/03/18
133.7 +0.1 133.8 added book to inventory 0446616869 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/17
133.6 +0.1 133.7 added book to inventory 0373772920 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/17
133.5 +0.1 133.6 added book to inventory 0843949171 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/17
133.4 +0.1 133.5 added book to inventory 0843950803 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/17
134.4 -1 133.4 deducted points for mooch request 0060513640 Lisa H (USA: IL) 2009/03/17
135.4 -1 134.4 deducted points for mooch request 0380785625 Lisa H (USA: IL) 2009/03/17
136.4 -1 135.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425213838 pattib (USA: FL) 2009/03/17
136.3 +0.1 136.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0352341629 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/03/17
136.2 +0.1 136.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419953141 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/03/17
136.1 +0.1 136.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419954148 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/03/17
136 +0.1 136.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0441013813 sat14th (USA: OR) 2009/03/17
137 -1 136 deducted points for mooch request 0385526393 Lecteurist (USA: DC) 2009/03/17
138 -1 137 deducted points for mooch request 1419952838 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/03/17
137.9 +0.1 138 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1934187046 VeraMarie (USA) 2009/03/16
134.9 +3 137.9 gave points for mooch request 0060091290 bliss9876 (Italia) 2009/03/16
131.9 +3 134.9 gave points for mooch request 0843947926 bliss9876 (Italia) 2009/03/16
128.9 +3 131.9 gave points for mooch request 0373834179 callie1983 (Canada) 2009/03/15
125.9 +3 128.9 gave points for mooch request 0505526328 callie1983 (Canada) 2009/03/15
125.8 +0.1 125.9 added book to inventory 0425215407 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/15
126.8 -1 125.8 deducted points for mooch request 0688163181 Toni (USA: FL) 2009/03/15
126.7 +0.1 126.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1596323272 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/03/15
126.6 +0.1 126.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0972437770 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/03/15
126.5 +0.1 126.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1586088998 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/03/15
126.4 +0.1 126.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 184360535X Tara (USA: MO) 2009/03/15
126.3 +0.1 126.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758220413 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/03/15
126.2 +0.1 126.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419950940 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/03/15
126.1 +0.1 126.2 added book to inventory 0307387992 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/15
127.1 -1 126.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0307387992 Rena (Israel) - linny (USA: OH) 2009/03/15
127 +0.1 127.1 added book to inventory 0821780379 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/14
127.1 -0.1 127 removed book from inventory 0821775448 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/14
127.2 -0.1 127.1 removed book from inventory 0821780174 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/14
124.2 +3 127.2 gave points for mooch request 1933725036 Juliet982 (Venezuela) 2009/03/13
121.2 +3 124.2 gave points for mooch request 0451210719 Juliet982 (Venezuela) 2009/03/13
118.2 +3 121.2 gave points for mooch request 0312937628 Juliet982 (Venezuela) 2009/03/13
119.2 -1 118.2 deducted points for mooch request 0316059862 amybboyd (USA: NC) 2009/03/13
120.2 -1 119.2 deducted points for mooch request 0307396185 amybboyd (USA: NC) 2009/03/13
119.2 +1 120.2 gave points for mooch request 0373617763 Silverkitten (USA: WA) 2009/03/13
118.2 +1 119.2 gave points for mooch request 0758207735 Silverkitten (USA: WA) 2009/03/13
115.2 +3 118.2 gave points for mooch request 0060781580 ASDfriendly (United Kingdom) 2009/03/13
112.2 +3 115.2 gave points for mooch request 074343787X ASDfriendly (United Kingdom) 2009/03/13
111.2 +1 112.2 gave points for mooch request 0312939949 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/03/13
110.2 +1 111.2 gave points for mooch request 0821780611 Stephanie (USA: TX) 2009/03/13
109.2 +1 110.2 gave points for mooch request 0380802325 M. Holmes (USA: GA) 2009/03/13
108.2 +1 109.2 gave points for mooch request 0671040545 M. Holmes (USA: GA) 2009/03/13
108.1 +0.1 108.2 added book to inventory 0671040545 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
108 +0.1 108.1 added book to inventory 0312937628 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
107.9 +0.1 108 added book to inventory 0743457269 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
107.8 +0.1 107.9 added book to inventory 0843951591 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
107.7 +0.1 107.8 added book to inventory 0061121800 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
107.6 +0.1 107.7 added book to inventory 0060781580 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
107.5 +0.1 107.6 added book to inventory 0425212564 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
107.4 +0.1 107.5 added book to inventory 0060784024 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
107.3 +0.1 107.4 added book to inventory 0060896493 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
107.2 +0.1 107.3 added book to inventory 0060006633 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
107.1 +0.1 107.2 added book to inventory 0821779990 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
107 +0.1 107.1 added book to inventory 0758207735 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
106.9 +0.1 107 added book to inventory 0060562498 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
106.8 +0.1 106.9 added book to inventory 0060091290 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
106.7 +0.1 106.8 added book to inventory 0312954786 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
106.6 +0.1 106.7 added book to inventory 0843952415 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
106.5 +0.1 106.6 added book to inventory 0451210719 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
106.4 +0.1 106.5 added book to inventory 0821780611 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
106.3 +0.1 106.4 added book to inventory 0373617763 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
106.2 +0.1 106.3 added book to inventory 074343787X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
106.1 +0.1 106.2 added book to inventory 0671502522 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
106 +0.1 106.1 added book to inventory 0373810768 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
105.9 +0.1 106 added book to inventory 006050353X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
105.8 +0.1 105.9 added book to inventory 0061014303 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
105.7 +0.1 105.8 added book to inventory 0451209168 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/13
104.7 +1 105.7 gave points for mooch request 0679731148 Ana (USA: CA) 2009/03/12
103.7 +1 104.7 gave points for mooch request 1416516166 Ana (USA: CA) 2009/03/12
102.7 +1 103.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 006134477X Caroline (USA: NY) 2009/03/12
103.7 -1 102.7 deducted points for mooch request 006134477X Caroline (USA: NY) 2009/03/12
103.6 +0.1 103.7 added book to inventory 0373617496 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/12
103.5 +0.1 103.6 added book to inventory 0843947926 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/12
102.5 +1 103.5 gave points for mooch request 0515137308 Karen (USA: CA) 2009/03/12
101.5 +1 102.5 gave points for mooch request 0843948175 Karen (USA: CA) 2009/03/12
100.5 +1 101.5 gave points for mooch request 0843953241 Karen (USA: CA) 2009/03/12
100.4 +0.1 100.5 added book to inventory 0312939949 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/12
99.4 +1 100.4 gave points for mooch request 0345483499 Alitheia (USA: FL) 2009/03/11
99.3 +0.1 99.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 141995346X debbie (USA: DE) 2009/03/11
99.2 +0.1 99.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0762434988 osha341 (USA: NV) 2009/03/11
99.1 +0.1 99.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419950991 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/03/11
98.1 +1 99.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 006114097X Brooke (USA: FL) 2009/03/11
99.1 -1 98.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0843953241 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/03/11
98.1 +1 99.1 gave points for mooch request 0425196836 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/03/11
97.1 +1 98.1 gave points for mooch request 0425192091 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/03/11
98.1 -1 97.1 deducted points for mooch request 141995153X debbie (USA: DE) 2009/03/11
97.1 +1 98.1 gave points for mooch request 0843953241 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/03/11
96.1 +1 97.1 gave points for mooch request 0307387992 linny (USA: OH) 2009/03/11
98.1 -2 96.1 deducted points for mooch request 1599982099 melissa (Canada) 2009/03/10
97.1 +1 98.1 gave points for mooch request 0060875240 nymetalhead (USA: NY) 2009/03/10
98.1 -1 97.1 deducted points for mooch request 0316015849 erica (USA: NH) 2009/03/10
99.1 -1 98.1 deducted points for mooch request 0316043125 erica (USA: NH) 2009/03/10
99 +0.1 99.1 added book to inventory 0060875240 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/10
99.1 -0.1 99 removed book from inventory 0821780379 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/10
99.2 -0.1 99.1 removed book from inventory 034549539X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/10
98.2 +1 99.2 gave points for mooch request 0373294794 Lori Cassidy (USA: CA) 2009/03/09
99.2 -1 98.2 deducted points for mooch request 1934187046 VeraMarie (USA) 2009/03/09
98.2 +1 99.2 gave points for mooch request 0553582550 sally (USA: ME) 2009/03/09
97.2 +1 98.2 gave points for mooch request 0821779923 sally (USA: ME) 2009/03/09
96.2 +1 97.2 gave points for mooch request 0312931158 Tiz Cooley (USA: NY) 2009/03/09
96.1 +0.1 96.2 added book to inventory 0515137308 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
96 +0.1 96.1 added book to inventory 0373835817 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
95.9 +0.1 96 added book to inventory 0312931158 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
95.8 +0.1 95.9 added book to inventory 0312970021 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
95.7 +0.1 95.8 added book to inventory 1416578226 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
95.6 +0.1 95.7 added book to inventory 0373292295 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
95.5 +0.1 95.6 added book to inventory 0373834179 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
95.4 +0.1 95.5 added book to inventory 0843947780 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
95.3 +0.1 95.4 added book to inventory 0373484380 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
95.2 +0.1 95.3 added book to inventory 0061085081 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
95.1 +0.1 95.2 added book to inventory 0425192091 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
95 +0.1 95.1 added book to inventory 0425196836 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
94.9 +0.1 95 added book to inventory 0373294662 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
94.8 +0.1 94.9 added book to inventory 0843948175 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
94.7 +0.1 94.8 added book to inventory 0553579649 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
94.6 +0.1 94.7 added book to inventory 0373294794 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
94.5 +0.1 94.6 added book to inventory 0821780379 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
94.4 +0.1 94.5 added book to inventory 0446605301 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
94.3 +0.1 94.4 added book to inventory 0373294859 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
94.2 +0.1 94.3 added book to inventory 0821779923 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
94.1 +0.1 94.2 added book to inventory 0743442237 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
94 +0.1 94.1 added book to inventory 0345483499 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
93.9 +0.1 94 added book to inventory 0060564504 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
93.8 +0.1 93.9 added book to inventory 0307387992 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
93.9 -0.1 93.8 removed book from inventory 076535084X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/09
93.8 +0.1 93.9 added book to inventory 0373183062 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/08
93.7 +0.1 93.8 added book to inventory 0373121369 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/08
93.6 +0.1 93.7 added book to inventory 1420101005 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/08
93.5 +0.1 93.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1603701664 rayne (Canada) 2009/03/08
93.4 +0.1 93.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758220278 rayne (Canada) 2009/03/08
93.3 +0.1 93.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599987791 rayne (Canada) 2009/03/08
92.3 +1 93.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0821778218 Charlene (USA: WI) 2009/03/08
91.3 +1 92.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 044024305X Charlene (USA: WI) 2009/03/08
91.2 +0.1 91.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 141995279X rayne (Canada) 2009/03/08
90.2 +1 91.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 1416550402 Renata (USA: CT) 2009/03/08
90.1 +0.1 90.2 added book to inventory 0821770624 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/08
90 +0.1 90.1 added book to inventory 0446364266 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/08
89.9 +0.1 90 added book to inventory 0060842555 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/08
89.8 +0.1 89.9 added book to inventory 0380385880 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/08
89.7 +0.1 89.8 added book to inventory 0821780174 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/08
89.6 +0.1 89.7 added book to inventory 0843953241 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/08
89.5 +0.1 89.6 added book to inventory 034549539X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/08
89.4 +0.1 89.5 added book to inventory 0505526328 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/08
90.4 -1 89.4 deducted points for mooch request 1419954148 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/03/08
91.4 -1 90.4 deducted points for mooch request 1416550402 Renata (USA: CT) 2009/03/08
91.3 +0.1 91.4 added book to inventory 0425162346 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/07
91.2 +0.1 91.3 added book to inventory 0425210510 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/07
91.1 +0.1 91.2 added book to inventory 1416516174 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/07
91 +0.1 91.1 added book to inventory 0061092509 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/07
90.9 +0.1 91 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952447 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/03/07
90.8 +0.1 90.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425219437 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/03/07
91.8 -1 90.8 deducted points for mooch request 1419953141 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/03/06
92.8 -1 91.8 deducted points for mooch request 0352341629 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/03/06
91.8 +1 92.8 gave points for mooch request 0821777114 Courtney (USA: VA) 2009/03/05
90.8 +1 91.8 gave points for mooch request 0843957441 Courtney (USA: VA) 2009/03/05
89.8 +1 90.8 gave points for mooch request 0312933894 Courtney (USA: VA) 2009/03/05
89.7 +0.1 89.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0963976389 Courtney (USA: VA) 2009/03/05
89.6 +0.1 89.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425202690 Courtney (USA: VA) 2009/03/05
89.5 +0.1 89.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425215415 Karmen (USA) 2009/03/03
89.4 +0.1 89.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 039915521X Kimberley (USA: CA) 2009/03/02
89.5 -0.1 89.4 removed book from inventory 0451209559 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/03/02
90.5 -1 89.5 deducted points for mooch request 141995346X debbie (USA: DE) 2009/03/01
91.5 -1 90.5 deducted points for mooch request 0762434988 osha341 (USA: NV) 2009/03/01
92.5 -1 91.5 deducted points for mooch request 0441013813 sat14th (USA: OR) 2009/02/28
89.5 +3 92.5 gave points for mooch request 0425213927 rayne (Canada) 2009/02/28
89.4 +0.1 89.5 added book to inventory 0425213927 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/28
90.4 -1 89.4 deducted points for mooch request B0014C7ZCE mellonhead (USA: TX) 2009/02/28
89.4 +1 90.4 mooch rejected by book owner 0930289234 Matthew Boyce (USA: AR) 2009/02/27
88.4 +1 89.4 gave points for mooch request 0843952369 Ivonne (USA: CA) 2009/02/27
88.3 +0.1 88.4 added book to inventory 0156881802 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/27
88.2 +0.1 88.3 added book to inventory 0679731148 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/27
87.2 +1 88.2 gave points for mooch request 0425192792 Ivonne (USA: CA) 2009/02/27
87.1 +0.1 87.2 added book to inventory 0425192792 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/27
88.1 -1 87.1 deducted points for mooch request 0061474096 David (USA: PA) 2009/02/27
87.1 +1 88.1 gave points for mooch request 1419951556 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/02/27
87 +0.1 87.1 added book to inventory 1419951556 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/26
86.9 +0.1 87 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312939949 wildhart (USA: LA) 2009/02/26
86.8 +0.1 86.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419951599 Susan B. (USA: IN) 2009/02/26
86.7 +0.1 86.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425226883 Joy (USA: WA) 2009/02/26
86.6 +0.1 86.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1930709323 Joy (USA: WA) 2009/02/26
87.6 -1 86.6 deducted points for mooch request 1419954571 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/02/26
88.6 -1 87.6 deducted points for mooch request 141995623X Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/02/26
89.6 -1 88.6 deducted points for mooch request 0930289234 Matthew Boyce (USA: AR) 2009/02/26
90.6 -1 89.6 deducted points for mooch request 0425215415 Karmen (USA) 2009/02/26
89.6 +1 90.6 gave points for mooch request 0964894238 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/02/25
89.5 +0.1 89.6 added book to inventory 0964894238 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/25
89.4 +0.1 89.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1586558471 Jill (USA: GA) 2009/02/25
89.3 +0.1 89.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419951076 Jill (USA: GA) 2009/02/25
89.2 +0.1 89.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425220354 Jill (USA: GA) 2009/02/25
89.1 +0.1 89.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1600090052 Jill (USA: GA) 2009/02/25
89 +0.1 89.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1569709076 Jill (USA: GA) 2009/02/25
88.9 +0.1 89 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1934166502 Jill (USA: GA) 2009/02/25
88.8 +0.1 88.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1600090303 Jill (USA: GA) 2009/02/25
88.7 +0.1 88.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 006136343X Jill (USA: GA) 2009/02/25
88.6 +0.1 88.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373836422 Jill (USA: GA) 2009/02/25
89.6 -1 88.6 deducted points for mooch request 006114097X Brooke (USA: FL) 2009/02/25
90.6 -1 89.6 deducted points for mooch request 0425202690 Courtney (USA: VA) 2009/02/25
91.6 -1 90.6 deducted points for mooch request 0963976389 Courtney (USA: VA) 2009/02/25
90.6 +1 91.6 gave points for mooch request 1419951130 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/02/25
90.5 +0.1 90.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425219178 ScarletTisa (USA: OR) 2009/02/25
90.4 +0.1 90.5 added book to inventory 1419951130 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/25
89.4 +1 90.4 gave points for mooch request 0515141542 Annette Boehm (USA: WA) 2009/02/25
89.3 +0.1 89.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1420103733 VeraMarie (USA) 2009/02/24
89.2 +0.1 89.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1420103741 VeraMarie (USA) 2009/02/24
90.2 -1 89.2 deducted points for mooch request 1596323272 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/02/24
91.2 -1 90.2 deducted points for mooch request 0972437770 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/02/23
92.2 -1 91.2 donated points to charity Samantha (USA: PA) 2009/02/23
92.1 +0.1 92.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419953249 Zee (USA: VT) 2009/02/23
92 +0.1 92.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952544 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/02/23
91.9 +0.1 92 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952366 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/02/23
92.9 -1 91.9 deducted points for mooch request 1419950991 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/02/23
93.9 -1 92.9 deducted points for mooch request 044024305X Charlene (USA: WI) 2009/02/23
94.9 -1 93.9 deducted points for mooch request 0821778218 Charlene (USA: WI) 2009/02/23
93.9 +1 94.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 1594489947 Sasha (USA: CA) 2009/02/23
90.9 +3 93.9 gave points for mooch request 0553269224 stina (Denmark) 2009/02/23
89.9 +1 90.9 gave points for mooch request 0061124532 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/02/23
89.8 +0.1 89.9 added book to inventory 0061124532 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/23
89.9 -0.1 89.8 removed book from inventory 1416505466 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/23
90 -0.1 89.9 removed book from inventory 0060796499 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/23
90.1 -0.1 90 removed book from inventory 0590409433 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/22
90.2 -0.1 90.1 removed book from inventory 0439397456 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/22
90.3 -0.1 90.2 removed book from inventory 0140088296 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/22
87.3 +3 90.3 gave points for mooch request 0441012183 stina (Denmark) 2009/02/22
88.3 -1 87.3 deducted points for mooch request 1594489947 Sasha (USA: CA) 2009/02/22
86.3 +2 88.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0758214812 Tamara (Canada) 2009/02/22
86.2 +0.1 86.3 added book to inventory 0441012183 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/22
87.2 -1 86.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312939949 wildhart (USA: LA) 2009/02/22
86.2 +1 87.2 gave points for mooch request 0425216144 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/02/21
87.2 -1 86.2 deducted points for mooch request 039915521X Kimberley (USA: CA) 2009/02/21
87.1 +0.1 87.2 added book to inventory 0425216144 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/21
88.1 -1 87.1 deducted points for mooch request 1586088998 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/02/21
87.1 +1 88.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0316166294 Anita (USA: AR) 2009/02/21
88.1 -1 87.1 deducted points for mooch request 0316166294 Anita (USA: AR) 2009/02/21
87.1 +1 88.1 gave points for mooch request 1419950215 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/02/21
87 +0.1 87.1 added book to inventory 1419950215 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/21
86 +1 87 gave points for mooch request 1419953737 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/02/21
87 -1 86 deducted points for mooch request 184360535X Tara (USA: MO) 2009/02/21
88 -1 87 deducted points for mooch request 0758220413 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/02/21
87 +1 88 gave points for mooch request 1419954261 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/02/20
86.9 +0.1 87 added book to inventory 1419954261 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/20
86.8 +0.1 86.9 added book to inventory 1419953737 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/20
87.8 -1 86.8 deducted points for mooch request 1419951599 Susan B. (USA: IN) 2009/02/20
86.8 +1 87.8 gave points for mooch request 075821409X debbie (USA: DE) 2009/02/20
86.7 +0.1 86.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061124532 Diana (USA: DC) 2009/02/20
87.7 -1 86.7 deducted points for mooch request 0373836422 Jill (USA: GA) 2009/02/19
88.7 -1 87.7 deducted points for mooch request 006136343X Jill (USA: GA) 2009/02/19
87.7 +1 88.7 gave points for mooch request 0689855451 Nicole E. Weaver (USA: IN) 2009/02/19
86.7 +1 87.7 gave points for mooch request 1591820871 Nicole E. Weaver (USA: IN) 2009/02/19
86.6 +0.1 86.7 added book to inventory 1591820871 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/19
87.6 -1 86.6 deducted points for mooch request 1569709076 Jill (USA: GA) 2009/02/19
87.5 +0.1 87.6 added book to inventory 1416516166 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/19
88.5 -1 87.5 deducted points for mooch request 1934166502 Jill (USA: GA) 2009/02/19
88.4 +0.1 88.5 added book to inventory 075821409X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/19
89.4 -1 88.4 deducted points for mooch request 1600090303 Jill (USA: GA) 2009/02/19
90.4 -1 89.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425220354 Jill (USA: GA) 2009/02/19
91.4 -1 90.4 deducted points for mooch request 1600090052 Jill (USA: GA) 2009/02/19
92.4 -1 91.4 deducted points for mooch request 1586558471 Jill (USA: GA) 2009/02/19
93.4 -1 92.4 deducted points for mooch request 1419951076 Jill (USA: GA) 2009/02/19
92.4 +1 93.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0425213927 Samantha (USA: PA) 2009/02/19
92.3 +0.1 92.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061234931 TA (USA: NC) 2009/02/19
93.3 -1 92.3 deducted points for mooch request 1419950940 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/02/18
93.2 +0.1 93.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758222319 SJ Hennessy (USA: PA) 2009/02/18
93.1 +0.1 93.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758222297 SJ Hennessy (USA: PA) 2009/02/18
92.1 +1 93.1 gave points for mooch request 0505525151 VICKI-SUE BROWNS (USA: MO) 2009/02/17
93.1 -1 92.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425219178 ScarletTisa (USA: OR) 2009/02/17
93 +0.1 93.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0964894238 gwoods1 (USA: MI) 2009/02/17
92.9 +0.1 93 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758223544 Courtney (USA: VA) 2009/02/17
91.9 +1 92.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 045122552X lori (USA: PA) 2009/02/17
91.8 +0.1 91.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1439102252 Jeanne Schramm (USA: WV) 2009/02/17
91.7 +0.1 91.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419953036 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/02/17
91.6 +0.1 91.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1592798047 melissa (Canada) 2009/02/17
92.6 -1 91.6 deducted points for mooch request 1419953249 Zee (USA: VT) 2009/02/17
89.6 +3 92.6 gave points for mooch request 0061429880 melissa (Canada) 2009/02/17
89.5 +0.1 89.6 added book to inventory 0061429880 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/17
89.6 -0.1 89.5 removed book from inventory 0446612960 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/17
90.6 -1 89.6 deducted points for mooch request 1419952544 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/02/17
91.6 -1 90.6 deducted points for mooch request 1419952366 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/02/17
91.5 +0.1 91.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1595784489 melissa (Canada) 2009/02/16
91.4 +0.1 91.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419957716 melissa (Canada) 2009/02/16
91.3 +0.1 91.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419956280 melissa (Canada) 2009/02/16
91.2 +0.1 91.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599987864 melissa (Canada) 2009/02/16
90.2 +1 91.2 gave points for mooch request 0441013333 Maggie (USA: NY) 2009/02/15
90.1 +0.1 90.2 added book to inventory 0441013333 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/15
90 +0.1 90.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419955349 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/02/15
89.9 +0.1 90 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758222491 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/02/15
91.9 -2 89.9 deducted points for mooch request 1603701664 rayne (Canada) 2009/02/15
91.8 +0.1 91.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419950282 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/02/15
91.7 +0.1 91.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419956361 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/02/15
91.6 +0.1 91.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 141995489X Tara (USA: MO) 2009/02/15
91.5 +0.1 91.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758211899 Adriane (USA: NY) 2009/02/15
91.4 +0.1 91.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061429880 Adriane (USA: NY) 2009/02/15
91.3 +0.1 91.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758214103 Adriane (USA: NY) 2009/02/15
91.2 +0.1 91.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0385340990 Jenny (USA: MD) 2009/02/15
92.2 -1 91.2 deducted points for mooch request 0061124532 Diana (USA: DC) 2009/02/14
89.2 +3 92.2 gave points for mooch request 1416536159 melissa (Canada) 2009/02/14
90.2 -1 89.2 deducted points for mooch request 1420103733 VeraMarie (USA) 2009/02/14
91.2 -1 90.2 deducted points for mooch request 1420103741 VeraMarie (USA) 2009/02/14
91.1 +0.1 91.2 added book to inventory 1416536159 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/13
92.1 -1 91.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425226883 Joy (USA: WA) 2009/02/13
93.1 -1 92.1 deducted points for mooch request 1930709323 Joy (USA: WA) 2009/02/13
94.1 -1 93.1 deducted points for mooch request 0743271122 Joy (USA: WA) 2009/02/13
95.1 -1 94.1 deducted points for mooch request 0061234931 TA (USA: NC) 2009/02/13
94.1 +1 95.1 gave points for mooch request 0843945249 DrWhom (USA: FL) 2009/02/12
93.1 +1 94.1 gave points for mooch request 0373771290 DrWhom (USA: FL) 2009/02/12
92.1 +1 93.1 gave points for mooch request 0373294158 DrWhom (USA: FL) 2009/02/12
92 +0.1 92.1 added book to inventory 0373771290 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/12
91 +1 92 gave points for mooch request 0515138487 Carole (USA: WI) 2009/02/12
90 +1 91 gave points for mooch request 1569708878 Sianeka (USA: CA) 2009/02/12
89 +1 90 gave points for mooch request 0425205037 Sianeka (USA: CA) 2009/02/12
88 +1 89 gave points for mooch request 0758213867 Sianeka (USA: CA) 2009/02/12
87 +1 88 gave points for mooch request 0916773582 Romina LaBerteaux (USA: CA) 2009/02/12
86 +1 87 lost in the mail says book owner 0425217078 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/02/11
85 +1 86 lost in the mail says book owner 1416536140 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/02/11
84 +1 85 gave points for mooch request 0439405610 Teabagmama (USA: MI) 2009/02/11
83.9 +0.1 84 added book to inventory 0758213867 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/11
82.9 +1 83.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0425210146 PumpkinPrincess (USA: TX) 2009/02/11
82.8 +0.1 82.9 added book to inventory 0425205037 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/10
82.7 +0.1 82.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312360304 Kandy (USA: CA) 2009/02/09
81.7 +1 82.7 gave points for mooch request 1843603934 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2009/02/09
80.7 +1 81.7 gave points for mooch request 0440243955 Janie (USA: CA) 2009/02/08
81.7 -1 80.7 deducted points for mooch request 0964894238 gwoods1 (USA: MI) 2009/02/08
81.6 +0.1 81.7 added book to inventory 1843603934 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/08
82.6 -1 81.6 deducted points for mooch request 1439102252 Jeanne Schramm (USA: WV) 2009/02/08
82.5 +0.1 82.6 added book to inventory 0843957107 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/08
82.4 +0.1 82.5 added book to inventory 0515141542 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/08
82.3 +0.1 82.4 added book to inventory 0843957441 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/08
82.2 +0.1 82.3 added book to inventory 0373294980 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/08
82.1 +0.1 82.2 added book to inventory 0440243955 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/08
83.1 -1 82.1 deducted points for mooch request 0758214103 Adriane (USA: NY) 2009/02/08
84.1 -1 83.1 deducted points for mooch request 0061429880 Adriane (USA: NY) 2009/02/08
85.1 -1 84.1 deducted points for mooch request 0758211899 Adriane (USA: NY) 2009/02/08
82.1 +3 85.1 gave points for mooch request 1419952234 melissa (Canada) 2009/02/08
82 +0.1 82.1 added book to inventory 1419952234 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/07
81.9 +0.1 82 added book to inventory 1420101269 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/07
81.8 +0.1 81.9 added book to inventory 0505525151 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/07
82.8 -1 81.8 deducted points for mooch request 141995489X Tara (USA: MO) 2009/02/07
84.8 -2 82.8 deducted points for mooch request 1934166987 melissa (Canada) 2009/02/07
86.8 -2 84.8 deducted points for mooch request 1419956892 melissa (Canada) 2009/02/07
85.8 +1 86.8 gave points for mooch request 0758222718 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/02/06
84.8 +1 85.8 gave points for mooch request 0758217250 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/02/06
84.7 +0.1 84.8 added book to inventory 0446612960 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/06
84.6 +0.1 84.7 added book to inventory 0425221024 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/06
83.6 +1 84.6 gave points for mooch request 0767902890 kjpatino (USA: MD) 2009/02/06
83.5 +0.1 83.6 added book to inventory 0767902890 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/06
83.4 +0.1 83.5 added book to inventory 0758217250 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/06
83.3 +0.1 83.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345479750 Missy (USA: MD) 2009/02/06
83.2 +0.1 83.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1401309704 mmrogovin (USA: IL) 2009/02/06
83.1 +0.1 83.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1401323251 mmrogovin (USA: IL) 2009/02/06
83 +0.1 83.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419950088 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/02/06
82.9 +0.1 83 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419953524 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/02/06
82.8 +0.1 82.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 141657722X debbie (USA: DE) 2009/02/06
82.7 +0.1 82.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952099 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/02/06
82.6 +0.1 82.7 added book to inventory 0758222718 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/06
85.6 -3 82.6 mooch rejected by book owner 0758222718 melissa (Canada) 2009/02/06
85.7 -0.1 85.6 removing book from inventory 0758222718 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/06
86.7 -1 85.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758223544 Courtney (USA: VA) 2009/02/06
83.7 +3 86.7 gave points for mooch request 0758222718 melissa (Canada) 2009/02/05
83.6 +0.1 83.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373294980 Kym777 (USA: AL) 2009/02/05
83.5 +0.1 83.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843957441 Kym777 (USA: AL) 2009/02/05
83.4 +0.1 83.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0505525151 Kym777 (USA: AL) 2009/02/05
83.3 +0.1 83.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446612960 Kym777 (USA: AL) 2009/02/05
83.2 +0.1 83.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821780697 Kym777 (USA: AL) 2009/02/05
83.1 +0.1 83.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451218043 Kym777 (USA: AL) 2009/02/05
83 +0.1 83.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1420101269 Travis Noack (USA: TX) 2009/02/05
82.9 +0.1 83 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425221024 Travis Noack (USA: TX) 2009/02/05
82.8 +0.1 82.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0515141542 Travis Noack (USA: TX) 2009/02/05
