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Smooches received

2011/11/22 May your library for your students keep growing! Martha Fulmer (USA: CA)
2011/07/01 Little smooch for your kind help! soniaandree (France)
2011/05/27 Point 2! soniaandree (France)
2011/05/27 Point 1! :-) soniaandree (France)
2010/09/20 Debbi Higginbotham (USA: AL)
2010/09/20 I had already marked your books as lost, so here is a smooch! Debbi Higginbotham (USA: AL)
2010/05/05 I'll pack up the three books you ordered tomorrow. Let me know if you'd still like Water and I'll send it along.
Lisa (Canada)
2010/03/30 I am so sorry, I had several book that I had had no response on, I guess I got carried away and canceled yours instead. Eliza (USA: FL)
2010/03/22 Michelle (USA: OH)
2009/09/04 Thanks for the mooches. You packed them so well and I love the little surprises! jef (USA: OR)
2009/06/28 Thanks for offering to angelmooch me a book from the US... Jane (United Kingdom)
2009/06/03 o, Great BookMoocher! Please accept this humble smooch. anonymous
2009/05/28 #4 HeyJupiter. (Australia)
2009/05/28 #3 HeyJupiter. (Australia)
2009/05/28 #2 HeyJupiter. (Australia)
2009/05/28 Returning the points you so kindly gave me. Thanks again, it was a really nice gesture :) HeyJupiter. (Australia)
2009/05/15 Thank you again for the great mooch you sent me - the two wonderful books, along with the beautiful stickers and even the bookmarks! I'm so glad and it was such a nice thought on your part!
All the best,
Ben (Switzerland)
2009/03/19 The wrapping (with the newspaper page with the bookshelf) and bookmarks were too awesome not to smooch you for. Thank you! Danika (Canada)
2009/02/05 Promo Mooch point rebate. Thanks for mooching from me! Lola Soleil (Canada)
2009/02/05 Promo Mooch point rebate. Lola Soleil (Canada)
2009/02/03 Go mooch a book that you really want!
2008/11/29 2 for 1 deal Jennifer Wharton (USA: WI)
2008/09/06 Here is your return point. Thanks. Scott Huber (USA: FL)
2008/08/25 Thanks for being patient for my 'received' book acknowledgment! - avaland avaland (USA)
2008/06/28 3 for 2 special, thanks of the mooches!
luckylane27 (USA: CA)
2008/04/06 Here's you point back on the freebie. Lisa R (USA: NC)
2007/09/02 Thank you so much--timely arrival from a friendly PhD candidate--that makes it even more impressive! :) Smooch! anonymous