82.7 +0.1 82.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440243955 Travis Noack (USA: TX) 2009/02/05
82.6 +0.1 82.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758217250 Travis Noack (USA: TX) 2009/02/05
82.5 +0.1 82.6 added book to inventory 0758222718 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/05
81.5 +1 82.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 0451225600 CM (USA: TX) 2009/02/05
80.5 +1 81.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 042522564X CM (USA: TX) 2009/02/05
82.5 -2 80.5 deducted points for mooch request 1592798047 melissa (Canada) 2009/02/05
81.5 +1 82.5 mooch rejected by book owner 1601420617 Cara (USA: IA) 2009/02/04
80.5 +1 81.5 gave points for mooch request 0425221482 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/02/04
81.5 -1 80.5 deducted points for mooch request 1419956361 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/02/04
82.5 -1 81.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425213927 Samantha (USA: PA) 2009/02/03
81.5 +1 82.5 gave points for mooch request 1419950894 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/02/03
81.4 +0.1 81.5 added book to inventory 1419950894 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/03
80.4 +1 81.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 1593091656 Notorious Spinks (USA: TN) 2009/02/03
80.3 +0.1 80.4 added book to inventory 0425221482 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/03
80.4 -0.1 80.3 removed book from inventory B001IDZK4O kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/03
80.3 +0.1 80.4 added book to inventory B001IDZK4O kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/03
81.3 -1 80.3 deducted points for mooch request 0758222319 SJ Hennessy (USA: PA) 2009/02/02
80.3 +1 81.3 received a smooch Kym777 (USA: AL) 2009/02/02
79.3 +1 80.3 received a smooch Kym777 (USA: AL) 2009/02/02
79.2 +0.1 79.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671742558 Laura (USA: NJ) 2009/02/02
80.2 -1 79.2 deducted points for mooch request 1593091656 Notorious Spinks (USA: TN) 2009/02/02
79.2 +1 80.2 gave points for mooch request 0061178039 Kim N (USA: NY) 2009/02/02
78.2 +1 79.2 gave points for mooch request 0441014674 Kim N (USA: NY) 2009/02/02
78.1 +0.1 78.2 added book to inventory 0441014674 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/02
79.1 -1 78.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425224929 Tricia (USA: VA) 2009/02/02
80.1 -1 79.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0439208475 Sharon (USA: IL) 2009/02/02
79.1 +1 80.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0061234001 mmrogovin (USA: IL) 2009/02/01
80.1 -1 79.1 deducted points for mooch request 0345479750 Missy (USA: MD) 2009/02/01
80 +0.1 80.1 added book to inventory 1569708878 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/02/01
81 -1 80 deducted points for mooch request 0061234001 mmrogovin (USA: IL) 2009/02/01
82 -1 81 deducted points for mooch request 1401309704 mmrogovin (USA: IL) 2009/02/01
83 -1 82 deducted points for mooch request 1401323251 mmrogovin (USA: IL) 2009/02/01
84 -1 83 deducted points for mooch request 1419953036 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/01/31
83.9 +0.1 84 added book to inventory 0821775448 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/31
84.9 -1 83.9 deducted points for mooch request 1601420617 Cara (USA: IA) 2009/01/31
85.9 -1 84.9 deducted points for mooch request 0843957441 Kym777 (USA: AL) 2009/01/30
86.9 -1 85.9 deducted points for mooch request 0373294980 Kym777 (USA: AL) 2009/01/30
87.9 -1 86.9 deducted points for mooch request 0505525151 Kym777 (USA: AL) 2009/01/30
88.9 -1 87.9 deducted points for mooch request 045122552X lori (USA: PA) 2009/01/30
89.9 -1 88.9 deducted points for mooch request 0451225600 CM (USA: TX) 2009/01/30
90.9 -1 89.9 deducted points for mooch request 042522564X CM (USA: TX) 2009/01/30
89.9 +1 90.9 gave points for mooch request 1419954075 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/01/30
90.9 -1 89.9 deducted points for mooch request 0446612960 Kym777 (USA: AL) 2009/01/30
91.9 -1 90.9 deducted points for mooch request 0821780697 Kym777 (USA: AL) 2009/01/30
92.9 -1 91.9 deducted points for mooch request 0451218043 Kym777 (USA: AL) 2009/01/30
92.8 +0.1 92.9 added book to inventory 1419954075 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/30
92.7 +0.1 92.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book B00149ZWXQ Jenny (Australia) 2009/01/30
92.6 +0.1 92.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1400064759 Tiffany (USA: VA) 2009/01/30
92.5 +0.1 92.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758227116 Jenny (Australia) 2009/01/30
92.4 +0.1 92.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060545534 Jeannie (USA: FL) 2009/01/30
91.4 +1 92.4 gave points for mooch request 0439208475 Sharon (USA: IL) 2009/01/29
89.4 +2 91.4 received points from charity Travis Noack (USA: TX) 2009/01/29
89.5 -0.1 89.4 removed book from inventory 0312992823 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/29
89.6 -0.1 89.5 removed book from inventory 0446617822 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/29
90.6 -1 89.6 deducted points for mooch request 0758222297 SJ Hennessy (USA: PA) 2009/01/28
91.6 -1 90.6 deducted points for mooch request 1420101269 Travis Noack (USA: TX) 2009/01/28
92.6 -1 91.6 deducted points for mooch request 0425221024 Travis Noack (USA: TX) 2009/01/28
93.6 -1 92.6 deducted points for mooch request 0515141542 Travis Noack (USA: TX) 2009/01/28
94.6 -1 93.6 deducted points for mooch request 0440243955 Travis Noack (USA: TX) 2009/01/28
95.6 -1 94.6 deducted points for mooch request 0758217250 Travis Noack (USA: TX) 2009/01/28
96.6 -1 95.6 deducted points for mooch request 0385340990 Jenny (USA: MD) 2009/01/28
96.5 +0.1 96.6 added book to inventory 037379374X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/27
96.4 +0.1 96.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758217161 Jon Melusky (USA: WA) 2009/01/27
96.3 +0.1 96.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451219368 Darlene (USA: CT) 2009/01/27
96.2 +0.1 96.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451222350 Darlene (USA: CT) 2009/01/27
98.2 -2 96.2 deducted points for mooch request 1599987791 rayne (Canada) 2009/01/27
100.2 -2 98.2 deducted points for mooch request 141995279X rayne (Canada) 2009/01/27
100.1 +0.1 100.2 added book to inventory 0446617822 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/27
100.2 -0.1 100.1 removed book from inventory 0380756269 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/27
100.3 -0.1 100.2 removed book from inventory 1551667290 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/27
99.3 +1 100.3 gave points for mooch request 1934496030 Sianeka (USA: CA) 2009/01/27
98.3 +1 99.3 gave points for mooch request 0380897393 311a (USA: CA) 2009/01/26
98.2 +0.1 98.3 added book to inventory 1934496030 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/26
97.2 +1 98.2 lost in the mail says book owner 0446179574 mellonhead (USA: TX) 2009/01/26
96.2 +1 97.2 lost in the mail says book owner 0451218043 mellonhead (USA: TX) 2009/01/26
97.2 -1 96.2 deducted points for mooch request 141657722X debbie (USA: DE) 2009/01/26
98.2 -1 97.2 deducted points for mooch request 0671742558 Laura (USA: NJ) 2009/01/26
99.2 -1 98.2 deducted points for mooch request 0060545534 Jeannie (USA: FL) 2009/01/25
99.3 -0.1 99.2 removed book from inventory 0821780921 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/25
100.3 -1 99.3 deducted points for mooch request 1419950282 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/01/24
101.3 -1 100.3 deducted points for mooch request 1419952099 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/01/24
101.2 +0.1 101.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451223330 Jean Cordle (USA: GA) 2009/01/23
101.1 +0.1 101.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0316045608 Ben W (USA: WI) 2009/01/23
102.1 -1 101.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0758222718 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2009/01/23
102.2 -0.1 102.1 removing book from inventory 0758222718 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/23
101.2 +1 102.2 gave points for mooch request 0758222718 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2009/01/23
102.2 -1 101.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0758222718 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/01/23
102.1 +0.1 102.2 added book to inventory BM120769056228233357 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/22
102.2 -0.1 102.1 removed book from inventory BM1220569637376008792 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/22
102.1 +0.1 102.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419954075 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/01/22
102 +0.1 102.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419950215 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/01/22
101.9 +0.1 102 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952064 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/01/22
101.8 +0.1 101.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419954539 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/01/22
103.8 -2 101.8 deducted points for mooch request 0758214812 Tamara (Canada) 2009/01/22
103.9 -0.1 103.8 removed book from inventory 0380725703 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/22
104 -0.1 103.9 removed book from inventory 0380753006 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/22
103.9 +0.1 104 receiver acknowledged receiving book 159514174X AG Werschky (USA: CO) 2009/01/21
103.8 +0.1 103.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419951866 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/01/21
103.7 +0.1 103.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425217493 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/01/21
103.6 +0.1 103.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0679731148 Marney (USA: OR) 2009/01/21
103.5 +0.1 103.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0399155163 Janis (USA: CA) 2009/01/21
103.4 +0.1 103.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1596321504 Shari (Philippines) 2009/01/21
105.4 -2 103.4 deducted points for mooch request 1419956280 melissa (Canada) 2009/01/21
107.4 -2 105.4 deducted points for mooch request 1419957716 melissa (Canada) 2009/01/21
108.4 -1 107.4 deducted points for mooch request 1419953524 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/01/21
107.4 +1 108.4 gave points for mooch request BM120769056228233357 Charbie (USA: FL) 2009/01/20
107.5 -0.1 107.4 removed book from inventory 0060843071 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/19
107.6 -0.1 107.5 removed book from inventory 0373792476 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/19
107.7 -0.1 107.6 removed book from inventory 037379374X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/19
107.8 -0.1 107.7 removed book from inventory 0380807742 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/19
107.9 -0.1 107.8 removed book from inventory 0373760469 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/19
108 -0.1 107.9 removed book from inventory 0373793774 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/19
108.1 -0.1 108 removed book from inventory 082177705X kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/19
109.1 -1 108.1 deducted points for mooch request 0758217161 Jon Melusky (USA: WA) 2009/01/19
110.1 -1 109.1 deducted points for mooch request 1419950088 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/01/19
111.1 -1 110.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0439405610 infiniteletters (USA: KY) 2009/01/19
111 +0.1 111.1 added book to inventory 0060843071 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/18
112 -1 111 deducted points for mooch request 0451219368 Darlene (USA: CT) 2009/01/18
113 -1 112 deducted points for mooch request 0451222350 Darlene (USA: CT) 2009/01/18
112.9 +0.1 113 receiver acknowledged receiving book 9780451218049 Laura (USA: PA) 2009/01/17
112.8 +0.1 112.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416551638 Laura (USA: PA) 2009/01/17
112.7 +0.1 112.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1591828643 Vee (USA: CA) 2009/01/17
112.6 +0.1 112.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0307387992 merritt (USA: FL) 2009/01/17
112.5 +0.1 112.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0156030489 atienan (USA: NY) 2009/01/17
112.4 +0.1 112.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0156881802 Spyke (USA: CA) 2009/01/17
113.4 -1 112.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425210146 PumpkinPrincess (USA: TX) 2009/01/17
112.4 +1 113.4 gave points for mooch request 1419952684 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/01/15
112.3 +0.1 112.4 added book to inventory 0515138487 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/15
112.2 +0.1 112.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425225534 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2009/01/15
112.1 +0.1 112.2 added book to inventory 1419952684 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/14
112 +0.1 112.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1934496030 Jill (USA: GA) 2009/01/14
111.9 +0.1 112 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1934531006 VT (USA: TX) 2009/01/14
111.8 +0.1 111.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416563423 julietexok (USA: TX) 2009/01/14
112.8 -1 111.8 deducted points for mooch request 0307387992 merritt (USA: FL) 2009/01/13
112.7 +0.1 112.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758216432 Marcia (USA: NY) 2009/01/13
112.6 +0.1 112.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425221210 Julie (USA) 2009/01/13
112.5 +0.1 112.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425216632 Julie (USA) 2009/01/13
112.4 +0.1 112.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743246012 Meagan (USA: PA) 2009/01/13
112.3 +0.1 112.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416558586 julietexok (USA: TX) 2009/01/13
111.3 +1 112.3 gave points for mooch request 0070144346 Enigma (USA: VA) 2009/01/13
110.3 +1 111.3 gave points for mooch request 0536955328 Enigma (USA: VA) 2009/01/13
109.3 +1 110.3 gave points for mooch request 0130655929 Enigma (USA: VA) 2009/01/13
108.3 +1 109.3 gave points for mooch request 0030245923 Enigma (USA: VA) 2009/01/13
108.2 +0.1 108.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416584080 eacook (USA: CA) 2009/01/12
108.1 +0.1 108.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451225023 julietexok (USA: TX) 2009/01/12
108 +0.1 108.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425223558 julietexok (USA: TX) 2009/01/12
107.9 +0.1 108 receiver acknowledged receiving book 042521995X blueyedpoet (USA: OH) 2009/01/12
108.9 -1 107.9 deducted points for mooch request 1419952064 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/01/12
109.9 -1 108.9 deducted points for mooch request 1419954075 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/01/12
108.9 +1 109.9 gave points for mooch request 0439405610 infiniteletters (USA: KY) 2009/01/11
109.9 -1 108.9 deducted points for mooch request 1934496030 Jill (USA: GA) 2009/01/10
108.9 +1 109.9 gave points for mooch request 0060796677 Nikki1 (USA: CA) 2009/01/10
108.8 +0.1 108.9 added book to inventory 0060796677 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/10
109.8 -1 108.8 deducted points for mooch request 9780451218049 Laura (USA: PA) 2009/01/10
109.7 +0.1 109.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419950800 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/01/10
109.6 +0.1 109.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416577610 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/01/10
110.6 -1 109.6 deducted points for mooch request 0425225534 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2009/01/10
111.6 -1 110.6 deducted points for mooch request 1419950215 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/01/10
112.6 -1 111.6 deducted points for mooch request 1416551638 Laura (USA: PA) 2009/01/10
113.6 -1 112.6 deducted points for mooch request 159514174X AG Werschky (USA: CO) 2009/01/09
112.6 +1 113.6 gave points for mooch request 1590803108 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/01/09
114.6 -2 112.6 deducted points for mooch request B00149ZWXQ Jenny (Australia) 2009/01/09
114.5 +0.1 114.6 added book to inventory 1590803108 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/09
115.5 -1 114.5 deducted points for mooch request 0679731148 Marney (USA: OR) 2009/01/09
116.5 -1 115.5 deducted points for mooch request 0156030489 atienan (USA: NY) 2009/01/09
117.5 -1 116.5 deducted points for mooch request 0156881802 Spyke (USA: CA) 2009/01/09
118.5 -1 117.5 deducted points for mooch request 0451223330 Jean Cordle (USA: GA) 2009/01/08
117.5 +1 118.5 gave points for mooch request 1551666502 osha341 (USA: NV) 2009/01/08
117.4 +0.1 117.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425212882 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2009/01/07
118.4 -1 117.4 deducted points for mooch request 0758216432 Marcia (USA: NY) 2009/01/07
117.4 +1 118.4 gave points for mooch request 0778322467 PLee (USA: RI) 2009/01/06
117.3 +0.1 117.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373605218 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2009/01/06
118.3 -1 117.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0439405610 Cinderbolt (USA: NM) 2009/01/06
117.3 +1 118.3 lost in the mail says book owner 1599982161 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2009/01/06
116.3 +1 117.3 lost in the mail says book owner 1599982595 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2009/01/06
115.3 +1 116.3 gave points for mooch request 0758219237 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/01/05
114.3 +1 115.3 gave points for mooch request 1419953559 SJ Hennessy (USA: PA) 2009/01/05
113.3 +1 114.3 gave points for mooch request 0441015603 SJ Hennessy (USA: PA) 2009/01/05
113.2 +0.1 113.3 added book to inventory 0758219237 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/04
113.1 +0.1 113.2 added book to inventory 1419953559 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/04
113 +0.1 113.1 added book to inventory 0441015603 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/04
112 +1 113 gave points for mooch request 0380805901 lynnbie (USA: FL) 2009/01/04
113 -1 112 deducted points for mooch request 1419951866 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/01/04
114 -1 113 deducted points for mooch request 1416584080 eacook (USA: CA) 2009/01/04
115 -1 114 mooch cancelled by requestor 1416523324 osha341 (USA: NV) 2009/01/04
116 -1 115 deducted points for mooch request 0425217493 Tara (USA: MO) 2009/01/03
115 +1 116 gave points for mooch request 0821778145 Regina (USA: OR) 2009/01/03
114 +1 115 gave points for mooch request 0061178047 Heather (USA: AL) 2009/01/03
113.9 +0.1 114 added book to inventory 0843952369 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/03
113.8 +0.1 113.9 added book to inventory 0821778145 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/03
113.7 +0.1 113.8 added book to inventory 0451209559 kaly (USA: FL) 2009/01/03
114.7 -1 113.7 deducted points for mooch request 0316045608 Ben W (USA: WI) 2009/01/03
115.7 -1 114.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425221210 Julie (USA) 2009/01/03
116.7 -1 115.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425216632 Julie (USA) 2009/01/03
117.7 -1 116.7 deducted points for mooch request 0743246012 Meagan (USA: PA) 2009/01/03
116.7 +1 117.7 gave points for mooch request 0821771957 Kandy (USA: CA) 2009/01/03
115.7 +1 116.7 gave points for mooch request 0060796626 Kandy (USA: CA) 2009/01/03
116.7 -1 115.7 deducted points for mooch request 0312360304 Kandy (USA: CA) 2009/01/03
117.7 -1 116.7 deducted points for mooch request 1419954539 debbie (USA: DE) 2009/01/03
118.7 -1 117.7 deducted points for mooch request 0399155163 Janis (USA: CA) 2009/01/03
118.6 +0.1 118.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0441016332 AverysMomma (USA: KS) 2009/01/03
118.5 +0.1 118.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 141659485X Eric Leffler (USA: CT) 2009/01/03
119.5 -1 118.5 deducted points for mooch request 1934531006 VT (USA: TX) 2009/01/03
121.5 -2 119.5 deducted points for mooch request 1595784489 melissa (Canada) 2009/01/03
120.5 +1 121.5 gave points for mooch request 1416524150 wanaki (USA: MD) 2009/01/02
119.5 +1 120.5 gave points for mooch request 0440243955 wanaki (USA: MD) 2009/01/02
116.5 +3 119.5 gave points for mooch request 1420101005 Debbie S (Canada) 2009/01/02
116.4 +0.1 116.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373802692 Jeanette Lee (USA: CA) 2009/01/02
116.3 +0.1 116.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0515144622 osha341 (USA: NV) 2009/01/01
117.3 -1 116.3 deducted points for mooch request 0451225023 julietexok (USA: TX) 2009/01/01
118.3 -1 117.3 deducted points for mooch request 1416563423 julietexok (USA: TX) 2009/01/01
119.3 -1 118.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425223558 julietexok (USA: TX) 2009/01/01
120.3 -1 119.3 deducted points for mooch request 1416558586 julietexok (USA: TX) 2009/01/01
119.3 +1 120.3 gave points for mooch request 0373793685 knowhere (USA: CA) 2008/12/31
118.3 +1 119.3 gave points for mooch request 0373691106 knowhere (USA: CA) 2008/12/31
117.3 +1 118.3 gave points for mooch request 037377267X knowhere (USA: CA) 2008/12/31
117.2 +0.1 117.3 added book to inventory 037377267X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/31
118.2 -1 117.2 deducted points for mooch request 1419952447 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/12/31
119.2 -1 118.2 deducted points for mooch request 1419955349 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/12/31
118.2 +1 119.2 gave points for mooch request 0451194071 Vera (USA: KY) 2008/12/31
115.2 +3 118.2 gave points for mooch request 0975451634 rayne (Canada) 2008/12/31
114.2 +1 115.2 gave points for mooch request 1602820112 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/12/31
113.2 +1 114.2 gave points for mooch request 097545160X Tara (USA: MO) 2008/12/31
113.1 +0.1 113.2 added book to inventory 1602820112 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/31
113 +0.1 113.1 added book to inventory 0975451634 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/31
112.9 +0.1 113 added book to inventory 097545160X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/31
113.9 -1 112.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425217078 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/12/30
112.9 +1 113.9 gave points for mooch request 0758222718 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/12/29
111.9 +1 112.9 gave points for mooch request 1416523324 osha341 (USA: NV) 2008/12/29
110.9 +1 111.9 gave points for mooch request 1600430309 osha341 (USA: NV) 2008/12/29
110.8 +0.1 110.9 added book to inventory 0758222718 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/29
109.8 +1 110.8 gave points for mooch request 0756404746 Dayna (USA: IN) 2008/12/29
109.7 +0.1 109.8 added book to inventory 0756404746 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/29
110.7 -1 109.7 deducted points for mooch request 1416536140 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/12/29
109.7 +1 110.7 gave points for mooch request 1419950312 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/12/29
110.7 -1 109.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425212882 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/12/29
111.7 -1 110.7 deducted points for mooch request 0373802692 Jeanette Lee (USA: CA) 2008/12/29
112.7 -1 111.7 deducted points for mooch request 0441016332 AverysMomma (USA: KS) 2008/12/29
112.6 +0.1 112.7 added book to inventory 1600430309 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/29
112.5 +0.1 112.6 added book to inventory 1419950312 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/29
114.5 -2 112.5 deducted points for mooch request 1596321504 Shari (Philippines) 2008/12/28
114.4 +0.1 114.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419951807 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/12/28
114.3 +0.1 114.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843604078 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/12/28
114.2 +0.1 114.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446195502 trish (USA: VA) 2008/12/28
115.2 -1 114.2 deducted points for mooch request 1419950800 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/12/25
115.1 +0.1 115.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0470222778 Liz (USA: PA) 2008/12/24
116.1 -1 115.1 deducted points for mooch request 141659485X Eric Leffler (USA: CT) 2008/12/23
115.1 +1 116.1 gave points for mooch request 0345502825 Yan (USA: PA) 2008/12/23
115 +0.1 115.1 added book to inventory 0345502825 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/23
116 -1 115 deducted points for mooch request 0373605218 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/12/23
115.9 +0.1 116 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952625 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/12/23
115.8 +0.1 115.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419951130 pattib (USA: FL) 2008/12/23
115.7 +0.1 115.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 141995024X debbie (USA: DE) 2008/12/23
115.6 +0.1 115.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345502825 Nisha (USA: NE) 2008/12/23
115.5 +0.1 115.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0575081406 Paul (USA: OR) 2008/12/23
115.4 +0.1 115.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0975451634 Paul (USA: OR) 2008/12/23
115.3 +0.1 115.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416536000 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/12/23
115.2 +0.1 115.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758222750 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/12/23
115.1 +0.1 115.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 097545160X debbie (USA: DE) 2008/12/23
114.1 +1 115.1 gave points for mooch request 0821779826 cardsfan4 (USA: IL) 2008/12/23
113.1 +1 114.1 gave points for mooch request 0821774263 cardsfan4 (USA: IL) 2008/12/23
113 +0.1 113.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553589601 pattib (USA: FL) 2008/12/22
112.9 +0.1 113 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061176443 Alitheia (USA: FL) 2008/12/22
113.9 -1 112.9 deducted points for mooch request 042521995X blueyedpoet (USA: OH) 2008/12/22
112.9 +1 113.9 gave points for mooch request 0821779818 Lori P (USA: NY) 2008/12/22
112.8 +0.1 112.9 added book to inventory 0060796499 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/21
112.7 +0.1 112.8 added book to inventory 0821774263 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/21
112.6 +0.1 112.7 added book to inventory 0821779826 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/21
112.5 +0.1 112.6 added book to inventory 0515139726 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/21
112.4 +0.1 112.5 added book to inventory 0061178039 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/21
112.3 +0.1 112.4 added book to inventory 0061178047 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/21
112.2 +0.1 112.3 added book to inventory 0821779818 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/21
112.1 +0.1 112.2 added book to inventory 0060796626 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/21
112 +0.1 112.1 added book to inventory 0536955328 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/21
111 +1 112 mooch cancelled by requestor 0964894238 osha341 (USA: NV) 2008/12/20
112 -1 111 deducted points for mooch request 0515144622 osha341 (USA: NV) 2008/12/20
111.9 +0.1 112 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060796499 Ozrkgirlie (USA: MO) 2008/12/20
110.9 +1 111.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0743290119 Stephanie (USA: MI) 2008/12/20
111.9 -1 110.9 deducted points for mooch request 0470222778 Liz (USA: PA) 2008/12/20
112.9 -1 111.9 deducted points for mooch request 0743290119 Stephanie (USA: MI) 2008/12/20
111.9 +1 112.9 mooch rejected by book owner 0758218567 osha341 (USA: NV) 2008/12/20
110.9 +1 111.9 mooch rejected by book owner 1416577211 osha341 (USA: NV) 2008/12/20
110.8 +0.1 110.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0375826726 Courtney (USA: DE) 2008/12/18
111.8 -1 110.8 deducted points for mooch request 1416577610 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/12/18
112.8 -1 111.8 deducted points for mooch request 1591828643 Vee (USA: CA) 2008/12/17
109.8 +3 112.8 gave points for mooch request 1594265119 Jenny (Australia) 2008/12/17
108.8 +1 109.8 gave points for mooch request 0312939922 Sandy (USA) 2008/12/17
107.8 +1 108.8 gave points for mooch request 0373791453 The Restless Mouse (USA: WA) 2008/12/17
107.7 +0.1 107.8 added book to inventory 0312939922 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/17
106.7 +1 107.7 gave points for mooch request 0028182677 melissak (USA: CA) 2008/12/17
105.7 +1 106.7 gave points for mooch request 0316015849 melissak (USA: CA) 2008/12/17
104.7 +1 105.7 gave points for mooch request 0061136093 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/12/17
104.6 +0.1 104.7 added book to inventory 0316015849 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/17
104.5 +0.1 104.6 added book to inventory 1594265119 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/17
104.4 +0.1 104.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 141995136X SJ Hennessy (USA: PA) 2008/12/17
104.3 +0.1 104.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425221482 SJ Hennessy (USA: PA) 2008/12/17
104.2 +0.1 104.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373772327 Debbie (USA: CA) 2008/12/17
104.3 -0.1 104.2 removed book from inventory 0439405602 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/17
104.4 -0.1 104.3 removed book from inventory 0439405580 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/17
105.4 -1 104.4 deducted points for mooch request 0758218567 osha341 (USA: NV) 2008/12/16
106.4 -1 105.4 deducted points for mooch request 0964894238 osha341 (USA: NV) 2008/12/16
107.4 -1 106.4 deducted points for mooch request 1416577211 osha341 (USA: NV) 2008/12/16
108.4 -1 107.4 deducted points for mooch request 0345502825 Nisha (USA: NE) 2008/12/16
108.3 +0.1 108.4 added book to inventory 0061136093 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/16
107.3 +1 108.3 gave points for mooch request 0821777718 VickiLynn (USA) 2008/12/16
106.3 +1 107.3 gave points for mooch request 0821778021 wildhart (USA: LA) 2008/12/16
107.3 -1 106.3 deducted points for mooch request 0553589601 pattib (USA: FL) 2008/12/16
108.3 -1 107.3 deducted points for mooch request 1419951130 pattib (USA: FL) 2008/12/16
108.2 +0.1 108.3 added book to inventory 0821777718 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/16
108.1 +0.1 108.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425215342 P.G. Husted (USA: TX) 2008/12/16
109.1 -1 108.1 deducted points for mooch request 1419951807 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/12/15
108.1 +1 109.1 gave points for mooch request 1843606224 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/12/15
108 +0.1 108.1 added book to inventory 1843606224 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/15
107 +1 108 gave points for mooch request 0439405610 Cinderbolt (USA: NM) 2008/12/15
106.9 +0.1 107 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0374166854 SeyHey (USA: CA) 2008/12/15
106.8 +0.1 106.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061136093 Trina (USA: MD) 2008/12/15
106.7 +0.1 106.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0316003816 Karin (USA: MI) 2008/12/15
106.6 +0.1 106.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425224945 Karin (USA: MI) 2008/12/15
106.5 +0.1 106.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446537519 Joseph M. Procaccini (USA: RI) 2008/12/15
105.5 +1 106.5 gave points for mooch request 1419952730 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/12/14
102.5 +3 105.5 gave points for mooch request 0060875259 Debbie S (Canada) 2008/12/14
102.4 +0.1 102.5 added book to inventory 1419952730 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/14
102.3 +0.1 102.4 added book to inventory 0060875259 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/14
103.3 -1 102.3 deducted points for mooch request 1419952625 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/12/13
102.3 +1 103.3 gave points for mooch request 0060561122 Kami (USA: MI) 2008/12/13
103.3 -1 102.3 deducted points for mooch request 1843604078 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/12/13
104.3 -1 103.3 deducted points for mooch request 141995024X debbie (USA: DE) 2008/12/13
104.2 +0.1 104.3 added book to inventory 0312992823 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/12
105.2 -1 104.2 deducted points for mooch request 0375826726 Courtney (USA: DE) 2008/12/12
104.2 +1 105.2 gave points for mooch request 0689839855 Kacey (USA: VA) 2008/12/12
103.2 +1 104.2 gave points for mooch request 0439405599 Kacey (USA: VA) 2008/12/12
103.1 +0.1 103.2 added book to inventory 1416524150 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/11
104.1 -1 103.1 deducted points for mooch request 0575081406 Paul (USA: OR) 2008/12/11
105.1 -1 104.1 deducted points for mooch request 0975451634 Paul (USA: OR) 2008/12/11
105 +0.1 105.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0316038377 Zelda Regina (USA: AL) 2008/12/11
104.9 +0.1 105 added book to inventory 0380807742 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/10
104.8 +0.1 104.9 added book to inventory 082177705X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/10
101.8 +3 104.8 gave points for mooch request 0060543949 Debbie S (Canada) 2008/12/09
101.9 -0.1 101.8 removed book from inventory 006447108X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
102 -0.1 101.9 removed book from inventory 0064471098 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
102.1 -0.1 102 removed book from inventory 0064471101 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
102.2 -0.1 102.1 removed book from inventory 0064471071 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
102.3 -0.1 102.2 removed book from inventory 0064471063 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
102.4 -0.1 102.3 removed book from inventory 0064471055 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
102.5 -0.1 102.4 removed book from inventory BM122056991214668671 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
102.6 -0.1 102.5 removed book from inventory BM1218890880139781537 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
102.7 -0.1 102.6 removed book from inventory BM121889090775413770 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
102.8 -0.1 102.7 removed book from inventory 0373781318 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
102.9 -0.1 102.8 removed book from inventory 0373248636 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
103 -0.1 102.9 removed book from inventory 0758207735 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
103.1 -0.1 103 removed book from inventory 0439405629 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
103.2 -0.1 103.1 removed book from inventory 0439739519 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
103.1 +0.1 103.2 added book to inventory 0060543949 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
103 +0.1 103.1 added book to inventory 0505524430 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
102.9 +0.1 103 added book to inventory 1551667290 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
102.8 +0.1 102.9 added book to inventory 0439405599 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
102.7 +0.1 102.8 added book to inventory 0439405602 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
102.6 +0.1 102.7 added book to inventory 0439405629 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
102.5 +0.1 102.6 added book to inventory 0439739519 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
102.4 +0.1 102.5 added book to inventory 0439405610 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
102.3 +0.1 102.4 added book to inventory 0439405580 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
102.2 +0.1 102.3 added book to inventory 0064471101 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
102.1 +0.1 102.2 added book to inventory 006447108X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
102 +0.1 102.1 added book to inventory 0064471098 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
101.9 +0.1 102 added book to inventory 0064471071 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
101.8 +0.1 101.9 added book to inventory 0064471055 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
101.7 +0.1 101.8 added book to inventory 0064471063 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
102.7 -1 101.7 mooch rejected by book owner BM1218890991169472634 Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/12/09
102.8 -0.1 102.7 removing book from inventory BM1218890991169472634 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
103.8 -1 102.8 mooch rejected by book owner BM1218891010191137045 Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/12/09
103.9 -0.1 103.8 removing book from inventory BM1218891010191137045 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
104 -0.1 103.9 removed book from inventory BM1212719826555782683 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
105 -1 104 deducted points for mooch request 1400064759 Tiffany (USA: VA) 2008/12/09
104 +1 105 gave points for mooch request 1893896781 SJ Hennessy (USA: PA) 2008/12/09
107 -3 104 mooch rejected by book owner 0778322467 brezova (Belgium) 2008/12/09
106.9 +0.1 107 added book to inventory 0373294158 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
106.8 +0.1 106.9 added book to inventory 0451408551 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
106.7 +0.1 106.8 added book to inventory 0758207735 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
106.6 +0.1 106.7 added book to inventory 1893896781 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/09
107.6 -1 106.6 deducted points for mooch request 0446195502 trish (USA: VA) 2008/12/09
107.5 +0.1 107.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0385526563 fluff (Canada) 2008/12/09
108.5 -1 107.5 deducted points for mooch request 0373772327 Debbie (USA: CA) 2008/12/09
109.5 -1 108.5 deducted points for mooch request 1416536000 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/12/08
109.4 +0.1 109.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425220435 Gina (USA: KY) 2008/12/08
109.3 +0.1 109.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425217213 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/12/08
110.3 -1 109.3 deducted points for mooch request 141995136X SJ Hennessy (USA: PA) 2008/12/07
109.3 +1 110.3 gave points for mooch request 0517077744 Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/12/07
108.3 +1 109.3 gave points for mooch request 0373126344 Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/12/07
107.3 +1 108.3 gave points for mooch request BM1207690549156569271 Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/12/07
106.3 +1 107.3 gave points for mooch request BM12094872798 Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/12/07
105.3 +1 106.3 gave points for mooch request BM1218890991169472634 Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/12/07
104.3 +1 105.3 gave points for mooch request BM1218891010191137045 Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/12/07
101.3 +3 104.3 gave points for mooch request 1416536132 rayne (Canada) 2008/12/07
102.3 -1 101.3 deducted points for mooch request 0758222750 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/12/07
103.3 -1 102.3 deducted points for mooch request 0374166854 SeyHey (USA: CA) 2008/12/07
104.3 -1 103.3 deducted points for mooch request 0061136093 Trina (USA: MD) 2008/12/06
104.2 +0.1 104.3 added book to inventory 1416536132 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/12/06
105.2 -1 104.2 deducted points for mooch request 0061176443 Alitheia (USA: FL) 2008/12/06
106.2 -1 105.2 deducted points for mooch request 097545160X debbie (USA: DE) 2008/12/06
106.1 +0.1 106.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758214219 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/12/06
106 +0.1 106.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425221504 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/12/06
105.9 +0.1 106 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758214200 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/12/06
105.8 +0.1 105.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425220842 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2008/12/06
105.7 +0.1 105.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1420101129 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2008/12/06
105.6 +0.1 105.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419951378 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2008/12/06
105.5 +0.1 105.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419955268 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2008/12/06
105.4 +0.1 105.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1600430309 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2008/12/06
105.3 +0.1 105.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599983524 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2008/12/06
105.2 +0.1 105.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599982145 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2008/12/06
105.1 +0.1 105.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843607484 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2008/12/06
105 +0.1 105.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419954466 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2008/12/06
104.9 +0.1 105 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599985578 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2008/12/06
104.8 +0.1 104.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419956159 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2008/12/06
105.8 -1 104.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0689855451 halie2157 (USA: FL) 2008/12/06
104.8 +1 105.8 gave points for mooch request 0689855451 halie2157 (USA: FL) 2008/12/06
104.7 +0.1 104.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425224449 medic_coy (USA: NC) 2008/12/06
103.7 +1 104.7 gave points for mooch request 0061124567 Gale (USA: FL) 2008/12/06
102.7 +1 103.7 gave points for mooch request 0449004856 Gale (USA: FL) 2008/12/06
101.7 +1 102.7 gave points for mooch request 0060757450 Donna (USA: NY) 2008/12/04
100.7 +1 101.7 gave points for mooch request 0451217845 Donna (USA: NY) 2008/12/04
101.7 -1 100.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425224449 medic_coy (USA: NC) 2008/12/03
102.7 -1 101.7 deducted points for mooch request 0316003816 Karin (USA: MI) 2008/12/03
103.7 -1 102.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425224945 Karin (USA: MI) 2008/12/03
106.7 -3 103.7 mooch rejected by book owner 0375411089 brezova (Belgium) 2008/12/03
105.7 +1 106.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 1416548521 Fred (USA: TX) 2008/12/02
106.7 -1 105.7 deducted points for mooch request 1416548521 Fred (USA: TX) 2008/12/02
106.6 +0.1 106.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1573442437 Brad W. (USA: CO) 2008/12/02
107.6 -1 106.6 deducted points for mooch request 0425220435 Gina (USA: KY) 2008/12/02
108.6 -1 107.6 deducted points for mooch request 0316038377 Zelda Regina (USA: AL) 2008/12/01
107.6 +1 108.6 mooch rejected by book owner 0385340990 leigh (USA: ID) 2008/12/01
107.5 +0.1 107.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1401301614 christina vidosh (USA: MI) 2008/12/01
108.5 -1 107.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425217213 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/11/30
109.5 -1 108.5 deducted points for mooch request 0385340990 leigh (USA: ID) 2008/11/30
110.5 -1 109.5 deducted points for mooch request 0446537519 Joseph M. Procaccini (USA: RI) 2008/11/30
111.5 -1 110.5 deducted points for mooch request 0060796499 Ozrkgirlie (USA: MO) 2008/11/30
111.6 -0.1 111.5 removed book from inventory 1416525521 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/30
111.7 -0.1 111.6 removed book from inventory 0380819090 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/30
111.8 -0.1 111.7 removed book from inventory 037377124X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/30
111.9 -0.1 111.8 removed book from inventory 037361781X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/30
112 -0.1 111.9 removed book from inventory 014006690X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/29
112.1 -0.1 112 removed book from inventory 0440202043 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/29
112 +0.1 112.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373294778 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/11/29
111.9 +0.1 112 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061178047 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/11/29
111.8 +0.1 111.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380790076 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/11/29
111.7 +0.1 111.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061178039 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/11/29
111.6 +0.1 111.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380820536 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/11/29
111.5 +0.1 111.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451205154 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/11/29
111.4 +0.1 111.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0505524430 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/11/29
111.3 +0.1 111.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373294158 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/11/29
111.2 +0.1 111.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060773170 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/11/29
111.1 +0.1 111.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373770529 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/11/29
111 +0.1 111.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373771282 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/11/29
110.9 +0.1 111 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060875259 Donna (USA: NY) 2008/11/29
110.8 +0.1 110.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425215903 Tricia (USA: VA) 2008/11/28
110.7 +0.1 110.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425224198 ashley (USA: KY) 2008/11/28
110.6 +0.1 110.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312992823 ashley (USA: KY) 2008/11/28
110.5 +0.1 110.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419953559 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/28
110.4 +0.1 110.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416536132 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/28
110.3 +0.1 110.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060898569 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/28
110.2 +0.1 110.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416524150 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/11/28
109.2 +1 110.2 gave points for mooch request 0061176036 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/28
108.2 +1 109.2 gave points for mooch request 0979561809 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/28
109.2 -1 108.2 deducted points for mooch request 0758214219 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/27
110.2 -1 109.2 deducted points for mooch request 0425221504 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/27
111.2 -1 110.2 deducted points for mooch request 0758214200 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/27
111.1 +0.1 111.2 added book to inventory 0979561809 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/27
111 +0.1 111.1 added book to inventory 0061176036 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/27
112 -1 111 deducted points for mooch request 0385526563 fluff (Canada) 2008/11/27
111 +1 112 mooch rejected by book owner 0470222778 dannyross (USA: WV) 2008/11/26
110 +1 111 mooch rejected by book owner 1419954466 dannyross (USA: WV) 2008/11/26
111 -1 110 deducted points for mooch request 0470222778 dannyross (USA: WV) 2008/11/26
112 -1 111 deducted points for mooch request 1419954466 dannyross (USA: WV) 2008/11/26
111 +1 112 gave points for mooch request 0060511508 seeborn (USA: OR) 2008/11/25
110 +1 111 gave points for mooch request 0060577487 seeborn (USA: OR) 2008/11/25
107 +3 110 gave points for mooch request 0380817918 Willingfaith (United Kingdom) 2008/11/25
106 +1 107 gave points for mooch request 0060732105 Carol Gstohl (USA: LA) 2008/11/25
105 +1 106 gave points for mooch request 0060732067 Carol Gstohl (USA: LA) 2008/11/25
104 +1 105 mooch cancelled by requestor 0758215436 Kari (USA: FL) 2008/11/25
103.9 +0.1 104 added book to inventory 0380817918 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/25
102.9 +1 103.9 lost in the mail says book owner 0373772467 Cleo (USA: GA) 2008/11/24
101.9 +1 102.9 lost in the mail says book owner 0373772327 Cleo (USA: GA) 2008/11/24
100.9 +1 101.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0316160199 jory (USA: IN) 2008/11/24
99.9 +1 100.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 031606792X jory (USA: IN) 2008/11/24
96.9 +3 99.9 gave points for mooch request 156970886X melissa (Canada) 2008/11/24
96.8 +0.1 96.9 added book to inventory 156970886X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/24
97.8 -1 96.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425221482 SJ Hennessy (USA: PA) 2008/11/24
98.8 -1 97.8 deducted points for mooch request 1573442437 Brad W. (USA: CO) 2008/11/23
99.8 -1 98.8 deducted points for mooch request 0060875259 Donna (USA: NY) 2008/11/23
99.7 +0.1 99.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758222718 Toknowis2grow (USA: NC) 2008/11/22
99.6 +0.1 99.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060898550 BanglesandRoses (USA: OR) 2008/11/22
99.7 -0.1 99.6 removed book from inventory 1421500841 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/22
98.7 +1 99.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0425212882 Mystique (USA: MA) 2008/11/22
97.7 +1 98.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0738211648 Hermes (USA: MA) 2008/11/22
97.6 +0.1 97.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312360266 Susan (USA: TX) 2008/11/22
98.6 -1 97.6 gave a smooch ANGIE (USA: MO) 2008/11/22
97.6 +1 98.6 gave points for mooch request 0451223489 ANGIE (USA: MO) 2008/11/22
96.6 +1 97.6 gave points for mooch request 0425214702 ANGIE (USA: MO) 2008/11/22
96.5 +0.1 96.6 added book to inventory 0425214702 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/21
98.5 -2 96.5 deducted points for mooch request 0758220278 rayne (Canada) 2008/11/21
99.5 -1 98.5 deducted points for mooch request 0446179574 mellonhead (USA: TX) 2008/11/21
100.5 -1 99.5 deducted points for mooch request 0451218043 mellonhead (USA: TX) 2008/11/21
100.4 +0.1 100.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 031236945X Kathleen (USA: MS) 2008/11/21
100.3 +0.1 100.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 156970886X Saire (USA: NJ) 2008/11/21
99.3 +1 100.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0316160172 GaraTheGreatest (USA: MI) 2008/11/21
96.3 +3 99.3 gave points for mooch request 044619798X Willingfaith (United Kingdom) 2008/11/21
93.3 +3 96.3 gave points for mooch request 0380818043 Willingfaith (United Kingdom) 2008/11/21
92.3 +1 93.3 gave points for mooch request 0425221547 SJ Hennessy (USA: PA) 2008/11/20
92.2 +0.1 92.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1586086839 Julie (USA: OH) 2008/11/20
92.1 +0.1 92.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1893896781 Julie (USA: OH) 2008/11/20
92 +0.1 92.1 added book to inventory 0425221547 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/20
91.9 +0.1 92 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373605234 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/11/20
91.8 +0.1 91.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312362153 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/11/20
91.7 +0.1 91.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061208604 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/11/20
91.6 +0.1 91.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758208529 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/11/20
91.5 +0.1 91.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416536167 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/11/20
93.5 -2 91.5 deducted points for mooch request 1599987864 melissa (Canada) 2008/11/20
86.5 +7 93.5 received points from charity Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/11/19
86.4 +0.1 86.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425214702 Jackie (USA: KY) 2008/11/19
86.3 +0.1 86.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416536159 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/19
86.2 +0.1 86.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419951556 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/19
87.2 -1 86.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312360266 Susan (USA: TX) 2008/11/18
87.1 +0.1 87.2 added book to inventory 0060511508 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/18
84.1 +3 87.1 gave points for mooch request 1416524185 melissa (Canada) 2008/11/18
84 +0.1 84.1 added book to inventory 1416524185 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/18
83.9 +0.1 84 receiver acknowledged receiving book 160054150X Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/11/18
83.8 +0.1 83.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373895771 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/11/18
84.8 -1 83.8 deducted points for mooch request 0060898569 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/17
85.8 -1 84.8 deducted points for mooch request 1416536132 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/17
86.8 -1 85.8 deducted points for mooch request 1419953559 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/17
83.8 +3 86.8 gave points for mooch request 037379312X Gemma Callahan (USA: WI) 2008/11/17
80.8 +3 83.8 gave points for mooch request 006124502X Carol (United Kingdom) 2008/11/17
80.7 +0.1 80.8 added book to inventory 006124502X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/17
81.7 -1 80.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758222718 Toknowis2grow (USA: NC) 2008/11/17
81.6 +0.1 81.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0441008534 Leslie (USA: WI) 2008/11/17
81.5 +0.1 81.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425221547 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/11/17
81.4 +0.1 81.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425216144 kelly (USA: CT) 2008/11/17
81.3 +0.1 81.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952641 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2008/11/17
84.3 -3 81.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0553269224 Madeleine (United Kingdom) 2008/11/17
83.3 +1 84.3 gave points for mooch request 1555910955 Harvey (USA: OR) 2008/11/16
82.3 +1 83.3 gave points for mooch request 193189065X gummycat (USA: IN) 2008/11/16
82.2 +0.1 82.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419956620 rayne (Canada) 2008/11/15
82.1 +0.1 82.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758220367 rayne (Canada) 2008/11/15
82 +0.1 82.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758220375 rayne (Canada) 2008/11/15
81.9 +0.1 82 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758227264 rayne (Canada) 2008/11/15
81.8 +0.1 81.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0441015816 LLJace (USA: OR) 2008/11/15
81.7 +0.1 81.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553590081 LLJace (USA: OR) 2008/11/15
81.6 +0.1 81.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0316036293 Hannah (USA: CA) 2008/11/15
80.6 +1 81.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0451462238 Rebecca (USA: PA) 2008/11/15
81.6 -1 80.6 deducted points for mooch request 031236945X Kathleen (USA: MS) 2008/11/15
80.6 +1 81.6 gave points for mooch request 0451411951 Kar-bie (USA: LA) 2008/11/15
81.6 -1 80.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0140384510 Kar-bie (USA: LA) 2008/11/15
81.5 +0.1 81.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0764573136 (USA: MA) 2008/11/15
78.5 +3 81.5 gave points for mooch request 0373605242 Jenny (Australia) 2008/11/14
78.4 +0.1 78.5 added book to inventory 0440243955 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/14
78.5 -0.1 78.4 removed book from inventory 0060502827 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/14
75.5 +3 78.5 gave points for mooch request 037382792X Carol (United Kingdom) 2008/11/14
72.5 +3 75.5 gave points for mooch request 0060849916 Carol (United Kingdom) 2008/11/14
72.4 +0.1 72.5 added book to inventory 0060849916 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/14
72.3 +0.1 72.4 added book to inventory 0373605242 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/14
73.3 -1 72.3 deducted points for mooch request 0312992823 ashley (USA: KY) 2008/11/14
74.3 -1 73.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425224198 ashley (USA: KY) 2008/11/14
74.2 +0.1 74.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843606224 Maggie (USA: NY) 2008/11/14
73.2 +1 74.2 gave points for mooch request 0373714556 Barb (USA: PA) 2008/11/14
72.2 +1 73.2 gave points for mooch request 0373827881 Barb (USA: PA) 2008/11/14
69.2 +3 72.2 gave points for mooch request 0061208590 rayne (Canada) 2008/11/13
66.2 +3 69.2 gave points for mooch request 159426743X rayne (Canada) 2008/11/13
65.2 +1 66.2 gave points for mooch request 0964894246 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/11/13
64.2 +1 65.2 gave points for mooch request 0964894211 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/11/13
63.2 +1 64.2 gave points for mooch request 0964894203 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/11/13
62.2 +1 63.2 gave points for mooch request 1843606143 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/11/13
62.1 +0.1 62.2 added book to inventory 0964894203 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/13
62 +0.1 62.1 added book to inventory 0964894246 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/13
61.9 +0.1 62 added book to inventory 0964894211 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/13
61.8 +0.1 61.9 added book to inventory 1843606143 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/13
61.7 +0.1 61.8 added book to inventory 0061208590 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/13
61.6 +0.1 61.7 added book to inventory 159426743X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/13
61.5 +0.1 61.6 added book to inventory 0843945249 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/13
61.4 +0.1 61.5 added book to inventory 0373827881 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/13
62.4 -1 61.4 deducted points for mooch request 0758222491 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/11/13
63.4 -1 62.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425219437 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/11/13
63.3 +0.1 63.4 added book to inventory 037382792X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/13
64.3 -1 63.3 deducted points for mooch request 1401301614 christina vidosh (USA: MI) 2008/11/13
63.3 +1 64.3 gave points for mooch request 0425218252 Kathi (USA: CO) 2008/11/12
63.2 +0.1 63.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419954644 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/11/12
63.1 +0.1 63.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952323 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/11/12
63 +0.1 63.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 042521740X Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/11/12
62.9 +0.1 63 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599987511 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/11/12
62.8 +0.1 62.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446579939 Anna (USA: MI) 2008/11/12
62.7 +0.1 62.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952730 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/12
62.6 +0.1 62.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952374 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/12
62.5 +0.1 62.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416524185 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/12
62.4 +0.1 62.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1569709084 Sira (USA: CA) 2008/11/12
62.3 +0.1 62.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1602820112 Jess Koscher (USA: IN) 2008/11/12
62.2 +0.1 62.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0393060691 David (USA: MD) 2008/11/12
62.1 +0.1 62.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425218759 sarah7287 (USA: OH) 2008/11/12
62 +0.1 62.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 042521589X sat14th (USA: OR) 2008/11/12
63 -1 62 deducted points for mooch request 160054150X Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/11/11
64 -1 63 deducted points for mooch request 0373895771 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/11/11
63 +1 64 gave points for mooch request 1419952781 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/11/11
62 +1 63 gave points for mooch request 0352339039 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/11/11
63 -1 62 mooch cancelled by requestor BM120769056228233357 Tracy (USA: DE) 2008/11/11
62.9 +0.1 63 added book to inventory 0352339039 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/11
61.9 +1 62.9 gave points for mooch request BM120769056228233357 Tracy (USA: DE) 2008/11/11
60.9 +1 61.9 gave points for mooch request 0312949588 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/11/10
59.9 +1 60.9 gave points for mooch request 1402213484 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/11/10
59.8 +0.1 59.9 added book to inventory 1402213484 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/10
59.7 +0.1 59.8 added book to inventory 1419952781 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/10
59.6 +0.1 59.7 added book to inventory 0312949588 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/10
60.6 -1 59.6 deducted points for mooch request 1893896781 Julie (USA: OH) 2008/11/10
61.6 -1 60.6 deducted points for mooch request 1586086839 Julie (USA: OH) 2008/11/10
61.5 +0.1 61.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373772467 Janine (USA: PA) 2008/11/10
61.4 +0.1 61.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1573443093 Alicia (USA: FL) 2008/11/10
61.3 +0.1 61.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0977080412 Chelsea (Germany) 2008/11/10
61.2 +0.1 61.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1590803108 Tabitha (USA: TN) 2008/11/10
60.2 +1 61.2 gave points for mooch request 0373234600 JessicaB (USA: AL) 2008/11/09
59.2 +1 60.2 gave points for mooch request 0060848367 JessicaB (USA: AL) 2008/11/09
58.2 +1 59.2 mooch rejected by book owner 0061537934 Ariel (USA: OH) 2008/11/09
58.1 +0.1 58.2 added book to inventory 0060577487 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/09
58 +0.1 58.1 added book to inventory 0449004856 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/09
57.9 +0.1 58 added book to inventory 0060732067 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/09
57.8 +0.1 57.9 added book to inventory 0060732105 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/09
57.7 +0.1 57.8 added book to inventory 0425218252 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/09
57.6 +0.1 57.7 added book to inventory 0060848367 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/09
58.6 -1 57.6 deducted points for mooch request 0425214702 Jackie (USA: KY) 2008/11/09
59.6 -1 58.6 deducted points for mooch request 0446579939 Anna (USA: MI) 2008/11/09
58.6 +1 59.6 gave points for mooch request 0441014003 k_kay (USA: TN) 2008/11/09
57.6 +1 58.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0525950451 jamara (USA: OH) 2008/11/09
57.5 +0.1 57.6 added book to inventory 0441014003 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/09
58.5 -1 57.5 deducted points for mooch request 0373605234 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/11/09
59.5 -1 58.5 deducted points for mooch request 0312362153 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/11/09
60.5 -1 59.5 deducted points for mooch request 0061208604 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/11/09
61.5 -1 60.5 deducted points for mooch request 0758208529 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/11/09
62.5 -1 61.5 deducted points for mooch request 1416536159 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/09
63.5 -1 62.5 deducted points for mooch request 1419951556 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/09
64.5 -1 63.5 deducted points for mooch request 0316160199 jory (USA: IN) 2008/11/08
65.5 -1 64.5 deducted points for mooch request 031606792X jory (USA: IN) 2008/11/08
64.5 +1 65.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 031606792X Jayne (USA: CA) 2008/11/08
63.5 +1 64.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 0316024961 Jayne (USA: CA) 2008/11/08
62.5 +1 63.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 0316033413 Jayne (USA: CA) 2008/11/08
63.5 -1 62.5 deducted points for mooch request 0441008534 Leslie (USA: WI) 2008/11/08
64.5 -1 63.5 deducted points for mooch request 1419952641 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2008/11/08
63.5 +1 64.5 gave points for mooch request 0758213875 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/11/08
64.5 -1 63.5 deducted points for mooch request 0758215436 Kari (USA: FL) 2008/11/08
64.4 +0.1 64.5 added book to inventory 0758213875 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/08
64.3 +0.1 64.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425208915 Betty (USA: WA) 2008/11/08
64.2 +0.1 64.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425192792 Betty (USA: WA) 2008/11/08
64.1 +0.1 64.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425197492 Betty (USA: WA) 2008/11/08
64 +0.1 64.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060511508 Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/11/08
63.9 +0.1 64 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060577487 Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/11/08
60.9 +3 63.9 gave points for mooch request 1416541152 Gemma Callahan (USA: WI) 2008/11/08
61.9 -1 60.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425221547 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/11/07
62.9 -1 61.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425215342 P.G. Husted (USA: TX) 2008/11/07
62.8 +0.1 62.9 added book to inventory 044619798X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/07
61.8 +1 62.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0312369506 Tracey (USA: CA) 2008/11/07
61.7 +0.1 61.8 added book to inventory 1416541152 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/07
62.7 -1 61.7 deducted points for mooch request 0553590081 LLJace (USA: OR) 2008/11/07
63.7 -1 62.7 deducted points for mooch request 0441015816 LLJace (USA: OR) 2008/11/07
63.6 +0.1 63.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 9780316015844 AverysMomma (USA: KS) 2008/11/07
63.5 +0.1 63.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1559210354 thefabmissb (USA: NV) 2008/11/07
63.4 +0.1 63.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1402213484 Nicole (USA: NY) 2008/11/07
62.4 +1 63.4 gave points for mooch request 0440419786 Kar-bie (USA: LA) 2008/11/07
61.4 +1 62.4 gave points for mooch request 0140384510 Kar-bie (USA: LA) 2008/11/07
60.4 +1 61.4 gave points for mooch request 0553273914 Kar-bie (USA: LA) 2008/11/07
61.4 -1 60.4 deducted points for mooch request 1843606224 Maggie (USA: NY) 2008/11/07
60.4 +1 61.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 1603941908 Nicci (USA: NC) 2008/11/07
59.4 +1 60.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 1419955586 Nicci (USA: NC) 2008/11/07
60.4 -1 59.4 deducted points for mooch request 1416536167 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/11/07
61.4 -1 60.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425220842 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2008/11/07
62.4 -1 61.4 deducted points for mooch request 1420101129 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2008/11/07
63.4 -1 62.4 deducted points for mooch request 1419951378 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2008/11/07
64.4 -1 63.4 deducted points for mooch request 1419955268 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2008/11/07
65.4 -1 64.4 deducted points for mooch request 1600430309 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2008/11/07
66.4 -1 65.4 deducted points for mooch request 1599983524 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2008/11/07
67.4 -1 66.4 deducted points for mooch request 1599982145 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2008/11/07
68.4 -1 67.4 deducted points for mooch request 1843607484 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2008/11/07
69.4 -1 68.4 deducted points for mooch request 1419954466 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2008/11/07
70.4 -1 69.4 deducted points for mooch request 1599985578 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2008/11/07
71.4 -1 70.4 deducted points for mooch request 1599982161 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2008/11/07
72.4 -1 71.4 deducted points for mooch request 1599982595 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2008/11/07
73.4 -1 72.4 deducted points for mooch request 1419956159 Lynne Temple (USA: IL) 2008/11/07
74.4 -1 73.4 deducted points for mooch request 0061537934 Ariel (USA: OH) 2008/11/06
75.4 -1 74.4 deducted points for mooch request 0451462238 Rebecca (USA: PA) 2008/11/06
76.4 -1 75.4 deducted points for mooch request 0977080412 Chelsea (Germany) 2008/11/06
76.3 +0.1 76.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061768065 Lee Y-Stark (USA: MD) 2008/11/06
76.2 +0.1 76.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0316027677 Nicole (USA: NY) 2008/11/06
75.2 +1 76.2 received a smooch Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/11/05
78.2 -3 75.2 mooch rejected by book owner 0134374878 Madeleine (United Kingdom) 2008/11/05
78.3 -0.1 78.2 removing book from inventory 0134374878 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/05
79.3 -1 78.3 deducted points for mooch request 1590803108 Tabitha (USA: TN) 2008/11/05
79.2 +0.1 79.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312348673 Momoftwo (USA: CA) 2008/11/05
79.1 +0.1 79.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061256684 deb (USA: KY) 2008/11/05
79 +0.1 79.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416572678 deb (USA: KY) 2008/11/05
78 +1 79 gave points for mooch request 0373770650 bronwyn (USA: OH) 2008/11/04
77 +1 78 mooch cancelled by requestor 0764203193 Susan (USA: TX) 2008/11/04
76.9 +0.1 77 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0310289025 Janine (USA: PA) 2008/11/04
77.9 -1 76.9 deducted points for mooch request 1602820112 Jess Koscher (USA: IN) 2008/11/04
76.9 +1 77.9 gave points for mooch request 1416513302 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/04
76.8 +0.1 76.9 added book to inventory 1416513302 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/04
78.8 -2 76.8 deducted points for mooch request 0758227116 Jenny (Australia) 2008/11/04
79.8 -1 78.8 deducted points for mooch request 1419952730 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/04
80.8 -1 79.8 deducted points for mooch request 9780316015844 AverysMomma (USA: KS) 2008/11/03
80.9 -0.1 80.8 removed book from inventory 0395910838 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/03
80.8 +0.1 80.9 added book to inventory 0312933894 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/03
80.7 +0.1 80.8 added book to inventory 0451217845 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/03
80.6 +0.1 80.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743270428 Heidi (USA: FL) 2008/11/03
80.5 +0.1 80.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425224554 danielle (USA: CO) 2008/11/03
80.4 +0.1 80.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416513302 Lisa (USA: MA) 2008/11/03
80.3 +0.1 80.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1595551565 Claire (Australia) 2008/11/03
81.3 -1 80.3 deducted points for mooch request 0525950451 jamara (USA: OH) 2008/11/03
82.3 -1 81.3 deducted points for mooch request 0373772467 Janine (USA: PA) 2008/11/02
83.3 -1 82.3 deducted points for mooch request 0316036293 Hannah (USA: CA) 2008/11/02
82.3 +1 83.3 gave points for mooch request 0758214820 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/02
81.3 +1 82.3 gave points for mooch request 0975451669 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/02
82.3 -1 81.3 deducted points for mooch request 1569709084 Sira (USA: CA) 2008/11/02
83.3 -1 82.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425208915 Betty (USA: WA) 2008/11/02
84.3 -1 83.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425192792 Betty (USA: WA) 2008/11/02
85.3 -1 84.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425197492 Betty (USA: WA) 2008/11/02
84.3 +1 85.3 gave points for mooch request 1932815759 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/11/02
83.3 +1 84.3 gave points for mooch request 1933836121 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/11/02
83.2 +0.1 83.3 added book to inventory 0975451669 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/02
83.1 +0.1 83.2 added book to inventory 0758214820 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/02
83 +0.1 83.1 added book to inventory 1932815759 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/02
82.9 +0.1 83 added book to inventory 1933836121 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/02
81.9 +1 82.9 gave points for mooch request 0451222172 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/11/02
81.8 +0.1 81.9 added book to inventory 0451222172 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/11/02
82.8 -1 81.8 deducted points for mooch request 1419952374 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/02
83.8 -1 82.8 deducted points for mooch request 156970886X Saire (USA: NJ) 2008/11/02
84.8 -1 83.8 deducted points for mooch request 0764203193 Susan (USA: TX) 2008/11/02
83.8 +1 84.8 gave points for mooch request 0439244196 April (USA: IL) 2008/11/02
82.8 +1 83.8 gave points for mooch request 1576738167 April (USA: IL) 2008/11/02
83.8 -1 82.8 deducted points for mooch request 0393060691 David (USA: MD) 2008/11/01
84.8 -1 83.8 deducted points for mooch request 0061768065 Lee Y-Stark (USA: MD) 2008/11/01
84.7 +0.1 84.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419954113 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/01
84.6 +0.1 84.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419953737 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/01
84.5 +0.1 84.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425217051 Missy Hines (USA: OH) 2008/11/01
84.4 +0.1 84.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758222181 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/01
85.4 -1 84.4 deducted points for mooch request 1416524185 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/11/01
86.4 -1 85.4 deducted points for mooch request 0060898550 BanglesandRoses (USA: OR) 2008/10/31
86.3 +0.1 86.4 added book to inventory 0451223489 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/31
86.2 +0.1 86.3 added book to inventory 0380819090 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/31
86.1 +0.1 86.2 added book to inventory 0380805901 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/31
86 +0.1 86.1 added book to inventory 0821777114 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/31
85.9 +0.1 86 added book to inventory 1576738167 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/31
82.9 +3 85.9 gave points for mooch request 1419951955 rayne (Canada) 2008/10/31
83.9 -1 82.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425218759 sarah7287 (USA: OH) 2008/10/31
83.8 +0.1 83.9 added book to inventory 1419951955 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/31
84.8 -1 83.8 deducted points for mooch request 1559210354 thefabmissb (USA: NV) 2008/10/31
84.7 +0.1 84.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061373257 Hermes (USA: MA) 2008/10/31
86.7 -2 84.7 deducted points for mooch request 1419956620 rayne (Canada) 2008/10/30
86.6 +0.1 86.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 9780425214701 pneier (USA: MI) 2008/10/30
86.5 +0.1 86.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0441012183 pneier (USA: MI) 2008/10/30
86.4 +0.1 86.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 9780441014941 pneier (USA: MI) 2008/10/30
86.3 +0.1 86.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425212890 pneier (USA: MI) 2008/10/30
86.2 +0.1 86.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0441013333 pneier (USA: MI) 2008/10/30
86.1 +0.1 86.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0441010512 pneier (USA: MI) 2008/10/30
86 +0.1 86.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425217299 pneier (USA: MI) 2008/10/30
85.9 +0.1 86 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0441014003 pneier (USA: MI) 2008/10/30
86 -0.1 85.9 removed book from inventory 0778323706 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/30
85 +1 86 lost in the mail says book owner 0312360282 Jerry (USA: NJ) 2008/10/30
86 -1 85 deducted points for mooch request 0310289025 Janine (USA: PA) 2008/10/29
85.9 +0.1 86 added book to inventory 037361781X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/29
85.8 +0.1 85.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312949588 tjohnson (USA: ID) 2008/10/29
85.7 +0.1 85.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061208590 Brandy (USA: CA) 2008/10/29
85.6 +0.1 85.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373605153 Brandy (USA: CA) 2008/10/29
85.5 +0.1 85.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 141961214X Brandy (USA: CA) 2008/10/29
85.4 +0.1 85.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425198219 heather (USA: NJ) 2008/10/29
84.4 +1 85.4 gave points for mooch request BM1220194858260686793 K Baker (USA) 2008/10/28
84.3 +0.1 84.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1601420617 Erin (USA: TX) 2008/10/28
83.3 +1 84.3 gave points for mooch request 0821778730 Lisa (USA: NC) 2008/10/28
82.3 +1 83.3 gave points for mooch request 0312937989 Lisa (USA: NC) 2008/10/28
83.3 -1 82.3 deducted points for mooch request 0743270428 Heidi (USA: FL) 2008/10/27
83.2 +0.1 83.3 added book to inventory 1555910955 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/27
83.1 +0.1 83.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 031236847X Mary (USA: MN) 2008/10/27
83 +0.1 83.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 038534080X DG (USA: TX) 2008/10/27
82.9 +0.1 83 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0441009239 Doug Atkinson (USA: IL) 2008/10/27
82.8 +0.1 82.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373605099 Sarah (USA: NH) 2008/10/27
82.7 +0.1 82.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419950959 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/10/27
82.6 +0.1 82.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758213875 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/10/27
82.5 +0.1 82.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952781 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/10/27
82.4 +0.1 82.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952234 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/10/27
83.4 -1 82.4 deducted points for mooch request 0312949588 tjohnson (USA: ID) 2008/10/26
82.4 +1 83.4 gave points for mooch request 0425215385 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/10/26
83.4 -1 82.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425217051 Missy Hines (USA: OH) 2008/10/26
83.5 -0.1 83.4 removed book from inventory 0380804387 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/26
83.6 -0.1 83.5 removed book from inventory 037377043X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/26
83.7 -0.1 83.6 removed book from inventory 0373793375 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/26
83.8 -0.1 83.7 removed book from inventory 0380762587 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/26
83.9 -0.1 83.8 removed book from inventory 0380750848 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/26
84.9 -1 83.9 deducted points for mooch request 0738211648 Hermes (USA: MA) 2008/10/25
85.9 -1 84.9 deducted points for mooch request 0061373257 Hermes (USA: MA) 2008/10/25
85.8 +0.1 85.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0352341246 Jenny (Australia) 2008/10/25
85.7 +0.1 85.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0352340843 Jenny (Australia) 2008/10/25
86.7 -1 85.7 deducted points for mooch request 1416572678 deb (USA: KY) 2008/10/24
87.7 -1 86.7 deducted points for mooch request 0061256684 deb (USA: KY) 2008/10/24
87.6 +0.1 87.7 added book to inventory 037377043X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/24
86.6 +1 87.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0758222173 Malaul (USA: MA) 2008/10/24
87.6 -1 86.6 deducted points for mooch request 0441009239 Doug Atkinson (USA: IL) 2008/10/24
88.6 -1 87.6 deducted points for mooch request 0425216144 kelly (USA: CT) 2008/10/24
89.6 -1 88.6 deducted points for mooch request 0312369506 Tracey (USA: CA) 2008/10/24
89.5 +0.1 89.6 added book to inventory 0425215385 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/24
90.5 -1 89.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425224554 danielle (USA: CO) 2008/10/24
90.4 +0.1 90.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416524177 Amber (USA: CO) 2008/10/24
90.3 +0.1 90.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952900 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2008/10/24
91.3 -1 90.3 deducted points for mooch request 9780441014941 pneier (USA: MI) 2008/10/24
92.3 -1 91.3 deducted points for mooch request 9780425214701 pneier (USA: MI) 2008/10/24
93.3 -1 92.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425212890 pneier (USA: MI) 2008/10/24
94.3 -1 93.3 deducted points for mooch request 0441012183 pneier (USA: MI) 2008/10/24
95.3 -1 94.3 deducted points for mooch request 0441013333 pneier (USA: MI) 2008/10/24
96.3 -1 95.3 deducted points for mooch request 0441010512 pneier (USA: MI) 2008/10/24
97.3 -1 96.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425217299 pneier (USA: MI) 2008/10/24
98.3 -1 97.3 deducted points for mooch request 0441014003 pneier (USA: MI) 2008/10/24
97.3 +1 98.3 gave points for mooch request 1416507515 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/10/24
97.2 +0.1 97.3 added book to inventory 1416507515 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/23
98.2 -1 97.2 deducted points for mooch request 038534080X DG (USA: TX) 2008/10/23
98.3 -0.1 98.2 removed book from inventory 1416507515 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/23
99.3 -1 98.3 deducted points for mooch request 1419954113 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/10/23
98.3 +1 99.3 gave points for mooch request 0515142166 Allison (USA: NY) 2008/10/23
95.3 +3 98.3 gave points for mooch request 1843609509 rayne (Canada) 2008/10/23
92.3 +3 95.3 gave points for mooch request 1416536183 rayne (Canada) 2008/10/23
94.3 -2 92.3 deducted points for mooch request 0758220367 rayne (Canada) 2008/10/23
96.3 -2 94.3 deducted points for mooch request 0758220375 rayne (Canada) 2008/10/23
98.3 -2 96.3 deducted points for mooch request 0758227264 rayne (Canada) 2008/10/23
98.2 +0.1 98.3 added book to inventory 1416536183 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/23
98.1 +0.1 98.2 added book to inventory 1843609509 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/23
98 +0.1 98.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380820838 scworkman (USA: OR) 2008/10/23
97.9 +0.1 98 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425208176 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/10/23
98.9 -1 97.9 deducted points for mooch request 0312348673 Momoftwo (USA: CA) 2008/10/23
98.8 +0.1 98.9 added book to inventory 0380818043 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/23
98.7 +0.1 98.8 added book to inventory 0515142166 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/23
97.7 +1 98.7 gave points for mooch request 0758213190 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/10/22
98.7 -1 97.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0515142166 kwp (USA: CA) - Danie (USA: AL) 2008/10/22
99.7 -1 98.7 deducted points for mooch request 1419954644 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/10/22
100.7 -1 99.7 deducted points for mooch request 1419952323 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/10/22
101.7 -1 100.7 deducted points for mooch request 1599987511 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/10/22
102.7 -1 101.7 deducted points for mooch request 1601420617 Erin (USA: TX) 2008/10/22
103.7 -1 102.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425212882 Mystique (USA: MA) 2008/10/22
104.7 -1 103.7 deducted points for mooch request 031236847X Mary (USA: MN) 2008/10/22
105.7 -1 104.7 deducted points for mooch request 0316027677 Nicole (USA: NY) 2008/10/22
106.7 -1 105.7 deducted points for mooch request 1402213484 Nicole (USA: NY) 2008/10/22
105.7 +1 106.7 gave points for mooch request 0440226724 Lynne (USA: NJ) 2008/10/22
104.7 +1 105.7 lost in the mail says book owner 0451222350 Rena (Israel) - shelby shreaves (USA: VA) 2008/10/22
103.7 +1 104.7 lost in the mail says book owner 0451218043 Rena (Israel) - shelby shreaves (USA: VA) 2008/10/22
102.7 +1 103.7 lost in the mail says book owner 0451222725 Rena (Israel) - shelby shreaves (USA: VA) 2008/10/22
101.7 +1 102.7 lost in the mail says book owner 0451219368 Rena (Israel) - shelby shreaves (USA: VA) 2008/10/22
100.7 +1 101.7 lost in the mail says book owner 0451223330 Rena (Israel) - shelby shreaves (USA: VA) 2008/10/22
99.7 +1 100.7 lost in the mail says book owner 0373605188 Rena (Israel) - shelby shreaves (USA: VA) 2008/10/22
98.7 +1 99.7 gave points for mooch request 0515142166 Danie (USA: AL) 2008/10/21
98.6 +0.1 98.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0352341734 Susan (USA: NC) 2008/10/21
97.6 +1 98.6 mooch rejected by book owner 1601420617 Mandy (USA: FL) 2008/10/21
98.6 -1 97.6 deducted points for mooch request 1601420617 Mandy (USA: FL) 2008/10/21
97.6 +1 98.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0316001767 salemmba (USA: NC) 2008/10/21
98.6 -1 97.6 deducted points for mooch request 1416513302 Lisa (USA: MA) 2008/10/21
99.6 -1 98.6 deducted points for mooch request 042521589X sat14th (USA: OR) 2008/10/21
99.5 +0.1 99.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425215385 tish (USA: NC) 2008/10/20
99.4 +0.1 99.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425215253 tish (USA: NC) 2008/10/20
99.3 +0.1 99.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0441014674 Jenny (USA: NC) 2008/10/20
99.2 +0.1 99.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0441015603 Jenny (USA: NC) 2008/10/20
98.2 +1 99.2 gave points for mooch request 0671742558 Victoria (USA: PA) 2008/10/20
97.2 +1 98.2 gave points for mooch request 0425183971 Victoria (USA: PA) 2008/10/20
98.2 -1 97.2 deducted points for mooch request 0425198219 heather (USA: NJ) 2008/10/20
97.2 +1 98.2 gave points for mooch request 0553576046 ellen (USA: IL) 2008/10/19
96.2 +1 97.2 gave points for mooch request 0373292260 ellen (USA: IL) 2008/10/19
97.2 -1 96.2 deducted points for mooch request 0764573136 (USA: MA) 2008/10/19
98.2 -1 97.2 deducted points for mooch request 1595551565 Claire (Australia) 2008/10/19
99.2 -1 98.2 deducted points for mooch request 1419953737 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/10/19
98.2 +1 99.2 gave points for mooch request 0380809168 Michele (USA: PA) 2008/10/19
99.2 -1 98.2 deducted points for mooch request 0758222181 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/10/19
99.1 +0.1 99.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451223489 Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/10/18
99 +0.1 99.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 037377043X Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/10/18
98.9 +0.1 99 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1551667290 Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/10/18
98.8 +0.1 98.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451408551 Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/10/18
98.7 +0.1 98.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 037361781X Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/10/18
95.7 +3 98.7 gave points for mooch request 0425206807 Debbie S (Canada) 2008/10/17
95.6 +0.1 95.7 added book to inventory 0312937989 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/17
95.5 +0.1 95.6 added book to inventory 0425206807 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/17
95.4 +0.1 95.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419951963 Peggy (USA: TX) 2008/10/17
96.4 -1 95.4 deducted points for mooch request 0060511508 Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/10/17
97.4 -1 96.4 deducted points for mooch request 0060577487 Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/10/17
98.4 -1 97.4 deducted points for mooch request 1419952900 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2008/10/17
97.4 +1 98.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0061252425 Delmi and Marie (USA: PR) 2008/10/17
98.4 -1 97.4 deducted points for mooch request 0061252425 Delmi and Marie (USA: PR) 2008/10/16
97.4 +1 98.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0786950285 23morningstar (USA: PA) 2008/10/16
96.4 +1 97.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 1933372605 23morningstar (USA: PA) 2008/10/16
95.4 +1 96.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0758216424 23morningstar (USA: PA) 2008/10/16
95.3 +0.1 95.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425219186 Eliza (Australia) 2008/10/16
95.2 +0.1 95.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 156201398x obsessivereader1 (USA: CA) 2008/10/16
96.2 -1 95.2 deducted points for mooch request 0316001767 salemmba (USA: NC) 2008/10/16
97.2 -1 96.2 deducted points for mooch request 0352341734 Susan (USA: NC) 2008/10/15
96.2 +1 97.2 mooch rejected by book owner 0316018740 kat (USA: WI) 2008/10/15
97.2 -1 96.2 deducted points for mooch request 0316018740 kat (USA: WI) 2008/10/15
97.1 +0.1 97.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060843292 Sarah Wall (USA: CA) 2008/10/15
97 +0.1 97.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416950737 Sarah Wall (USA: CA) 2008/10/15
98 -1 97 deducted points for mooch request 0373605099 Sarah (USA: NH) 2008/10/14
99 -1 98 deducted points for mooch request 0425215385 tish (USA: NC) 2008/10/14
100 -1 99 deducted points for mooch request 0425215253 tish (USA: NC) 2008/10/14
101 -1 100 deducted points for mooch request 0380820838 scworkman (USA: OR) 2008/10/14
100.9 +0.1 101 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0352339039 Andrea (USA: AL) 2008/10/14
100.8 +0.1 100.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 141995010X Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/10/14
100.7 +0.1 100.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1586087134 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/10/14
100.6 +0.1 100.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758214820 scabbledogg (USA: TN) 2008/10/14
101.6 -1 100.6 deducted points for mooch request 1416524177 Amber (USA: CO) 2008/10/14
101.5 +0.1 101.6 added book to inventory 0380809168 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/14
100.5 +1 101.5 gave points for mooch request 0505524031 ANGIE (USA: MO) 2008/10/13
99.5 +1 100.5 gave points for mooch request 0821769170 ANGIE (USA: MO) 2008/10/13
98.5 +1 99.5 gave points for mooch request 0451411137 ANGIE (USA: MO) 2008/10/13
97.5 +1 98.5 gave points for mooch request 0446616273 ANGIE (USA: MO) 2008/10/13
96.5 +1 97.5 received a smooch Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/10/13
94.5 +2 96.5 received points from charity Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/10/13
95.5 -1 94.5 deducted points for mooch request 1419950959 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/10/13
95.4 +0.1 95.5 added book to inventory 0440419786 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/13
95.5 -0.1 95.4 removed book from inventory 0440419786 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/13
94.5 +1 95.5 gave points for mooch request 1419952587 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/10/13
93.5 +1 94.5 gave points for mooch request 1562015192 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/10/13
92.5 +1 93.5 gave points for mooch request B000FKP9ZG debbie (USA: DE) 2008/10/13
91.5 +1 92.5 gave points for mooch request 0425207757 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/10/13
91.4 +0.1 91.5 added book to inventory 0425207757 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/13
91.3 +0.1 91.4 added book to inventory B000FKP9ZG kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/13
91.2 +0.1 91.3 added book to inventory 1419952587 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/13
91.1 +0.1 91.2 added book to inventory 1562015192 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/13
92.1 -1 91.1 deducted points for mooch request 0758213875 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/10/13
93.1 -1 92.1 deducted points for mooch request 1419952781 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/10/13
94.1 -1 93.1 deducted points for mooch request 0316160172 GaraTheGreatest (USA: MI) 2008/10/12
93.1 +1 94.1 gave points for mooch request 1416535055 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/10/12
93 +0.1 93.1 added book to inventory 1416535055 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/12
94 -1 93 deducted points for mooch request 042521740X Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/10/12
95 -1 94 deducted points for mooch request 1419952234 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/10/11
92 +3 95 gave points for mooch request 1419952579 melissa (Canada) 2008/10/11
89 +3 92 gave points for mooch request 1416576614 melissa (Canada) 2008/10/11
86 +3 89 gave points for mooch request 0821777874 Debbie S (Canada) 2008/10/11
85.9 +0.1 86 added book to inventory 1419952579 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/11
85.8 +0.1 85.9 added book to inventory 1416576614 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/11
86.8 -1 85.8 deducted points for mooch request 0451408551 Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/10/11
87.8 -1 86.8 deducted points for mooch request 0451223489 Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/10/11
88.8 -1 87.8 deducted points for mooch request 037377043X Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/10/11
89.8 -1 88.8 deducted points for mooch request 1551667290 Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/10/11
90.8 -1 89.8 deducted points for mooch request 037361781X Jaime (USA: MD) 2008/10/11
93.8 -3 90.8 mooch rejected by book owner 0843946121 Debbie S (Canada) 2008/10/11
93.9 -0.1 93.8 removing book from inventory 0843946121 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/11
93.8 +0.1 93.9 added book to inventory 0505524031 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/11
93.7 +0.1 93.8 added book to inventory 1420101005 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/11
93.6 +0.1 93.7 added book to inventory 0821778730 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/11
93.5 +0.1 93.6 added book to inventory 0373292961 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/11
93.4 +0.1 93.5 added book to inventory 0553582550 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/11
94.4 -1 93.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0451194071 Rhonda (USA: TN) 2008/10/11
93.4 +1 94.4 gave points for mooch request 0451194071 Rhonda (USA: TN) 2008/10/11
90.4 +3 93.4 gave points for mooch request 0375411089 brezova (Belgium) 2008/10/11
90.3 +0.1 90.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758222157 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2008/10/11
91.3 -1 90.3 deducted points for mooch request 0316024961 Jayne (USA: CA) 2008/10/10
92.3 -1 91.3 deducted points for mooch request 0316033413 Jayne (USA: CA) 2008/10/10
93.3 -1 92.3 deducted points for mooch request 031606792X Jayne (USA: CA) 2008/10/10
94.3 -1 93.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425208176 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/10/10
93.3 +1 94.3 gave points for mooch request 0743437691 Joel (USA: NY) 2008/10/10
93.4 -0.1 93.3 removed book from inventory 0689855214 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/10
93.3 +0.1 93.4 added book to inventory 0689855214 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/10
93.2 +0.1 93.3 added book to inventory 0743437691 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/10
93.1 +0.1 93.2 added book to inventory 0821769170 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/10
93 +0.1 93.1 added book to inventory 0553273914 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/10
94 -1 93 deducted points for mooch request 156201398x obsessivereader1 (USA: CA) 2008/10/10
94.1 -0.1 94 removed book from inventory 006124502X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/10
94.2 -0.1 94.1 removed book from inventory 0060848367 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/10
94.1 +0.1 94.2 added book to inventory 0515142166 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/09
91.1 +3 94.1 gave points for mooch request 0975451618 rayne (Canada) 2008/10/09
91 +0.1 91.1 added book to inventory 0975451618 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/09
92 -1 91 deducted points for mooch request 0061208590 Brandy (USA: CA) 2008/10/09
93 -1 92 deducted points for mooch request 0373605153 Brandy (USA: CA) 2008/10/09
92.9 +0.1 93 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0515142166 Ancora_Imparo (USA: CA) 2008/10/09
92.8 +0.1 92.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0515141402 Ancora_Imparo (USA: CA) 2008/10/09
93.8 -1 92.8 deducted points for mooch request 1603941908 Nicci (USA: NC) 2008/10/09
93.7 +0.1 93.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553273914 Scott Huber (USA: FL) 2008/10/09
93.6 +0.1 93.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821769170 Scott Huber (USA: FL) 2008/10/09
93.5 +0.1 93.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312939922 Scott Huber (USA: FL) 2008/10/09
93.4 +0.1 93.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743437691 Scott Huber (USA: FL) 2008/10/09
93.3 +0.1 93.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380809168 Scott Huber (USA: FL) 2008/10/09
93.2 +0.1 93.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0689855214 Scott Huber (USA: FL) 2008/10/09
93.1 +0.1 93.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0316160199 Beth (USA: MA) 2008/10/09
94.1 -1 93.1 deducted points for mooch request 141961214X Brandy (USA: CA) 2008/10/08
93.1 +1 94.1 gave points for mooch request 0515130990 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/10/08
90.1 +3 93.1 gave points for mooch request 0778322467 brezova (Belgium) 2008/10/08
89.1 +1 90.1 gave points for mooch request 0821780042 Andrea (USA: AL) 2008/10/08
88.1 +1 89.1 gave points for mooch request 0425215776 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/10/08
89.1 -1 88.1 deducted points for mooch request 0312360282 Jerry (USA: NJ) 2008/10/07
89 +0.1 89.1 added book to inventory 006124502X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/07
88.9 +0.1 89 added book to inventory 0060848367 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/07
85.9 +3 88.9 gave points for mooch request 1416507523 Jenny (Australia) 2008/10/06
82.9 +3 85.9 gave points for mooch request 0425212742 Jenny (Australia) 2008/10/06
81.9 +1 82.9 gave points for mooch request 075820793X Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/10/06
80.9 +1 81.9 gave points for mooch request 0758225113 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/10/06
79.9 +1 80.9 gave points for mooch request 141995203X Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/10/06
79.8 +0.1 79.9 added book to inventory 1416507515 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/06
79.7 +0.1 79.8 added book to inventory 075820793X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/06
79.6 +0.1 79.7 added book to inventory 0758225113 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/06
79.5 +0.1 79.6 added book to inventory 141995203X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/06
79.4 +0.1 79.5 added book to inventory 0425215776 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/06
79.3 +0.1 79.4 added book to inventory 0515130990 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/06
79.2 +0.1 79.3 added book to inventory 0425212742 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/06
79.1 +0.1 79.2 added book to inventory 1416507523 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/06
80.1 -1 79.1 deducted points for mooch request 0060843292 Sarah Wall (USA: CA) 2008/10/06
81.1 -1 80.1 deducted points for mooch request 1416950737 Sarah Wall (USA: CA) 2008/10/06
82.1 -1 81.1 deducted points for mooch request 0352339039 Andrea (USA: AL) 2008/10/06
82 +0.1 82.1 added book to inventory 1551669226 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/06
81.9 +0.1 82 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1557987912 Sarah Weaver (USA: SC) 2008/10/06
81.8 +0.1 81.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440240999 Deb (USA: IL) 2008/10/06
81.7 +0.1 81.8 added book to inventory 0380756285 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/04
81.6 +0.1 81.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758212518 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/10/04
81.5 +0.1 81.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553589741 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/10/04
80.5 +1 81.5 gave points for mooch request 0743470044 ellen (USA: IL) 2008/10/04
79.5 +1 80.5 gave points for mooch request 1416527141 ellen (USA: IL) 2008/10/04
78.5 +1 79.5 gave points for mooch request 0380782332 ellen (USA: IL) 2008/10/04
78.6 -0.1 78.5 removed book from inventory 0843955422 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/03
78.7 -0.1 78.6 removed book from inventory 0380896931 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/03
79.7 -1 78.7 deducted points for mooch request 1573443093 Alicia (USA: FL) 2008/10/03
78.7 +1 79.7 received a smooch Scott Huber (USA: FL) 2008/10/03
77.7 +1 78.7 received a smooch Scott Huber (USA: FL) 2008/10/03
76.7 +1 77.7 gave points for mooch request 0425210359 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/10/03
76.6 +0.1 76.7 added book to inventory 0425210359 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/03
76.5 +0.1 76.6 added book to inventory BM1218890880139781537 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/03
76.4 +0.1 76.5 added book to inventory BM121889090775413770 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/03
76.3 +0.1 76.4 added book to inventory BM1218890991169472634 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/03
76.2 +0.1 76.3 added book to inventory BM1218891010191137045 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/03
76.1 +0.1 76.2 added book to inventory BM122056991214668671 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/03
76 +0.1 76.1 added book to inventory BM1220569637376008792 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/03
75.9 +0.1 76 added book to inventory BM1220194858260686793 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/10/03
76.9 -1 75.9 deducted points for mooch request 1933372605 23morningstar (USA: PA) 2008/10/03
77.9 -1 76.9 deducted points for mooch request 0786950285 23morningstar (USA: PA) 2008/10/03
78.9 -1 77.9 deducted points for mooch request 0758216424 23morningstar (USA: PA) 2008/10/03
80.9 -2 78.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425219186 Eliza (Australia) 2008/10/03
80.8 +0.1 80.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312945795 Jennie (USA: TX) 2008/10/02
81.8 -1 80.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425215903 Tricia (USA: VA) 2008/10/02
80.8 +1 81.8 gave points for mooch request 0515138096 Jennifer (USA: CT) 2008/10/02
79.8 +1 80.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 1571104135 Jerrica357 (USA: MS) 2008/10/02
78.8 +1 79.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0764203193 Jerrica357 (USA: MS) 2008/10/02
77.8 +1 78.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0767928822 Jerrica357 (USA: MS) 2008/10/02
76.8 +1 77.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0316018724 Jerrica357 (USA: MS) 2008/10/02
77.8 -1 76.8 deducted points for mooch request 0451222350 shelby shreaves (USA: VA) 2008/10/02
78.8 -1 77.8 deducted points for mooch request 0451218043 shelby shreaves (USA: VA) 2008/10/02
79.8 -1 78.8 deducted points for mooch request 0451222725 shelby shreaves (USA: VA) 2008/10/02
80.8 -1 79.8 deducted points for mooch request 0451219368 shelby shreaves (USA: VA) 2008/10/02
81.8 -1 80.8 deducted points for mooch request 0451223330 shelby shreaves (USA: VA) 2008/10/02
82.8 -1 81.8 deducted points for mooch request 0373605188 shelby shreaves (USA: VA) 2008/10/02
81.8 +1 82.8 gave points for mooch request 0425208508 Keri (USA: CA) 2008/10/02
81.7 +0.1 81.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425210359 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/10/01
81.6 +0.1 81.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599982137 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/10/01
80.6 +1 81.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0316024961 Cold Girl (USA: NY) 2008/10/01
79.6 +1 80.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 031606792X Cold Girl (USA: NY) 2008/10/01
79.7 -0.1 79.6 removed book from inventory 0451220021 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/30
79.8 -0.1 79.7 removed book from inventory 0060779381 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/30
79.7 +0.1 79.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416536124 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/09/30
78.7 +1 79.7 gave points for mooch request 075820793X Marney (USA: OR) 2008/09/29
79.7 -1 78.7 deducted points for mooch request 0440240999 Deb (USA: IL) 2008/09/29
78.7 +1 79.7 gave points for mooch request 0451451430 Tammi (USA: MO) 2008/09/29
78.6 +0.1 78.7 added book to inventory 0451451430 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/29
77.6 +1 78.6 gave points for mooch request 051513953X Jen (USA: MD) 2008/09/29
76.6 +1 77.6 gave points for mooch request 0425199177 Jen (USA: MD) 2008/09/29
76.5 +0.1 76.6 added book to inventory 075820793X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/29
76.4 +0.1 76.5 added book to inventory 0451220021 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/29
76.3 +0.1 76.4 added book to inventory 051513953X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/29
76.2 +0.1 76.3 added book to inventory 0515138096 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/29
76.1 +0.1 76.2 added book to inventory 0425199177 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/29
77.1 -1 76.1 deducted points for mooch request 0553273914 Scott Huber (USA: FL) 2008/09/29
78.1 -1 77.1 deducted points for mooch request 0312939922 Scott Huber (USA: FL) 2008/09/29
79.1 -1 78.1 deducted points for mooch request 0821769170 Scott Huber (USA: FL) 2008/09/29
80.1 -1 79.1 deducted points for mooch request 0743437691 Scott Huber (USA: FL) 2008/09/29
81.1 -1 80.1 deducted points for mooch request 0380809168 Scott Huber (USA: FL) 2008/09/29
82.1 -1 81.1 deducted points for mooch request 0689855214 Scott Huber (USA: FL) 2008/09/29
82 +0.1 82.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758217293 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2008/09/29
83 -1 82 deducted points for mooch request 0316160199 Beth (USA: MA) 2008/09/29
86 -3 83 mooch cancelled by requestor 0743470044 carolyn (United Kingdom) 2008/09/29
83 +3 86 gave points for mooch request 0743470044 carolyn (United Kingdom) 2008/09/29
84 -1 83 deducted points for mooch request 0758222157 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2008/09/28
85 -1 84 deducted points for mooch request 1419951963 Peggy (USA: TX) 2008/09/28
84.9 +0.1 85 added book to inventory 1558507930 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/27
85 -0.1 84.9 removed book from inventory 0761518843 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/27
84.9 +0.1 85 added book to inventory 0761518843 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/27
84.8 +0.1 84.9 added book to inventory 0451411137 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/27
85.8 -1 84.8 deducted points for mooch request 1557987912 Sarah Weaver (USA: SC) 2008/09/27
85.7 +0.1 85.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451222172 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/09/27
86.7 -1 85.7 deducted points for mooch request 0764203193 Jerrica357 (USA: MS) 2008/09/26
87.7 -1 86.7 deducted points for mooch request 1571104135 Jerrica357 (USA: MS) 2008/09/26
88.7 -1 87.7 deducted points for mooch request 0767928822 Jerrica357 (USA: MS) 2008/09/26
89.7 -1 88.7 deducted points for mooch request 0316018724 Jerrica357 (USA: MS) 2008/09/26
88.7 +1 89.7 received points from charity Ancora_Imparo (USA: CA) 2008/09/26
89.7 -1 88.7 deducted points for mooch request 0515142166 Ancora_Imparo (USA: CA) 2008/09/26
90.7 -1 89.7 deducted points for mooch request 0515141402 Ancora_Imparo (USA: CA) 2008/09/26
90.6 +0.1 90.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1933836121 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/09/26
91.6 -1 90.6 deducted points for mooch request 0441014674 Jenny (USA: NC) 2008/09/26
92.6 -1 91.6 deducted points for mooch request 0441015603 Jenny (USA: NC) 2008/09/26
92.5 +0.1 92.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758219237 Eric & Karen Warren (USA: MD) 2008/09/25
92.4 +0.1 92.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419953907 Crys (USA: ME) 2008/09/25
92.3 +0.1 92.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952722 Crys (USA: ME) 2008/09/25
92.2 +0.1 92.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419954261 Crys (USA: ME) 2008/09/25
89.2 +3 92.2 gave points for mooch request 0134374878 Madeleine (United Kingdom) 2008/09/25
90.2 -1 89.2 deducted points for mooch request 0758212518 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/09/25
89.2 +1 90.2 gave points for mooch request 1419955039 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/09/25
88.2 +1 89.2 gave points for mooch request 1419951432 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/09/25
85.2 +3 88.2 gave points for mooch request 0553269224 Madeleine (United Kingdom) 2008/09/25
85.1 +0.1 85.2 added book to inventory 1419951432 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/24
85 +0.1 85.1 added book to inventory 1419955039 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/24
85.1 -0.1 85 removed book from inventory 1594265119 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/24
85 +0.1 85.1 added book to inventory 1594265119 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/24
86 -1 85 deducted points for mooch request 0316024961 Cold Girl (USA: NY) 2008/09/24
87 -1 86 deducted points for mooch request 031606792X Cold Girl (USA: NY) 2008/09/24
88 -1 87 deducted points for mooch request 0312945795 Jennie (USA: TX) 2008/09/24
89 -1 88 deducted points for mooch request 0553589741 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/09/24
88 +1 89 gave points for mooch request 0373793189 Laura (USA: VA) 2008/09/24
87.9 +0.1 88 added book to inventory 0758213190 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/24
89.9 -2 87.9 deducted points for mooch request 0352341246 Jenny (Australia) 2008/09/24
88.9 +1 89.9 gave points for mooch request 0060572965 cassiejane (USA: ME) 2008/09/23
88.8 +0.1 88.9 added book to inventory 0060572965 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/23
88.7 +0.1 88.8 added book to inventory 0373793189 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/23
88.6 +0.1 88.7 added book to inventory 0373793375 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/23
88.5 +0.1 88.6 added book to inventory 0373793774 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/23
88.4 +0.1 88.5 added book to inventory 0373792476 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/23
88.3 +0.1 88.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425212742 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/09/23
88.2 +0.1 88.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425202453 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/09/23
88.1 +0.1 88.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416547452 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/09/23
88 +0.1 88.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758214863 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/09/23
89 -1 88 deducted points for mooch request 1933836121 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/09/23
86 +3 89 gave points for mooch request 0515134899 Marj Lee (Philippines) 2008/09/22
83 +3 86 gave points for mooch request 0312949804 Marj Lee (Philippines) 2008/09/22
80 +3 83 gave points for mooch request 0440236185 Marj Lee (Philippines) 2008/09/22
79 +1 80 gave points for mooch request 0060571454 Brynn (USA: FL) 2008/09/22
78 +1 79 gave points for mooch request 141652715X Brynn (USA: FL) 2008/09/22
77 +1 78 gave points for mooch request 0446614238 Brynn (USA: FL) 2008/09/22
76 +1 77 gave points for mooch request 0060891491 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/09/22
75.9 +0.1 76 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061429880 sugarandgrits (USA: GA) 2008/09/22
74.9 +1 75.9 gave points for mooch request 0451217500 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/09/22
75.9 -1 74.9 deducted points for mooch request 1599982137 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/09/22
76.9 -1 75.9 deducted points for mooch request 0758219237 Eric & Karen Warren (USA: MD) 2008/09/21
73.9 +3 76.9 gave points for mooch request 0060597283 Debbie S (Canada) 2008/09/21
70.9 +3 73.9 gave points for mooch request 0843946121 Debbie S (Canada) 2008/09/21
71.9 -1 70.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 1933725036 dlee (USA: IL) 2008/09/21
70.9 +1 71.9 gave points for mooch request 1933725036 dlee (USA: IL) 2008/09/21
70.8 +0.1 70.9 added book to inventory 0451217500 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/21
70.7 +0.1 70.8 added book to inventory 0060891491 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/21
72.7 -2 70.7 deducted points for mooch request 0352340843 Jenny (Australia) 2008/09/21
73.7 -1 72.7 deducted points for mooch request 1416536124 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/09/20
72.7 +1 73.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 1586088912 Ailee (USA: SC) 2008/09/20
73.7 -1 72.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758217293 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2008/09/20
74.7 -1 73.7 deducted points for mooch request 1586088912 Ailee (USA: SC) 2008/09/20
75.7 -1 74.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425210359 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/09/19
74.7 +1 75.7 gave points for mooch request 1551666685 ninedosus (USA: OK) 2008/09/19
73.7 +1 74.7 gave points for mooch request 0061123617 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/09/19
72.7 +1 73.7 gave points for mooch request 1419952579 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/09/19
72.6 +0.1 72.7 added book to inventory 1419952579 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/19
72.5 +0.1 72.6 added book to inventory 0061123617 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/19
73.5 -1 72.5 deducted points for mooch request 0451222172 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/09/19
74.5 -1 73.5 deducted points for mooch request 0758222173 Malaul (USA: MA) 2008/09/19
71.5 +3 74.5 gave points for mooch request 0312948425 Jenny (Australia) 2008/09/19
68.5 +3 71.5 gave points for mooch request 0743477707 Abby (Canada) 2008/09/18
65.5 +3 68.5 gave points for mooch request 0373793014 Abby (Canada) 2008/09/18
62.5 +3 65.5 gave points for mooch request 0373793138 Abby (Canada) 2008/09/18
62.4 +0.1 62.5 added book to inventory 0373292260 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/18
62.3 +0.1 62.4 added book to inventory 0446616273 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/18
62.2 +0.1 62.3 added book to inventory 0843946121 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/18
62.1 +0.1 62.2 added book to inventory 0373793138 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/18
62 +0.1 62.1 added book to inventory 0821777874 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/18
61.9 +0.1 62 added book to inventory 037379374X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/18
61.8 +0.1 61.9 added book to inventory 0312948425 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/18
61.7 +0.1 61.8 added book to inventory 0373793014 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/18
61.6 +0.1 61.7 added book to inventory 037379312X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/18
61.5 +0.1 61.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 037377334X geraldine zwergel (USA: OH) 2008/09/18
60.5 +1 61.5 gave points for mooch request 0310228077 Melissa (USA: OR) 2008/09/18
61.5 -1 60.5 deducted points for mooch request 0373772467 Cleo (USA: GA) 2008/09/17
62.5 -1 61.5 deducted points for mooch request 0373772327 Cleo (USA: GA) 2008/09/17
62.4 +0.1 62.5 added book to inventory 0310228077 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/17
63.4 -1 62.4 deducted points for mooch request 1419952722 Crys (USA: ME) 2008/09/17
64.4 -1 63.4 deducted points for mooch request 1419953907 Crys (USA: ME) 2008/09/17
65.4 -1 64.4 deducted points for mooch request 1419954261 Crys (USA: ME) 2008/09/17
66.4 -1 65.4 deducted points for mooch request 0373294158 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/09/17
67.4 -1 66.4 deducted points for mooch request 0373294778 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/09/17
68.4 -1 67.4 deducted points for mooch request 0505524430 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/09/16
69.4 -1 68.4 deducted points for mooch request 0451205154 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/09/16
70.4 -1 69.4 deducted points for mooch request 0380820536 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/09/16
71.4 -1 70.4 deducted points for mooch request 0061178039 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/09/16
72.4 -1 71.4 deducted points for mooch request 0380790076 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/09/16
73.4 -1 72.4 deducted points for mooch request 0061178047 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/09/16
74.4 -1 73.4 deducted points for mooch request 0060773170 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/09/16
75.4 -1 74.4 deducted points for mooch request 1416524150 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/09/16
76.4 -1 75.4 deducted points for mooch request 0373770529 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/09/16
77.4 -1 76.4 deducted points for mooch request 0373771282 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/09/16
76.4 +1 77.4 gave points for mooch request 0425216616 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/09/16
76.3 +0.1 76.4 added book to inventory 0425216616 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/16
76.2 +0.1 76.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416510877 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/09/16
76.1 +0.1 76.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843606542 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/09/16
76 +0.1 76.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758214669 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/09/16
75.9 +0.1 76 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0505527693 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/09/16
75.8 +0.1 75.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419951157 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/09/16
76.8 -1 75.8 deducted points for mooch request 0061429880 sugarandgrits (USA: GA) 2008/09/15
77.8 -1 76.8 deducted points for mooch request 141995010X Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/09/15
78.8 -1 77.8 deducted points for mooch request 1586087134 Ladiibbug (USA: CA) 2008/09/15
79.8 -1 78.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425212742 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/09/15
80.8 -1 79.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425202453 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/09/15
80.7 +0.1 80.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061123617 Terri (USA: MA) 2008/09/15
80.6 +0.1 80.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952579 Karen M (USA: PA) 2008/09/15
80.5 +0.1 80.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0441015468 Jamie McCauley (USA: WI) 2008/09/15
80.6 -0.1 80.5 removed book from inventory 0393024822 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/14
81.6 -1 80.6 deducted points for mooch request 0758214863 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/09/13
82.6 -1 81.6 deducted points for mooch request 1416547452 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/09/13
81.6 +1 82.6 gave points for mooch request 0821779427 ANGIE (USA: MO) 2008/09/13
80.6 +1 81.6 gave points for mooch request 0515143944 ANGIE (USA: MO) 2008/09/13
79.6 +1 80.6 gave points for mooch request 0440243947 ANGIE (USA: MO) 2008/09/13
76.6 +3 79.6 gave points for mooch request 0060837144 mango43 (United Kingdom) 2008/09/13
76.5 +0.1 76.6 added book to inventory 0060837144 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/13
77.5 -1 76.5 deducted points for mooch request 037377334X geraldine zwergel (USA: OH) 2008/09/12
78.5 -1 77.5 deducted points for mooch request 0441015468 Jamie McCauley (USA: WI) 2008/09/12
78.4 +0.1 78.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758225504 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/09/12
78.3 +0.1 78.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599983613 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/09/12
78.2 +0.1 78.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1596321288 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/09/12
78.1 +0.1 78.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758225504 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/09/12
78 +0.1 78.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758225113 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/09/12
77.9 +0.1 78 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1890785024 Msright (USA: MA) 2008/09/12
77.8 +0.1 77.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425207757 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/09/12
77.7 +0.1 77.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312367805 Tash (USA: NC) 2008/09/12
77.6 +0.1 77.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758215320 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/09/12
74.6 +3 77.6 gave points for mooch request 0821726994 mango43 (United Kingdom) 2008/09/12
71.6 +3 74.6 gave points for mooch request 0425214052 mango43 (United Kingdom) 2008/09/11
71.5 +0.1 71.6 added book to inventory 0425214052 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/11
71.4 +0.1 71.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419955039 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/09/11
71.3 +0.1 71.4 added book to inventory 0671521446 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/10
71.2 +0.1 71.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758213891 Heather (USA: IL) 2008/09/10
71.1 +0.1 71.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0964894211 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/09/10
71 +0.1 71.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0964894203 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/09/10
70.9 +0.1 71 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671521446 Marie (Philippines) 2008/09/10
69.9 +1 70.9 mooch rejected by book owner 1419952781 Don (USA: NV) 2008/09/10
70.9 -1 69.9 deducted points for mooch request 1419952781 Don (USA: NV) 2008/09/10
70.8 +0.1 70.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425222896 lorelei59 (USA: AR) 2008/09/09
70.7 +0.1 70.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373605242 noumena12 (USA: OH) 2008/09/09
71.7 -1 70.7 deducted points for mooch request 0312367805 Tash (USA: NC) 2008/09/09
70.7 +1 71.7 gave points for mooch request 0440193613 Dina (USA: CA) 2008/09/08
69.7 +1 70.7 gave points for mooch request 0449003167 Dina (USA: CA) 2008/09/08
68.7 +1 69.7 gave points for mooch request 0380794578 Dina (USA: CA) 2008/09/08
67.7 +1 68.7 gave points for mooch request 0671724517 Dina (USA: CA) 2008/09/08
68.7 -1 67.7 deducted points for mooch request 0505527693 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/09/08
69.7 -1 68.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758214669 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/09/08
70.7 -1 69.7 deducted points for mooch request 1416510877 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/09/08
71.7 -1 70.7 deducted points for mooch request 1843606542 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/09/08
72.7 -1 71.7 deducted points for mooch request 1419951157 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/09/08
69.7 +3 72.7 gave points for mooch request 0778320049 Heather Davyduck (Canada) 2008/09/08
70.7 -1 69.7 deducted points for mooch request 1890785024 Msright (USA: MA) 2008/09/08
67.7 +3 70.7 gave points for mooch request 0373773048 Heather Davyduck (Canada) 2008/09/07
64.7 +3 67.7 gave points for mooch request 1420104314 Heather Davyduck (Canada) 2008/09/07
64.6 +0.1 64.7 added book to inventory 0380782332 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/07
64.5 +0.1 64.6 added book to inventory 1551666685 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/07
64.4 +0.1 64.5 added book to inventory 0373773048 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/07
65.4 -1 64.4 deducted points for mooch request 0758214820 scabbledogg (USA: TN) 2008/09/07
65.3 +0.1 65.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312939949 Jennie (USA: TX) 2008/09/07
65.2 +0.1 65.3 added book to inventory 0743477707 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/05
66.2 -1 65.2 deducted points for mooch request 1419952579 Karen M (USA: PA) 2008/09/05
66.1 +0.1 66.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0972437789 Esther Syapaka (Zambia) 2008/09/05
66 +0.1 66.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0972437738 Esther Syapaka (Zambia) 2008/09/05
65.9 +0.1 66 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373773102 lily (USA: WA) 2008/09/05
66.9 -1 65.9 deducted points for mooch request 0061123617 Terri (USA: MA) 2008/09/04
65.9 +1 66.9 gave points for mooch request 1419956698 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/09/04
65.8 +0.1 65.9 added book to inventory 1419956698 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/09/04
65.7 +0.1 65.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 075820793X pamela (USA: OK) 2008/09/04
65.6 +0.1 65.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843606585 Esther Syapaka (Zambia) 2008/09/04
65.5 +0.1 65.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419950177 Esther Syapaka (Zambia) 2008/09/04
66.5 -1 65.5 deducted points for mooch request 0373605242 noumena12 (USA: OH) 2008/09/04
67.5 -1 66.5 deducted points for mooch request 0964894211 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/09/03
68.5 -1 67.5 deducted points for mooch request 0964894203 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/09/03
69.5 -1 68.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425222896 lorelei59 (USA: AR) 2008/09/03
68.5 +1 69.5 gave points for mooch request 0821778838 Claudiu (USA) 2008/09/03
68.4 +0.1 68.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758221894 Jennifer Wharton (USA: WI) 2008/09/02
68.3 +0.1 68.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419957481 TracyS (USA: WI) 2008/09/02
68.2 +0.1 68.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312368720 TracyS (USA: WI) 2008/09/02
67.2 +1 68.2 gave points for mooch request 007281733X D (USA: CA) 2008/09/02
66.2 +1 67.2 gave points for mooch request 0451197224 shauns (USA: NY) 2008/09/02
67.2 -1 66.2 deducted points for mooch request 0373773102 lily (USA: WA) 2008/09/01
68.2 -1 67.2 deducted points for mooch request 0758225504 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/08/31
69.2 -1 68.2 deducted points for mooch request 0758225113 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/08/30
70.2 -1 69.2 deducted points for mooch request 1599983613 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/08/30
71.2 -1 70.2 deducted points for mooch request 1596321288 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/08/30
72.2 -1 71.2 deducted points for mooch request 0425207757 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/08/30
73.2 -1 72.2 deducted points for mooch request 0758215320 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/08/30
74.2 -1 73.2 deducted points for mooch request 0758225504 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/08/30
73.2 +1 74.2 gave points for mooch request 141995329X Tara (USA: MO) 2008/08/30
73.1 +0.1 73.2 added book to inventory 141995329X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/30
70.1 +3 73.1 gave points for mooch request 0345296702 Diane (United Kingdom) 2008/08/30
67.1 +3 70.1 gave points for mooch request 0345296710 Diane (United Kingdom) 2008/08/30
64.1 +3 67.1 gave points for mooch request 0553269828 Diane (United Kingdom) 2008/08/30
64 +0.1 64.1 added book to inventory 0515134899 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/29
63.9 +0.1 64 added book to inventory 0373770650 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/29
63.8 +0.1 63.9 added book to inventory 0553269224 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/29
63.7 +0.1 63.8 added book to inventory 1420104314 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/29
63.6 +0.1 63.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416535055 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/08/29
63.5 +0.1 63.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451217624 Wendy (USA: PA) 2008/08/29
63.4 +0.1 63.5 added book to inventory BM1212719826555782683 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/28
63.3 +0.1 63.4 added book to inventory 0743470044 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/28
64.3 -1 63.3 deducted points for mooch request 0758221894 Jennifer Wharton (USA: WI) 2008/08/28
64.2 +0.1 64.3 added book to inventory 141652715X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/28
64.1 +0.1 64.2 added book to inventory 1416527141 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/28
63.1 +1 64.1 gave points for mooch request 034549539X debbie (USA: DE) 2008/08/28
62.1 +1 63.1 gave points for mooch request 0060782471 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/08/28
61.1 +1 62.1 gave points for mooch request 0060799242 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/08/28
60.1 +1 61.1 gave points for mooch request 1416509577 ashley (USA: KY) 2008/08/28
60 +0.1 60.1 added book to inventory 1416509577 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/28
61 -1 60 deducted points for mooch request 1419957481 TracyS (USA: WI) 2008/08/28
62 -1 61 deducted points for mooch request 0312368720 TracyS (USA: WI) 2008/08/28
63 -1 62 deducted points for mooch request 1419955039 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/08/28
62 +1 63 gave points for mooch request 0525946039 madamlibbytellsall (USA: FL) 2008/08/27
61.9 +0.1 62 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419953362 Alexandra (USA: NJ) 2008/08/27
61.8 +0.1 61.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1596320990 Alexandra (USA: NJ) 2008/08/27
61.7 +0.1 61.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425219410 samanthaM (USA) 2008/08/27
61.6 +0.1 61.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419950002 Alexandra (USA: NJ) 2008/08/27
61.5 +0.1 61.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419956698 Alexandra (USA: NJ) 2008/08/27
62.5 -1 61.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 0821780042 ashley (USA: KY) 2008/08/26
61.5 +1 62.5 gave points for mooch request 1551667193 Michelle (USA: VA) 2008/08/26
60.5 +1 61.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 1586087991 lindsey (USA: NC) 2008/08/26
60.4 +0.1 60.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0975451669 Dawn (USA: NY) 2008/08/26
61.4 -1 60.4 deducted points for mooch request 1586087991 lindsey (USA: NC) 2008/08/26
61.3 +0.1 61.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419954938 Jill (USA: GA) 2008/08/25
60.3 +1 61.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0758212518 Terri Annibale (USA: FL) 2008/08/25
59.3 +1 60.3 gave points for mooch request 0843952342 ashley (USA: KY) 2008/08/24
58.3 +1 59.3 gave points for mooch request 0821780042 ashley (USA: KY) 2008/08/24
59.3 -1 58.3 deducted points for mooch request 0312939949 Jennie (USA: TX) 2008/08/24
60.3 -1 59.3 deducted points for mooch request 0758212518 Terri Annibale (USA: FL) 2008/08/24
60.2 +0.1 60.3 added book to inventory 0440243947 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/23
60.1 +0.1 60.2 added book to inventory 0060799242 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/23
60 +0.1 60.1 added book to inventory 0373793685 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/23
60.1 -0.1 60 removed book from inventory 0373285663 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/23
60 +0.1 60.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1562015192 Jill (USA: GA) 2008/08/23
59.9 +0.1 60 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0964894246 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/08/23
59.8 +0.1 59.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451217500 Chris (USA: MI) 2008/08/23
58.8 +1 59.8 gave points for mooch request 0743467434 julie (USA: MO) 2008/08/23
57.8 +1 58.8 gave points for mooch request 1416516123 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/08/22
57.7 +0.1 57.8 added book to inventory 0821780042 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/22
57.6 +0.1 57.7 added book to inventory 1416516123 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/22
56.6 +1 57.6 gave points for mooch request 1416524851 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/08/22
56.5 +0.1 56.6 added book to inventory 1416524851 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/22
55.5 +1 56.5 gave points for mooch request 1573229326 whitney (USA: KY) 2008/08/22
56.5 -1 55.5 deducted points for mooch request 1416535055 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/08/22
56.4 +0.1 56.5 added book to inventory 0553269828 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/21
56.3 +0.1 56.4 added book to inventory 0451411951 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/21
56.2 +0.1 56.3 added book to inventory 1573229326 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/21
56.1 +0.1 56.2 added book to inventory 0345296702 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/21
56 +0.1 56.1 added book to inventory 0345296710 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/21
55.9 +0.1 56 added book to inventory 0778323706 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/21
55.8 +0.1 55.9 added book to inventory 1551667193 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/21
56.8 -1 55.8 deducted points for mooch request 075820793X pamela (USA: OK) 2008/08/21
55.8 +1 56.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0425212882 Crystal (USA: NC) 2008/08/21
54.8 +1 55.8 gave points for mooch request 0425213056 wanaki (USA: MD) 2008/08/21
54.7 +0.1 54.8 added book to inventory 0425213056 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/20
53.7 +1 54.7 gave points for mooch request 0425222470 k_kay (USA: TN) 2008/08/20
52.7 +1 53.7 gave points for mooch request 0425221334 k_kay (USA: TN) 2008/08/20
52.6 +0.1 52.7 added book to inventory 0425222470 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/20
52.5 +0.1 52.6 added book to inventory 0425221334 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/20
52.4 +0.1 52.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425221334 easterngirl71 (USA: IL) 2008/08/20
51.4 +1 52.4 gave points for mooch request 031299477X susan (USA: WI) 2008/08/19
51.3 +0.1 51.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312948425 Auntie Mame (USA: FL) 2008/08/19
50.3 +1 51.3 gave points for mooch request 0764225170 natalie (USA: SD) 2008/08/18
47.3 +3 50.3 gave points for mooch request 0758214731 Jenny (Australia) 2008/08/18
46.3 +1 47.3 gave points for mooch request 0451412591 wanaki (USA: MD) 2008/08/18
47.3 -1 46.3 deducted points for mooch request 0975451669 Dawn (USA: NY) 2008/08/18
47.2 +0.1 47.3 added book to inventory 0451412591 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/18
47.1 +0.1 47.2 added book to inventory 0373691106 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/18
47 +0.1 47.1 added book to inventory 1551666502 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/18
46.9 +0.1 47 added book to inventory 0425208508 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/18
46.8 +0.1 46.9 added book to inventory 0373791453 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/18
46.7 +0.1 46.8 added book to inventory 0758214731 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/18
46.6 +0.1 46.7 added book to inventory 0764225170 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/18
47.6 -1 46.6 deducted points for mooch request 0758213891 Heather (USA: IL) 2008/08/18
46.6 +1 47.6 gave points for mooch request 1416536175 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/08/16
46.5 +0.1 46.6 added book to inventory 1416536175 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/16
46.6 -0.1 46.5 removed book from inventory 0821768689 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/16
46.5 +0.1 46.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425220540 Tricia (USA: VA) 2008/08/16
46.4 +0.1 46.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 044640053X ashley (USA: KY) 2008/08/16
46.3 +0.1 46.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758214731 ashley (USA: KY) 2008/08/16
47.3 -1 46.3 deducted points for mooch request 1419955586 Nicci (USA: NC) 2008/08/16
48.3 -1 47.3 donated points to charity Mary Spurgeon (USA: GA) 2008/08/16
47.3 +1 48.3 gave points for mooch request 0316058599 Bethany (USA: MI) 2008/08/16
44.3 +3 47.3 gave points for mooch request 0515143189 nicola (United Kingdom) 2008/08/16
41.3 +3 44.3 gave points for mooch request 0821772198 nicola (United Kingdom) 2008/08/16
40.3 +1 41.3 gave points for mooch request 0345467876 Mary Spurgeon (USA: GA) 2008/08/16
39.3 +1 40.3 gave points for mooch request 0449130703 Mary Spurgeon (USA: GA) 2008/08/16
38.3 +1 39.3 gave points for mooch request 0835203131 Mary Spurgeon (USA: GA) 2008/08/16
37.3 +1 38.3 gave points for mooch request 0373233973 Mary Spurgeon (USA: GA) 2008/08/16
36.3 +1 37.3 gave points for mooch request 0061136263 Rangela (USA: FL) 2008/08/15
33.3 +3 36.3 gave points for mooch request 0758211783 Jenny (Australia) 2008/08/15
30.3 +3 33.3 gave points for mooch request 0758211805 Jenny (Australia) 2008/08/15
30.2 +0.1 30.3 added book to inventory 0758211805 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/15
30.1 +0.1 30.2 added book to inventory 0758211783 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/15
29.1 +1 30.1 gave points for mooch request B000W0IFKK Tara (USA: MO) 2008/08/15
29.2 -0.1 29.1 removed book from inventory 1580603696 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/15
29.3 -0.1 29.2 removed book from inventory B000YDAKR6 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/15
29.4 -0.1 29.3 removed book from inventory B0015SB66I kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/15
29.3 +0.1 29.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758219865 MelanieH (USA: PA) 2008/08/15
29.2 +0.1 29.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451412591 Courtney (USA: VA) 2008/08/15
29.1 +0.1 29.2 added book to inventory B000W0IFKK kaly (USA: FL) 2008/08/15
29 +0.1 29.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419950304 Jenny (Australia) 2008/08/15
28.9 +0.1 29 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843606143 Jenny (Australia) 2008/08/15
28.8 +0.1 28.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419950487 Jenny (Australia) 2008/08/15
28.7 +0.1 28.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0515143480 julietexok (USA: TX) 2008/08/15
28.6 +0.1 28.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425219518 julietexok (USA: TX) 2008/08/15
28.5 +0.1 28.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book B0015MG25Y Regina (USA: OR) 2008/08/15
28.4 +0.1 28.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446406910 Jessica (USA: FL) 2008/08/15
28.3 +0.1 28.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0515130990 Jessica (USA: FL) 2008/08/15
28.2 +0.1 28.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758211783 julietexok (USA: TX) 2008/08/15
28.1 +0.1 28.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060882298 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/08/15
28 +0.1 28.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758215282 Scott Huber (USA: FL) 2008/08/15
27.9 +0.1 28 receiver acknowledged receiving book B0013W4QQ8 Jackie (USA: WV) 2008/08/15
27.8 +0.1 27.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416509577 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/08/15
27.7 +0.1 27.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1594265119 Jill (USA: GA) 2008/08/15
27.6 +0.1 27.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843605589 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/08/15
27.5 +0.1 27.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425222470 Books (USA: IL) 2008/08/15
27.4 +0.1 27.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book B0014E92PA Lucyblue (USA: ME) 2008/08/15
27.3 +0.1 27.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451223780 Brynn (USA: FL) 2008/08/14
27.2 +0.1 27.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book B000V2KP5C Sharon (USA: NY) 2008/08/14
27.1 +0.1 27.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 159426743X Sharon (USA: NY) 2008/08/14
25.1 +2 27.1 lost in the mail says book owner 1599984008 AJ (Canada) 2008/08/13
26.1 -1 25.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425219410 samanthaM (USA) 2008/08/13
27.1 -1 26.1 deducted points for mooch request 0964894246 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/08/12
28.1 -1 27.1 deducted points for mooch request 0758219865 MelanieH (USA: PA) 2008/08/12
29.1 -1 28.1 deducted points for mooch request 0446406910 Jessica (USA: FL) 2008/08/10
30.1 -1 29.1 deducted points for mooch request 0515130990 Jessica (USA: FL) 2008/08/10
31.1 -1 30.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451217624 Wendy (USA: PA) 2008/08/09
32.1 -1 31.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425221334 easterngirl71 (USA: IL) 2008/08/08
31.1 +1 32.1 gave points for mooch request 0439227585 TINADOLL99 (USA: CA) 2008/08/05
32.1 -1 31.1 deducted points for mooch request B0015MG25Y Regina (USA: OR) 2008/08/05
33.1 -1 32.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425219518 julietexok (USA: TX) 2008/08/05
32.1 +1 33.1 gave points for mooch request 0373250649 suzie (USA: ID) 2008/08/04
33.1 -1 32.1 deducted points for mooch request 0312948425 Auntie Mame (USA: FL) 2008/08/04
32.1 +1 33.1 gave points for mooch request 0764227696 natalie (USA: SD) 2008/08/04
33.1 -1 32.1 deducted points for mooch request 1562015192 Jill (USA: GA) 2008/08/03
34.1 -1 33.1 deducted points for mooch request 0515143480 julietexok (USA: TX) 2008/08/02
35.1 -1 34.1 deducted points for mooch request 0758211783 julietexok (USA: TX) 2008/08/02
36.1 -1 35.1 deducted points for mooch request 0060882298 Regina (USA: OR) 2008/08/02
37.1 -1 36.1 deducted points for mooch request 0758215282 Scott Huber (USA: FL) 2008/08/02
38.1 -1 37.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451412591 Courtney (USA: VA) 2008/08/02
37.1 +1 38.1 gave points for mooch request 0060001445 Marlene (USA: CA) 2008/07/31
38.1 -1 37.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451217500 Chris (USA: MI) 2008/07/30
37.1 +1 38.1 gave points for mooch request 0425207226 Lisa R (USA: NC) 2008/07/29
36.1 +1 37.1 gave points for mooch request 0451218973 Lisa R (USA: NC) 2008/07/29
36 +0.1 36.1 added book to inventory 0451218973 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/07/29
35 +1 36 mooch cancelled by requestor 0758217730 lovligurl (USA: FL) 2008/07/29
34 +1 35 mooch cancelled by requestor 0061363405 lovligurl (USA: FL) 2008/07/29
33 +1 34 mooch cancelled by requestor 1591820545 Laura (USA: TX) 2008/07/29
35 -2 33 deducted points for mooch request 1419950487 Jenny (Australia) 2008/07/29
37 -2 35 deducted points for mooch request 1843606143 Jenny (Australia) 2008/07/29
39 -2 37 deducted points for mooch request 1419950304 Jenny (Australia) 2008/07/29
38 +1 39 received points from charity Tara (USA: MO) 2008/07/28
39 -1 38 deducted points for mooch request 1416509577 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/07/28
38.9 +0.1 39 added book to inventory 0425207226 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/07/28
38.8 +0.1 38.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425209644 Cherie (USA: FL) 2008/07/28
38.7 +0.1 38.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425207749 wanaki (USA: MD) 2008/07/28
38.6 +0.1 38.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425213056 Kristen (USA: AL) 2008/07/28
38.5 +0.1 38.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425216616 Kristen (USA: AL) 2008/07/28
39.5 -1 38.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 0380899825 Janet (USA: MI) 2008/07/28
40.5 -1 39.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 0380762560 Janet (USA: MI) 2008/07/28
41.5 -1 40.5 deducted points for mooch request 1419954938 Jill (USA: GA) 2008/07/28
42.5 -1 41.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425212882 Crystal (USA: NC) 2008/07/27
43.5 -1 42.5 deducted points for mooch request 1843605589 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/07/26
42.5 +1 43.5 gave points for mooch request 0684801523 Michelle (USA: CA) 2008/07/25
41.5 +1 42.5 gave points for mooch request 042513699X Michelle (USA: CA) 2008/07/25
42.5 -1 41.5 deducted points for mooch request 1596320990 Alexandra (USA: NJ) 2008/07/25
43.5 -1 42.5 deducted points for mooch request 1419953362 Alexandra (USA: NJ) 2008/07/25
44.5 -1 43.5 deducted points for mooch request 1419950002 Alexandra (USA: NJ) 2008/07/25
45.5 -1 44.5 deducted points for mooch request 1419956698 Alexandra (USA: NJ) 2008/07/25
44.5 +1 45.5 gave points for mooch request 0758206216 Tara (USA: MO) 2008/07/25
44.4 +0.1 44.5 added book to inventory 0758206216 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/07/25
43.4 +1 44.4 gave points for mooch request 141650334X AC (USA: CA) 2008/07/23
42.4 +1 43.4 gave points for mooch request 0743499573 AC (USA: CA) 2008/07/23
41.4 +1 42.4 gave points for mooch request 0743499581 AC (USA: CA) 2008/07/23
42.4 -1 41.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425222470 Books (USA: IL) 2008/07/23
43.4 -1 42.4 deducted points for mooch request B0014E92PA Lucyblue (USA: ME) 2008/07/22
44.4 -1 43.4 deducted points for mooch request 0451223780 Brynn (USA: FL) 2008/07/21
43.4 +1 44.4 gave points for mooch request BM1207885999939561259 kwbts124 (USA: FL) 2008/07/21
44.4 -1 43.4 deducted points for mooch request 1594265119 Jill (USA: GA) 2008/07/21
44.3 +0.1 44.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0979561809 Sharon (USA: NY) 2008/07/21
44.2 +0.1 44.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758213867 Sharon (USA: NY) 2008/07/21
43.2 +1 44.2 gave points for mooch request BM1202326925127046725 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2008/07/19
43.1 +0.1 43.2 added book to inventory BM1202326925127046725 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/07/19
44.1 -1 43.1 deducted points for mooch request B0013W4QQ8 Jackie (USA: WV) 2008/07/18
43.1 +1 44.1 gave points for mooch request 0060531231 AliaG (USA: NY) 2008/07/18
42.1 +1 43.1 gave points for mooch request 0380815583 AliaG (USA: NY) 2008/07/18
43.1 -1 42.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425220540 Tricia (USA: VA) 2008/07/18
44.1 -1 43.1 mooch cancelled by requestor BM1207885999939561259 TLR (USA: NE) 2008/07/18
43.1 +1 44.1 gave points for mooch request BM1207885999939561259 TLR (USA: NE) 2008/07/18
43 +0.1 43.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758220391 Stephanie (USA: TX) 2008/07/17
42.9 +0.1 43 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061229687 Janet (USA: MI) 2008/07/16
41.9 +1 42.9 gave points for mooch request 0060783990 Meg Wolff (USA: CA) 2008/07/15
40.9 +1 41.9 gave points for mooch request 0060774746 Meg Wolff (USA: CA) 2008/07/15
41.9 -1 40.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425207749 wanaki (USA: MD) 2008/07/15
42.9 -1 41.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425209644 Cherie (USA: FL) 2008/07/15
43.9 -1 42.9 deducted points for mooch request B000V2KP5C Sharon (USA: NY) 2008/07/14
42.9 +1 43.9 gave points for mooch request 1416516158 Suzy (USA: SC) 2008/07/14
43.9 -1 42.9 deducted points for mooch request 0979561809 Sharon (USA: NY) 2008/07/14
44.9 -1 43.9 deducted points for mooch request 159426743X Sharon (USA: NY) 2008/07/14
45.9 -1 44.9 deducted points for mooch request 0758213867 Sharon (USA: NY) 2008/07/14
47.9 -2 45.9 deducted points for mooch request 1419950177 Esther Syapaka (Zambia) 2008/07/14
49.9 -2 47.9 deducted points for mooch request 0972437738 Esther Syapaka (Zambia) 2008/07/14
51.9 -2 49.9 deducted points for mooch request 1843606585 Esther Syapaka (Zambia) 2008/07/14
53.9 -2 51.9 deducted points for mooch request 0972437789 Esther Syapaka (Zambia) 2008/07/14
54.9 -1 53.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425213056 Kristen (USA: AL) 2008/07/14
55.9 -1 54.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425216616 Kristen (USA: AL) 2008/07/14
55.8 +0.1 55.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 075821474X trudi (USA: CA) 2008/07/12
55.7 +0.1 55.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758214081 bellalucca (USA: CA) 2008/07/12
55.6 +0.1 55.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416524851 bellalucca (USA: CA) 2008/07/12
54.6 +1 55.6 gave points for mooch request 0505523094 Ailee (USA: SC) 2008/07/11
53.6 +1 54.6 gave points for mooch request 0786900911 Ailee (USA: SC) 2008/07/11
52.6 +1 53.6 gave points for mooch request 0380762560 Janet (USA: MI) 2008/07/11
51.6 +1 52.6 gave points for mooch request 0380899825 Janet (USA: MI) 2008/07/11
50.6 +1 51.6 gave points for mooch request 1551667118 Janet (USA: MI) 2008/07/11
49.6 +1 50.6 gave points for mooch request 0312960387 Janet (USA: MI) 2008/07/11
50.6 -1 49.6 deducted points for mooch request 044640053X ashley (USA: KY) 2008/07/10
50.7 -0.1 50.6 removed book from inventory 0778325075 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/07/10
50.8 -0.1 50.7 removed book from inventory 0778323528 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/07/10
51.8 -1 50.8 deducted points for mooch request 0061229687 Janet (USA: MI) 2008/07/08
52.8 -1 51.8 deducted points for mooch request 0758214731 ashley (USA: KY) 2008/07/05
51.8 +1 52.8 gave points for mooch request 0449003884 Jennifer (USA: NY) 2008/07/04
52.8 -1 51.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0440226724 Donna Z (USA: NY) 2008/07/02
51.8 +1 52.8 gave points for mooch request 0440226724 Donna Z (USA: NY) 2008/07/02
51.7 +0.1 51.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0975451618 Suzy (USA: SC) 2008/07/01
51.6 +0.1 51.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425219313 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/07/01
51.5 +0.1 51.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book B000W0IFKK Alana (USA) 2008/07/01
52.5 -1 51.5 deducted points for mooch request 1591820545 Laura (USA: TX) 2008/06/30
52.4 +0.1 52.5 added book to inventory 1568655878 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/29
53.4 -1 52.4 deducted points for mooch request 1416524851 bellalucca (USA: CA) 2008/06/27
54.4 -1 53.4 deducted points for mooch request 0758214081 bellalucca (USA: CA) 2008/06/27
54.3 +0.1 54.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373691106 tracy (USA: OK) 2008/06/26
54.2 +0.1 54.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373791453 tracy (USA: OK) 2008/06/26
54.1 +0.1 54.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373793685 tracy (USA: OK) 2008/06/26
54 +0.1 54.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416536019 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/26
53.9 +0.1 54 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1569708878 Sira (USA: CA) 2008/06/26
52.9 +1 53.9 gave points for mooch request 038079456X belmanoir (USA: WA) 2008/06/25
49.9 +3 52.9 received points from charity Colleen (USA: NJ) 2008/06/24
50.9 -1 49.9 deducted points for mooch request 075821474X trudi (USA: CA) 2008/06/23
51.9 -1 50.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425219313 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/06/23
51.8 +0.1 51.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599983508 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2008/06/23
51.7 +0.1 51.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758218923 andy (USA: MN) 2008/06/23
51.6 +0.1 51.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 031233916X Rhonda (USA: MS) 2008/06/23
52.6 -1 51.6 deducted points for mooch request B000W0IFKK Alana (USA) 2008/06/23
50.6 +2 52.6 received points from charity tracy (USA: OK) 2008/06/20
49.6 +1 50.6 mooch rejected by book owner 0373039859 tracy (USA: OK) 2008/06/20
50.6 -1 49.6 deducted points for mooch request 0975451618 Suzy (USA: SC) 2008/06/20
50.5 +0.1 50.6 added book to inventory 038079456X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/19
50.4 +0.1 50.5 added book to inventory 0821779427 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/19
50.3 +0.1 50.4 added book to inventory 0380815583 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/19
50.2 +0.1 50.3 added book to inventory 0743499581 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/19
50.1 +0.1 50.2 added book to inventory 0380794578 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/19
50 +0.1 50.1 added book to inventory 1416525521 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/19
49.9 +0.1 50 added book to inventory 0060757450 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/19
49.8 +0.1 49.9 added book to inventory 1933725036 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/19
49.7 +0.1 49.8 added book to inventory 0449003167 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/19
49.6 +0.1 49.7 added book to inventory 0743499573 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/19
49.5 +0.1 49.6 added book to inventory 0743467434 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/19
49.6 -0.1 49.5 removed book from inventory 0505526131 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/19
49.5 +0.1 49.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758217595 Ivonne (USA: CA) 2008/06/18
49.4 +0.1 49.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743499573 Mary S. (USA: GA) 2008/06/18
49.3 +0.1 49.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743499581 Mary S. (USA: GA) 2008/06/18
49.2 +0.1 49.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419950789 Alitheia (USA: FL) 2008/06/18
48.2 +1 49.2 gave points for mooch request 0425181464 pattib (USA: FL) 2008/06/17
47.2 +1 48.2 gave points for mooch request 0425191583 pattib (USA: FL) 2008/06/17
46.2 +1 47.2 gave points for mooch request 0380794470 Elizabeth (USA: NC) 2008/06/17
46.1 +0.1 46.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373198582 ashley (USA: KY) 2008/06/17
46 +0.1 46.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373198590 ashley (USA: KY) 2008/06/17
45.9 +0.1 46 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373198612 ashley (USA: KY) 2008/06/17
45.8 +0.1 45.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 037377267X ashley (USA: KY) 2008/06/17
45.7 +0.1 45.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373198604 ashley (USA: KY) 2008/06/17
45.6 +0.1 45.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758225318 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2008/06/17
45.5 +0.1 45.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312359799 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/17
45.4 +0.1 45.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0142001740 Victor Stone (USA: NY) 2008/06/17
44.4 +1 45.4 gave points for mooch request 0373617852 Treddle (USA: CT) 2008/06/17
43.4 +1 44.4 gave points for mooch request 0446616095 Kat Lane (USA: FL) 2008/06/17
44.4 -1 43.4 deducted points for mooch request 0758218923 andy (USA: MN) 2008/06/16
44.3 +0.1 44.4 added book to inventory 0373617852 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/16
44.2 +0.1 44.3 added book to inventory 0446616095 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/16
44.1 +0.1 44.2 added book to inventory 1416516158 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/16
44 +0.1 44.1 added book to inventory 0061124567 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/16
43.9 +0.1 44 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446616095 castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/06/16
43.8 +0.1 43.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416516158 castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/06/16
43.7 +0.1 43.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446614238 castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/06/16
43.6 +0.1 43.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061124567 castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/06/16
42.6 +1 43.6 gave points for mooch request 0312939949 Chris (USA: MI) 2008/06/16
41.6 +1 42.6 gave points for mooch request 0425213927 Chris (USA: MI) 2008/06/16
41.5 +0.1 41.6 added book to inventory 0425213927 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/16
41.4 +0.1 41.5 added book to inventory 0312939949 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/16
40.4 +1 41.4 gave points for mooch request 038077352X VeraMarie (USA) 2008/06/16
39.4 +1 40.4 gave points for mooch request 0345487621 VeraMarie (USA) 2008/06/16
38.4 +1 39.4 gave points for mooch request 0449005852 VeraMarie (USA) 2008/06/16
38.5 -0.1 38.4 removed book from inventory 0821777777 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/15
39.5 -1 38.5 deducted points for mooch request 0758217595 Ivonne (USA: CA) 2008/06/15
40.5 -1 39.5 donated points to charity Colleen (USA: NJ) 2008/06/14
41.5 -1 40.5 deducted points for mooch request 1599983508 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2008/06/14
42.5 -1 41.5 deducted points for mooch request 031233916X Rhonda (USA: MS) 2008/06/14
42.4 +0.1 42.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1596324619 Jill (USA: GA) 2008/06/14
41.4 +1 42.4 gave points for mooch request 0061231231 Syntoria (USA: FL) 2008/06/14
40.4 +1 41.4 gave points for mooch request 1416524215 Syntoria (USA: FL) 2008/06/14
40.3 +0.1 40.4 added book to inventory 038077352X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/13
41.3 -1 40.3 deducted points for mooch request 1569708878 Sira (USA: CA) 2008/06/13
40.3 +1 41.3 gave points for mooch request 184360888X Amy S. (USA: KY) 2008/06/13
40.2 +0.1 40.3 added book to inventory 184360888X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/13
41.2 -1 40.2 deducted points for mooch request 1416536019 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/13
40.2 +1 41.2 gave points for mooch request 1843606216 Jill (USA: GA) 2008/06/13
41.2 -1 40.2 deducted points for mooch request 0373691106 tracy (USA: OK) 2008/06/13
42.2 -1 41.2 deducted points for mooch request 0373039859 tracy (USA: OK) 2008/06/13
43.2 -1 42.2 deducted points for mooch request 0373791453 tracy (USA: OK) 2008/06/13
44.2 -1 43.2 deducted points for mooch request 0373793685 tracy (USA: OK) 2008/06/13
44.3 -0.1 44.2 removed book from inventory 0553583557 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/13
44.4 -0.1 44.3 removed book from inventory 0821759582 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/13
44.3 +0.1 44.4 added book to inventory 1843606216 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/13
43.3 +1 44.3 gave points for mooch request 0373772882 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2008/06/13
42.3 +1 43.3 gave points for mooch request 0821780751 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2008/06/13
41.3 +1 42.3 gave points for mooch request 0778320316 Idalia (USA: TX) 2008/06/13
40.3 +1 41.3 gave points for mooch request 0373617860 Idalia (USA: TX) 2008/06/13
40.2 +0.1 40.3 added book to inventory 0373617860 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/12
41.2 -1 40.2 deducted points for mooch request 0758217730 lovligurl (USA: FL) 2008/06/12
42.2 -1 41.2 deducted points for mooch request 0061363405 lovligurl (USA: FL) 2008/06/12
42.3 -0.1 42.2 removed book from inventory 0440211492 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/12
42.2 +0.1 42.3 added book to inventory 0446614238 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/12
42.3 -0.1 42.2 removed book from inventory 0446614238 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/12
42.4 -0.1 42.3 removed book from inventory 0446616109 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/12
42.5 -0.1 42.4 removed book from inventory 0446614246 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/12
42.6 -0.1 42.5 removed book from inventory 0061124842 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/12
42.7 -0.1 42.6 removed book from inventory 0380819090 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/12
41.7 +1 42.7 gave points for mooch request 0373617828 Annette Boehm (USA: WA) 2008/06/12
41.6 +0.1 41.7 added book to inventory 0395910838 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/12
42.6 -1 41.6 deducted points for mooch request 0373198582 ashley (USA: KY) 2008/06/12
43.6 -1 42.6 deducted points for mooch request 0373198590 ashley (USA: KY) 2008/06/12
44.6 -1 43.6 deducted points for mooch request 0373198612 ashley (USA: KY) 2008/06/12
45.6 -1 44.6 deducted points for mooch request 0373198604 ashley (USA: KY) 2008/06/12
46.6 -1 45.6 deducted points for mooch request 037377267X ashley (USA: KY) 2008/06/12
47.6 -1 46.6 deducted points for mooch request 0743499573 Mary S. (USA: GA) 2008/06/12
48.6 -1 47.6 deducted points for mooch request 0743499581 Mary S. (USA: GA) 2008/06/12
48.7 -0.1 48.6 removed book from inventory 0505524961 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/12
48.8 -0.1 48.7 removed book from inventory 0843953330 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/12
48.9 -0.1 48.8 removed book from inventory 0821780042 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/12
48.8 +0.1 48.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843608103 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/11
48.7 +0.1 48.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373617860 Rose (USA) 2008/06/11
47.7 +1 48.7 gave points for mooch request 1416516093 Tiz Cooley (USA: NY) 2008/06/11
46.7 +1 47.7 gave points for mooch request 0373835760 Tiz Cooley (USA: NY) 2008/06/11
45.7 +1 46.7 gave points for mooch request 0380789337 Tiz Cooley (USA: NY) 2008/06/11
44.7 +1 45.7 gave points for mooch request 0380780755 Tiz Cooley (USA: NY) 2008/06/11
43.7 +1 44.7 gave points for mooch request BM1207690515926745918 Jared (USA: FL) 2008/06/10
42.7 +1 43.7 gave points for mooch request 0451411528 Cherith (USA: KS) 2008/06/10
42.6 +0.1 42.7 added book to inventory 0380780755 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/10
42.5 +0.1 42.6 added book to inventory 0373835760 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/10
43.5 -1 42.5 deducted points for mooch request 0758225318 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2008/06/10
43.4 +0.1 43.5 added book to inventory 0451411528 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/10
43.5 -0.1 43.4 removed book from inventory 0743248287 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/09
44.5 -1 43.5 donated points to charity Sara (USA: PA) 2008/06/09
44.4 +0.1 44.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416576614 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/09
44.3 +0.1 44.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952293 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/09
44.2 +0.1 44.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419954172 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/09
44.1 +0.1 44.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419951114 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/09
43.1 +1 44.1 gave points for mooch request 0553283545 Sara (USA: PA) 2008/06/09
43 +0.1 43.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758220588 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2008/06/09
42.9 +0.1 43 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758222122 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2008/06/09
42.8 +0.1 42.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 141995590X Colleen (USA: NJ) 2008/06/09
41.8 +1 42.8 gave points for mooch request 0440243947 Sara (USA: PA) 2008/06/09
41.7 +0.1 41.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 184360888X Jill (USA: GA) 2008/06/09
42.7 -1 41.7 deducted points for mooch request 1596324619 Jill (USA: GA) 2008/06/08
41.7 +1 42.7 gave points for mooch request 0449002462 AndreaHansohn (USA: IA) 2008/06/08
42.7 -1 41.7 deducted points for mooch request 0312359799 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/08
41.7 +1 42.7 gave points for mooch request 0446606456 Jeanne Warner (USA: PA) 2008/06/08
40.7 +1 41.7 gave points for mooch request 0452284554 Jeanne Warner (USA: PA) 2008/06/08
40.6 +0.1 40.7 added book to inventory 1416524215 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/08
40.5 +0.1 40.6 added book to inventory 0373617828 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/08
40.6 -0.1 40.5 removed book from inventory 0590498495 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/08
41.6 -1 40.6 deducted points for mooch request 1419950789 Alitheia (USA: FL) 2008/06/08
40.6 +1 41.6 gave points for mooch request 0778321800 JBS (USA: TN) 2008/06/07
39.6 +1 40.6 gave points for mooch request 0743477723 Gale (USA: FL) 2008/06/07
38.6 +1 39.6 gave points for mooch request 0425207765 Gale (USA: FL) 2008/06/07
37.6 +1 38.6 gave points for mooch request 0821773895 Gale (USA: FL) 2008/06/07
36.6 +1 37.6 gave points for mooch request 0061128570 Gale (USA: FL) 2008/06/07
35.6 +1 36.6 gave points for mooch request 1416570586 Gale (USA: FL) 2008/06/07
34.6 +1 35.6 gave points for mooch request 0425209962 debbie (USA: DE) 2008/06/07
34.5 +0.1 34.6 added book to inventory 0425209962 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/07
34.4 +0.1 34.5 added book to inventory 0440243947 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/07
34.3 +0.1 34.4 added book to inventory 0425207420 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/07
34.2 +0.1 34.3 added book to inventory 0778321800 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/07
34.1 +0.1 34.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599985608 Jennie (USA: AL) 2008/06/07
34 +0.1 34.1 added book to inventory 034549539X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/06
35 -1 34 deducted points for mooch request 0758220391 Stephanie (USA: TX) 2008/06/06
35.1 -0.1 35 removed book from inventory 082177803X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/06
35 +0.1 35.1 added book to inventory 0425207765 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/06
34.9 +0.1 35 added book to inventory 0684801523 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/06
34.8 +0.1 34.9 added book to inventory 0373250649 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/06
34.7 +0.1 34.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419951068 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/06
34.6 +0.1 34.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843609509 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/06
34.5 +0.1 34.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419951432 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/06
34.4 +0.1 34.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599987430 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/06
34.3 +0.1 34.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952978 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/06
34.2 +0.1 34.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419955047 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/06
35.2 -1 34.2 deducted points for mooch request 0142001740 Victor Stone (USA: NY) 2008/06/06
35.1 +0.1 35.2 added book to inventory BM1207690515926745918 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/06
34.1 +1 35.1 gave points for mooch request BM1207690515926745918 ScatterHeart (USA: WI) 2008/06/06
33.1 +1 34.1 received a smooch castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/06/06
32.1 +1 33.1 received a smooch castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/06/06
32 +0.1 32.1 added book to inventory 0446616109 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/06
31.9 +0.1 32 added book to inventory 0061124842 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/06
31.8 +0.1 31.9 added book to inventory 0446614246 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/06
31.7 +0.1 31.8 added book to inventory 0446614238 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/06
31.6 +0.1 31.7 added book to inventory 0764227696 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/06
31.5 +0.1 31.6 added book to inventory 0590498495 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/06
32.5 -1 31.5 deducted points for mooch request 0446614238 castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/06/06
33.5 -1 32.5 deducted points for mooch request 0446616095 castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/06/06
34.5 -1 33.5 deducted points for mooch request 1416516158 castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/06/06
35.5 -1 34.5 deducted points for mooch request 0061124567 castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/06/06
35.6 -0.1 35.5 removed book from inventory 0446614238 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/06
35.5 +0.1 35.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446616109 castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/06/06
35.4 +0.1 35.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0764227696 castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/06/06
35.3 +0.1 35.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0590498495 castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/06/06
35.2 +0.1 35.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446614246 castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/06/06
35.1 +0.1 35.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061124842 castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/06/06
35 +0.1 35.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416516166 castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/06/06
34 +1 35 gave points for mooch request 1416507507 Sheena2 (USA: CA) 2008/06/05
33.9 +0.1 34 added book to inventory 0821759582 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/05
33.8 +0.1 33.9 added book to inventory 0425183971 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/05
33.7 +0.1 33.8 added book to inventory 0425181464 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/05
33.6 +0.1 33.7 added book to inventory 0449005852 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/05
33.5 +0.1 33.6 added book to inventory 0449003884 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/05
33.4 +0.1 33.5 added book to inventory 0425191583 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/05
33.3 +0.1 33.4 added book to inventory 076535084X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/05
33.2 +0.1 33.3 added book to inventory 0821772198 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/05
33.1 +0.1 33.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 034549539X Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/06/05
33 +0.1 33.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821759582 Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/06/05
32.9 +0.1 33 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0449005852 Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/06/05
32.8 +0.1 32.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821772198 Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/06/05
32.7 +0.1 32.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0449003884 Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/06/05
32.6 +0.1 32.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425191583 amberlianne (USA: CA) 2008/06/05
32.5 +0.1 32.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 076535084X amberlianne (USA: CA) 2008/06/05
32.4 +0.1 32.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425183971 amberlianne (USA: CA) 2008/06/05
32.3 +0.1 32.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425181464 amberlianne (USA: CA) 2008/06/05
31.3 +1 32.3 gave points for mooch request 0061122262 ashley (USA: KY) 2008/06/05
30.3 +1 31.3 gave points for mooch request 0060799242 ashley (USA: KY) 2008/06/05
30.4 -0.1 30.3 removed book from inventory 0425207765 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/05
30.5 -0.1 30.4 removed book from inventory 0373250649 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/05
30.4 +0.1 30.5 added book to inventory 0373250649 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/05
30.3 +0.1 30.4 added book to inventory 0425207765 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/05
30.2 +0.1 30.3 added book to inventory 0449002462 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/04
31.2 -1 30.2 deducted points for mooch request 0758220588 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2008/06/04
32.2 -1 31.2 deducted points for mooch request 0758222122 Colleen (USA: NJ) 2008/06/04
33.2 -1 32.2 deducted points for mooch request 141995590X Colleen (USA: NJ) 2008/06/04
33.3 -0.1 33.2 removed book from inventory 1420100157 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/03
33.4 -0.1 33.3 removed book from inventory 006078413X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/03
33.5 -0.1 33.4 removed book from inventory 0060842555 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/03
33.6 -0.1 33.5 removed book from inventory 1420101218 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/03
32.6 +1 33.6 gave points for mooch request 0553272535 Emily (USA: NC) 2008/06/03
31.6 +1 32.6 gave points for mooch request 0395957826 rmb_cmb (Canada) 2008/06/03
31.5 +0.1 31.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843607514 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/03
31.4 +0.1 31.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952587 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/03
31.3 +0.1 31.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 141995072X Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/03
31.2 +0.1 31.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419950711 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/03
31.1 +0.1 31.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 141995203X Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/03
31 +0.1 31.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419950312 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/03
30.9 +0.1 31 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419951955 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/03
30.8 +0.1 30.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419950045 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/03
30.7 +0.1 30.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952684 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/03
30.6 +0.1 30.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419952129 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/03
30.5 +0.1 30.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843603934 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/03
30.4 +0.1 30.5 added book to inventory 0553583557 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/03
31.4 -1 30.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 037377124X Magdalena (USA: FL) 2008/06/02
31.3 +0.1 31.4 added book to inventory BM1207690515926745918 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/02
31.2 +0.1 31.3 added book to inventory 0843953330 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/02
31.1 +0.1 31.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599982838 rockpaperscissors (USA: AZ) 2008/06/02
30.1 +1 31.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 1843608103 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/02
31.1 -1 30.1 deducted points for mooch request 1843608103 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/02
32.1 -1 31.1 deducted points for mooch request 1419952293 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/02
33.1 -1 32.1 deducted points for mooch request 1416576614 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/02
34.1 -1 33.1 deducted points for mooch request 1419954172 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/02
35.1 -1 34.1 deducted points for mooch request 1843608103 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/02
36.1 -1 35.1 deducted points for mooch request 1419951114 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/06/02
35.1 +1 36.1 gave points for mooch request BM1207690515926745918 David Stewardson (USA: CA) 2008/06/01
34.1 +1 35.1 gave points for mooch request 0590457837 David Stewardson (USA: CA) 2008/06/01
34 +0.1 34.1 added book to inventory 0028182677 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/06/01
33 +1 34 gave points for mooch request 034549461X Mary Spurgeon (USA: GA) 2008/05/31
32.9 +0.1 33 added book to inventory 034549461X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/31
33.9 -1 32.9 deducted points for mooch request 1599985608 Jennie (USA: AL) 2008/05/31
32.9 +1 33.9 gave points for mooch request 155166299X Faro (USA: IN) 2008/05/31
32.8 +0.1 32.9 added book to inventory 0440211492 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/31
32.7 +0.1 32.8 added book to inventory 0446614238 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/31
32.6 +0.1 32.7 added book to inventory 0373708416 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/31
32.5 +0.1 32.6 added book to inventory 0671737627 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/31
32.4 +0.1 32.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671737627 janie (USA: AK) 2008/05/31
32.3 +0.1 32.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440211492 janie (USA: AK) 2008/05/31
32.2 +0.1 32.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446614238 janie (USA: AK) 2008/05/31
32.1 +0.1 32.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312939701 Janie (USA: MA) 2008/05/31
33.1 -1 32.1 deducted points for mooch request 0373617860 Rose (USA) 2008/05/30
32.1 +1 33.1 gave points for mooch request 0425191249 MelanieH (USA: PA) 2008/05/30
31.1 +1 32.1 lost in the mail says book owner 0060092130 jeanna (USA: OH) 2008/05/30
27.1 +4 31.1 received points from charity Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/05/29
28.1 -1 27.1 deducted points for mooch request 034549539X Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/05/29
29.1 -1 28.1 deducted points for mooch request 0821772198 Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/05/29
30.1 -1 29.1 deducted points for mooch request 0821759582 Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/05/29
31.1 -1 30.1 deducted points for mooch request 0449005852 Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/05/29
32.1 -1 31.1 deducted points for mooch request 0449003884 Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/05/29
31.1 +1 32.1 gave points for mooch request 0345483103 Peaches (USA: OR) 2008/05/29
30.1 +1 31.1 gave points for mooch request 0345495403 Peaches (USA: OR) 2008/05/29
29.1 +1 30.1 gave points for mooch request 034549539X Peaches (USA: OR) 2008/05/29
28.1 +1 29.1 gave points for mooch request 0345495411 Peaches (USA: OR) 2008/05/29
29.1 -1 28.1 deducted points for mooch request 184360888X Jill (USA: GA) 2008/05/29
29 +0.1 29.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312939922 Meagan (USA: OK) 2008/05/29
28.9 +0.1 29 added book to inventory 0449130703 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/29
28.8 +0.1 28.9 added book to inventory 042513699X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/29
28.7 +0.1 28.8 added book to inventory 0786900911 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/29
28.6 +0.1 28.7 added book to inventory 0395957826 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/29
28.5 +0.1 28.6 added book to inventory 0345495403 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/28
28.4 +0.1 28.5 added book to inventory 0345495411 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/28
28.3 +0.1 28.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758211805 ScarletTisa (USA: OR) 2008/05/28
28.2 +0.1 28.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416532730 ScarletTisa (USA: OR) 2008/05/28
28.1 +0.1 28.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345495411 Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/05/28
28 +0.1 28.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345495403 Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/05/28
27 +1 28 gave points for mooch request 0425216039 sally (USA: ME) 2008/05/27
26.9 +0.1 27 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0786900911 Marie (Philippines) 2008/05/27
26.8 +0.1 26.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0395957826 Marie (Philippines) 2008/05/27
26.7 +0.1 26.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 042513699X Marie (Philippines) 2008/05/27
26.6 +0.1 26.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0449130703 Marie (Philippines) 2008/05/27
26.5 +0.1 26.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425209962 Pam (USA: MN) 2008/05/27
25.5 +1 26.5 gave points for mooch request 037377124X Magdalena (USA: FL) 2008/05/27
23.5 +2 25.5 received points from charity janie (USA: AK) 2008/05/26
24.5 -1 23.5 deducted points for mooch request 0440211492 janie (USA: AK) 2008/05/26
25.5 -1 24.5 deducted points for mooch request 0671737627 janie (USA: AK) 2008/05/26
26.5 -1 25.5 deducted points for mooch request 0446614238 janie (USA: AK) 2008/05/26
26.4 +0.1 26.5 added book to inventory 1416570586 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/26
25.4 +1 26.4 gave points for mooch request 0345494598 Mary Spurgeon (USA: GA) 2008/05/26
24.4 +1 25.4 gave points for mooch request 0345486420 Kari (Canada) 2008/05/25
23.4 +1 24.4 gave points for mooch request 0312931158 Kari (Canada) 2008/05/25
22.4 +1 23.4 gave points for mooch request 0060513659 MariMar (USA: MD) 2008/05/25
21.4 +1 22.4 gave points for mooch request 0590691767 MariMar (USA: MD) 2008/05/25
21.3 +0.1 21.4 added book to inventory 0060799242 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/24
20.3 +1 21.3 gave points for mooch request 0312987633 Lsressler (USA: PA) 2008/05/24
20.2 +0.1 20.3 added book to inventory BM1207885999939561259 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/24
20.1 +0.1 20.2 added book to inventory 0312931158 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/24
19.1 +1 20.1 gave points for mooch request 0060734833 MariMar (USA: MD) 2008/05/24
19 +0.1 19.1 added book to inventory 0345494598 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/24
18.9 +0.1 19 added book to inventory 0060734833 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/24
18.8 +0.1 18.9 added book to inventory 0821777777 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/24
18.7 +0.1 18.8 added book to inventory 0061231231 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/24
18.6 +0.1 18.7 added book to inventory 0425216039 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/24
18.5 +0.1 18.6 added book to inventory 0312987633 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/24
18.4 +0.1 18.5 added book to inventory 1416516093 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/24
18.3 +0.1 18.4 added book to inventory 006078413X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/24
18.2 +0.1 18.3 added book to inventory 0061122262 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/24
18.1 +0.1 18.2 added book to inventory 0380789337 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/24
18 +0.1 18.1 added book to inventory 0061128570 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/24
17.9 +0.1 18 added book to inventory 0061136263 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/24
17.8 +0.1 17.9 added book to inventory 0060782471 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/24
17.7 +0.1 17.8 added book to inventory 0821780042 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/24
17.6 +0.1 17.7 added book to inventory 0821780921 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/24
17.5 +0.1 17.6 added book to inventory 037377124X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/24
17.4 +0.1 17.5 added book to inventory 0843952342 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/24
17.3 +0.1 17.4 added book to inventory 1420100157 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/24
17.2 +0.1 17.3 added book to inventory 0505523094 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/24
18.2 -1 17.2 deducted points for mooch request 1419951068 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/05/24
19.2 -1 18.2 deducted points for mooch request 1843609509 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/05/24
20.2 -1 19.2 deducted points for mooch request 1419951432 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/05/24
21.2 -1 20.2 deducted points for mooch request 1419950312 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/05/24
22.2 -1 21.2 deducted points for mooch request 1419951955 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/05/24
23.2 -1 22.2 deducted points for mooch request 1419950045 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/05/24
23.1 +0.1 23.2 added book to inventory 0843955422 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/24
24.1 -1 23.1 deducted points for mooch request 1599987430 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/05/24
25.1 -1 24.1 deducted points for mooch request 1419952978 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/05/24
26.1 -1 25.1 deducted points for mooch request 1419955047 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/05/24
27.1 -1 26.1 deducted points for mooch request 1419952587 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/05/24
28.1 -1 27.1 deducted points for mooch request 1419952684 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/05/24
29.1 -1 28.1 deducted points for mooch request 1843607514 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/05/24
30.1 -1 29.1 deducted points for mooch request 141995203X Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/05/24
31.1 -1 30.1 deducted points for mooch request 1419952129 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/05/24
32.1 -1 31.1 deducted points for mooch request 141995072X Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/05/24
33.1 -1 32.1 deducted points for mooch request 1419950711 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/05/24
33 +0.1 33.1 added book to inventory 0060502827 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/24
34 -1 33 deducted points for mooch request 1843603934 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/05/24
33.9 +0.1 34 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345496698 Wyndy (USA: IN) 2008/05/24
33.8 +0.1 33.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843606216 Anne Moore (USA: MI) 2008/05/24
34.8 -1 33.8 deducted points for mooch request 0312939922 Meagan (USA: OK) 2008/05/24
33.8 +1 34.8 lost in the mail says book owner 0316002119 Victoria (USA) 2008/05/24
32.8 +1 33.8 gave points for mooch request 0671001795 Mary Spurgeon (USA: GA) 2008/05/23
31.8 +1 32.8 gave points for mooch request 0345494601 Mary Spurgeon (USA: GA) 2008/05/23
30.8 +1 31.8 received a smooch Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/05/23
30.7 +0.1 30.8 added book to inventory 0345494601 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/23
30.6 +0.1 30.7 added book to inventory 0312949804 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/23
30.5 +0.1 30.6 added book to inventory 0590409433 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/23
30.4 +0.1 30.5 added book to inventory 0446364282 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/23
30.3 +0.1 30.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446364282 Bridget (USA: MO) 2008/05/23
30.2 +0.1 30.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0590409433 Bridget (USA: MO) 2008/05/23
30.1 +0.1 30.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312949804 Bridget (USA: MO) 2008/05/23
31.1 -1 30.1 deducted points for mooch request 0345495411 Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/05/23
32.1 -1 31.1 deducted points for mooch request 0345495403 Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/05/23
31.1 +1 32.1 gave points for mooch request BM1207885999939561259 share (USA: ID) 2008/05/22
31 +0.1 31.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416536175 AJ (Canada) 2008/05/22
30.9 +0.1 31 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419954482 AJ (Canada) 2008/05/22
30.8 +0.1 30.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416536159 AJ (Canada) 2008/05/22
30.7 +0.1 30.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416536183 AJ (Canada) 2008/05/22
30.6 +0.1 30.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419951521 AJ (Canada) 2008/05/22
30.5 +0.1 30.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061176036 AJ (Canada) 2008/05/22
30.4 +0.1 30.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419953540 AJ (Canada) 2008/05/22
30.3 +0.1 30.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419951920 AJ (Canada) 2008/05/22
30.2 +0.1 30.3 added book to inventory B000WH4N4A kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/22
31.2 -1 30.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312939701 Janie (USA: MA) 2008/05/22
30.2 +1 31.2 gave points for mooch request 1556611749 Loretta (USA: MI) 2008/05/22
29.2 +1 30.2 gave points for mooch request 1556613598 Loretta (USA: MI) 2008/05/22
28.2 +1 29.2 gave points for mooch request 1556613601 Loretta (USA: MI) 2008/05/22
27.2 +1 28.2 gave points for mooch request 155661358X Loretta (USA: MI) 2008/05/22
27.1 +0.1 27.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843609053 Marjory (USA: GA) 2008/05/22
26.1 +1 27.1 received points from charity Marjory (USA: GA) 2008/05/22
26 +0.1 26.1 added book to inventory 1556611749 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/22
25.9 +0.1 26 added book to inventory 1556613601 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/22
25.8 +0.1 25.9 added book to inventory 155661358X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/22
25.7 +0.1 25.8 added book to inventory 1556613598 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/22
25.6 +0.1 25.7 added book to inventory 0778322467 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/22
25.5 +0.1 25.6 added book to inventory 1416507507 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/22
25.4 +0.1 25.5 added book to inventory 0439227585 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/22
25.3 +0.1 25.4 added book to inventory 0778320316 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/22
25.2 +0.1 25.3 added book to inventory 0671001795 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/22
25.1 +0.1 25.2 added book to inventory 0060774746 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/22
25 +0.1 25.1 added book to inventory 0451197224 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/22
24.9 +0.1 25 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416507507 melody (USA: NC) 2008/05/22
23.9 +1 24.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 031294957X David (USA: NV) 2008/05/21
22.9 +1 23.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0425220435 David (USA: NV) 2008/05/21
23.9 -1 22.9 deducted points for mooch request 031294957X David (USA: NV) 2008/05/21
24.9 -1 23.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425220435 David (USA: NV) 2008/05/21
24.8 +0.1 24.9 added book to inventory B000Q7N9CS kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/21
24.7 +0.1 24.8 added book to inventory 0316922307 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/21
24.6 +0.1 24.7 added book to inventory 0070144346 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/21
24.5 +0.1 24.6 added book to inventory 0393024822 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/21
24.4 +0.1 24.5 added book to inventory 0813817803 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/21
24.3 +0.1 24.4 added book to inventory B0007J9TZG kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/21
24.2 +0.1 24.3 added book to inventory 0124722784 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/21
24.1 +0.1 24.2 added book to inventory 0446325112 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/21
23.1 +1 24.1 gave points for mooch request 0451451384 Lady Khemet (USA: OH) 2008/05/21
22.1 +1 23.1 gave points for mooch request 0553584898 Jennifer Wharton (USA: WI) 2008/05/20
21.1 +1 22.1 gave points for mooch request 0515143553 Jennifer Wharton (USA: WI) 2008/05/20
19.1 +2 21.1 mooch rejected by book owner 1419954741 Katie (Austria) 2008/05/20
21.1 -2 19.1 deducted points for mooch request 1419954741 Katie (Austria) 2008/05/20
20.1 +1 21.1 gave points for mooch request 0449907481 Nan Barnes (USA: MI) 2008/05/20
19.1 +1 20.1 gave points for mooch request 0679854282 Nan Barnes (USA: MI) 2008/05/20
18.1 +1 19.1 received a smooch castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/05/20
17.1 +1 18.1 received a smooch castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/05/20
16.1 +1 17.1 received a smooch castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/05/20
17.1 -1 16.1 deducted points for mooch request 0061124842 castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/05/20
18.1 -1 17.1 deducted points for mooch request 0446614246 castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/05/20
19.1 -1 18.1 deducted points for mooch request 0446616109 castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/05/20
20.1 -1 19.1 deducted points for mooch request 0764227696 castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/05/20
21.1 -1 20.1 deducted points for mooch request 0590498495 castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/05/20
22.1 -1 21.1 deducted points for mooch request 1416516166 castlehillmom (USA: OR) 2008/05/20
22 +0.1 22.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416570586 will2-for (USA: CA) 2008/05/20
21.9 +0.1 22 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821777777 will2-for (USA: CA) 2008/05/20
21.8 +0.1 21.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312939930 AndreaZak (USA: CA) 2008/05/20
21.7 +0.1 21.8 added book to inventory 0060561122 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/20
21.6 +0.1 21.7 added book to inventory 0452284554 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/20
21.5 +0.1 21.6 added book to inventory 0679854282 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/20
21.4 +0.1 21.5 added book to inventory 0451451384 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/20
21.3 +0.1 21.4 added book to inventory 0553283545 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/20
20.3 +1 21.3 gave points for mooch request 0312991460 dmr (USA: ID) 2008/05/20
19.3 +1 20.3 gave points for mooch request 0060594527 dmr (USA: ID) 2008/05/20
18.3 +1 19.3 gave points for mooch request 0425187144 dmr (USA: ID) 2008/05/20
18.2 +0.1 18.3 added book to inventory 0825428661 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/20
19.2 -1 18.2 deducted points for mooch request 1843609053 Marjory (USA: GA) 2008/05/20
18.2 +1 19.2 received a smooch Bridget (USA: MO) 2008/05/20
17.2 +1 18.2 received a smooch Bridget (USA: MO) 2008/05/20
16.2 +1 17.2 gave points for mooch request 0425175111 Norma (USA: NE) 2008/05/19
15.2 +1 16.2 gave points for mooch request 0425194345 Norma (USA: NE) 2008/05/19
16.2 -1 15.2 deducted points for mooch request 0590409433 Bridget (USA: MO) 2008/05/19
17.2 -1 16.2 deducted points for mooch request 0446364282 Bridget (USA: MO) 2008/05/19
18.2 -1 17.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312949804 Bridget (USA: MO) 2008/05/19
17.2 +1 18.2 gave points for mooch request 0439295025 Katie (USA: OR) 2008/05/19
18.2 -1 17.2 deducted points for mooch request 0758211805 ScarletTisa (USA: OR) 2008/05/19
19.2 -1 18.2 deducted points for mooch request 1416532730 ScarletTisa (USA: OR) 2008/05/19
18.2 +1 19.2 mooch rejected by book owner 0312939701 Cami (USA: TX) 2008/05/19
17.2 +1 18.2 gave points for mooch request 0440237211 VABuckeye (USA: VA) 2008/05/19
16.2 +1 17.2 gave points for mooch request 0380818884 VABuckeye (USA: VA) 2008/05/19
17.2 -1 16.2 deducted points for mooch request 0425209962 Pam (USA: MN) 2008/05/19
17.1 +0.1 17.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373835760 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/05/19
17 +0.1 17.1 added book to inventory 0425175111 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/19
16.9 +0.1 17 added book to inventory 0440237211 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/19
16.8 +0.1 16.9 added book to inventory 0425187144 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/19
16.7 +0.1 16.8 added book to inventory 0425194345 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/19
16.6 +0.1 16.7 added book to inventory 0380818884 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/19
16.5 +0.1 16.6 added book to inventory 0439295025 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/19
16.4 +0.1 16.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446610143 Victoria (USA: PA) 2008/05/19
17.4 -1 16.4 deducted points for mooch request 1416507507 melody (USA: NC) 2008/05/19
17.5 -0.1 17.4 removed book from inventory 0131890980 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/18
17.6 -0.1 17.5 removed book from inventory 0060543949 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/17
18.6 -1 17.6 deducted points for mooch request 0345496698 Wyndy (USA: IN) 2008/05/17
8.6 +10 18.6 received points from charity Marie (Philippines) 2008/05/16
8.5 +0.1 8.6 added book to inventory 155166299X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/16
8.4 +0.1 8.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373617828 Cyndi Hagan (USA: VA) 2008/05/16
8.3 +0.1 8.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373617852 Cyndi Hagan (USA: VA) 2008/05/16
7.3 +1 8.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0758212062 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/05/16
8.3 -1 7.3 deducted points for mooch request 1599982838 rockpaperscissors (USA: AZ) 2008/05/15
9.3 -1 8.3 deducted points for mooch request 0373835760 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2008/05/15
7.3 +2 9.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 1586558056 deiann (Finland) 2008/05/15
7.2 +0.1 7.3 added book to inventory 034549539X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/15
7.1 +0.1 7.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 034549539X Sandy (USA: PA) 2008/05/15
7 +0.1 7.1 added book to inventory 0373772882 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/15
6.9 +0.1 7 added book to inventory 0060531231 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/15
6.8 +0.1 6.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373772882 will2-for (USA: CA) 2008/05/15
6.7 +0.1 6.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060531231 will2-for (USA: CA) 2008/05/15
6.6 +0.1 6.7 added book to inventory 0515143944 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/15
8.6 -2 6.6 deducted points for mooch request 1586558056 deiann (Finland) 2008/05/15
9.6 -1 8.6 deducted points for mooch request 0758212062 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2008/05/14
9.5 +0.1 9.6 added book to inventory 0821773895 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/14
9.4 +0.1 9.5 added book to inventory 0060001445 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/14
9.3 +0.1 9.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060001445 Anna (USA: MI) 2008/05/14
9.2 +0.1 9.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821773895 Anna (USA: MI) 2008/05/14
9.3 -0.1 9.2 removed book from inventory 050552662X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/14
9.4 -0.1 9.3 removed book from inventory 0553572148 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/14
9.5 -0.1 9.4 removed book from inventory 0312938810 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/14
9.6 -0.1 9.5 removed book from inventory 0505524937 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/14
9.5 +0.1 9.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451224191 Tiz Cooley (USA: NY) 2008/05/14
9.4 +0.1 9.5 added book to inventory BM12094872798 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/13
9.3 +0.1 9.4 added book to inventory BM1207690549156569271 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/13
8.3 +1 9.3 gave points for mooch request 0689837909 heyhon11 (USA: MD) 2008/05/13
7.3 +1 8.3 gave points for mooch request BM1207690549156569271 heyhon11 (USA: MD) 2008/05/13
6.3 +1 7.3 received points from charity will2-for (USA: CA) 2008/05/13
5.3 +1 6.3 gave points for mooch request 0439339200 tknoren (USA: AL) 2008/05/13
5.2 +0.1 5.3 added book to inventory 0345486420 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/13
5.1 +0.1 5.2 added book to inventory 0345467876 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/13
5 +0.1 5.1 added book to inventory 0060597283 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/13
4.9 +0.1 5 added book to inventory 0380794470 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/13
4.8 +0.1 4.9 added book to inventory 0060842555 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/13
4.7 +0.1 4.8 added book to inventory 0345487621 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/13
4.6 +0.1 4.7 added book to inventory 0821726994 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/13
4.5 +0.1 4.6 added book to inventory 0440202043 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/13
4.4 +0.1 4.5 added book to inventory 0590457837 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/13
4.3 +0.1 4.4 added book to inventory 0590477420 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/13
4.2 +0.1 4.3 added book to inventory 0439339200 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/13
4.1 +0.1 4.2 added book to inventory 0689839855 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/13
4 +0.1 4.1 added book to inventory 0440425573 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/13
3.9 +0.1 4 added book to inventory 0689837909 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/13
3.8 +0.1 3.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345487621 Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/05/13
3.7 +0.1 3.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380794470 Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/05/13
3.6 +0.1 3.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345486420 Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/05/13
3.5 +0.1 3.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345467876 Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/05/13
3.4 +0.1 3.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060597283 Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/05/13
3.3 +0.1 3.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060842555 Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/05/13
3.2 +0.1 3.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425202690 rayne (Canada) 2008/05/13
3.1 +0.1 3.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1419950894 rayne (Canada) 2008/05/13
3 +0.1 3.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0525950540 1lila1 (USA: CA) 2008/05/13
2 +1 3 gave points for mooch request 0451218094 Molly (USA: IA) 2008/05/13
1 +1 2 gave points for mooch request 0060763035 Megan Marie (USA: CA) 2008/05/12
0 +1 1 gave points for mooch request 0451215648 Megan Marie (USA: CA) 2008/05/12
2 -2 0 deducted points for mooch request 1599984008 AJ (Canada) 2008/05/12
1 +1 2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0312939701 amberle70 (USA: NC) 2008/05/12
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 0060763035 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/12
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 0515143553 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/12
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory 0515143189 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/12
0.6 +0.1 0.7 added book to inventory 082177803X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/12
0.5 +0.1 0.6 added book to inventory 0821768689 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/12
0.4 +0.1 0.5 added book to inventory 0312938810 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/12
0.3 +0.1 0.4 added book to inventory 0451215648 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/12
0.2 +0.1 0.3 added book to inventory 0451218094 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/12
2.2 -2 0.2 deducted points for mooch request 1419953540 AJ (Canada) 2008/05/12
0.2 +2 2.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 075822222X AJ (Canada) 2008/05/12
2.2 -2 0.2 deducted points for mooch request 0061176036 AJ (Canada) 2008/05/12
4.2 -2 2.2 deducted points for mooch request 1416536175 AJ (Canada) 2008/05/12
6.2 -2 4.2 deducted points for mooch request 075822222X AJ (Canada) 2008/05/12
8.2 -2 6.2 deducted points for mooch request 1419954482 AJ (Canada) 2008/05/12
10.2 -2 8.2 deducted points for mooch request 1416536159 AJ (Canada) 2008/05/12
12.2 -2 10.2 deducted points for mooch request 1416536183 AJ (Canada) 2008/05/12
14.2 -2 12.2 deducted points for mooch request 1419951521 AJ (Canada) 2008/05/12
16.2 -2 14.2 deducted points for mooch request 1419951920 AJ (Canada) 2008/05/12
17.2 -1 16.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312939701 amberle70 (USA: NC) 2008/05/12
17.1 +0.1 17.2 added book to inventory 0345483103 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/12
17 +0.1 17.1 added book to inventory 0821780751 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/12
16.9 +0.1 17 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345483103 Kari (Canada) 2008/05/12
16.8 +0.1 16.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821780751 Kari (Canada) 2008/05/12
16.7 +0.1 16.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425213927 Christine (USA: CT) 2008/05/12
16.6 +0.1 16.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312368712 Nicole (Austria) 2008/05/12
16.5 +0.1 16.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599982935 Nicole (Austria) 2008/05/12
16.4 +0.1 16.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1591820871 Emily Gillis (USA: CO) 2008/05/12
15.4 +1 16.4 gave points for mooch request 0152019065 selkie (USA: IL) 2008/05/12
15.3 +0.1 15.4 added book to inventory 0517077744 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/11
17.3 -2 15.3 deducted points for mooch request 0786900911 Marie (Philippines) 2008/05/11
17.2 +0.1 17.3 added book to inventory 0440226724 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/11
17.1 +0.1 17.2 added book to inventory 0553272535 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/11
17.2 -0.1 17.1 removed book from inventory 0152164561 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/11
17.1 +0.1 17.2 added book to inventory 0439202159 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/11
17 +0.1 17.1 added book to inventory 0152019065 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/11
16 +1 17 gave points for mooch request 0809015994 Elizabeth (USA: MA) 2008/05/11
15.9 +0.1 16 added book to inventory 0131890980 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/11
16.9 -1 15.9 deducted points for mooch request 1416570586 will2-for (USA: CA) 2008/05/11
17.9 -1 16.9 deducted points for mooch request 0821777777 will2-for (USA: CA) 2008/05/11
16.9 +1 17.9 gave points for mooch request 0505524120 Cindy (USA: NV) 2008/05/11
15.9 +1 16.9 gave points for mooch request 0821775014 Cindy (USA: NV) 2008/05/11
16 -0.1 15.9 removed book from inventory 0131890980 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/10
15.9 +0.1 16 added book to inventory 0131890980 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/10
14.9 +1 15.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0373617828 flamed_wolf (USA: NC) 2008/05/10
15.9 -1 14.9 deducted points for mooch request 0373617828 Cyndi Hagan (USA: VA) 2008/05/10
16.9 -1 15.9 deducted points for mooch request 0373617852 Cyndi Hagan (USA: VA) 2008/05/10
14.9 +2 16.9 received points from charity amberlianne (USA: CA) 2008/05/10
14.8 +0.1 14.9 added book to inventory 0671742558 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/10
14.7 +0.1 14.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821781499 Rangela (USA: FL) 2008/05/10
15.7 -1 14.7 deducted points for mooch request 1843606216 Anne Moore (USA: MI) 2008/05/10
16.7 -1 15.7 deducted points for mooch request 0373617828 flamed_wolf (USA: NC) 2008/05/10
17.7 -1 16.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425183971 amberlianne (USA: CA) 2008/05/09
18.7 -1 17.7 deducted points for mooch request 076535084X amberlianne (USA: CA) 2008/05/09
19.7 -1 18.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425191583 amberlianne (USA: CA) 2008/05/09
20.7 -1 19.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425181464 amberlianne (USA: CA) 2008/05/09
20.6 +0.1 20.7 added book to inventory BM1207690515926745918 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/09
20.5 +0.1 20.6 added book to inventory BM1207885999939561259 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/09
20.4 +0.1 20.5 added book to inventory BM1207690549156569271 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/09
20.3 +0.1 20.4 added book to inventory BM120769056228233357 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/09
20.2 +0.1 20.3 added book to inventory 0809015994 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/09
20.1 +0.1 20.2 added book to inventory 0553584898 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/09
20 +0.1 20.1 added book to inventory 0689855451 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/09
19.9 +0.1 20 added book to inventory 0425191249 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/09
19.8 +0.1 19.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0689855451 deanna (USA: PA) 2008/05/09
19.7 +0.1 19.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553584898 deanna (USA: PA) 2008/05/09
19.6 +0.1 19.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425191249 deanna (USA: PA) 2008/05/09
18.6 +1 19.6 received points from charity Anna (USA: MI) 2008/05/09
17.6 +1 18.6 received points from charity will2-for (USA: CA) 2008/05/08
16.6 +1 17.6 gave points for mooch request 0060924845 Catherine (USA: TX) 2008/05/08
15.6 +1 16.6 gave points for mooch request 0060584149 ruth (USA: LA) 2008/05/08
14.6 +1 15.6 gave points for mooch request 0764200720 ruth (USA: LA) 2008/05/08
15.6 -1 14.6 deducted points for mooch request 034549539X Sandy (USA: PA) 2008/05/08
14.6 +1 15.6 gave points for mooch request 0802134092 Julie (USA: DC) 2008/05/08
14.5 +0.1 14.6 added book to inventory 0764200720 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/08
13.5 +1 14.5 gave points for mooch request 0684815656 dana (USA: NY) 2008/05/08
13.4 +0.1 13.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843605546 brownbear (United Kingdom) 2008/05/08
13.3 +0.1 13.4 added book to inventory 0684815656 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/08
13.2 +0.1 13.3 added book to inventory 0916773582 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/08
13.1 +0.1 13.2 added book to inventory 0060924845 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/08
13 +0.1 13.1 added book to inventory 0802134092 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/08
12.9 +0.1 13 added book to inventory 0060783990 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/08
12.8 +0.1 12.9 added book to inventory 0743477723 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/08
13.8 -1 12.8 deducted points for mooch request 0446610143 Victoria (USA: PA) 2008/05/08
12.8 +1 13.8 gave points for mooch request 0689863624 lorenmarie (USA: AL) 2008/05/08
11.8 +1 12.8 gave points for mooch request 0743411331 lorenmarie (USA: AL) 2008/05/08
8.8 +3 11.8 received points from charity Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/05/08
9.8 -1 8.8 deducted points for mooch request 0345487621 Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/05/08
10.8 -1 9.8 deducted points for mooch request 0380794470 Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/05/08
11.8 -1 10.8 deducted points for mooch request 0345486420 Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/05/08
12.8 -1 11.8 deducted points for mooch request 0345467876 Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/05/08
13.8 -1 12.8 deducted points for mooch request 0060597283 Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/05/08
14.8 -1 13.8 deducted points for mooch request 0060842555 Karen I (USA: IL) 2008/05/08
13.8 +1 14.8 gave points for mooch request 0679751203 craigl108 (USA: MN) 2008/05/08
14.8 -1 13.8 deducted points for mooch request 0060001445 Anna (USA: MI) 2008/05/08
15.8 -1 14.8 deducted points for mooch request 0821773895 Anna (USA: MI) 2008/05/08
16.8 -1 15.8 deducted points for mooch request 0373772882 will2-for (USA: CA) 2008/05/08
17.8 -1 16.8 deducted points for mooch request 0060531231 will2-for (USA: CA) 2008/05/08
16.8 +1 17.8 gave points for mooch request 0060587873 Suzy (USA: SC) 2008/05/07
15.8 +1 16.8 gave points for mooch request 0060872926 Suzy (USA: SC) 2008/05/07
14.8 +1 15.8 gave points for mooch request 0060843071 Suzy (USA: SC) 2008/05/07
13.8 +1 14.8 gave points for mooch request 0380899531 Suzy (USA: SC) 2008/05/07
14.8 -1 13.8 deducted points for mooch request 0525950540 1lila1 (USA: CA) 2008/05/07
13.8 +1 14.8 gave points for mooch request 0143037145 Xenia (USA: CA) 2008/05/07
13.7 +0.1 13.8 added book to inventory 0679751203 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/07
13.6 +0.1 13.7 added book to inventory 050552662X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/07
13.5 +0.1 13.6 added book to inventory 0743411331 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/07
13.4 +0.1 13.5 added book to inventory 0143037145 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/07
13.3 +0.1 13.4 added book to inventory 0060594527 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/07
12.3 +1 13.3 gave points for mooch request 0380898179 Cyndi (USA: GA) 2008/05/07
11.3 +1 12.3 gave points for mooch request 0061031534 Cyndi (USA: GA) 2008/05/07
10.3 +1 11.3 gave points for mooch request 0380898187 Cyndi (USA: GA) 2008/05/07
9.3 +1 10.3 gave points for mooch request 0380976951 Cyndi (USA: GA) 2008/05/07
8.3 +1 9.3 gave points for mooch request B000CC2ZM2 Cyndi (USA: GA) 2008/05/07
7.3 +1 8.3 gave points for mooch request 0843950501 Cyndi (USA: GA) 2008/05/07
6.3 +1 7.3 mooch cancelled by requestor B000V5WGT2 mona (USA: MS) 2008/05/06
6.2 +0.1 6.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 042521740X Nicole (Austria) 2008/05/06
5.2 +1 6.2 gave points for mooch request 0439136369 Aimée Marie (USA: MI) 2008/05/06
6.2 -1 5.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312939701 Cami (USA: TX) 2008/05/05
7.2 -1 6.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451224191 Tiz Cooley (USA: NY) 2008/05/05
7.1 +0.1 7.2 added book to inventory 0380819090 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/05
7 +0.1 7.1 added book to inventory 0505524961 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/05
6.9 +0.1 7 added book to inventory 0060571454 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/05
6.8 +0.1 6.9 added book to inventory 0060543949 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/05
6.7 +0.1 6.8 added book to inventory 0060513659 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/05
6.6 +0.1 6.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312939698 ruinsbickins (USA: TX) 2008/05/05
6.5 +0.1 6.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060571454 Mandy (USA: FL) 2008/05/05
6.4 +0.1 6.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060543949 Mandy (USA: FL) 2008/05/05
6.3 +0.1 6.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0505524961 Mandy (USA: FL) 2008/05/05
6.2 +0.1 6.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060513659 Mandy (USA: FL) 2008/05/05
7.2 -1 6.2 deducted points for mooch request 0821781499 Rangela (USA: FL) 2008/05/05
7.3 -0.1 7.2 removed book from inventory 042520796X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/04
7.4 -0.1 7.3 removed book from inventory 0312986238 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/04
6.4 +1 7.4 gave points for mooch request 1568659938 Donna (USA: NY) 2008/05/04
5.4 +1 6.4 gave points for mooch request 0380005255 Donna (USA: NY) 2008/05/04
4.4 +1 5.4 received points from charity Kari (Canada) 2008/05/03
5.4 -1 4.4 deducted points for mooch request 0345483103 Kari (Canada) 2008/05/03
6.4 -1 5.4 deducted points for mooch request 0821780751 Kari (Canada) 2008/05/03
6.3 +0.1 6.4 added book to inventory 0316058599 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/03
6.2 +0.1 6.3 added book to inventory 0843950501 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/03
6.1 +0.1 6.2 added book to inventory 0505526131 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/03
6 +0.1 6.1 added book to inventory 0778320049 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/03
5.9 +0.1 6 added book to inventory 0778323528 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/03
5.8 +0.1 5.9 added book to inventory 0312960387 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/03
5.7 +0.1 5.8 added book to inventory 0440236185 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/03
5.6 +0.1 5.7 added book to inventory 0553576003 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/03
5.5 +0.1 5.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060594527 jen121475 (USA: AR) 2008/05/03
5.4 +0.1 5.5 added book to inventory 1416523324 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/02
5.3 +0.1 5.4 added book to inventory 0821775014 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/02
5.2 +0.1 5.3 added book to inventory 0060779381 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/02
4.2 +1 5.2 gave points for mooch request 1416912673 Jill (USA: FL) 2008/05/02
4.1 +0.1 4.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821775014 LauraTS (USA: SC) 2008/05/02
4 +0.1 4.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060779381 LauraTS (USA: SC) 2008/05/02
3.9 +0.1 4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425219755 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2008/05/02
3.8 +0.1 3.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0825428661 Jenny Ellison (USA: AL) 2008/05/02
3.7 +0.1 3.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1594489505 dnichols (USA: TX) 2008/05/02
3.6 +0.1 3.7 added book to inventory 0060584149 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/01
3.5 +0.1 3.6 added book to inventory 0060872926 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/01
3.4 +0.1 3.5 added book to inventory 0060587873 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/01
5.4 -2 3.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425202690 rayne (Canada) 2008/05/01
7.4 -2 5.4 deducted points for mooch request 1419950894 rayne (Canada) 2008/05/01
6.4 +1 7.4 gave points for mooch request 0590412795 Erin (USA: TX) 2008/05/01
5.4 +1 6.4 gave points for mooch request 0698119592 Erin (USA: TX) 2008/05/01
4.4 +1 5.4 gave points for mooch request 1416908889 Lorna (USA: KY) 2008/05/01
4.3 +0.1 4.4 added book to inventory 0590412795 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/01
4.2 +0.1 4.3 added book to inventory 0698119592 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/01
4.1 +0.1 4.2 added book to inventory 0440419786 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/01
4 +0.1 4.1 added book to inventory 1416908889 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/01
3.9 +0.1 4 added book to inventory 0590691767 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/01
3.8 +0.1 3.9 added book to inventory 0439136369 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/01
3.7 +0.1 3.8 added book to inventory 0439208475 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/01
3.6 +0.1 3.7 added book to inventory 0312991460 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/01
3.5 +0.1 3.6 added book to inventory 1416912673 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/05/01
3.4 +0.1 3.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060584149 janie (USA: AK) 2008/05/01
3.3 +0.1 3.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060587873 janie (USA: AK) 2008/05/01
3.2 +0.1 3.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060872926 janie (USA: AK) 2008/05/01
3.1 +0.1 3.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380819090 Mandy (USA: FL) 2008/05/01
5.1 -2 3.1 deducted points for mooch request 0395957826 Marie (Philippines) 2008/05/01
7.1 -2 5.1 deducted points for mooch request 042513699X Marie (Philippines) 2008/05/01
9.1 -2 7.1 deducted points for mooch request 0449130703 Marie (Philippines) 2008/05/01
11.1 -2 9.1 deducted points for mooch request 0671521446 Marie (Philippines) 2008/05/01
10.1 +1 11.1 gave points for mooch request 0061350966 Jay (USA: MA) 2008/05/01
8.1 +2 10.1 received points from charity deanna (USA: PA) 2008/04/30
9.1 -1 8.1 deducted points for mooch request 0689855451 deanna (USA: PA) 2008/04/30
10.1 -1 9.1 deducted points for mooch request 0553584898 deanna (USA: PA) 2008/04/30
11.1 -1 10.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425191249 deanna (USA: PA) 2008/04/30
12.1 -1 11.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425213927 Christine (USA: CT) 2008/04/30
12 +0.1 12.1 added book to inventory 0061350966 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/30
13 -1 12 deducted points for mooch request 0312939930 AndreaZak (USA: CA) 2008/04/30
12 +1 13 received points from charity Jenny Ellison (USA: AL) 2008/04/29
13 -1 12 deducted points for mooch request 0825428661 Jenny Ellison (USA: AL) 2008/04/29
15 -2 13 deducted points for mooch request 1843605546 brownbear (United Kingdom) 2008/04/29
14.9 +0.1 15 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061227781 Tonya (USA: IN) 2008/04/29
14.8 +0.1 14.9 added book to inventory 0821778021 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/29
14.7 +0.1 14.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book B000ZRORI4 Shawna (USA: PA) 2008/04/28
14.6 +0.1 14.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425217841 jldorner (USA: CA) 2008/04/28
15.6 -1 14.6 deducted points for mooch request 0312939698 ruinsbickins (USA: TX) 2008/04/28
14.6 +1 15.6 received a smooch thedivineoomba (USA: MN) 2008/04/27
13.6 +1 14.6 gave points for mooch request 0425207226 thedivineoomba (USA: MN) 2008/04/27
14.6 -1 13.6 deducted points for mooch request 1594489505 dnichols (USA: TX) 2008/04/26
14.5 +0.1 14.6 added book to inventory 0425207226 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/26
14.4 +0.1 14.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0385311397 Jess (USA: VA) 2008/04/26
13.4 +1 14.4 gave points for mooch request 0439286034 Elise (USA: CA) 2008/04/25
14.4 -1 13.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425219755 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2008/04/25
13.4 +1 14.4 received a smooch LauraTS (USA: SC) 2008/04/25
11.4 +2 13.4 received points from charity janie (USA: AK) 2008/04/25
13.4 -2 11.4 deducted points for mooch request 0312368712 Nicole (Austria) 2008/04/25
15.4 -2 13.4 deducted points for mooch request 1599982935 Nicole (Austria) 2008/04/25
17.4 -2 15.4 deducted points for mooch request 042521740X Nicole (Austria) 2008/04/25
18.4 -1 17.4 deducted points for mooch request 0060872926 janie (USA: AK) 2008/04/25
19.4 -1 18.4 deducted points for mooch request 0060587873 janie (USA: AK) 2008/04/25
20.4 -1 19.4 deducted points for mooch request 0060584149 janie (USA: AK) 2008/04/25
20.3 +0.1 20.4 added book to inventory 0030221544 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/24
20.2 +0.1 20.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425199185 Cindy (USA: TX) 2008/04/24
20.1 +0.1 20.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416547819 Mandie (USA: MD) 2008/04/24
19.1 +1 20.1 received a smooch Mandy (USA: FL) 2008/04/24
18.1 +1 19.1 received a smooch Mandy (USA: FL) 2008/04/24
17.1 +1 18.1 received a smooch Mandy (USA: FL) 2008/04/24
17 +0.1 17.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440244315 Tiz Cooley (USA: NY) 2008/04/23
16.9 +0.1 17 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821758047 jen121475 (USA: AR) 2008/04/23
15.9 +1 16.9 received points from charity jen121475 (USA: AR) 2008/04/23
16.9 -1 15.9 deducted points for mooch request 0821758047 jen121475 (USA: AR) 2008/04/23
17.9 -1 16.9 deducted points for mooch request 0060594527 jen121475 (USA: AR) 2008/04/23
18.9 -1 17.9 deducted points for mooch request 0505524961 Mandy (USA: FL) 2008/04/23
17.9 +1 18.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0380820684 Mandy (USA: FL) 2008/04/23
18.9 -1 17.9 deducted points for mooch request 0060571454 Mandy (USA: FL) 2008/04/23
19.9 -1 18.9 deducted points for mooch request 0060543949 Mandy (USA: FL) 2008/04/23
20.9 -1 19.9 deducted points for mooch request 0380820684 Mandy (USA: FL) 2008/04/23
21.9 -1 20.9 deducted points for mooch request 0380819090 Mandy (USA: FL) 2008/04/23
22.9 -1 21.9 deducted points for mooch request 0060513659 Mandy (USA: FL) 2008/04/23
23.9 -1 22.9 deducted points for mooch request 0821775014 LauraTS (USA: SC) 2008/04/22
24.9 -1 23.9 deducted points for mooch request 0060779381 LauraTS (USA: SC) 2008/04/22
25.9 -1 24.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425217841 jldorner (USA: CA) 2008/04/21
26.9 -1 25.9 deducted points for mooch request B000ZRORI4 Shawna (USA: PA) 2008/04/20
26.8 +0.1 26.9 added book to inventory 0321099885 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/20
26.9 -0.1 26.8 removed book from inventory 0312306326 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/19
27 -0.1 26.9 removed book from inventory 037377284X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/19
28 -1 27 deducted points for mooch request 0385311397 Jess (USA: VA) 2008/04/19
29 -1 28 deducted points for mooch request B000V5WGT2 mona (USA: MS) 2008/04/19
30 -1 29 deducted points for mooch request 0061227781 Tonya (USA: IN) 2008/04/19
29.9 +0.1 30 added book to inventory 0671568175 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/19
29.8 +0.1 29.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425220354 EdgemontLibrary (USA: SD) 2008/04/19
28.8 +1 29.8 gave points for mooch request 002861917X Emily Aber (USA: CT) 2008/04/18
28.7 +0.1 28.8 added book to inventory 002861917X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/18
28.6 +0.1 28.7 added book to inventory 0743229339 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/18
28.5 +0.1 28.6 added book to inventory 0525946039 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/18
28.4 +0.1 28.5 added book to inventory 0312306326 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/18
28.3 +0.1 28.4 added book to inventory 0743248287 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/18
28.2 +0.1 28.3 added book to inventory 014006690X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/18
28.1 +0.1 28.2 added book to inventory 0140088296 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/18
27.1 +1 28.1 gave points for mooch request 0312983123 Amy (USA: AL) 2008/04/18
26.1 +1 27.1 lost in the mail says book owner 0425213056 BESSouthworth (USA: AK) 2008/04/17
25.1 +1 26.1 gave points for mooch request 0425201791 Jen Druck (USA: CT) 2008/04/17
24.1 +1 25.1 gave points for mooch request 0451203895 Jen Druck (USA: CT) 2008/04/17
23.1 +1 24.1 gave points for mooch request 0373772246 Jen Druck (USA: CT) 2008/04/17
22.1 +1 23.1 gave points for mooch request 0553299565 Amy (USA: AL) 2008/04/17
23.1 -1 22.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425199185 Cindy (USA: TX) 2008/04/17
22.1 +1 23.1 gave points for mooch request 0821779850 Telitha (USA: AL) 2008/04/17
23.1 -1 22.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425213056 BESSouthworth (USA: AK) 2008/04/17
23 +0.1 23.1 added book to inventory 0373772246 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/17
22.9 +0.1 23 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312938810 Cori (USA: NC) 2008/04/17
23.9 -1 22.9 deducted points for mooch request 0316002119 Victoria (USA) 2008/04/16
22.9 +1 23.9 gave points for mooch request 0739402919 Ria R-B (USA: CA) 2008/04/16
21.9 +1 22.9 gave points for mooch request 0425208907 Ria R-B (USA: CA) 2008/04/16
21.8 +0.1 21.9 added book to inventory 0425208907 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/16
21.7 +0.1 21.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312939949 Ami (USA: FL) 2008/04/16
21.6 +0.1 21.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061431222 Tyressia (Canada) 2008/04/16
22.6 -1 21.6 deducted points for mooch request 0440244315 Tiz Cooley (USA: NY) 2008/04/16
21.6 +1 22.6 gave points for mooch request 0671016997 Nancy Johnson (USA: MN) 2008/04/16
20.6 +1 21.6 gave points for mooch request 0380732238 Richelle (USA: GA) 2008/04/16
19.6 +1 20.6 gave points for mooch request 0380820838 Allie (USA: CA) 2008/04/16
19.5 +0.1 19.6 added book to inventory 0671016997 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/15
19.4 +0.1 19.5 added book to inventory 0380732238 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/15
19.3 +0.1 19.4 added book to inventory 0380762587 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/15
19.4 -0.1 19.3 removed book from inventory 0380762587 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/15
18.4 +1 19.4 gave points for mooch request 0380844001 Donna (USA: NY) 2008/04/15
18.3 +0.1 18.4 added book to inventory 0671731807 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/15
18.2 +0.1 18.3 added book to inventory 0505524120 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/15
18.1 +0.1 18.2 added book to inventory 0451194071 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/15
18 +0.1 18.1 added book to inventory 0778325075 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/15
17 +1 18 gave points for mooch request 0425214230 Jennifer (USA: NY) 2008/04/15
16 +1 17 gave points for mooch request 0821777777 Kay Webb Harrison (USA: VA) 2008/04/14
15.9 +0.1 16 added book to inventory 0821777777 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/14
14.9 +1 15.9 gave points for mooch request 0446614866 dbon (USA: VA) 2008/04/13
15.9 -1 14.9 deducted points for mooch request 0312938810 Cori (USA: NC) 2008/04/13
16 -0.1 15.9 removed book from inventory 0312997523 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/13
15 +1 16 gave points for mooch request 0316735167 Melissa (USA: GA) 2008/04/12
16 -1 15 deducted points for mooch request 0061431222 Tyressia (Canada) 2008/04/12
15.9 +0.1 16 added book to inventory 1416505466 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/12
15.8 +0.1 15.9 added book to inventory 0380899825 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/12
15.7 +0.1 15.8 added book to inventory 0380762560 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/12
15.6 +0.1 15.7 added book to inventory 0380762595 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/12
15.5 +0.1 15.6 added book to inventory 0380752948 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/12
15.4 +0.1 15.5 added book to inventory 0380804387 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/12
15.3 +0.1 15.4 added book to inventory 0380756293 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/12
15.2 +0.1 15.3 added book to inventory 0380899531 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/12
15.1 +0.1 15.2 added book to inventory 0380753006 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/12
15 +0.1 15.1 added book to inventory 0134374878 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/12
14.9 +0.1 15 added book to inventory 0439244196 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/12
14.8 +0.1 14.9 added book to inventory 0140384510 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/12
13.8 +1 14.8 gave points for mooch request 0786868198 Susie (USA: GA) 2008/04/11
14.8 -1 13.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0534403115 Stuart (USA: CA) 2008/04/11
13.8 +1 14.8 gave points for mooch request 0534403115 Stuart (USA: CA) 2008/04/11
12.8 +1 13.8 gave points for mooch request 055357213X Peaches (USA: OR) 2008/04/11
13.8 -1 12.8 deducted points for mooch request 1416547819 Mandie (USA: MD) 2008/04/11
13.9 -0.1 13.8 removed book from inventory 9768056150 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/11
13.8 +0.1 13.9 added book to inventory 0534403115 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/11
13.7 +0.1 13.8 added book to inventory 9768056150 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/11
13.6 +0.1 13.7 added book to inventory B0007I52R6 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/11
12.6 +1 13.6 gave points for mooch request 1416937811 AvidReader (USA: OK) 2008/04/11
11.6 +1 12.6 gave points for mooch request 077832463X Mark (USA: MI) 2008/04/10
10.6 +1 11.6 gave points for mooch request 0373772335 pisceanjane (USA: NY) 2008/04/10
10.5 +0.1 10.6 added book to inventory 0425214230 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/10
10.4 +0.1 10.5 added book to inventory 0380802325 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/10
9.4 +1 10.4 gave points for mooch request 0515131091 Alisa (USA: NY) 2008/04/10
9.3 +0.1 9.4 added book to inventory 0373772335 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/10
9.2 +0.1 9.3 added book to inventory 077832463X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/10
9.1 +0.1 9.2 added book to inventory 037377284X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/10
9 +0.1 9.1 added book to inventory 1551667118 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/10
8.9 +0.1 9 added book to inventory 0515131091 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/10
8.8 +0.1 8.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425218767 Karen M (USA: PA) 2008/04/10
8.7 +0.1 8.8 added book to inventory 013119139X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/10
8.6 +0.1 8.7 added book to inventory 1420101218 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/10
8.7 -0.1 8.6 removed book from inventory 0131477390 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/10
8.6 +0.1 8.7 added book to inventory 1416937811 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/09
8.5 +0.1 8.6 added book to inventory 0380756269 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/09
8.4 +0.1 8.5 added book to inventory 0671724517 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/09
8.3 +0.1 8.4 added book to inventory 0380897393 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/09
8.2 +0.1 8.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380756269 Am (USA: WI) 2008/04/09
8.1 +0.1 8.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380802325 Am (USA: WI) 2008/04/09
8 +0.1 8.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380897393 Am (USA: WI) 2008/04/09
7.9 +0.1 8 added book to inventory 193189065X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/09
8.9 -1 7.9 deducted points for mooch request 0312939949 Ami (USA: FL) 2008/04/08
9.9 -1 8.9 deducted points for mooch request 1591820871 Emily Gillis (USA: CO) 2008/04/08
10.9 -1 9.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425220354 EdgemontLibrary (USA: SD) 2008/04/07
9.9 +1 10.9 gave points for mooch request 0425215121 Karen (USA: WA) 2008/04/07
9.8 +0.1 9.9 added book to inventory 0316735167 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/07
9.7 +0.1 9.8 added book to inventory 0505524937 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/07
9.6 +0.1 9.7 added book to inventory 0425215121 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/07
9.5 +0.1 9.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758217633 pattib (USA: FL) 2008/04/07
9.4 +0.1 9.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843607247 Tricia (USA: VA) 2008/04/07
9.3 +0.1 9.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425221024 Katherine (USA: WA) 2008/04/07
9.2 +0.1 9.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1420103512 Tonya (USA: IN) 2008/04/07
8.2 +1 9.2 gave points for mooch request 038080560X Cheryl Glenn (USA: MT) 2008/04/06
8.1 +0.1 8.2 added book to inventory 0380750848 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/05
8 +0.1 8.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 031293968X Julie Knight (USA: VA) 2008/04/05
7.9 +0.1 8 added book to inventory 0380820838 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/04
7.8 +0.1 7.9 added book to inventory 0380898179 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/04
7.7 +0.1 7.8 added book to inventory 0380844001 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/04
6.7 +1 7.7 gave points for mooch request 0380776510 Megan (USA: NV) 2008/04/03
7.7 -1 6.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425218767 Karen M (USA: PA) 2008/04/03
8.7 -1 7.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758217633 pattib (USA: FL) 2008/04/03
8.6 +0.1 8.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0385338724 Chris (USA: NY) 2008/04/03
7.6 +1 8.6 gave points for mooch request 0440241162 Suzanne (USA: MA) 2008/04/03
4.6 +3 7.6 received points from charity Am (USA: WI) 2008/04/03
5.6 -1 4.6 deducted points for mooch request 1420103512 Tonya (USA: IN) 2008/04/02
6.6 -1 5.6 deducted points for mooch request 0425221024 Katherine (USA: WA) 2008/04/02
5.6 +1 6.6 gave points for mooch request 0515143995 Tyressia (Canada) 2008/04/01
5.5 +0.1 5.6 added book to inventory 0515143995 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/01
5.4 +0.1 5.5 added book to inventory 0821779850 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/01
6.4 -1 5.4 deducted points for mooch request 0060092130 jeanna (USA: OH) 2008/04/01
6.3 +0.1 6.4 added book to inventory 0373285663 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/01
6.2 +0.1 6.3 added book to inventory 0375411089 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/04/01
6.1 +0.1 6.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821768689 Anna (USA: MI) 2008/04/01
6 +0.1 6.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821779850 Anna (USA: MI) 2008/04/01
5 +1 6 mooch rejected by book owner 0380791021 Am (USA: WI) 2008/04/01
5.1 -0.1 5 removed book from inventory 0743470095 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/31
6.1 -1 5.1 deducted points for mooch request 031293968X Julie Knight (USA: VA) 2008/03/31
5.1 +1 6.1 gave points for mooch request 1416527265 Mary S. (USA: GA) 2008/03/29
5 +0.1 5.1 added book to inventory 042520796X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/29
6 -1 5 deducted points for mooch request 1843607247 Tricia (USA: VA) 2008/03/29
5.9 +0.1 6 added book to inventory 1580603696 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/28
5.8 +0.1 5.9 added book to inventory B000YDAKR6 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/28
5.7 +0.1 5.8 added book to inventory B0015SB66I kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/28
4.7 +1 5.7 received points from charity Anna (USA: MI) 2008/03/28
4.6 +0.1 4.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 038077352X Amber (USA: CO) 2008/03/28
4.7 -0.1 4.6 removed book from inventory 032118307X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/28
3.7 +1 4.7 gave points for mooch request B000BNNLJS Iris0972 (USA: WI) 2008/03/26
3.8 -0.1 3.7 removed book from inventory 0321142594 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/26
3.7 +0.1 3.8 added book to inventory 0446614866 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/26
3.6 +0.1 3.7 added book to inventory 0446606456 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/26
4.6 -1 3.6 deducted points for mooch request 0385338724 Chris (USA: NY) 2008/03/26
4.5 +0.1 4.6 added book to inventory 0380725703 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/25
4.4 +0.1 4.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373294891 silentmelody (USA) 2008/03/24
5.4 -1 4.4 deducted points for mooch request 0821768689 Anna (USA: MI) 2008/03/23
6.4 -1 5.4 deducted points for mooch request 0821779850 Anna (USA: MI) 2008/03/23
5.4 +1 6.4 gave points for mooch request 0380007789 Megan (USA: NV) 2008/03/22
4.4 +1 5.4 gave points for mooch request 1416525041 Kel (USA: TX) 2008/03/22
4.5 -0.1 4.4 removed book from inventory 0425202526 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/20
4.4 +0.1 4.5 added book to inventory 0743470095 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/20
4.3 +0.1 4.4 added book to inventory 0786868198 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/20
4.2 +0.1 4.3 added book to inventory 1416527265 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/20
4.1 +0.1 4.2 added book to inventory 0425202526 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/20
4 +0.1 4.1 added book to inventory 0373760469 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/20
3.9 +0.1 4 added book to inventory 0446604089 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/20
3.8 +0.1 3.9 added book to inventory 0553572148 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/20
3.7 +0.1 3.8 added book to inventory 0449907481 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/20
3.6 +0.1 3.7 added book to inventory 0425201791 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/20
3.5 +0.1 3.6 added book to inventory 0739402919 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/20
3.4 +0.1 3.5 added book to inventory 0452277337 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/20
3.3 +0.1 3.4 added book to inventory 0440241162 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/20
3.2 +0.1 3.3 added book to inventory 0345347897 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/20
3.1 +0.1 3.2 added book to inventory 0821753789 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/20
3 +0.1 3.1 added book to inventory 055357213X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/20
2.9 +0.1 3 added book to inventory 0553299565 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/20
2.8 +0.1 2.9 added book to inventory 0440193613 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/20
2.7 +0.1 2.8 added book to inventory 141650334X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/20
2.6 +0.1 2.7 added book to inventory 0451203895 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/20
3.6 -1 2.6 deducted points for mooch request 038077352X Amber (USA: CO) 2008/03/20
3.5 +0.1 3.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821777777 Jo-Ann (USA: PA) 2008/03/20
3.4 +0.1 3.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425219712 Idalia (USA: TX) 2008/03/17
3.5 -0.1 3.4 removed book from inventory 1416937811 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/16
3.4 +0.1 3.5 added book to inventory 1416937811 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/16
4.4 -1 3.4 deducted points for mooch request 0821777777 Jo-Ann (USA: PA) 2008/03/16
3.4 +1 4.4 gave points for mooch request 0380016974 Lorelle Anderson (USA: FL) 2008/03/16
3.3 +0.1 3.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345494601 Kari (Canada) 2008/03/14
4.3 -1 3.3 deducted points for mooch request 0373294891 silentmelody (USA) 2008/03/13
3.3 +1 4.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0440226325 JoAnne (USA: MI) 2008/03/13
3.2 +0.1 3.3 added book to inventory 1421500841 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/12
3.3 -0.1 3.2 removed book from inventory 0515141178 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/12
3.4 -0.1 3.3 removed book from inventory 034549461X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/11
3.3 +0.1 3.4 added book to inventory 034549461X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/11
3.2 +0.1 3.3 added book to inventory 0835203131 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/11
3.1 +0.1 3.2 added book to inventory 0373248636 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/10
4.1 -1 3.1 deducted points for mooch request 0380756269 Am (USA: WI) 2008/03/10
5.1 -1 4.1 deducted points for mooch request 0380802325 Am (USA: WI) 2008/03/10
6.1 -1 5.1 deducted points for mooch request 0380897393 Am (USA: WI) 2008/03/10
7.1 -1 6.1 deducted points for mooch request 0380791021 Am (USA: WI) 2008/03/10
7.2 -0.1 7.1 removed book from inventory 0373234562 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/09
8.2 -1 7.2 deducted points for mooch request 0440226325 JoAnne (USA: MI) 2008/03/09
8.1 +0.1 8.2 added book to inventory 0515141178 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/09
9.1 -1 8.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425219712 Idalia (USA: TX) 2008/03/08
10.1 -1 9.1 deducted points for mooch request 0345494601 Kari (Canada) 2008/03/08
9.1 +1 10.1 gave points for mooch request 0425216586 Kate (USA: MO) 2008/03/07
8.1 +1 9.1 gave points for mooch request 0821775138 Kate (USA: MO) 2008/03/07
8 +0.1 8.1 added book to inventory 0030245923 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/07
7.9 +0.1 8 added book to inventory 0072123206 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/07
8 -0.1 7.9 removed book from inventory 0696224143 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/07
7.9 +0.1 8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312939922 Amanda (USA: MD) 2008/03/03
8 -0.1 7.9 removed book from inventory 0141303050 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/02
7 +1 8 gave points for mooch request 0061379077 reneew (USA: WA) 2008/03/01
6.9 +0.1 7 added book to inventory 0425216586 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/03/01
6.8 +0.1 6.9 added book to inventory 0380005255 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
6.7 +0.1 6.8 added book to inventory 0380898187 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
6.6 +0.1 6.7 added book to inventory 0061031534 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
6.5 +0.1 6.6 added book to inventory 0553576046 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
6.4 +0.1 6.5 added book to inventory 0060843071 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
6.3 +0.1 6.4 added book to inventory 0061379077 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
6.2 +0.1 6.3 added book to inventory 0439286034 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
6.1 +0.1 6.2 added book to inventory 0380007789 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
6 +0.1 6.1 added book to inventory 0440236673 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
5.9 +0.1 6 added book to inventory 0380016974 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
5.8 +0.1 5.9 added book to inventory 0439282772 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
5.7 +0.1 5.8 added book to inventory 031299477X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
5.6 +0.1 5.7 added book to inventory 0380976951 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
5.5 +0.1 5.6 added book to inventory B000BNNLJS kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
5.4 +0.1 5.5 added book to inventory 0130655929 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
5.3 +0.1 5.4 added book to inventory 0131477390 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
5.2 +0.1 5.3 added book to inventory 0618036911 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
5.1 +0.1 5.2 added book to inventory 0821778838 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
5 +0.1 5.1 added book to inventory 0321216393 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
4.9 +0.1 5 added book to inventory 032118307X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
4.8 +0.1 4.9 added book to inventory 0321142594 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
4.7 +0.1 4.8 added book to inventory 0679015973 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
4.6 +0.1 4.7 added book to inventory 0141303050 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
4.5 +0.1 4.6 added book to inventory 0373233973 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
4.4 +0.1 4.5 added book to inventory 1416525041 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
4.3 +0.1 4.4 added book to inventory 076890014X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
4.4 -0.1 4.3 removed book from inventory 0439282772 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/28
4.5 -0.1 4.4 removed book from inventory 0679015973 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/26
4.4 +0.1 4.5 added book to inventory 0679015973 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/26
5.4 -1 4.4 deducted points for mooch request 0312939922 Amanda (USA: MD) 2008/02/25
5.5 -0.1 5.4 removed book from inventory 0380976951 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/23
5.6 -0.1 5.5 removed book from inventory 0130655929 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/23
5.7 -0.1 5.6 removed book from inventory 007256296X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/23
5.8 -0.1 5.7 removed book from inventory 0131477390 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/23
5.9 -0.1 5.8 removed book from inventory 0321216393 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/23
6 -0.1 5.9 removed book from inventory 032118307X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/23
6.1 -0.1 6 removed book from inventory 0321142594 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/23
6 +0.1 6.1 added book to inventory 0373234600 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/23
5.9 +0.1 6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380761513 Telitha (USA: AL) 2008/02/23
5.8 +0.1 5.9 added book to inventory 0373234619 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/22
5.7 +0.1 5.8 added book to inventory 0380896931 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/22
5.6 +0.1 5.7 added book to inventory 0380776510 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/22
5.7 -0.1 5.6 removed book from inventory 0373233973 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/22
5.8 -0.1 5.7 removed book from inventory 0380016974 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/22
5.7 +0.1 5.8 added book to inventory 0380016974 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/22
5.6 +0.1 5.7 added book to inventory 0152164561 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/22
5.5 +0.1 5.6 added book to inventory 0373233973 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/22
5.4 +0.1 5.5 added book to inventory 0373234562 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/21
5.3 +0.1 5.4 added book to inventory 0373234597 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/21
5.2 +0.1 5.3 added book to inventory 0696224143 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/21
5.3 -0.1 5.2 removed book from inventory 0439286034 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/21
5.4 -0.1 5.3 removed book from inventory 038078145X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/21
5.3 +0.1 5.4 added book to inventory 0321216393 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/21
5.4 -0.1 5.3 removed book from inventory 0440236673 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/21
5.5 -0.1 5.4 removed book from inventory 0380898187 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/21
5.6 -0.1 5.5 removed book from inventory 0380005255 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/21
5.7 -0.1 5.6 removed book from inventory 0380007789 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/21
5.8 -0.1 5.7 removed book from inventory 0061031534 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/21
5.9 -0.1 5.8 removed book from inventory 0312289723 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/21
6 -0.1 5.9 removed book from inventory 0060843071 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/21
6.1 -0.1 6 removed book from inventory 0553576046 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/21
6 +0.1 6.1 added book to inventory 0130655929 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/20
5.9 +0.1 6 added book to inventory 007256296X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/20
5.8 +0.1 5.9 added book to inventory 0321142594 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/19
5.7 +0.1 5.8 added book to inventory 0131477390 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/19
5.6 +0.1 5.7 added book to inventory 0439282772 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/19
5.5 +0.1 5.6 added book to inventory 0439263018 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/19
5.4 +0.1 5.5 added book to inventory 0439397456 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/19
5.3 +0.1 5.4 added book to inventory 0380976951 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/19
6.3 -1 5.3 deducted points for mooch request 0380761513 Telitha (USA: AL) 2008/02/18
6.4 -0.1 6.3 removed book from inventory 0439227569 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/17
6.3 +0.1 6.4 added book to inventory 0373234589 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/17
6.2 +0.1 6.3 added book to inventory 0373234570 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/17
6.1 +0.1 6.2 added book to inventory 1568659938 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/17
6 +0.1 6.1 added book to inventory 0380898187 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/17
5.9 +0.1 6 added book to inventory 0061031534 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/17
5.8 +0.1 5.9 added book to inventory 0380005255 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/17
5.7 +0.1 5.8 added book to inventory 0380007789 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/17
5.8 -0.1 5.7 removed book from inventory 0380473658 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/17
4.8 +1 5.8 gave points for mooch request 0425216616 Kar-bie (USA: LA) 2008/02/17
4.7 +0.1 4.8 added book to inventory 0425216616 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/17
3.7 +1 4.7 gave points for mooch request 038000898X Amanda (USA: FL) 2008/02/17
2.7 +1 3.7 gave points for mooch request 0060543272 Amanda (USA: FL) 2008/02/17
2.8 -0.1 2.7 removed book from inventory 0425216586 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/04
2.7 +0.1 2.8 added book to inventory 0425216586 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/03
2.6 +0.1 2.7 added book to inventory 0312289723 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
2.5 +0.1 2.6 added book to inventory 0440236673 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
2.4 +0.1 2.5 added book to inventory B000CC2ZM2 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
2.3 +0.1 2.4 added book to inventory 0060843071 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
2.2 +0.1 2.3 added book to inventory 0380473658 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
2.1 +0.1 2.2 added book to inventory 038000898X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
2 +0.1 2.1 added book to inventory 0821775138 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
1.9 +0.1 2 added book to inventory 0553576046 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
1.8 +0.1 1.9 added book to inventory 0439286034 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
1.7 +0.1 1.8 added book to inventory 0373781350 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
1.6 +0.1 1.7 added book to inventory 0373714556 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
1.5 +0.1 1.6 added book to inventory 0373781318 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
1.4 +0.1 1.5 added book to inventory 0373248202 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
1.3 +0.1 1.4 added book to inventory 038078145X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
1.2 +0.1 1.3 added book to inventory 038080560X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
1.1 +0.1 1.2 added book to inventory 0373126344 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
1 +0.1 1.1 added book to inventory 032118307X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 007281733X kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 0689863624 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory 0439227569 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
0.6 +0.1 0.7 added book to inventory 0312997523 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
0.5 +0.1 0.6 added book to inventory 0060543272 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
0.4 +0.1 0.5 added book to inventory 0373037929 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
0.3 +0.1 0.4 added book to inventory 0821771957 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
0.2 +0.1 0.3 added book to inventory 0380762587 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
0.1 +0.1 0.2 added book to inventory 0312986238 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02
0 +0.1 0.1 added book to inventory 0312983123 kaly (USA: FL) 2008/02/02